Title: Respiratory%20system%20II.
1Respiratory systemII.
2Anatomical division
- upper respiratory tract
- nasal cavity
- paranasal cavities
- nasopharynx
- lower respiratory tract
- larynx
- trachea
- tracheobronchial tree
- respiratory compartment
3Anatomical division
Surgical division
- upper respiratory tract
- nasal cavity
- paranasal cavities
- nasopharynx
- larynx
- lower respiratory tract
- border apertura thoracis sup.
- trachea
- tracheobronchial tree
- respiratory compartment
- upper respiratory tract
- nasal cavity
- paranasal cavities
- nasopharynx
- lower respiratory tract
- larynx
- trachea
- tracheobronchial tree
- respiratory compartment
4General structure of respiratory system wall
- tunica mucosa (mucosa)
- epithelium
- ciliated pseudostratified columnar (respiratory
epithelium) - non-keratinized stratified squamous
- lamina basalis
- lamina propria
- glands (seromucinous tuboalveolar), lymph nodes
(noduli lymphoidei) - tunica fibromusculocartilaginea
- collagenous and elastic tissue (and its ligaments
larynx, trachea) - smooth muscles (trachea, bronchi, bronchioli)
- skeletal muscles (larynx)
- tunica serosa or tunica adventitia
- tunica serosa (pleura) has three layers
- mesothelium
- lamina basalis
- lamina propria
- tela subserosa
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- pars cervicalis (C6- C7)
- pars thoracica (T1-T4)
- newborn at the level of C4, child C5
- bifurcatio tracheae (T4)
- 1st branching of tracheobronchial tree
- carina tracheae
- calibers length 10-11 cm, width 25 mm
- syntopy ventrally thyroid gland, dorsally
Pars cervicalis
Pars thoracica
Cartilagines tracheales
M. trachealis
Ligg. anularia / trachealia
Paries membranaceus
Bifurcatio tracheae
Carina tracheae
8Endoscopy view of trachea
9Trachea supply
- Arteries
- a. thyroidea inf. ? rr. tracheales
- aorta thoracica ? rr. bronchiales
- (a. thyroidea ima 2 )
- newborns and children branches from thymus
arteries - Veins
- drain into oesophageal veins, into plexus
thyroideus impar and into v. brachiocephalica
sin. - Lymph
- nodi tracheobronchiales, nodi tracheales ?
truncus bronchomediastinalis dx. sin. - Nerves
- n. vagus ? n. laryngeus recurrens
- truncus sympathicus
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11Coniotomy (coniopuncture)
- emergency procedure in outdoor (rare)
- transversal section between cartilago thyroidea
et cricoidea through lig. cricothyroideum
medianum - Approach passes through following layers
- skin subcutaneous tissue
- lamina superficialis fasciae cervicalis
- lamina pretrachealis fasciae cervicalis
- lig. cricothyroideum medianum mucosa
- !Cave! interconnection of rr. cricothyroidei a.
laryngeae superioris below cartilago thyroidea - lobus pyramidalis glandulae
thyroideae (40)
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- sagittal section for canylation through several
tracheal cartilages (done in hospital) - tracheostomia superior
- above isthmus glandulae thyroideae (in the extent
of cartilago trachealis 2-4) - tracheostomia inferior
- below isthmus, above incisura jugularis
- Approach passes through following layers
- skin subcutaneous tissue
- lamina superficialis fasciae cervicalis
- venous arcus venosus jugularis (only in lower
tracheotomy) - lamina pretrachealis fasciae cervicalis
- cutting through midline fibrous connection of
both mm. sternohyoidei - (only in lower tracheotomy)
- venous plexus thyroideus impar (only in lower
tracheotomy) - cartilagines tracheales ligg. anularia mucosa
14- coniotomy
- upper tracheotomy
- lower tracheotomy
15Tracheotomy risks
- bleeding from
- plexus thyroideus impar
- a. thyroidea ima (2)
- arcus venosus jugularis
- lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae (40)
16Trachea wall structure
- epithelium of respiratory tract
- glandulae tracheales seromucous glands
- cartilagines tracheales (15-20)
- C-shaped rings
- ligg. anularia / trachealia
- paries membranaceus dorsal wall
- m. trachealis smooth (horizontal as well as
longitudinal fibers) - adventicia on the surface
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19Tracheobronchial tree (Arbor bronchialis)
- 23 divisions dichotomic branching
- primary bronchi (bronchus pricipalis dx. sin.)
- right shorter, wider, straighter ? foreign body
enters in 75 into the right one - secondary bronchi (bronchi lobares)
- 2 left and 3 right
- tertiary bronchi (bronchi segmentales)
- 8 on the left and 10 on the right
- left 12 connected, 78 connected in 90
- exception 6th bronchus segmentalis of both sides
branches in trichotomic way!
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21Tracheobronchial tree (Arbor bronchialis)
- bronchi 4th order (bronchus subsegmentalis)
- b ventral, a dorsal
- bronchi 5th order ii ventral, i dorzal
- bronchi 6th order ß ventral, a dorzal
- ???
- terminal bronchioli (bronchiolus terminalis)
- 14th-16th order (originate by 14th division)
- 1 bronchiolus terminalis 1 secondary pulmonary
lobulus (visible on the lung surface) - ???
- alveolar tree (originate by 17th branching)
22Bronchi (Bronchi)
- tunica mucosa
- epithelium of respiratory tract
- pseudostratified ? columnar with cilia
- seromucous glands
- tunica fibromusculocartilaginea
- cartilages have irregular shape (more peripheraly
disappear) - smooth muscle spiral (more peripheraly
increases) - nodes of lymphoid tissue at the branching
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24Bronchioli (Bronchioli)
- caliber lt 1 mm
- epithelium changes into simple cuboidal
- exocrinocyti bronchiolares (Clara cells)
- produce constituents of surfactant, lysosomal
activity, mitotic activity - no cartilage, glands and lymph nodes
- increase of elastic fibers
- 1 bronchiolus terminalis 1 secondary pulmonary
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26Lungs (Pulmo)
- description basis, apex
- facies costalis ( pars vertebralis)
- facies mediastinalis ( impressio cardiaca)
- facies diaphragmatica
- (facies interlobaris)
- margo anterior (incisura cardiaca p.sin.)
- margo inferior
- hilum pulmonis, radix pulmonis
- fissura obliqua, fissura horizontalis p. dx.
- impressions
28Lungs division
- hilum (clinically hilus)
- structures left ABV - right BAV
- right lung 3 lobes (sup., middle, inf.)
- left lung 2 lobes (sup., inf.)
- lingula p. sin.
- segments (segmenta bronchopulmonalia)
- 10 on the right
- 10 on the left (sometimes 8)
- III fused, VII missing in 90
Right lung
30Lungs impressions
- sulcus arteriae subclaviae (facies mediastinalis)
- impressio costae primae (margo anterior)
- impressiones costarum (facies costalis)
- impressio cardiaca (facies mediastinalis)
- Left lung all on facies mediastinalis
- sulcus aorticus
- impressio oesophagea
- sulcus venae brachiocephalicae sinistrae
- Right lung all on facies mediastinalis
- sulcus venae cavae superioris
- sulcus venae azygos (!correctly s.v. azygoi !)
- sulcus oesophageus
31Segments right lung (apalmsmalp) left lung
Abb. Segmentum No. of segment Lobe
AP apico-posterious I II upper
A anterius III upper
S lingulare superius IV upper
I lingulare inferius V upper
S superius VI lower
M basale mediale VII lower
A basale anterius VIII lower
L basale laterale IX lower
P basale posterius X lower
Abb. Segmentum No. of segment Lobe
A apicale I upper
P posterius II upper
A anterius III upper
L laterale IV middle
M mediale V middle
S superius VI lower
M basale mediale VII lower
A basale anterius VIII lower
L basale laterale IX lower
P basale posterius X lower
32Lung segments
33Segmenta bronchopulmonalia
Pulmo dexter, lobus superior
Segmentum apicale S I
Segmentum posterius S II
Segmentum anterius S III
Pulmo dexter, lobus medius
Segmentum laterale S IV
Segmentum mediale S V
Pulmo dexter, lobus inferior
Segmentum superius S VI
Segmentum basale mediale Segmentum cardiacum S VII
Segmentum basale anterius S VIII
Segmentum basale laterale S IX
Segmentum basale posterius S X
34Segmenta bronchopulmonalia
Pulmo sinister, lobus superior
Segmentum apicoposterius S III
Segmentum anterius S III
Segmentum lingulare superius S IV
Segmentum lingulare inferius S V
Pulmo sinister, lobus inferior
Segmentum superius S VI
Segmentum basale mediale Segmentum cardiacum S VII
Segmentum basale anterius S VIII
Segmentum basale laterale S IX
Segmentum basale posterius S X
35Blood supply of lungs functional circuit
- right heart ventricle (deoxygenated blood) ?
truncus pulmonalis ? arteria pulmonalis dx. sin.
? branching correspond to bronchi - left hyparterial bronchus, right eparterial
bronchus - elastic arteries
- low-pressure vasculature 25/5 Torr
- smooth muscle cells in fetus, in adults since lt 1
mm - ? capillaries (continuous) ? oxygenated blood
- ? venules independent on arteries in septa
between lobules - ? 4 venae pulmonales (2 right and 2 left) ? left
heart atrium
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37Blood supply of lungs functional circuit
- arterio-venous anastomoses
- arterio-arterial anastomoses
- veno-venous anastomoses
- during hypoxia fastly growing arterial smooth
muscle ? hypertrophy of right ventricle
38Vascular supply of lungs nutritive circuit
- aorta thoracica ? rami bronchiales
- 1 right usually from a. intercostalis tertia
- 2 left directly from thoracic aorta
- ? along bronchi as far as bronchioli respiratorii
- (rami bronchiales accessorii within lig.
pulmonale) - venae bronchiales
- deep system opening into vv. pulmonales
- superficial system drains blood from
extrapulmonary bronchi, pleura and hilar
lymphnodes ? vv. pulmonales or v. azygos /
hemiazygos accessoria
39Lungs lymph drainage
- superficial subpleural plexus
- deep plexus around bronchi and vessels
- Lung alveoli have no lymph vessels in their walls
- nodi lymphoidei intrapulmonales ? n.l.
bronchopulmonales ? n.l. tracheobronchiales
inferiores (both lungs except of three left upper
segments III, III) ? n.l. tracheobronchiales
sup. dx. ? truncus bronchomediastinalis dx. ?
angulus venosus dx. ? v. brachiocephalica dx. - III, III segments on the left directly into
n.l. tracheobronchiales sin. ? truncus
bronchomediastinalis sin. ? ductus thoracicus ?
angulus venosus sin. ? v. brachiocephalica sin.
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41Lungs innervation
- nn. vagi both sides
- viscerosensory autonomic parasympathetic
stimuli - truncus sympathicus
- autonomic sympathetic stimuli
42Tracheobronchial tree (Arbor alveolaris)
- dichotomic branching
- from bronchioli respiratorii onwards
- 17th-23rd order
- functionally respiratory compartment
43Tracheobronchial tree (Arbor alveolaris)
- respiratory bronchioles (bronchioli respiratorii)
- 17th-19th order (originating by 17th
branching) - pulmonary alveoli evaginate from their walls
- 19th order forms lobulus pulmonis primarius (8
primary lobuli together form one secondary) - alveolar ducts (ductus alveolares)
- 20th-22nd order
- pulmonary alveoli evaginate from their walls
- at the end of 3rd orderalveolar duct there is
atrium (atrium), divided by last, 23rd branching
into two - ??
- alveolar saccules (sacculi alveolares)
- 23rd order
- evaginate only into
- pulmonary alveoli (alveoli pulmonis)
44Respiratory bronchioliBronchioli respiratorii
- diameter lt 0,3 mm
- simple ciliated cuboidal epithelium
- branching of pulmonary alveoli
- continue into alveolar ducts
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46Lung alveoliAlveoli pulmonis
- 200 µm size, polyedric, thin-walled
- alveolar mucosa respiratory epithelium
- alveolar septum
- alveolar pores (Kohn)
47Alveolar mucosa
- pneumocytus typus I (pneumocyte type I, type I
alveolar cell membranous p.) - 95 of mucosa
- flat, thin (25 nm)
- organels around nucleus
- pinocytic vesicles
- pneumocytus typus II (pneumocyte type II, type II
alveolar cell granular, spetal, great alveolar
cells) - ovoid shape with microvilli
- secretory structure (Mit, GER, GA)
- lamellar bodies (1,5 µm) surfactant
- proliferate and differentiate (recovery of mucosa)
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49Interalveolar septumSeptum interalveolare
- cells
- fibroblasts (collagen type I and III) septum
cells - endothelial cells of capillaries
- alveolar macrophages (macrophaygocyti alveolares)
- reticular and elastic fibers
- alveolar pores (pori septales) 10 µm
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51Blood air barrier(Claustrum aerosanguineum)
- alveolar component (alveolar cell layer, lamina
pneumocytica) - pneumocytes type I
- basal lamina (lamina basalis)
- endothelial layer (lamina endotheliocytica)
- endothelial cells of capillaries
- Whole respiratory surface of lungs 140 m2
- (almost two volleyball grounds ?)
52Surfactant (Surfactantum)(alveolar lining
- surface-active-agent
- lowers surface tension of pulmonary alveoli
- prevents from collapsing during expiration
- watery hypophasis and lipid epiphasis
(dipalmitoyl lecithin) - resorption and recovery by alveolar cells
- enters into respiratory tract ? bronchoalveolar
53Defense mechanisms
- nasal apertures mucus, nasal cartilages, hairs
of veostibule of nose (vibrissae) - ciliated epithelium (mucocilliary transport)
- alveolar macrophages ( dust cells)
- lymph nodes in the wall
- intra-epithelial dendritic cells
- T and B lymfocytes (IgA)
- antimicrobial substances in mucus (lysosym,
defensins, surfactant protein A,D)
54Lungs clinical examination
- inspection, percussion, auscultation, palpation
- X-ray, CT
- bronchoscopy (rigid, flexibile)
- bronchography
- spirometry (vital capacity of lungs)
55A-P and lateral X-ray of lungs
56CTof thorax
58Lungs clinical units
- atelectasis
- embolia
- bronchiectasis
- fibrosis
- lung oedema
- emphysema
- tumors, inflammations (e.g. TBC)
59Kartagener syndrome
- missing movement of cilia
- molecular defect in ciliar mobility apparatus
- chronic pyogenic rhinitis and sinusitis
- bronchiectasis
60Cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis)
- insufficient hydration of mucous layer ?
increased viscosity - decrease of periciliary layer of fluid ? missing
free space for ciliar movement ? mucus rests
directly on epithelium - clogging of bronchi with mucus ? chronic
inflammation bronchiectasis ? respiratory
61Lung tumors
- squamous cell carcinoma
- effect of smoking
- arises from metaplasis of respiratory epithelium
into non-keratinized stratified squamous - small cell lung carcinoma
- very malign tumor
- neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid)
- may be hormonally active
62Small cell lung carcinoma
64Parietal visceral pleuraPleura parietalis et
- serous membrane
- mesothelium (simpler flat)
- tunica serosa
- tela subserosa
- pleura visceralis
- pleura parietalis
- pars costalis, diaphragmatica, mediastinalis
- cupula pleurae reinforced by membrana
suprapleuralis Sibsoni - lig. scalenopleurale, lig. vertebropleurale,
transversopleurale m. scalenus minimus Sibsoni,
lig. costopleurale - recessus pleurales
- costodiaphragmaticus (puncture)
- costo-, phrenico- a vertebromediastinalis
- lig. pulmonale
- cavitas pleuralis
- liquor pleurae
- pneumothorax (external x internal)
68Left pneumothorax
69Parietal pleura supply
- Arteries
- a. subclavia ? a. thoracica interna ? a.
musculophrenica aa. intercostales ant. - aorta thoracica ? aa. intercostales post.
- Veins thoracic wall veins
- Lymph n.l. intercostales, parasternales,
diaphragmatici, mediastinales posteriores - Nerves
- nn. intercostales (pleura costalis peripheral
pleura diaphragmatica) - n. phrenicus (pleura mediastinalis central
pleura diaphragmatica)
70Pleura visceralis supply
- corresponds to lung supply
- arteries rr. bronchiales
- veins vv. bronchiales
- lymph see lungs
- nerves only autonomic nerves around vessels,
around hilum from n. vagus - !!! Visceral pleura is not painfull !!!
71Projection of pleura and lungs
- projection of lungs 1-2 intercostal space higher
lower compared to pleura - 10 lines on thorax
- area interpleuralis superior (thymus)
- area interpleuralis inferior (heart)
- puncture 7.-8. intercostal space in posterior
axillary or scapular line by upper costal margin
72Projection of lungs and pleura
73Respiratory muscles
- inspiratory
- main diaphragm, mm. intercostales externi, (mm.
scaleni, mm. levatores costarum) - auxiliary m. pectoralis major minor, m.
latissimus dorsi, m. serratus anterior post.
sup., m. sternocleidomastoideus, m. subclavius,
(m. sternothyroideus, m. sternohyoideus)
orthopnoic posture - expiratory
- main mm. intercostales interni ( intimi, m.
subcostales) - auxiliary m. rectus abd., m. obliquus abd. ext.
int., m. trasnversus abd., m. serratus post.
inf., m. transversus thoracis, (m. quadratus
lumborum), m. levator ani
- anatomical division
- upper
- lower (anterior, middle, posterior)
- surgical division (many ?) e.g.
- anterior
- posterior
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76Mediastinum superius structures in 5 layers ventrodorsally 1. thymus, insertions of mm. sternothyroideus et sternohyoideus, vasa thoraciaca int. branches 2. layer of veins vv. brachiocephalicae (plexus thyroideus impar, v. intercostalis sup. sin.) join ito v. cava sup., ductus thoracicus, nn. phrenici 3. layer of arteries arcus aortae branches 4. organs trachea bifurcation (at level of vertebra T4), bronchi principales, oesophagus nn. vagi, rr. cardiaci, n. laryngeus reccurens sin., nodi lymphoidei tracheobronchiales, nodi lymphoidei paratracheales, membrana bronchopericardiaca 5. truncus sympathicus dx. et sin., nn. cardiaci, nodi lymphoidei juxtaesophageales, m. longus colli
77Mediastinum inferius Mediastinum inferius anterius ligg. sternopericardiaca nodi lymphoidei parasternales, prepericardiaci ( "n.l. mediastinales posteriores") vasa thoracica int. branches m. transversus thoracis
Mediastinum inferius medium heart in pericardium aorta ascendens truncus pulmonalis v. cava sup., v. cava inf. ( ostium of v. azygos) nn. phrenici, vasa pericardiacophrenica plexus cardiacus vv. pulmonales nodi lymphoidei pericardiaci laterales
Mediastinum inferius posterius oesophagus plexus oesophageus truncus symphicus nn. splanchnici (major, minor, imus) nodi lymphoidei prevertebrales, juxtaesophageales ( "n.l. mediastinales posteriores") ductus thoracicus v. azygos, hemiazygos et hemiazygos accessoria ( tributaries) aorta thoracica branches
78Mediastinum posterius