Start of WWII - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Start of WWII


Start of WWII – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: sophi155


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Start of WWII

Start of WWII
Please do not talk at this time.. Sept.
POP QUIZ Using your homework from last night,
please answer the following on a piece of
paper. 1. Give a clear historical example of
appeasement from the 1930s. 2. All the
following countries posed a threat to the League
of Nations except A. Great Britain C.
Italy B. Japan D. Germany 3. As part
of his dream of building a great Italian Empire
once more Mussolini invaded A.
Somalia C. Eritrea B. Libya D.
Ethiopia 4. During the Spanish Civil War, Italy
and Germany did all of the following
except A. Earned a powerful ally B. Gave
Franco weapons and supplies C. Fought against
the Fascists D. Practiced their fighting
skills 5. The region of Asia invaded by the
Japanese in 1931 was _______
  • Please trade papers and sign your name under
    Corrected By
  • Please make corrections to the quiz. Put a line
    through incorrect answers. Then write the
    correct answer.
  • 1. Possible answers The league of nations
    allowing Hitler to occupy the Rhineland, Austria
    or the Sudetenland. Mussolini allowed to invade
  • 2. A
  • 3. D
  • 4. C
  • 5. Manchuria

Please do not talk at this time.. Jan 26
Vocab Quiz Please answer the following on a
piece of paper. 1. Describe a clear historical
example of appeasement from the 1930s. 2.
These Countries made up the Axis
Powers________________ 3. Three historical
examples of Genocide are________________ 4.
Some things you might do if you had a strong
sense of Nationalism are 5. This image
Illustrates the concept of ____________?
Please trade papers and sign your name under
Corrected By Please make corrections to the
quiz. Put a line through incorrect answers. 1.
Possible answers The league of nations
allowing Hitler to occupy the Rhineland, Austria
or the Sudetenland. Mussolini allowed to invade
Ethiopia. 2. Japan, Germany and Italy (must
have all three) 3. Any three of the following
Darfur, Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, Rape of
Nanking, Hutus and Tutsis, Bosnian Genocide,
Native American Deaths with North American
Colonization 4. Answers should show great pride
in ones culture and country. 5. Militarism
Share out Descriptive paragraphs on the Japanese
Invasion of China
Please add these notes to the bottom of your
notes handout
How does Europe and the League of Nations respond
to these aggressions?
Appeasement The Munich Agreement, 1938
(If we give Hitler a cookie, Czechoslovakia, he
will calm down and stop invading people!)
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Now we have peace in our time! Herr Hitler is a
man we can do business with.
Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich
  • What is going on with this woman?
  • Is she happy or sad about Czechoslovakia being
    handed over to the Germans in the Munich
  • Why is she giving the Nazi salute?

The Nazi-SovietNon-Aggression Pact, 1939
Foreign Ministers von Ribbentrop Molotov
Name Per.
Please take these notes on a separate piece of
paper you set up like this You will need to
write a short version of the questions in Green
before you answer them.
Notes Title WWII Begins
Headings, key words, vocabulary Questions
Notes, charts, drawings, lists, graphic
organizers, definitions, etc Answers!
Summary Top 5 pieces of Info for this page of
The War Begins!
Poland Attacked Sept. 1, 1939
First look at the Invasion Arrows What do they
tell you?
Where is THIS arrow coming from?!?
Who is helping the Germans win in Poland? Why
would they do that?
Blitzkrieg Lightening War
What is this Blitzkrieg?
Please do not talk at this time Jan 27
HW Posters due Friday (will be worked on in
class Thursday) Chapter 16, Sec. 2 Cornell Notes,
Section Questions or Online Handout due Monday.
  • A military strategy to win war
  • A massive technologically advanced attack
  • Psychological warfare
  • Watch the Video and record evidence of each of
    these things in your notes

Use the new video clip to help you complete your
German troops on the march through Poland
German Troops March into Warsaw
Poland surrenders in 28 days. All that TALK had
gotten the countries of Europe No Where At
All. Chaos Ensues.
The European Theater
What to do?
  • Britain and France declare they WILL have war
    with Germany if the Germans dont withdraw Right
    NOW! (Who does this sound like?)
  • Based on Germanys experience with countries like
    Britain and France what do you think will happen?
  • Germany does not withdraw. In fact, they ignore
    the British and refuse to answer them.
  • Britain declares war on September 3rd, 1939.
  • Unfortunately Britain and France are not ready to
    fight. They must raise, equip, train and
    position their armies. That takes time..

And Then..The Phony War
  • Not much happens between invasion of Poland (Sept
    1939) and April 1940.
  • Everyone wonders if Hitler has finally had enough
  • France re-enforces the Maginot Line and some
    ships get sink in the Atlantic.
  • Then. Lightning Strikes again!

Hitler and Mussolini- Just Good Friends
Mussolini and Hitler
  • June 1940, Italy declares war on Great Britain
    and France

Blitzkrieg, 1940
Hitler, His army trained, experienced and well
supplied with advanced weapons and machines,
attacks everywhere at once!
April 9th - Norway and Denmark May 10th Belgium
and the Netherlands May 13th- France
Destruction in France
  • Civilian centers burned to the ground!
  • Jews, Gypsies, and others rounded up to be sent
    back to Germany for execution!
  • Maginot Line completely ignored!
  • The combined French, British, and Belgian Armies
    on the run!

Dunkirk EvacuatedJune 4, 1940
  • Allied soldiers chased all the way to the sea
  • Every seaworthy vessel in England mobilized for
    the rescue
  • Hitler almost wins the day that June, but enough
    soldiers are rescued to keep fighting the war.

Hitler meets with Gen. Petain of France as France
begins armistice talks
France SurrendersJune, 1940
A Divided France
Vichy France becomes the lapdog of Hitler and
Germany. They do what they are told.
Henri Petain Leads the new Vichy government. He
means to save as much of France as possible.
The French Resistance
Neither Free nor actually in France, DeGaulle
leads the Resistance (from England), making spies
and saboteurs out of everyday Frenchmen and
women. The citizens, still in France, smuggle in
supplies from the Allies and disrupt the Germans
whenever and wherever possible.
The Free French
General Charles DeGaulle
What would we call a small group of people
attacking an unpopular government and blowing
things up with small home made weapons today?
So, what makes these people different?
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo AxisThe Tripartite
PactSeptember, 1940
Now Britain Is All Alone!
U. S. Lend-Lease Act,1941
Great Britain.........................31
billionSoviet Union...........................11
... 3 billionChina..............................
.........1.5 billionOther European..............
...500 millionSouth America...................4
00 millionThe amount totaled 48,601,365,000
US Economic Strategy- Lend money to other
countries and then sell them supplies and
weapons. US makes money selling goods AND makes
money when the loans are paid back.
Battle of BritainThe Blitz
British children evacuate to countryside as
bombing increases in the Battle of Britain
Battle of BritainThe Blitz
The London TubeAir Raid Shelters during the
With the Battle for Britain, Germany
intentionally targeted Civilians in their homes
and not just military targets.
  • What effect did Germany expect this type of
    warfare to have?

King and Queen visit Londoners After the Blitz
Elizabeth refused to leave England despite being
advised to travel to safety in Canada by the
Cabinet. "The princesses would never leave
without me, and I couldnt leave without the
King, and the King would never leave," she said.
Buckingham Palace even took a direct hit during
the height of the bombing although luckily no-one
was hurt.
The Royal Air Force
Outnumbered, Outgunned, Out Manned British
Pilots (with a few Polish, American and Canadian
friends) Defend their Homeland
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
(No Transcript)
APPARTS- Churchills Dunkirk Speech
Please do not talk at this time Jan 29
HW Posters due Monday (will be worked on in
class part of Friday) Chapter 16, Sec. 2 Cornell
Notes, Section Questions or Online Handout due
  • Read the speech and fill in the boxes for each
    piece of information.
  • We are analyzing a primary source with this
  • Use the focus question to answer How the Source
    is Significant.

What effect does the Battle of Britain ACTUALLY
have on the people of England?
The Atlantic Charter
  • Roosevelt and Churchill sign treaty of friendship
    in August 1941.
  • Solidifies alliance.
  • Fashioned after Wilsons 14 Points.
  • Calls for League of Nations type organization.

WWII Battle Posters Project
  • Please see the folder with the same name for all
    the documents you need for this project

The State standards ask us to cover every major
battle in WWII. These battles are heavily
represented on my tests and state tests. We will
be working with this information by making
Posters on each significant battle. You will
work in groups and everyone will have a specific
job to do. You will be graded for your own work
only on this assignment so make sure to label
everything you do VERY Carefully. I am not
accepting late work on this assignment as we must
present the posters on Friday. If it isnt on
the poster by Friday for the class to read, there
isnt much point in doing it. If you think you
will be gone Friday, e-mail your assignment to me
by Thursday night.
4 Jobs- Job A C grade
Person A Job
Paragraph Summary on what led to the Battle, how it started and how it went after that. Typed.
Map of the region where the battle took place or of the action of the battle itself.
Job B- C grade
Person B Job
Paragraph Summary on what happened next, how the Battle ended and who won. Typed.
Chart or Graph showing the casualties or gains and losses of the battle
Job C- C grade
Person C Job
Paragraph on Why the Battle is Significant or How the Battle was a Turning Point in the War. Typed.
Title for the Poster including the Battle Name, Date and Who was fighting on each side 4 Questions that can be answered by reading your poster. These questions should reveal the most important information about the Battle. 2 of them should be Below the Surface How/Why questions.
Job D- C grade
Person D Job
Paragraph in the form of a Letter from a soldier or civilian in the battle telling a loved one what it was like. Typed. Handwriting font is ok.
Timeline of the main events in the battle
To get a B grade or A gradeYou must do more.
All Group Members (anyone can do these)
Pictures, Drawings, Art and LABELS for
Everything! You may get your pictures on-line.
You will need to print them yourself. You must
verify they are of the correct subject/battle/time
period. Accuracy counts a great deal. You may
do your own art or find art from this period that
applies to the Battle. You MUST label
everything. Tell me what it is summary, map,
chart of casualties, etcand put your name on
your work or it will not be graded. Posters MUST
also be Readable, Colorful, Clear, Correct, and
Mrs. Caramagnos Guide to Awesome Posters
ACORN Posters
  • Accurate
  • Clear and Complete
  • Organized
  • Readable
  • Neat

  • Make sure all the information on your poster is
  • Dont paste pictures of WWI on your WWII poster!
  • Make sure you double check your facts before you
    put them down.
  • Have a team mate proof read your work to catch
    the silly mistakes you just cant see.

  • Good
  • Hitler, the leader of the Axis Powers, handed
    over the command of his desert armies to General
  • Bad
  • Hitler, the leader of the Allies, handed over the
    command of his desert armies to General Patton.

Clear and Correct
  • Use proper English, complete sentences and
    correct grammar and spelling
  • Nothing makes you look less of an expert than a
    poorly crafted sentence, bad grammar and
    incorrect spelling!
  • Dont make your readers guess at what they are
    reading or looking at!

  • Good
  • The Battle of El Alamein- Leaders Hitler, the
    leader of the Axis Powers, handed over the
    command of his desert armies to General Rommel.
  • Bad
  • Eisenhower, the leader of the Allies, hnded over
    the running of his dessert armies to Claude

Erwin Rommel
  • Code Information
  • Help your readers identify what they are looking
    at and what goes together with color codes,
    numbering, bullets or other indicators.
  • Put things that go together near each other
  • Give your poster some flow.
  • You might be organizing chronologically, by
    topic, by importance, etc just make sure there
    is some reason for why information is placed as
    it is on your poster.

Easily identifiable Question
Clear title
Below the Surface Question
Color coding linking question and location of
The End of the Battle of El Alamein By the end of
the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel hadblah, blah,
blah,. blah, blah, blah,. blah, blah,
blahblah, blah, blah,. blahblah, blah, blah,.
blahblah, blah, blah,. blahblah, blah, blah,.
Answer blahblah, blah, blah,. blahblah, blah,
blah,. blahblah, blah, blah,. Answer to the
Below the Surface Question blah, blah, blah,.
blah, blah, blahblah, blah, blah,. blahblah,
blah, blah,. blahblah, blah, blah,. blahblah,
blah, blah,. Answer blahblah, blah, blah,.
blahblah, blah, blah,. blahblah, blah, blah,.
Battle Title and Info
The Start of the Battle
A Letter from a Soldier
The Significance of the Battle
Chart of deaths in this battle by side
The End of the Battle
The End of the Battle
The Significance of the Battle
The Start of the Battle
A Letter from a Soldier
Battle Title and Info
  • Type
  • Print
  • Make your letters Large enough to read from a
  • Make your pictures large enough to see detail

  • Good
  • Hitler, the leader of the Axis Powers, handed
    over the command of his desert armies to General
  • Bad
  • Hitler, the leader of the Axis Powers, handed
    over the command of his desert armies to General

Hitler, the leader of the Axis Powers, handed
over the command of his desert armies to General
  • Take care with your work
  • Blotches and messy glue imply your thinking is
    messy too.
  • Random images/colors/glitter etc can be confusing
    to your reader.
  • Keep your work uncluttered. Make sure everything
    on your poster is important to understanding.

Please do not talk at this time Jan 30
  • HW Posters must be done by Monday.
  • Chapter 16, Sec 2 due Monday. Your choice of
    Cornell Notes, online handout or section
    questions 1-8.

Be an Anthropologist! As you look at these
items, think about what they reveal about this
period in History. All of them are from London
during the Battle of Britain, known as the London
Blitz. On pg. 9A in your notebook, answer this
question Based on these items, what was life
like for the average British Londoner during this
time? What can you find out?
Friday, Jan 30
  • Continue to work on Posters.
  • Finish pasting all parts to your poster and label
    all work by the end of class.
  • Be ready to read posters when you come in on

Let us Pause and make some comparisons.Get out
your Comparison Matrix from yesterday.Using
your notes so far and Chpt. 16, Sec. 1 in your
book, as well as any prior knowledge, fill out
WWII side of the Comparison Matrix.Then see if
you can identify some things each side has in
common. Put
ThenSign up on the board for a group to do one
of WWIIs Battles in a Group ProjectGet out
your homework to be checked off.
  • Please do not talk at this time Sept 6

Please update your notebook Index and prepare
notebooks for FridayNotebook IndexPg.
1A Name, Per., ClassPg. 2A-3B IndexPg. 4A CIS
(Signed)Pg. 5A Clock PartnersPg.
6A AppeasementPg. 7A, B, C Word Maps- Review
WordsPg. 8A Above/Below TreePg. 9A Depression
TreePg. 10A Fascism TreePg. 11A Directive
WordsPg. 11B Cookie Story Response Pg. 12A, B,
C Road to War STAR notes Ques. A - KPg.
13A Axis Aggression MapPg. 14A Start of WWII
STAR NotesHW Notebooks Due Friday- 50
PtsAll other papers should be glued into the
back of your Notebook or kept in a folder. DO
NOT throw anything away.
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