Title: Just How Did WWII Get Started?
1Just How Did WWII Get Started?
- Suffered greatly under the worldwide depression
after WWI
3Benito Mussolini
- Mussolini captures Rome with his Blackshirt Party
in 1922 - Fascism - Single person leads the country
- Totalitarianism - Govt. controls every facet of
your life
- Germany was destroyed after WWI
- Were blamed by the World for the war and
following depression - Treaty of Versailles had them paying 33 billion,
which they do not have - Very angry as a people
5Adolf Hitler
- Dad sent Hitler to Vienna, Austria at 12 to study
- Learns to hate Jews - Fails as an artist, joins the military to fight
in WWI - While in jail after WWI, he writes Mein Kampf (My
Struggle) - blamed communists, intellectuals, and
Jews for Germanys defeat
6Hitler and the Nazi Party
- Hitlers Nazi Party gets 32 of vote in elections
in 1932 - 1933 - Hitler is elected Chancellor
- Takes dictatorial power and forms a fascist,
totalitarian state - Rebuilds army to show power and pride in Germany
- Suffers greatly during the Depression
- Lack of natural resources
- Attacks mineral-rich Manchuria (North of China)
- League of Nations condemns attack, but can do
nothing - 1937 - Japan invades China
- 1940 - Japan joins Germany and Italy in Axis
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9Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
- Communist country
- 1924 - Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin wins a power
struggle to become leader - Stalins Purges - In the 1930s, Stalin creates a
personal police force of kill millions and send
others to force labor camps in Siberia
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12United States
- US is stuck in the Great Depression
- FDR and most Americans are concerned about
Germany, Italy, and Japan, but choose to be
isolated - Neutrality Acts (1935 and 1937) - Banned weapons
sales with countries who are at war
13Germany on the Move
- Lebensraum - Hitler wants living space for
Germans, free Germanic people in other countries - 1936 - Creates the Axis Powers (a military
alliance) with Italy - 1936 - Rhineland Recaptured - in violation of
the Treaty of Versailles, Germany takes land
between it and France - 1938 - Austria (3/1938) - Hitler claims Germans
in Austria should be part of Germany, so he takes
it - 1938 - Sudetenland (9/1938) - This area in
Czechoslovakia was home to German speakers and
Hitler said they were being mistreated.
14Reaction to German Expansion
- Munich Conference - France and Great Britain meet
with Germany and agree to give Hitler the
Sudetenland as long as he promises to stop
expanding - Appeasement - giving in to the aggressor to keep
peace - BAD IDEA - Hitler takes over Czechoslovakia anyway in March
1939 - Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact (8/1939) -
Germany and USSR agree not to fight one another - Hitler now free to take Poland
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16The government had to choose between shame and
war. They have chosen shame and they will get
war. -Winston Churchill, a British official and
soon to be Prime Minister of the Munich
- Nazi Party bans Jews from govt. and takes away
citizenship - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) 11/9/1938-
- 91 Jews killed
- Hundreds seriously wounded
- 7500 Jewish businesses destroyed
- 200 synagogues destroyed
- Took place in Germany and Austria
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19The burned-out synagogue of Aachen, Germany,one
of nearly 200 synagogues destroyed during
20The Fighting Begins
- 9/1/1939 - Germany attacks Poland with a new
style of fighting - Blitzkrieg (lightning war) - Poland was conquered in three weeks
- Poland was spilt up between the USSR and Germany
by the end of the month
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24Britain and France begin to Move
- Begin to mobilize their forces
- Maginot Line - Defensive structure along Frances
border with Germany
25Germany Kicks into High Gear
- April 1940 - Denmark and Norway fall
- May, 1940 - Belgium, Luxembourg, and the
Netherlands fall - Allows German troops to avoid the Maginot Line
- 330,000 Allied troops escape to Great Britain
- June 1940 - France falls to Germany
- June, 1941 - Germany attacks USSR, violating the
Non-Aggression Pact - Germany takes 500,000 Soviet troops captive
- Soviet citizens burn and destroy everything so
that Germany cannot use it
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27Battle of Britain
- With most of Europe under his control, Hitler
looks to the island of Great Britain - Luftwaffe attacks Royal Air Force (RAF) and
Britain for 2.5 months - British repel the attack with the help of radar
and blackouts
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30US Begins to Notice Trouble
- Most Americans oppose Hitler, but still believe
in isolationism - FDR re-elected in 1940 and promises not send our
boys to foreign wars - FDR decides to prepare for war just in case
- Selective Service and Training Act - first
peacetime draft in US history, called on men from
21 to 35 - Lend-Lease Act - Allows FDR to loan 7 billion in
war supplies to Great Britain as long as they
come and get the goods
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32Pearl Harbor
- 12/7/1941
- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, and US naval bases in
the Philippines, Guam, Midway, and Wake Islands - 12/8/1941 - FDR asks Congress to declare war,
calling 12/7 a day that will live in infamy.
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