Title: Supplementary Figure 3.
1Supplementary Figure 3. A) Complete protein
sequence of CsPP2, as deduced from the cDNA
clone. Three of the eighteen peptides
characterized after MALDI-TOF analysis homologous
with others PP2s are indicated by colour in the
sequence. B, C and D) ESI-MS/MS mass from which
the corresponding protein sequence of the three
peptides were obtained. Note that peptides in (B)
and (C), show minors ambiguities (L-I) and (I-N)
due to the similar nominal molecular weights (1).
1. Mann, J. And Wilm, M. 1994. Error-Tolerant
Identification of Peptides in Sequence Database
by Peptide Sequence Tags. Analytical Chemistry
66 4390-4399.