We are waiting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We are waiting


We are waiting ADVENT = Arrival The Angelus V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary, full of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: We are waiting

We are waiting
ADVENT Arrival
Who are we waiting for?
How do you feel when you are waiting?
During Advent we count down the days
Who is going to arrive? The Jews were waiting
for a long time
Old Testament
Prophet Isaiah
See, my servant will act wisely he will be
raised and lifted up and highly exalted. Just as
there were many who were appalled at him his
appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any
man and his form marred beyond human likeness
so will he sprinkle many nations, and kings
will shut their mouths because of him. For what
they were not told, they will see, and what they
have not heard, they will understand.Isaiah
All sing When is he coming?
He is announced!
The Annunciation Listen to the story Think
about how Mary felt when the Angel appeared. How
would you feel if an Angel appeared to you. How
do you think Mary felt about the Angels
All sing The Angel Gabriel
The angel Gabriel from heaven came,With wings as
drifted snow, with eyes as flame"All hail to
thee, O lowly maiden Mary,Most highly favored
lady." Gloria! "For know a blessed mother thou
shalt be,All generations laud and honor
theeThy son shall be Emmanuel, by seers
foretold,Most highly favored lady." Gloria!
Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head"To me
be as it pleaseth God," she said."My soul shall
laud and magnify Gods holy name."Most highly
favored lady." Gloria! Of her, Emmanuel, the
Christ, was bornIn Bethlehem all on a Christmas
morn,And Christian folk through-out the world
will ever say"Most highly favored lady."
Let us pray Response is Come Lord Jesus
come Dear God help us to prepare well for the
coming of your Son at Christmas Response Let
us show the same courage that Mary our Mother
showed when she said yes to God - Response
During Advent let us think about those people in
our school and local community who are having a
difficult time, let us pray that they feel the
comfort of Our Lord at this time. Response Let
us think about those people across the world who
are in great need. - Response
Now Let us light our First Advent Candle
Getting ready.. How do we get ready for
Christmas is.. Tell the person next to you
how you feel about Christmas. Finish the
John the Baptist told us to get ready for the
coming of Jesus
What do you know about John the baptist? Tell
your friend Matthew 3
All sing On Jordans Banks
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryAnnounces that
the Lord is nighAwake and hearken, for He
bringsGlad tidings of the King of kings. 2.
Then cleansed be ev'ry heart from sinMake
straight the way of God withinOh, let us all
our hearts prepareFor Christ to come and enter
How can we get ready for the Coming of Jesus at
Time to think Could I be kinder to others? Do I
try to help those less fortunate? Am I always
willing to share my things and my time? Do I
always say sorry? Do I spend time talking to and
listening to God? Play quiet music
Think about one area in your life You could work
on during Advent Let us pray
For my spiteful words,For my vicious acts, Come
Lord Jesus change my heart. For my nasty
feelings,For my selfish ways, Come Lord Jesus
change my heart. For my angry moments, For my
jealousy, Come Lord Jesus change my heart.
For my thoughtless remarks, For my harmful
choices, Come Lord Jesus change my heart.All
singChange my heart O God, make it ever
true.Change my heart O God, may I be like
you.You are the potter, I am the clay. Make me
and mould me, make me something new
Lord Jesus, Thank you for your gift of
forgiveness. Give us courage to admit our
wrongs. Guide us this Advent to seek
reconciliation with those we have hurt. In this
way we will prepare well for Christmas. AMEN
An Advent promise This Advent I promise to
try. - think about this quietly say it
into yourself Make a pinky promise!
Now Let us light our second Advent Candle
I am the light of the world..
Who is this?
Close your eyes
Imagine that you cant see, what would you miss
seeing? Open your eyes, look around how bright
it is!
Jesus said, I am the light of the world Anyone
who follows me will not be walking in the
dark They will have the light of life. (John
8) Thinking time What did Jesus mean by
saying this? Talk to your partner
All sing
   The light of Christ    has come into the
world (2x) 1. All men must be born again    to
see the kingdom of God    The water and the
Spirit    bring new life in God's love 2. God
gave up His only Son    out of love for the
world    So that all men who believe    in Him
will live forever 3. The light of God has come
to us    so that we might have salvation  
 From the darkness of our sins   we walk into
glory with Christ Jesus
Advent Quiz! In what season does Advent take
place? Why do you think it takes place in this
season? How long does Advent last?What happens
at the end of Advent?
The light of the world is born..
Luke 2
All sing Away in a manger, no crib for a
bed,The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet
head.The stars in the sky looked down where He
lay,The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the
hay. The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes,But
little Lord Jesus, no crying He makesI love
Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the skyAnd stay
by my cradle till morning is nigh. Be near me,
Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stayClose by me
forever, and love me, I prayBless all the dear
children in Thy tender care,And fit us for
Heaven to live with Thee there.
Now let us light our 3rd Advent candle
God became INCARNATE What does this mean?
(No Transcript)
The Angelus V. The Angel of the Lord declared
unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy
Spirit.    Hail Mary, full of grace V.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord.R. Be it done
unto me according to thy word.    Hail Mary,
etc.V. And the Word was made Flesh.R. And dwelt
among us.    Hail Mary, etc.V. Pray for us, O
holy Mother of God.R. That we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ.LET US PRAYPour
forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into
our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of
Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of
an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought
to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the
same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Now Let us light our 4th Advent candle
All sing Come, come, come to the
manger,Children, come to the children's
KingSing, sing,Chorus of angels,Stars of
morning, o'ver Bethlehem sing. 1. He lies 'mid
the beasts of the stall,Who is Maker and Lord of
us all,The wintry wind blows cold and
deary,See, He weeps, the world is weary,Lord,
have pity and mercy on me. 2. He leaves all His
glory behind,To be born and to die for
mankindWith grateful beasts His cradle
chooses,Thankless man His love refuses,Lord,
have pity and mercy on me. 3. To Bethlehem's
manger now come,To the Savior Emmanuel's
homeThe heav'nly hosts above are singing,Set
the Christmas bells a-ringing,Lord, have pity
and mercy on me.
Happy Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!
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