Title: Propaganda that led to the Holocaust
1Nazi Propaganda
- Propaganda that led to the Holocaust
- 1933-1945
- Nazi policies were initiated and led by Adolf
Hitler - Anti-Semitism, totalitarianism, and nationalism
were only some of those policies
- Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, built on and
re-ignited hatred and racism towards Jews and
other cultures. He dreamed of making Germany
better, of returning it to its former glory
from before the humiliation of the countrys
defeat and loss of land and power in World War I.
4Early Warning Signs
- Hitler attempted a Putsch in Munich in 1923.
This failed and he was jailed. - While imprisoned, Hitler penned Mein Kampf,
outlining his plans for Germany and the Jews. - This memoir contained the foundation of the
propaganda which was to drive the Nazis to do
terrible things.
5Rise to Power
- 1933 Hitler legally elected Kanzler
(chancellor) of Germany - 1934 The Praisident of Germany, an elderly man
named Hindenberg, died. Hitler did not fill his
vacated position. - 1934 Hitler declared himself der Führer
- 1936 The Reichstag (congressional building)
burned to the ground. Hitler dismissed all
representatives on pain of beatings by his Brown
Shirts. - Open disenfranchisement of the Jews began in
- Josef Goebbels is named the Minister of
Propaganda. - All Germans must join a club or organization
(such as the Nazi Party) - All Jews must register as Jews with the
7Objection, Your Honor!
- Apparently, there were some objections towards
anti-Semitism in Germany - And the Germans had answers already thought up.
- These ridiculous argument shows the Nazis
disregard for anybody but themselves - They do not care if the Jews suffer, for they
think all Jews made the Germans lives miserable. - Though they said that Jews are humans, they still
compare them to animals, such as the flea. - They also say that there are very few decent
8Objection, Your Honor!
- Summary of the 10 Arguments of anti-Semitism
- (Responses to objections of anti-Semitism, and no
this is not what we think.) - Judaism is not a religion. It is a state within a
state. "To call this state a 'religion' was one
of the cleverest tricks ever invented. (Hitler) - Even though there are some decent Jews, there are
rare exceptions. The only reason these Jews do
good things is that they want to live with us, or
compensation for their good deeds. - Jews are cheap. They can sell good products
cheaply, but they force down the prices from the
manufacturer, thus reducing wages from the
workers - There are also gentiles who are as bad as Jews,
because they are infecting our society. - Even if one is baptized, a Jew remains a Jew for
the rest of his life
9Objection, Your Honor!
- 10 Arguments of Anti-Semitism, Cntd
- Even if a Jews ancestor came to Germany, that
Jew can never be German - While the Jew is a human being too, he is like a
flea, which needs no protection from us. - Though you think all humans with a face are
equal, think about the pig that said the same
thing to a lion, but the lion told him, Thats
what you swine would like to think! - Only Jews think that anti-Semitism is for idiots,
and they have never been creative, while their
opponents are the men who were great. - If one were to think about how many Jews we would
make miserable, then one should think about how
miserable the Jews made the Germans.
10A Political Cartoon
- Finst und jetzt means Then and Now
- This cartoon depicts Jews stealing Nazi land, and
being stopped by the law. - This shows that the Nazis perceived and depicted
themselves as protecting everyday Germans from
Jews who commit the crimes such as stealing land. - Medieval European job restrictions led many Jews
into the financial industry. The Nazis called
upon these memories and encouraged others to
assume all Jews were greedy.
11Childrens Book
Horrible-evil-Nazi-propaganda story time!
- This book told the story of a beehive.
- The Jews were portrayed as the lazy, nonworking
drones. - Eventually, the drones are driven out/killed.
- This shows that the Nazis thought Jews never
worked to help people, and when attacked, are
meek (or pretend to be) and beg for mercy. - It also shows Hitlers desire to destroy the
Jews. - They say that the Jews have one law Work is
very bad and not to be tolerated.
And these bees do not work. They can do only one
thing eat, eat, and eat!The Poodle-Pug-Dachshun
12Nazi Teachings in Schools
- This book taught what race was
- It also taught how traits were passed down
through parents - However, it also said that the three major races
were white, black, and yellow, and Germans are
pure, and Jews destroy culture - This shows the Nazis disregard for other races,
because the book says that the Germans are the
purest race in Europe - They denounced France for granting free rights to
both white and black people
The goal of the Jew is to make himself the
ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys
works of culture. He is not a creative spirit,
rather a destructive spirit.
13Postage Stamp
- In a quote from a speech made by Hitler, a
promise is made for destruction of the Jews
through the Holocaust. - Hitlers blames his determination to achieve
victory over the Jews on an accusation that WWI
was the fault of Jews - He says that all Jews are trying to harm not only
Germany, but the world through financial
domination, and thus, must be destroyed.
"If International Finance Jewry should succeed
once more in plunging the peoples into a world
war, the result will not be the victory of
Jewry, but rather the destruction of the Jewish
race in Europe."
14Theyve Got the Problem
- In this handbook, there is a section called The
Jewish Problem - Jews must attend their own schools, they could
not own businesses, and they could not go to Nazi
movie theatres, regular theatres, etc. - This shows that their anger at the Jews had grown
so much, that they wanted to banish them from
daily life. - Even half-Jewish people had restrictions.
Jews are prohibited from owning shops, mail
order firms, or branches, and from owning an
independent craft firm. They are further
prohibited from offering goods or
business services at markets, exhibitions, or
trade fairs of any kind. A Jew can no longer be a
factory director, a leading official, or a member
of a cooperative.
15Nazi Flyers
- Flyers like the one on the right were passed out
and publicly displayed on buildings. - The first flyer was issued after the requirement
of all Jews in Germany to wear a yellow Star of
David, and declares those in compliance with the
law to be an enemy. - The second flyer says how the Führer is making
the right choices to make Germany a respected
"He who wears this symbol is an enemy of our
"The Führer is victory!"
16The Nazi Mascot
- Alex Kurzem (Ilya Galperin) was the Nazi Mascot.
- But Kurzem had a secret that couldnt be told or
his life would have been over in a matter of
seconds. - Kurzem was a Jew.
- Seeing his whole village destroyed by the Nazi
Death squads, he wandered into the cold Russian
forest. - A Latvian SS soldier rescued him and took him in
as a Nazi. - Kurzem was also in charge of giving people
chocolate to lure them into the death trains. - Forcing Jews to lure other Jews to their deaths
was common practice
17Nazi Propaganda Tactics
- Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels
- Visual, Verbal, Multi-media
- Steady bombardment in all types
- Building on ancient hatred
- Government created, supported, and sponsored
- Government established self with absolute power
- Hitler declared Jews the enemy, vermin, dangerous
- Hitler threatened any who were not entirely loyal
- Fear both of Hitler and the Jews
- Result death of 6 million Jews, 10 million
total people
18Works Cited
- http//www.ushmm.org/ NOTICE THAT THIS SLIDE IS
DONE INCORRECTLY NOTE BY J.ACHETTU - http//www.holocaust-history.org/
- http//library.thinkquest.org/12663/
- http//www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/ti
meline.html - http//www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/holo.h
tml - http//www.mtsu.edu/baustin/holo.html
- http//www.holocaustchronicle.org/
- http//www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/ww2era.htm
THIS IS A REALLY GOOD SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!! - Wright, Gordon. The Ordeal of Total War
1939-1945. New York, NY Harper Row Publishers,
1968. - Mosse, George L.. The Startling, Astonishing
Story of Nazi Culture. New York, NY Grosset and
Dunlap, 1966. - Allen, William Sheridan. The Nazi Seizure of
Power the Experience of a Single German Town, - 1922-1945. Danbury, CT Franklin Watts, 1984.
- Bracher, Karl Dietrich. The German Dictatorship.
London, England and New York, NY Praeger
Publishers, 1971.