Evolution of Steroid Receptor Gene Families - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evolution of Steroid Receptor Gene Families


Evolution of Steroid Receptor Gene Families Instead of using the ancestral AncCR, the structures of AncGR1 and AncGR2 were compared to determine the mechanism by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evolution of Steroid Receptor Gene Families

Evolution of Steroid Receptor Gene Families
Lesson Today
  • Evolutionary History of Function
  • Gene Duplication leading to evolutionary origins
    of novel functions
  • How mutations interact to modify function

Evolution of novelty
  • Gene Duplication and Subfunctionalization
  • Examples
  • Receptors, Enzymes, Developmental genes, etc.
  • Hox clusters
  • Osmoregulatory ion uptake enzymes (ATPases)
  • Cytp450s (detoxification enzymes)
  • Olfactory genes
  • Opsin genes
  • Hemoglobin

Gene Duplications
  • Main source of novel genes

Sources of Genetic Variation (type of mutation)
  • Gene duplications, followed by differentiation
  • End up with gene family different opsin genes,
    hemoglobin, ATPases, etc.

Evolution of new functions (and genes) via gene
New function
Partitioning of function
Loss of function
What are Steroid Receptors?
  • I am using this as an example to facilitate
    understanding of the impacts of pesticides and
    other environmental toxins on animal physiology
    (next lectures)

Steroid Hormone Receptors
  • Transcription factors
  • Intracellular receptors (typically cytoplasmic)
    that bind to ligands (e.g. steroid hormones)
  • Initiate signal transduction which lead to
    changes in gene expression

Steroid hormones are lipid soluble, bind to
cytoplasmic Steroid Hormone Receptors and then
enter the nucleus, leading to transcription
  • The estrogen receptor is
  • fairly nonspecific,
  • It is ancestral (phylogeny on next slide), and
    ancestral receptors tend to be less specific
    (specificity evolves)
  • It needs to bind to multiple ligands, 12
    estrogens (estradiol, estriol, estrone, etc.)
  • So... many compounds will bind to it, such as

Estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain
complexed to estradiol
Evolutionary History of Steroid Receptors
Estrogen Receptors
Glucocorticoid receptor
Baker, ME. 2001. Adrenal and sex steroid receptor
evolution environmental implications. Journal
of Molecular Endocrinology 26119125
Mineralocorticoid receptor
Sex steroid response probably occurred in the
early Cambrian
Progesterone receptor
Androgen receptor
Eel ERb
  • Estrogen response evolved in jawless fish or
    tunicates (early chordates)

Human ERb
Trout ERa
Xenopus ERa
the most ancient of the adrenal and sex steroid
Human ERa
Evolution of Function
  • Bridgham et al. 2006. Science. 31297

  • How would an integrated molecular system evolve,
    such as the functional interaction between a
    hormone and receptor?
  • For example, how could a hormone evolve if a
    receptor is not present, and visa versa?

  • Evolution of function of the aldosterone -
    Mineralocorticoid Receptor (MR) complex
  • How did this ligand-receptor relationship evolve?

  • Aldosterone is thought to be a recently derived
    hormone, and a tetrapod specific hormone
    (vertebrates with four feet), absent in more
    anciently derived species

  • Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the
    Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) descend from a gene
    duplication deep in the vertebrate lineage (450
    mya) and now have distinct signaling functions
  • In most vertebrates, GR is activated by the
    stress hormone cortisol to regulate metabolism,
    inflammation, and immunity
  • MR is activated by aldosterone to regulate
    reabsorption of ions and water and secretion of
    potassium in the kidneys. MR can also be
    activated by cortisol

  • The gene duplication event leading to MR and GR
    occurred gt450 million yrs ago

  • Functional assays indicate that the ancestral
    (basal) receptors are activated by very low doses
    of aldosterone, cortisol, and 11-deoxycorticostero
    ne (DOC) they are similar in this respect to MRs
    of tetrapods and teleosts (Fig. 2 -next slide)
  • The only receptors insensitive to aldosterone are
    the GRs of tetrapods and teleosts
  • Given these results, the most parsimonious
    scenario is that AncCR was capable of being
    activated by aldosterone and that aldosterone
    sensitivity was lost in the GRs of bony
    vertebrates (see Fig. 1)

(No Transcript)
  • How might have the aldosterone-MR partnership
    have evolved?
  • If the hormone is not yet present, how could
    selection drive the receptors affinity for it?
  • Conversely, without the receptor, what selection
    pressure could guide the evolution of the ligand?

Test Hypothesis
  • Performed gene resurrection to experimentally
    examine the function of the ancestral corticoid
    receptor (AncCR)
  • Inferred the maximum likelihood (ML) amino acid
    sequence of AncCRs ligand-binding domain (see
    Fig. 1)
  • Synthesized the AncCR-LBD sequence and expressed
    it in cultured cells using a reporter assay

  • AncCR is a sensitive and effective aldosterone
    receptor (Fig. 3A)
  • Like the extant CRs and MRs, it is also activated
    by low doses of DOC and, to a lesser extent,
    cortisol (Fig. 3A)
  • This result is surprising, because aldosterone
    has long been considered a tetrapod-specific
  • Aldosterone is absent from the plasma of lamprey
    and hagfish (more ancient vertebrates) (Fig. 3B)

(No Transcript)
  • WHY would the ancient corticoid receptor respond
    to a not yet existing hormone (aldosterone)?
  • And how would the specificity between MR and
    aldosterone evolve?

  • Fig. 4. Evolution of specific aldosterone-MR
    signaling by molecular exploitation. (A)
    Synthesis pathway for corticosteroid hormones.
    Ligands for the ancestral CR and extant MRs are
    underlined cortisol, the ligand for the tetrapod
    GR, is overlined. The terminal addition of
    aldosterone is in green. Asterisks, steps
    catalyzed by the cytochrome P-450 11b-hydroxylase
    enzyme only the tetrapod enzyme can catalyze the
    step marked with a green asterisk. (B) MRs
    aldosterone sensitivity preceded the emergence of
    the hormone. The vertebrate ancestor did not
    synthesize aldosterone (dotted circle), but it
    did produce other corticosteroids (filled
    circle) it had a single receptor with affinity
    for both classes of ligand. A gene duplication
    (blue) produced separate GR and MR. Two changes
    in GRs sequence (red) abolished aldosterone
    activation but maintained cortisol sensitivity
    see (C). In tetrapods, synthesis of aldosterone
    emerged due to modification of cytochrome P-450
    11b-hydroxylase. mya, million years ago. (C)
    Mechanistic basis for loss of aldosterone
    sensitivity in the GRs. Phylogenetically
    diagnostic amino acid changes that occurred
    during GR evolution were introduced into
    AncCR-LBD by mutagenesis. Dose-response is shown
    for aldosterone (green), DOC (blue), and cortisol
    (red). The double mutant (bottom right) has a
    GR-like phenotype. Arrows shows evolutionary
    paths via a nonfunctional (red) or functional
    (green) intermediate.

  • Extant MRs retain the ancestral phenotype, so the
    specificity of the MR-aldosterone relationship is
    actually due to the secondary loss of aldosterone
    sensitivity in the GR (Fig. 4B), rather than
    evolution of specificity for MR.

Which Mutations?
  • Explored which sequence changes are on the branch
    where aldosterone sensitivity was lost
  • Introduced all four single GR-diagnostic states
    and all six two-fold combinations into AncCR-LBD
    using mutagenesis and determined their effect on
    receptor function

Which Mutations?
  • Replacement of Serine106 with Proline (S106P) and
    Leucine111 with Glutamine (L111Q) conferred a
    GR-like phenotype

L111Q alone radically reduces activation by all
ligands tested S106P reduces aldosterone
(green) and cortisol (red) sensitivity, but this
receptor remains highly DOC-sensitive (blue)
In the S106P background, L111Q further reduces
aldosterone sensitivity but now restores cortisol
response to levels characteristic of extant GRs
  • When each mutation was introduced in isolation,
    it was discovered that both are required to yield
    the GR phenotype

  • 2007. Science 3171544

But now, lets look more closely at the actual
transition where the mutations occur
  • These substitutions recapitulate a large portion
    of the functional shift from AncGR1 to AncGR2
    (420 to 440 Ma), radically reducing aldosterone
    and DOC response while maintaining moderate
    sensitivity to cortisol (Fig. 2A)

(No Transcript)
  • Instead of using the ancestral AncCR, the
    structures of AncGR1 and AncGR2 were compared to
    determine the mechanism by which these two
    substitutions shift function
  • Ancient GR1 and GR2 were reconstructed using
    homology modeling and energy minimization based
    on the AncCR and human GR crystal structures

  • Fig. 2. Mechanism for switching AncGR1s ligand
    preference from aldosterone to cortisol. (A)
    Effect of substitutions S106P and L111Q on the
    resurrected AncGR1s response to hormones. Dashed
    lines indicate sensitivity to aldosterone
    (green), cortisol (purple), and DOC (orange) as
    the EC50 for reporter gene activation. Green
    arrow shows probable pathway through a functional
    intermediate red arrow, intermediate with
    radically reduced sensitivity to all hormones.
    (B) Structural change conferring new ligand
    specificity. Backbones of helices 6 and 7 from
    AncGR1 (green) and AncGR2 (yellow) in complex
    with cortisol are superimposed. Substitution
    S106P induces a kink in the interhelical loop of
    AncGR2, repositioning sites 106 and 111 (arrows).
    In this background, L111Q forms a new hydrogen
    bond with cortisols unique C17-hydroxyl (dotted
    red line).

The major structural difference between AncGR1
and AncGR2 involves Helix 7 and the loop
preceding it, which contain S106P and L111Q and
form part of the ligand pocket (Fig. 2B).
In AncGR1 and AncCR, the loops position is
stabilized by a hydrogen bond between Ser106 and
the backbone carbonyl of Met103.
The movement of helix 7 dramatically repositions
site 111, bringing it close to the ligand
In this conformational background, L111Q (leucine
to glutamine) generates a hydrogen bond with
cortisols C17-hydroxyl, stabilizing the
receptor-hormone complex. Aldosterone and DOC
lack this hydroxyl, so the new bond is cortisol
Replacing Ser106 with proline in the derived GRs
breaks this H bond and introduces a sharp kink
into the backbone, which pulls the loop downward,
repositioning and partially unwinding helix 7
The two substitutions destabilize the receptor
complex with aldosterone or DOC Achieves
stability with cortisol, switching preference to
that hormone
  • This mode of structural evolution is termed
    conformational epistasis because one
    substitution remodels the protein backbone and
    repositions a second site, changing the
    functional effect of substitution at the second

  • Fig. 3. Permissive substitutions in the evolution
    of receptor specificity. (A) Effects of various
    combinations of historical substitutions on
    AncGR1s transcriptional activity and
    hormonesensitivity in a reporter gene assay.
    Group Y (L29M, F98I, and S212D) abolishes
    receptor activity unless groups X (S106P, L111Q)
    and Z (N26T and Q105L) are present the XYZ
    combination yields complete cortisol-specificity.
    The 95 confidence interval for each EC50 is in
    parentheses. Dash, no activation. (B) Structural
    prediction of permissive substitutions. Models of
    AncGR1 (green) and AncGR2 (yellow) are shown with
    cortisol. Group X and Y substitutions (circles
    and rectangles) yield new interactions with the
    C17-hydroxyl of cortisol (purple) but
    destabilize receptor regions required for
    activation. Group Z (underlined) imparts
    additional stability to the destabilized regions.
    (C) Restricted evolutionary paths through
    sequence space. The corners of the cube represent
    states for residue sets X, Y, and Z. Edges
    represent pathways from the ancestral sequence
    (AncGR1) to the cortisol-specific combination
    (XYZ). Filled circles at vertices show
    sensitivity to aldosterone (green), DOC (orange),
    and cortisol (purple) empty circles, no
    activation. Red octagons, paths through
    nonfunctional intermediates arrows, paths
    through functional intermediates with no change
    (white) or switched ligand preference (green).

Evolutionary trajectories that pass through
functional intermediates are more likely than
those involving nonfunctional steps, so the only
historically likely pathways to AncGR2 are those
in which the permissive substitutions of group Z
and the large-effect mutations of group X
occurred before group Y was complete (Fig. 3C).
  • Permissive substitutions stabilized specific
    structural elements, allowing them to tolerate
    later destabilizing mutations that conferred a
    new function

  • Fig. 4. Structural identification of an ancient
    permissive substitution. (A) Comparison of the
    structures of AncCR (blue) and AncGR2 (yellow).
    Y27R generates a novel cation-p interaction in
    AncGR2 (dotted cyan line), replacing the weaker
    ancestral hydrogen bond (dotted red) and
    imparting additional stability to helix 3. (B)
    Y27R is permissive for the substitutions that
    confer GR function. Reporter gene activation by
    AncGR1 XYZ (upper right) is abolished when Y27R
    is reversed (lower right). (Left) Y27R has
    negligible effect in the AncCR background (or in
    AncGR1, fig. S9). Green, orange, and purple lines
    show aldosterone, DOC, and cortisol responses,
    respectively. Green arrows, likely pathway
    through functional intermediates.

Evolution of specificity of function
  • Structural studies of human GR have shown that
    these two residues change the architecture of the
    ligand-binding pocket and alter contacts with
    steroid in ways that exclude aldosterone and
    facilitate cortisol activation
  • Results indicate that aldosterone specificity of
    MR arose from two crucial Amino Acid replacements
    in the GRs that wiped out ancestral sensitivity
    to aldosterone
  • These changes result in evolution of a more
    specific endocrine response, allowing electrolyte
    homeostasis to be controlled without also
    triggering the GR stress response

Molecular Exploitation
  • Functional interaction between aldosterone and
    mineralocorticoid receptor evolved by a stepwise
    selective process
  • Ancestral gene resurrection demonstrates that
    long before the hormone evolved, the receptors
    affinity for aldosterone was present due to its
    similarity to more ancient ligands (probably DOC)
  • Two amino acid changes in the ancestral sequence
    resulted in the evolution of present-day receptor
  • Results indicate that tight interactions could
    evolve by molecular exploitationrecruitment of
    an older molecule, previously constrained for a
    different role, into a new functional complex
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