Coagulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Coagulation & Hemostasis Part I Inherited Thrombocytopenia WAS/XLT: small platelets, poor platelet function vWD 2B: platelet clumping on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Coagulation

Coagulation HemostasisPart I
  • ???? ????

Platelet Disorders
Classification of Congenital Platelet Disorders
  • Platelet membrane glycoprotein defects
  • Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GP IIb-IIIa defect)
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome (GP Ib-IX-V defect)
  • Disorders of storage granules, secretion signal
  • Storage pool deficiencies (a- or d-granules)
  • Receptor defects (for TXA2, ADP, collagen)
  • Impaired arachidonic acid pathways or TXA2
  • Defects in G-protein activation, calcium
    mobilization, protein phosphorylation
  • Platelet membrane phospholipid, structural or
    cytoskeletal defects
  • MYH9-related disorders, Scott syndrome,
    Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, X-linked
    thrombocytopenia, etc.

Glanzmann Thrombasthenia
  • Autosomal recessive
  • Symptoms mild to severe mucocutaneous bleeding
  • Laboratory evidence
  • Normal platelet count and morphology
  • Markedly prolonged bleeding time or PFA-100
  • Absent or severely diminished platelet
    aggregation in response to ADP, collagen,
    thrombin, and epinephrine
  • Normal but possibly reversible platelet
    agglutination by ristocetin and vWF
  • Clot retraction, absent to subnormal
  • Genetics Defects in GP IIb or GP IIIa gene
  • Phenotypes
  • Type I GP IIb/IIIa numbers lt 5,
    absent clot retraction.
  • Type II GP IIb/IIIa numbers 515,
    partial clot retraction.
  • Treatment Platelet transfusion. Risk of

Clot Retraction
  • Clot retraction
  • Add thrombin into platelet-rich plasma.
  • Thrombin induces fibrin formation and platelet
  • Blood clot reduced to almost 20 of its original
    volume within 60 min.
  • Mechanism
  • Integrin GP IIb/IIIa ( aIIbß3) links cytoplasmic
    actin filaments to surface-bound fibrin polymers.
  • Platelet activation induces intracellular signals
    and leads assembly of complex of many
    actin-binding proteins.
  • Eventually platelet myosin serves as a motor to
    drive clot retraction.

Euglobulin Lysis Time
  • A test measures overall fibrinolysis.
  • Procedures
  • Mix platelet-poor plasma with acid in a glass
    test tube. Acidification causes precipitation,
    euglobulin fraction.
  • Euglobulin fraction is resuspended in a borate
    solution. Clotting is activated by addition of
    calcium chloride at 37 C.
  • Subsequent amount of fibrinolysis is determined
    every 10 min until complete lysis. (Normal
    within 90 min to 6 hr.)
  • Euglobulin fraction contains the important
    fibrinolytic factors (fibrinogen, PAI-1, tPA,
    plasminogen, and to a lesser extent
  • Increased fibrinolysis (shortened euglobulin
    lysis time)
  • Administration of Streptokinase, urokinase, t-PA,
  • Cirrhosis (decreased t-PA clearance and
    antiplasmin production), Shock
  • Hereditary deficiency of fibrinogen
  • Leukemia, Prostatic cancer
  • Obstetric complications (e.g.antepartum
    hemorrhage, hydatidiform mole, amniotic embolism)
  • Extensive vascular (blood vessel) trauma or

Bernard-Söulier Syndrome
  • Autosomal recessive, BSS is rarer than GT
  • Symptoms from very mild to severe mucocutaneous
  • Laboratory evidence
  • Moderate to severe thrombocytopenia (20K120K)
  • Large platelets with a heterogeneous size
  • Prolonged bleeding time or PFA-100, longer than
  • Normal platelet aggregation in response to ADP,
    collagen, and epinephrine (but not thrombin)
  • Absent platelet agglutination by ristocetin and
    vWF, that is not corrected by normal plasma
  • Normal clot retraction
  • Genetics Defects in GP Iba, GP Ibß, or GP IX
  • Treatment Platelet transfusion. Risk of

  • Inherited Defects of Receptors Signaling
  • Receptor defects
  • Collagen receptor defect ? a2ß1(GP Ia/IIa)
  • ADP receptor defect ? P2Y12, P2Y1, P2X1
  • Epinephrine receptor defect
  • Thromboxane A2 receptor defect
  • Defect of intracellular signaling pathways
  • G protein activation
  • Phosphatidyl-inositol metabolism
  • Arachidonic acid pathways TXA2 synthesis
  • Enzyme deficiencies
  • Cyclo-oxygenase-1 ?
  • PG H synthetase-1 ? Glycogen-6
  • Thromboxane synthetase ? ATP metabolism

Platelet Granule Content
  • Adhesive proteins
  • vWF
  • Fibrinogen
  • Fibronectin
  • Thrombospondin
  • Promote coagulation
  • Factor V
  • PAI-1
  • Growth modulators
  • PDGF
  • Platelet factor 4
  • Cell-cell interaction
  • P-selectin

To recruit additional platelets
ADP, ATP Serotonin
Source 1. synthesized in megakaryocyte, or
2. endocytosed (absorbed) from plasma
Storage Pool Deficiency Syndrome
  • a-SPD
  • Abnormal secretion-dependent platelet aggregation
  • Gray platelet syndrome rare, autosomal
    recessive, enlarged platelets (pale, ghost-like
    platelets), moderate thrombocytopenia, mild
  • Quebec platelet disorder rare, autosomal
    dominant. Abnormal proteolysis of a-granule
    proteins, and abnormal release of large amount of
    uPA. Bleeding should be treated with Transamin,
    rather than platelet transfusion.
  • d-SPD (Common. Variant defects)
  • Absent ADP or epinephrine-induced 2o wave,
    although 1o waves are present.
  • Some combined form ad-SPD
  • d-SPD combined other congenital anomalies (rare)
  • TAR (thrombocytopenia with absent radius
  • WAS (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome) combined eczema,
    immune deficiency cancer
  • Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome associated with
    oculocutaneous albinism, pulmonary fibrosis,
    inflammatory bowel syndrome.
  • Chédiak-Higashi syndrome associated with severe
    immune deficiency and progressive neurological

Laboratory Tests for Platelet Function
  • Platelet count
  • Platelet morphology
  • Peripheral blood smear
  • Electron microscopy
  • Template bleeding time
  • PFA-100
  • Platelet aggregation tests
  • Flow cytometry for CD41 (GP IIb), CD61 (GP IIIa)

Platelet aggregation
Gp Ib/IX
Platelet adhesion
Causes of Prolonged Bleeding Time
  • Thrombocytopenia (platelet lt 100K)
  • Platelet dysfunctions
  • Congenital
  • Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GP IIb/IIIa defect)
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome (GP Ib-IX-V defect)
  • Storage pool disease (d granule deficiency)
  • Signal transduction or secretion defects
  • Acquired
  • Aspirin, Ticlopidine, NSAID, Carbencillin, etc.
  • Uremia
  • Defects of mediators for platelet adhesion and
  • von Willebrand disease
  • Afibrinogenemia
  • Others DIC, Hepatic failure, etc

In Vitro Bleeding Time Platelet function
analyzer (PFA-100)(Dade-Behring, Germany)a
point-of-care assay
  • Citrated whole blood (0.8 mL), stable for 4 hr
    at room temp.
  • Measure high shear-dependent platelet function
  • Closure Time
  • Limitation Platelet gt80K, Hct gt30
  • Cartridge membrane coated with
  • Collagen-epinephrine (Col/EPI) primary screening
  • Collagen-ADP (Col/ADP) differentiation

Template Bleeding Time better
PFA-100 better
von Willebrand disease
Aspirin ingestion
Congenital platelet receptor disorders
Platelet storage or secretion defects
  • PFA-100 can detect
  • von Willebrand disease (except type 2N)
  • Glanzmann thrombasthenia or Bernard-Soulier
  • Platelet storage pool and release disorders
    (slight insensitive)
  • Aspirin-induced platelet dysfunction (for
    detection of aspirin resistance)
  • adequacy of GP IIb/IIIa antagonists during
    percutaneous coronary intervention.
  • (Brit. J. Haematol. 2005 1303-10)

High sensitivity to severe vWD and severe
platelet dysfunction
  • 100 sensitivity for severe vWD (type 2A, 2B, 2M,
    and type 3 )
  • 83.291.5 sensitivity for type 1 vWD (C/EPI gt
  • Cannot detect type 2N vWD (Semin Thromb
    Haemost 2006 32537)
  • 100 sensitivity for severe forms of platelet
    dysfunction (Glanzmann thrombasthenia and
    Bernard-Soulier syndrome)
  • 3060 sensitivity for mild forms of platelet
    dysfunction (storage pool disease, secretion
    defect, etc.)

Normal PFA-100 cannot exclude mild vWD or mild
platelet dysfunction. Further investigation is
needed, if clinically suspects.
PFA-100 still has false positive results, such as
thrombocytopenia, low hematocrit, anti-platelet
drug, some coagulation factor deficiencies, etc.
Bleeding tendency, suspect primary hemostatic
PFA-100 screening
Col/EPI has higher sensitivity and better predict
value than Col/ADP.
Col / EPI
1. Exclude severe vWD, severe platelet
dysfunction, and severe drug effect. 2. If
initial suspicion low, no further
investigation. 3. If initial suspicion high,
arrange FVIIIC, vWFAg, vWFRCo, platelet
aggregation test, etc.
Col / ADP
1. Mild vWD or platelet dysfunction 2. Drug
effect 3. False positive
1. Severe vWD or platelet dysfunction 2. Drug
effect 3. False positive
Adapted from Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2007
Platelet Aggregation Tests
Normal platelet count, but prolonged bleeding
time (PFA-100)
? Drug history (Herbal medicine)
Stop suspicious drugs
? R/O Uremia
Bleeding time returns normal
? R/O vWD
Platelet aggregation tests
Drug-induced platelet dysfunction
completely absent aggregation responses
absent secondary aggregation wave
impaired ristocetin response only
  • vWD
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome
  • Storage pool deficiency
  • Signal transduction defects
  • Defects in AA pathway
  • Glanzmann thrombasthenia

ADP Epinephrine Collagen Ristocetin
Bernard-Soulier N N N Absent
Epinephrine receptor defect N ? N N
Collagen receptor defect N N ? N
ADP, thromboxane receptor defect ? ? ? N
d-SPD ? ? ? N
Defect of signal transduction variable variable variable N
Glanzmann thrombasthenia Absent Absent Absent N or?
  • Incidence 0.090.21
  • Falsely low platelet count is caused by in vitro
    clumping in EDTA-anticoagulant sample.
  • Platelet clumping is typically caused by a
    naturally occurring antibody to GP IIb/IIIa
    exposed on platelets by EDTA.
  • Confirm
  • Fresh PB (without anticoagulant) smear
  • Compare platelet count results between
    heparin-blood and EDTA-blood samples

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
  • Platelet lifespan
  • Assumption increased platelet synthetic rate,
    short platelet lifespan
  • Increased megakaryocytes in BM
  • Evidence of increased destruction of platelets in
  • Platelet antibodies
  • Truth
  • 111In-label autologous platelet demonstrated ITP
    platelets lifespans are surprisingly long,
    implying that platelet turnover is much less than
    had been assumed.
  • Evidence of antibodies impaired megakaryocyte
  • Thrombopoietin levels in ITP patients are similar
    to that in normal individuals.

Questions about Diagnosis of ITP
  • Bone marrow examination ?
  • BM examination is reserved for
  • Unresponsive to therapy,
  • Over 5060 years of age,
  • R/O MDS (1 presented with isolated
  • Splenectomy is considered.
  • Platelet antibody tests ?
  • They could not distinguish between ITP and other
    thrombocytopenia. (poor sensitivity and
  • Diagnose ITP remains clinical, and by exclusion.
  • (ASH practice guideline) Tests for
    platelet-associated IgG are neither necessary nor
    appropriate in evaluation of childhood or adult

Questions about Diagnosis of ITP
  • Differential diagnosis ?
  • Psudothrombocytopenia
  • Gestational thrombocytopenia
  • SLE, other autoimmune disease (Evans syndrome,
    Hashimotos thyroiditis, Graves diseases.)
  • Common variable immunodeficiency
  • HIV infection, lymhoproliferative disorders,
    cirrhosis of liver, sarcoidosis, or Gauchers
  • More than two first degree relatives in family
    have ITP. (Hereditary throbocytopenia)

Treatment of Patients with Refractory ITP
  1. Eradication of H. pylorie
  2. Dapson
  3. Ritxuimab
  4. Azathioprine
  5. Danazole
  6. Cyclophosphamide
  7. Vincristine
  8. Removal of accessory spleen
  9. Eltrombopag, Romiplostim
  10. Pulse steroid therapy
  11. High-dose cyclophosphamide with autologous stem
    cell support

ITP and Helicobacter pylorie Eradication
  • Molecular minicry of CagA of H. pylorie to
    platelet antigen.
  • Association of eradication of H. pylorie and both
    disappearance of anti-CagA antibodies and an
    increase in platelet count
  • The CogA positivity of H pylorie varies depending
    upon geographic location
  • In Japan, most H pylorie strains express CagA
  • In western countries, most strain do not express

From Blood 2009 1131231-1240
Thrombocytopenia in Pregnancy
  • Isolated thrombocytopenia
  • Gestational (incidental) thrombocytopenia
  • incidence 5 of pregnant women, platelet count
    gt70K, spontaneous remission
  • Immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP)
  • Associated systemic disorders
  • HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver function tests,
    Low Platelets) syndrome. (a variant form of
    Pre-eclampsia, always have hypertension and
  • TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
  • Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP). (sudden
    catastrophic illness microvesicular fatty
    infiltration of hepatocytes causes acute liver
    failure with coagulopathy and encephalopathy.
    always without hypertension or proteinuria)

Management of ITP in Pregnancy
  • Maternal part
  • Indication of treatment platelet count lt 30K in
    2nd or 3rd trimester, or bleeding.
  • Management
  • Oral steroid,
  • IVIG (in 3rd trimester and labor)
  • laparoscopic splenectomy (in 2nd trimester)
  • Safe platelet count for delivery 50K for vaginal
    or C/S
  • C/S does not decrease incidence of fetal
    intrancranial hemorrrhage during delivery.
  • Neonatal part
  • Incidence of neonatal thrombocytopenia 10 below
  • Cordocentesis or fetal scalp sampling not
  • Give platelet transfusion, IVIG, or steroid, if
    platelet lt20K or hemorrhage

HELLP syndrome
  • Prevalence 0.50.9 of total pregnancy. A
    variant of severe pre-eclampsia. Increased
    maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.
  • Onset 70 at 3rd trimester, 10 at 2nd
    trimester, 20 between 37th gestation weeks and
    postpartum 48hr.
  • Clinical symptoms rapidly develop
  • Complete form RUQ pain or epigastralgia, nausea,
    vomiting, headache (continuously progress, esp.
    in nights)
  • Partial or incomplete form fewer symptoms
  • 8090 have hypertension and proteinuria
  • Triad signs
  • Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (fragmented RBC
    in PB, total bilirubin ?1.2 mg/dL, decreased
  • Elevated Liver functions AST (or ALT) ? 70 IU/L,
  • Low platelet count ? 100K
  • Immediate delivery is indicated, if after 34th

Gestational thrombocytopenia
1st trimester
2nd trimester
3rd trimester
  • If severe ADAMTS13 deficiency, TTP is diagnosed.
    If marked elevation of LDH and modest elevation
    of AST more favor TTP than HELLP.
  • HUS is rare. It often considered to be primarily
    a renal disease with limited systemic
    complications, while TTP is a systemic disease
    with a relatively low frequency of renal disease.
  • Serum glucose and ammonia are the most useful
    tests to help distinguish AFLP from HELLP
  • HEELP no response to plasma exchange. Consider
    to try high-dose steroid, or deliver the infant
    and placenta.

Inherited Thrombocytopenia (1)
  • Increased platelet size (common)
  • MYH9-related disease
  • Autosomal dominant, MYH9 gene at 22q12-13,
    encodes for heavy chain of non-muscle myosin IIA
    (NMMHC-IIA) protein which involved in motor
    activity of cytoskeleton
  • May-Hegglin anomaly (MHA)
  • Mild thrombocytopenia due to ineffective
    thrombopoiesis, Giant platelets (5-40) with
    under-estimated platelet count, anisocytic or
    hypergranular platelet
  • Basophilic inculsions (Döhles body) in
    neutrophils (2575) due to aggregation of MYH9
  • Sebastian syndrome (SBS)
  • Fechtner syndrome (FTNS)
  • Epstein syndrome (EPTS)

Macro-thrombocytopenia Sensori-neural hearing loss Cataract Glomerulo-nephritis Leukocyte inclusions
MHA - - - (type 1)
SBS - - - (type 2)
FTNS (type 2)
EPTS - -
Inherited Thrombocytopenia (2)
  • Increased platelet size (continuous)
  • Grey platelet syndrome (a-storage pool
  • GPIba gene defects
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome
  • Platelet-type von Willebrand disease
  • Mediterranean macrothrombocytopenia
  • Others Montreal platelet syndrome,
    Paris-Trousseau / Jacobsen syndrome
  • Reduced platelet size (rare)
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (cytoskeleton defect)
  • Normal platelet size (rare)
  • Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
  • Defect of c-mpl (TPO receptor), or HOXA11, or
    large deletion of Iq21.1
  • Some combined skeletal defect, absent radius,
    ulna or humerus.
  • Schulman-Upshow syndrome
  • Mutations at ADAMTS13 gene, neonatal TTP

  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
  • WASp is a key regulator of actin polymerization
    in hematopoietic cells involved in signal
    transduction with tyrosine phosphorylation sites
    adapter protein function. Considered as a
    pathology of cytoskeleton.
  • Intermittent bleeding, thrombocytopenia, small
  • Classical WAS Eczema, recurrent bacterial and
    viral infect defects in cellular humoral
    immunity, increased risk of autoimmunity
  • Median survival15 yr. infection (44),
    bleeding(23), malignancy(26)
  • Gene defect
  • Isolate thrombocytopenia (XLT) frequent missense
  • WAS syndrome frequent nonsense or frameshift

Affected Gene Phenotype
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome WAS, Xp11.22-23 Immunodeficiency, eczema, lymphoma, small platelets
X-linked thrombocytopenia (XLT) WAS Small platelets, no immune problem
Inherited Thrombocytopenia
  • WAS/XLT small platelets, poor platelet function
  • vWD 2B platelet clumping on smear, varying
    platelet counts, exacerbated by pregnancy and
    other stresses
  • May-Hegglin anomaly large platelets, Döhle-like
    bodies in neutrophils (other forms of
    MYH9-related syndromes may have hearing loss,
    cataract, or renal disease.)
  • Bernard-Soulier syndrome epistaxis, very large
  • Congenital amegakaryoctyic thrombocytopenia no
    characteristic anomalies c-mpl (thrombopoietin
    receptor) mutation in most patients, may progress
    to aplastic anemia, diagnosis usually before age
    of 2 years.

Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia
Classical HIT Non-immune HIT
Incidence 0.012 10
Platelet count 1050K 80150K
Onset 5th10th day 1st2nd day
Symptoms Venous or arterial thrombosis None
Management DC heparin Continue heparin
Diagnostic Criteria of type II Heparin-induced
Chong Isaacs Thromb Haemost 2009 101279
  1. Thrombocytopenia occurs during heparin
    administration. (Platelet lt 100K, or platelet
    count drop of gt50 from baseline, occurring
    4th-14th days after initiation of heparin)
  2. Presence of acute arterial or venous thrombosis,
    but is not essential.
  3. Exclusion of other causes of thrombocytopenia
  4. Resolution of thrombocytopenia after cessation of
  5. ( Thrombocytopenia recurs when the patient is
    rechallenged with heparin )
  6. (The demonstration of a heparin-dependent
    platelet antibody by an in vitro test)
  • 4Ts score (Curr Hematol Rep 2003 2148-157)
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Time of thrombocytopenia
  • Thrombosis
  • Exclusion of other cause of thrombocytopenia

(No Transcript)
Venous thrombosis gtgt Pulmonary embolism gt
Arterial thrombosis
Heparin-induced thrombosis
Platelet counts fall over 50
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Serotonin release assay (platelet activation
Enzyme immuno-assay (antigen assay)
Summary of HIT with Thrombosis
  • Antibody against heparin-PF4(platelet factor 4)
  • Entire complex binds to platelets through Fc?RIIA
    receptor, then inducing platelet activation,
    eventually resulting in thrombocytopenia and/or
    venous / arterial thrombosis.
  • LMW heparins may cross react with these
    antibodies. (3050)
  • Warfarin alone is not suitable due to slow
    action, furthermore, it may exacerbate thrombosis
    and precipitate limb gangrene.
  • Bridge drugs
  • Direct thrombin inhibitors
  • hepatic excretion Argatroban,
  • renal excretion Lepirudin (Refludan),
  • Danaparoid (20 cross-reactivity with HIT
  • Pentasaccharine Fondaparinux

Blood Vessel
  • PGI2 prostacyclin
  • NO endothelium-derivative relaxing factor, EDRF
  • ET-1 enothelin-1
  • TSP1 thrombospondin 1 (anti-angiogenic activity,

Blood Vessel
  • TM thrombomodulin
  • EPCR endothelial cell protein C receptor
  • TAFI thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
  • TFPI tissue pathway pathway inhibitor

Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor (TAFI)
  • TAFI (also called plasma procarboxypeptidase B or
    U ) removes carboxy-terminal lysine residues that
    appear during proteolysis of the fibrin polymers.
    This induces hypo-fibrinolysis by decreasing the
    fibrin capacity to bind tPA and plasminogen.

Vascular Disorder
  • Macrovascular bleeding
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
  • Microvascular bleeding
  • Cutaneous vasculitits, Henoch-Schönlein purpura
  • Amyloidosis
  • Scurvy
  • Cushing syndrome
  • Senile purpura
  • Giant cavernous hemangioma
  • Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome ? chronic DIC

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Cushing syndrome
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
  • Chronic recurrent bleeding from nose, mucosa
    (upper or lower GI bleeding), A-V malformation
    (lung, liver, brain, etc.)
  • Multiple telangiectasis on lip, tongue, face, and
  • Autosomal dominance, high penetrance.
  • Genetic defects
  • HHT-1 endoglin, 9q33-34
  • HHT-2 ALK-1, 12q13

Manifestations Incidence
Positive family Hx 70-95
Epistaxis 90-95
Cutaneous telangiectasia 70-75
Visceral involvement 20-25
GI bleeding 12-15
Hepatic AVMs 8-30
Pulmonary AVMs 5-20
CNS AVMs 4-10
J Clin Gastroenterol 200336149
Evolution of Cutaneous Telangiectasis in
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telaniectasia
From Guttmacher AG et al. N Engl J Med 333918,
Thrmobtic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
  • Diagnosis
  • Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
  • Thrombocytopenia
  1. Neurological abnormalities (transient confusion,
    fluctuating focal deficits, seizure, coma, etc.)
  2. Fever
  3. Renal impairment
  1. Without an alternative causes
  • Exclude alternative causes
  • Evans syndrome
  • SLE
  • DIC
  • Sepsis
  • Eclampsia, preeclampsia, HELLP (hemolysis,
    elevated liver function, and low platelet)
  • Drug toxicity (e.g. calcineurin inhibitors)
  • Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Malignant hypertension
  • Cancers

(No Transcript)
  • Idiopathic TTP
  • Severe deficiency 33100 (average 75)
  • If exclude creat. gt 3.5 mg/dL, over 90 of TTP
    cases have deficiency of ADMTS13
  • Idiopathic TTP has good response to plasma
  • Secondary TTP
  • Almost never ADAMTS deficiency in 2o TTP
  • BMT or CysA-associated TTP no deficiency of
  • Diarrhea-associated HUS rarely deficiency
  • Atypical HUS (without diarrhea prodrome)
    seldom have ADAMTS13 deficiency, but common in
    dysregulation of complement activation (mutations
    in complement factor H, factor I, factor B, or
    membrane cofactor protein or autoantibodies of
  • Always poor response to plasma exchange

Blood 2008 11211-8
Monitoring of ADAMTS13 Activity for Prediction
of Therapeutic Response Prognosis
  • First attack of TTP
  • Idiopathic TTP patients whether ADAMTS13
    deficiency or not have similar response rates and
    short-term survival.
  • All idiopathic TTP patients should be treated
    with plasma exchange, regardless of ADAMTS13
  • About one-half of patients with severe ADAMTS
    deficiency suffer at least one relapse within 2
    years, whereas patients without def. almost never
  • After remission
  • ADAMTS13 levels during TTP remission
  • Persistent severe def. vs No def. 60 vs 19
  • Autoantibody detectable during remission
  • Detectable inhibitor vs No inhibitor 57 vs 4
  • Monitoring ADAMTS13 activity and/or its
    antibodies during remission might have predictive
    value of disease relapse.

Blood 2008 11211-8
Management of TTP (1)
  • Classical TTP
  • Acute TTP Plasma exchange gtgt plasma infusion
    (FFP or cryosupernatant plasma)
  • RefractoryTTP or Chronic relapsing TTP
    Rituximab, Steroid, IVIG, Immunosupressive
    agents (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, etc.),
  • Acute, immune-mediated drug toxicity Quinine,
    ticlopidine, clopidogrel
  • Plasma exchange is choice (Immunosuppressive
    treatment is not needed.)
  • Chronic renal failure is common.

NEJM 2006 3541927-1934. Curr Opin
Hematol 2008 15445-450
Management of TTP (2)
  • Post-diarrheal HUS (Shiga toxin-producing
    bacteria, typically E. coli O157H7)
  • Hemodialysis and supportive care (plasma exchange
    is not needed.)
  • Cumulative, dose-dependent drug toxicity
    mitomycin, gemcitabine, cyclosporin, tacrolimus.
  • Mortality is high. Chronic renal failure is
  • Allo-BMT or PSCT
  • Thrombotic microangiopathy limited to the kidney.
    The benefit of plasma exchange is unlikely.
    Mortality is high because of multiple

NEJM 2006 3541927-1934. Curr Opin
Hematol 2008 15445-450
(No Transcript)
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