Eukaryotic Gene Regulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eukaryotic Gene Regulation


forms a hairpin loop that is required for expression in presence of iron ... Fold into a hairpin loop and converted to mature miRNA by steps ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Eukaryotic Gene Regulation

Chapter 23
  • Eukaryotic Gene Regulation

Levels of Regulation
  • 5 main levels
  • genome level
  • transcription level
  • RNA processing and export
  • translation level
  • post-translational events
  • Last 3 are also categorized as post-transcriptiona
    l controls

Genome Control
  • Small fraction of genes are used in each cell but
    they all have the same genes
  • except sperm and egg cells haploid
  • Nucleus is totipotent
  • put adult nuclei in an egg cell and can get
    tadpole development
  • clone
  • Can do in plants by isolating a single cell and
    grow in a dish without transplanting nucleus into
    a new cell

Gene Amplification
  • Selective amplification of certain genes
  • Genomic control as regulates the change in the
    make of the structural organization of genome
  • rRNA genes in Xenopus usually number 500 copies
    for each gene but during oogenesis they increase
  • needed for the amount of ribosomes that are
    needed to make the proteins

rRNA Genes
  • Present as circles in the nucleoli
  • Use RNA rather than protein as to get abundant
    protein we can use the mRNA over and over to get
    enough protein

Additional Genome Modification
  • Some organisms will delete genes they no longer
  • RBCs remove all DNA once they have enough mRNA
    for hemoglobin for their lifespan
  • Copopods get rid of heterochromatin in all cells
    with the exception of cells destined to become

DNA Rearrangement
  • Alter the genome
  • See in yeast that control mating and vertebrates
    that make antibodies

Yeast Mating Type
  • 2 haploid cells meet and fuse
  • both a and ? genes are present in the HML? and
    HMRa locus but mating type is dependent on which
    gene is in the MAT locus
  • can get DNA rearrangement to change the mating
    type cassette movement
  • SIR gene products keep the extra copies of the
    genes from being expressed to keep from altering
    the phenotype
  • ? and a encode secretory proteins and surface

Ab Formation
  • Ab made of 2 heavy chains and 2 light chains
  • Proteins are made from selecting gene segments
    from a small number of segments that will yield
    numerous Ab
  • millions of combinations
  • Heavy chain use a V, J, D and C segment
  • Light chain use only the V, J and C segments

Recombination Aides Transcription
  • Enhancer region is near the C segments but the
    promoter is upstream of the V region
  • Need enhancer to activate transcription of Ab
    genes into mRNA and prior to rearrangement, the
    enhancer and promoter are too far apart to work

Genome Decondensation
  • Need some degree of chromatin infolding to get
    the necessary transcription machinery access to
    the DNA
  • Saw first in fruit fly salivary glands
  • cell becomes larger and daughter strands are not
    separated into new cells but rather, remain
    attached to form polytene chromosomes

Polytene Chromosomes
  • See areas of highly condensed inactive DNA and
    areas that are open and not so condensed
  • Green areas are areas of transcription
    fluorescent Ab to RNA polymerase

Chromosomal Puffs
  • Puffs are large areas of decondensed DNA that is
    being actively transcribed
  • Under the influence of ecdysone insect steroid
    hormone that triggers transcription

DNase 1 Sensitivity
  • DNase I is an endonuclease that degrades dsDNA
    that is not protected by proteins (histones)
  • Active genes will be degraded and others left
  • tissue specific in terms of DNA being degraded

Chromatin Changes
  • Chromatin uncoiling is prerequisite for DNA
  • DNase 1 hypersensitivity is common upstream of
    transcription start sites and are 10x more
    susceptible to DNase 1 that other DNA
  • usually no chromatin present to protect the DNA
  • area of hypersensitivity

DNA Methylation
  • Methylation of various Cytosine residues in DNA
  • most vertebrates contain small amount -CH3 in the
    non-coding regions _at_ 5 end of genes
  • -CH3 of the parent strand will dictate the -CH3
    of new daughter strand
  • Epigenetic changes change the gene expression
    without altering the DNA sequence

X Chromosome
  • Most recognized -CH3 DNA sequence
  • 2nd X-chromosome is heavily -CH3 and this causes
    the chromosome to become a tight mass of
    heterochromatin called a Barr Body
  • same X remains inactive for the all descendents
    of that cell following Barr Body formation in

  • Can use restriction enzymes to determine -CH3
    patterns as on the same gene in different tissues
    they are specific
  • Usually inactive genes are -CH3 and active are
  • -CH3 prevents transcription
  • not always true, some active genes are -CH3 while
    some un-CH3 genes are inactive
  • Methylation is one of many factors regulating
    gene expression

Changes in Histones
  • Acetylation is the addition of an acetyl group to
    the R groups on histone amino acids
  • See increase in acetylation in active gene areas
  • Treat cells with Na Butyrate increases the
    acetylation and causes changes in nucleosome
    formation and DNA becomes more susceptible to
    DNase 1 activity
  • Phosphorylation and -CH3 also can influence gene
  • no acetyl or methyl group leads to
    heterochromatin formation
  • H1 histone absence also leads to transcription
  • the looser the packing of DNA the more accessible
    to RNA polymerase and other machinery

High-Mobility Group (HMG) Proteins
  • Non-histone proteins that move rapidly in
  • Remove the HMG proteins and loose gene activity
  • add HMG protein from a different tissue, get gene
    expression similar to that cell type
  • tissue specific proteins

Association With Nuclear Matrix
  • Active genes are found in association with the
    nuclear matrix
  • DNA sequences called matrix attachment regions
    (MARs) hold the active genes near the nuclear

Transcriptional Control
  • 2nd main level of control
  • Different gene sets in different cell types
  • See differential gene expression in different
  • see a different set of proteins in different
    cells so you would assume a different set of
    nuclear RNA in those cells if it was
    transcriptional control rather than translational

Nuclear Run-On Transcription
RNA Determination
  • Northern analysis can tell how much mRNA is being
    made in a cell
  • Use microarrays now for more information and no
  • Normal green
  • Abnormal red
  • Yellow equal
  • Black none

Proximal Control Elements
  • Close to the promoter, may be upstream or
    downstream depending on gene
  • Seen in protein-coding genes that require RNA
    polymerase II
  • Transcription factors are responsible for
    determining the start of transcription, not RNA
    pol II
  • transcription factor is not part of pol like
    sigma factor in prokayotes
  • Transcription factors and pol assemble at only
    the core promoter, get basal level of

3 Common Types
  • CAAT box, GC box and the octamer
  • Transcription factors bind outside core promoter
    are called regulatory TF
  • usually increase transcription or may decrease
  • Combination of reg. TF and proximal control
    elements is specific to each gene

  • Lie variable distances from the core promoter and
    proximal control elements
  • near or great distance
  • upstream or downstream
  • can even be in a reverse orientation
  • Enhancer stimulates expression of gene
  • Silencer inhibits expression of gene

  • Sequence varies but have common properties
  • Octamer and GC box can also act as enhancer
  • TF that bind enhancers are called activators
  • Study by moving enhancer around and see what
    happens to gene expression levels

  • Bind reg. TF and repress gene expression
  • TF is called a repressor
  • SIR gene products is a repressor and HML? and
    HMRa are the silencers

  • Reg. TF and RNA pol complex
  • Enhancer loops around to be near promoter and
    coactivator proteins mediate the interaction
  • Coactivators make the promoter more accessible to
    the pol complex

Coactivator Molecules
  • Histone acetyl transferase (HAT) acetylates
    histones and nucleosome decondenses
  • Chromatin remodeling proteins
  • SWI/SNF different families
  • Mediator bridge both activator proteins and
    enhancer along with RNA pol II

  • Activator bind enhancer and form an enhanceosome
    that causes DNA to bend
  • Enhanceosome interacts with SWI/SNF and HAT to
    alter chromatin structure
  • Activator binds mediator and positions the RNA
    pol and TF for transcription

Combinatorial Model
  • Multiple DNA control elements and TF in
    combinations establish a specific and precise
    control of gene expression
  • General TF and reg. TF used for constitutive
    genes and frequently used genes
  • Tissue specific genes have TF or combinations of
    them are unique for that cell type

(No Transcript)
Structural Motifs
  • Portions of TF that bind DNA and activate or
    repress transcription
  • Regulatory factors have 2 activities in separate
    protein domains
  • bind specific DNA sequence DNA binding domain
  • ability to regulate transcription transcription
    regulation or activation domain

Activation Domain
  • Figured out using swapping experiments
  • take DNA binding domain and place in various
    parts of TF
  • see gene expression only if the activation domain
    was present
  • Activation domain has a high proportion of acidic
    amino acids on one side of the ? helix
  • mutations that increase acidity increases
  • mutations that decrease acidity decrease

DNA Binding Domains
  • 2 structure or motif
  • 4 common patterns
  • helix-turn-helix
  • zinc finger
  • leucine zipper
  • helix-loop-helix

  • 2 ? helices and a turn
  • 1 ? helix is recognition helix and binds by
  • 1 ? helix stabilizes structure with hydrophobic

Zinc Finger Motif
  • ? helix and 2 segments of ? sheet with a Zn
    between them on a Csy or His residue
  • May have 2 to several dozen per TF
  • Protrude from protein and interact with specific
    DNA sequence

Leucine Zipper Motif
  • 2 polypeptides (homomeric or heteromeric) with ?
    helix that has regularly spaced Leu residues
  • Form coiled-coil structure by zipping up the
  • 2 ? helices at end of each peptide interacts with
    specific DNA sequence

Helix-Loop-Helix Motif
  • Short ? helix, long loop of amino acids and long
    ? helix
  • hydrophobic regions that connect 2 polypeptides
    (same or different)
  • 4 helix bundle and 2 DNA recognition sequences
    2-part DNA binding domain

DNA Response Elements
  • Activate a group of genes at the same time
  • development and functioning of specialized cells
  • genes usually scattered in the genome
  • Response elements turn on and off genes in
    response to environmental or developmental signal
  • place the RE next to genes that need to be
    regulated can controlled together
  • important in embryonic development and tissue
    responding to environmental and physiological

Hormone Response Elements
  • Respond to steroid hormones
  • Nuclear receptor proteins mediate the actions
    of steroid hormones
  • progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and
  • Chemical messenger binds to receptor protein and
    enters the cell, transmits signals to usually
    activate transcription with an occasional
  • Steroid hormone receptor acts as a TF binding to
    DNA control sequence Hormone Response Element

  • Steroid response elements have similar sequences
    and are upstream of promoter
  • steroid hormone receptor is a zinc finger type TF
    with a hormone binding site, DNA binding site and
    a transcription activator site

Cortisol Activationof Gene
  • Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is in cytosol and is
    bound to hsp so cannot enter the nucleus
  • When cortisol is present, binds to GR and hsp is
    removed and now can enter nucleus and bind to
    response element
  • Forms a GR-S dimer and activates transcription

Common Theme
  • Inverted repeat 2 copies in opposite directions
  • Most other steroid receptors are already in the
    nucleus without the hormone but require it to
    release inhibition
  • Occasionally can inhibit by binding to gene
  • GC doesnt form dimers but depresses initiation
    oby recruiting enzyme to remove acetyl groups
    chromosomes condense and no room for
    transcription machinery

Protein Phosphorylation
  • Involves cAMP to stimulate protein kinase A
  • CREB binds to cAMP response element and is
    phosphorylated by PKA, recruits transcriptional
    activator CREB binding proteins (CBP)
  • CBP catalyzes histone acetylation to recruit RNA
    pol and transcription

Signal Transducers and Activators of
Transcription (STATs)
  • Interferons are the signaling molecules for STATs
  • IFN make neighboring cells to resistant to virus
  • IFN binds the receptor activates Janus Activated
    Kinase (JAK) which adds PO4 to STATs which
    dimerize and move to nucleus and bind DNA to
    increase transcription
  • JAK-STAT pathway has considerable specificity
    activates a unique set of genes
  • STATs are also phosphorylated by other signaling

Other Important Phosphorylations
  • SMADs after TGF? binding
  • MAP Kinase controlling cell growth and division

Heat Shock Response Elements
  • Increase in temperature activates genes
  • Heat shock or stress-response genes regulates
    genes at different chomosomal sites
  • Gene products help to minimize damage due to
    thermal denaturation
  • Hsp70 is a molecular chaperone that helps refold
  • Heat-shock response element is a binding site
    upstream of other common promoter sequences
  • heat shock TF binds to the HSRE it is inactive at
    permissive temperature but as the temperature
    increases causes conformation change that allow
    binding and further activated by phosphorylation

Basic Principle
  • Genes in different chromosomal locations are
    activated by the same signal if the same response
    element is near each of them

Homeotic Gene
  • Genes responsible for body plan
  • Mutations in the homeotic gene causes changes in
    body plan
  • bithorax gene complex 2 sets of wings
  • antennapedia gene complex legs instead of
  • Homeotic genes encode a family of TF that
    activate/inhibit transcription of developmentally
    important genes

  • Near the 3 end of homeotic genes
  • Homeobax encodes the homeodomain that binds to
  • highly conserved during evolution
  • helix-turn-helix motif

Post-Transcriptional Control
  • All are regulatory points after transcription
  • Fine tune gene expression without drastic
    transcriptional changes to transient changes in

Control of RNA Processing and Transport
  • 1º transcript to mRNA
  • 5 cap, 3 polyA tail, chemical modifications
    (CH3), exon selection, intron removal and RNA
  • RNA splicing is important can make different
    mRNA from 1º transcript that allows for more than
    one type of protein product
  • Splicing is controlled by proteins that bind to
    the splice site and protect it from splicing

Alternative Splicing
  • IgM can either be secreted or membrane bound
    depending on the splicing that occurs at the 3
  • Use alternative splice site if it is to
    membrane bound, then need the exons that contain
    the hydrophobic membrane spanning region

RNA Export
  • Splicing and processing of the 1º transcript is
    important for export
  • 5 capping and 3 polyA defects have a decrease
    in export of those messages to the cytoplasm
  • If introns are removed from a gene, then the
    message is not transported to the cytoplasm but
    if you put at least one intron back into the gene
    there is transport to the cytoplasm of the mRNA
  • mRNA genes require a nuclear export signal

Translation Rates
  • Several mechanisms
  • alter ribosomes or protein synthesis factors
  • regulate the activity and/or stability of mRNA

Heme-Controled Inhibitor (HCI)
  • Globin synthesis is regulated by the presence of
  • HCI is inhibited by heme that allows for
    translation of the globin mRNA
  • When no heme, HCI phosphorylates eIF2 which
    prevents translation of globin and other messages
  • no need for globin if there is no heme

Initiation Factor Regulation
  • Other kinases can also phosphorylate eIF2
  • PO4 of eIF4 binds the 5 mRNA cap but rather than
    inhibiting translation it activates it
  • seen in adenovirus infection
  • Phosphorylation also regulates initiation and
    elongation factors as well as aminoacyl-tRNA
  • All these are non-specific controls of translation

  • Iron storage protein synthesis stimulated in
    the presence of iron
  • Iron-response element (IRE) in the 5
    un-translated leader sequence
  • forms a hairpin loop that is required for
    expression in presence of iron

  • IRE-binding protein binds to IRE without iron
    get low level translation
  • Fe present binds to the IRE binding protein and
    removes it from the hairpin loop and ribosome can
    bind and do high level translation
  • Translational repressor control specific mRNA
  • response to specific changes in environment

mRNA ½ Life Regulation
  • ½-life is the time to remove ½ mRNA time
    differs from mRNA to mRNA
  • alters the stability of the message
  • PolyA tail dictates the stabilty of mRNA
  • long tail greater stability
  • short tail less stability
  • Other features in the 3 un-translated region
    also involved
  • AU rich sequence triggers removal of polyA tail
    by degradative enzymes causes short ½ life

Fe Control of mRNA Degradation
  • Iron comes in by transferrin receptor protein
  • when Fe levels drop there is an increase in
    transferrin receptor synthesis
  • mRNA protected from degradation
  • use IRE (similar to ferritin IRE) in the 3 end
  • increase in iron in the cell causes mRNA

RNA Interference
  • Use RNA to silence genes
  • Can inhibit activity
  • trigger mRNA degradation
  • inhibit translation
  • inhibit transcription of genes
  • Response to introduction of dsRNA identified in
    plants with infection with dsRNA virus

Specific Gene Inhibition
  • Ribonuclease Dicer cleaves dsRNA into short
    fragments 21-22 bp called small interfering RNA
  • siRNA combine with a group of proteins to make
    RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex)
  • degrades one strand of RNA and the other strand
    will complementarily bind to target mRNA
  • if match is close slicer comes in and degrades
  • if not close match, inhibit translation but not
  • RISC can move to nucleus and siRNA can bind to
    DNA and cause methylation to histones DNA
    becomes transcriptionally inactive
  • Also a useful lab tool to determine the affects
    of genes in cells and cell development

MicroRNAs (miRNA)
  • miRNA transcribed into longer RNA called primary
  • Fold into a hairpin loop and converted to mature
    miRNA by steps
  • Drosha cleave into smaller hairpins
  • move to cytoplasm and Dicer will cut into small
  • bind to ribonucleoprotein complex silence
  • close similarity degraded
  • partial match inhibited
  • Most are targeted to genes for proteins involved
    in development of the organism

Post-Translational Control
  • Modification of protein structure
  • phosphorylation reversible and irreversible
  • permanent change such as proteolytic cleavage
  • Folding by chaperone protein
  • Targeting to intra- and extra-cellular locations
  • Interactions with cAMP or Ca2
  • Amount of protein is a balance between synthesis
    and degradation

Ubiquitin Targeting of Proteins
  • Ubiquitin is a small protein bound to target
    proteins for proteosome
  • 3 components involved
  • ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1
  • ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2
  • substrate recognition protein E3
  • E1 is ATP dependent transfer ubiquitin to E2,
    move to target protein lysine residue with E3

  • Ubiquitin is recognized by proteosomes protease
    in the cytoplasm
  • 6 proteases and ATPase and binding site for
  • removes ubiquitin and then proteases chop up the
    protein into small fragments in a ATP-dependent
  • Different E3 enzymes recognize different amino
    acid sequences in amino terminus can either
    increase or decrease degradation
  • Degrons internal amino acid sequences that
    allow degradation
  • anaphase-promoting complex acts as an E3 for
    mitotic cyclins

Other Methods
  • Ubiquitin targeting is not the only method to
    remove proteins
  • Microautophagy lysosomal membrane forms small
    vesicles that bring in proteins that are then
    degraded in the lysosome
  • non-selective
  • More selective process requires the recognition
    of a glutamine residue with 4 very basic, very
    acid or hydrophobic amino acids on each side
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