Lecture 28 Biodiversity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 28 Biodiversity


Lecture 28 Biodiversity & Human Impact – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 28 Biodiversity

Lecture 28Biodiversity Human Impact
Global Changes Challenges
  • Damage done to one of the worlds ecosystems can
    have ill effects on many others
  • Widespread effects on the worldwide ecosystem are
    termed global change
  • Patterns of global change include
  • Pollution
  • Acid precipitation
  • Ozone hole
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Loss of nonreplaceable resources

Chemical Pollution
  • Major problem because of growth of heavy industry
    and overly casual attitude in industrialized
  • Air pollution
  • Gray-air cities (include New York)
  • Pollutants are usually sulfur oxides emitted by
  • Brown-air cities (include Los Angeles)
  • Pollutants undergo chemical reactions in the
  • Water pollution
  • A serious consequence of our Flushing it down
    the sink attitude

Modern Agricultural
  • The spread of modern agriculture introduced
    large amounts of chemicals into the global
  • Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons (such as DDT) caused
    severe environmental problems through biological
  • Becoming more concentrated as they moved up the
    food chain

Acid Precipitation Sulfur Pollution
  • Sulfur combines with water vapor to produce
    sulfuric acid
  • Natural rain water has a pH of 5.6
  • In the northeastern US, the pH is 4.3
  • This pollution-acidified precipitation is called
    acid rain (acid precipitation)
  • In the 1950s, tall stacks were introduced to
    disperse sulfur-rich smoke into winds to disperse
    and dilute it
  • The problem was exported, not solved!
  • Acid precipitation destroys life
  • Forests and lake ecosystems in Europe and North
    America have been seriously damaged
  • The solution is to capture and remove emissions
    before their release
  • Problems in implementation
  • Who pays for the expense?
  • Polluter and recipient are far from one another

The Ozone Hole CFC Pollution
  • Starting in 1975, the earths ozone shield began
    to disintegrate creating an ozone hole
  • The culprit is a class of chemicals called
    chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that have been used
    since the 1920s as coolants and aerosol
  • Are very stable and thus have accumulated in the
    atmosphere over time
  • Catalyze the conversion of ozone (O3) into oxygen
    (O2) without being used up
  • Every 1 drop in ozone content is estimated to
    lead to a 6 increase in the incidence of skin

The Greenhouse Effect CO2 Pollution
  • For over 150 years, our industrial society has
    been relying on the burning of fossil fuels
  • This has greatly increased atmospheric levels of
    carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • CO2 transmits radiant energy from the sun, but
    traps infrared light, or heat and creates what is
    known as the greenhouse effect
  • The accumulation of CO2 and other greenhouse
    gases (such as CFCs) have led to global warming
    or climate change
  • Average global temperatures could increase from
    1oC to 4oC
  • Global warming will have serious effects on
  • Rain patterns
  • Areas experiencing droughts may see even less
  • Agriculture
  • The yields of some crops will increase, while the
    yields of other crops will decrease
  • Sea levels
  • Melting of large stores of ice will cause water
    levels to rise increasing flooding of low-lying

Reducing Pollution
  • Human activities are placing a severe stress on
    the biosphere
  • Industrial pollution is one of the key problems
  • It results from a failure of our economy to set a
    proper price on environmental health
  • The reason is money!
  • Economists have identified an optimum amount of
    pollution based on how much it costs to reduce
    pollution versus the social and environmental
    cost of allowing pollution
  • However, The indirect costs of pollution often
    are not taken into account!

Reducing Pollution
  • In the US, three approaches have been proposed to
    curb pollution
  • Antipollution laws
  • All cars are required to eliminate automobile
  • Catalytic converters, more efficient gas engines,
    hybrids, and alternate fuel vehicles are a result
  • The Clean Air Act of 1990 requires that power
    plants eliminate sulfur emissions
  • Pollution taxes
  • In effect, a government-imposed price hike that
    adds the hidden environmental costs to the
    price of production.
  • This can discourage consumption or encourage
    desired behavior
  • The recycling tax on bottles and cans is an
  • Pollution trading (being tried in California)
  • Acceptable pollution totals are set for each
  • Companies own rights to pollute a given amount
  • If one company wants to pollute more, or a new
    company wants to add pollution, they have to buy
    the rights from someone who is not using theirs
    or who will change behavior to produce less
  • The cost of polluting then becomes subject to
    market values while the overall level of
    pollution is kept within target levels

Preserving Nonreplaceable Resources
  • The consumption or destruction of nonreplaceable
    resources is the most serious problem humans face
  • In addition to fossil fuels, key nonreplaceable
    resources are
  • Topsoil
  • Groundwater
  • Biodiversity

Preserving Nonreplaceable Resources
  • Topsoil
  • Is being lost at a rate of centimeters per decade
  • The US has lost 25 of its topsoil since 1950!
  • Solutions
  • Terracing to recapture lost topsoil
  • Alternate farming methods that do not rely on
    nitrogen fertilizers
  • Creating ethanol from corn is trading topsoil for
  • Creating ethanol from cellulose biomass is
    potentially better for the soil
  • Groundwater
  • Seeped into its underground reservoir very slowly
    during the last ice age over 12,000 years ago
  • It is being wasted and polluted
  • While we should all conserve our personal use of
  • It is also notable that if Californians quit
    watering all lawns (home and golf course) it
    would reduce California water use by lt 10
  • Agriculture consumes 85 of all freshwater

Preserving Nonreplaceable Resources
  • Biodiversity
  • In the last 20 years, 1/2 of the worlds
    tropical rain forests have been either burned or
  • Animal and plant species are becoming extinct
  • Species from these areas have been the basis of
    many of our modern wonder drugs
  • Marshes and swamps have been and continue to be
    drained for economic development
  • They play a major role in cleaning the water in
    our aquifers
  • Commercial seed companies are replacing local
    farmers seeds and reducing the genetic base of
    food crops
  • In the early the 1970s 70 of the U.S. corn crop
    was lost to Southern corn blight due to the
    narrow genetic base of commercial seed corn
  • Marine resources are being threatened by over
    fishing, pollution, and global warming.
  • Loss of species entails three costs
  • Direct economic value of the products
  • Indirect economic value of the benefits
  • For example, water purification by marshlands
  • Ethical and aesthetic value

Loss of Biodiversity
  • gt 99 of species known to science are now extinct
  • Current rates of extinction are alarmingly high
  • Conservation biologists have identified three key
  • Habitat loss
  • Destruction
  • Pollution
  • Human disruption
  • Habitat fragmentation
  • Species overexploitation
  • Species that are hunted or harvested by humans
    are at great risk of extinction
  • Introduced species
  • The introduction of exotic species by humans has
    wiped out or threatened many native populations

Preserving Endangered Species
  • Q What is the most effective way to protect the
    environment and prevent extinctions of species?
  • A Preservation of ecosystems and monitoring
    species before they are threatened!
  • Habitat restoration
  • Captive propagation
  • Sustaining genetic diversity
  • Preserving keystone species
  • Conserving ecosystems

Habitat Restoration
  • In many situations, habitat conservation is no
    longer an option
  • Three programs for restoration, depending on the
    cause of the habitat loss
  • Pristine restoration
  • Removing introduced species
  • Cleanup and rehabilitation

Captive Propagation
  • Recovery programs often involve direct
    intervention in natural populations to avoid
  • Case History The Peregrine Falcon
  • Population disappeared east of the Mississippi by
  • The culprit was DDT
  • Causes eggs to break before they hatch
  • DDT was banned by federal law in 1970
  • Captive breeding program started using falcons
    from other parts of the country
  • Very good results
  • California Condor Another captive breeding
    program showing success

California Condor _at_ Pinnacles Nat. Monument
Sustaining Genetic Diversity
  • Smaller populations have little genetic diversity
  • Case History The Black Rhino
  • All five species of rhinoceros are critically
  • Black rhinos live in 75 small, widely separated
  • To increase genetic diversity, individuals must
    be moved between populations

Preserving Keystone Species
  • Removal of keystone species can have disastrous
    consequences on ecosystems
  • Case History Flying Foxes
  • Widespread on the South Pacific Islands
  • Often the only pollinator and seed disperser
  • Were being driven to extinction by human hunting
  • Legal protection, habitat restoration, and
    captive breeding have produced a very effective
    preservation program

Conserving Ecosystems
  • Isolated patches of habitat lose species far more
    rapidly than large areas do
  • Conservation biologists have therefore promoted
    the following
  • The creation of mega reserves, Large areas of
    land that contain a core of one or more
    undisturbed habitats
  • The preservation of intact ecosystems
  • This has been a primary issue of contention with
    the Alaskan oil pipelines
  • In addition to the potential for accidental
  • They create barriers across the habitat and
    migratory routes of many large arctic animals

Finding Other Sources of Energy
  • Many countries are turning to nuclear power for
    their growing energy needs
  • In 1995, gt 500 nuclear reactors were producing
    power worldwide
  • In the US, nuclear power plants have not been
    popular because of
  • Ample access to cheap coal
  • Public fears of the consequences of an accident
  • Three Mile Island nuclear plant in 1979
  • Chernobyl nuclear plant in 1986

The Costs of Nuclear Energy
  • Nuclear power may provide plentiful cheap energy
    however, several problems must be overcome
  • Safe operation
  • Fears of vast radioactive contamination
  • Waste disposal
  • Spent nuclear fuel remains radioactive for
    thousands of years
  • Security
  • Fears of terrorists getting their hands on
  • Insuring energy payback
  • Is nuclear really an alternative energy?
  • In a study for the U.S. Department of Energy in
    the 1960s, Howard Odum showed that the amount of
    fossil fuel energy required to
  • Mine and refine the uranium
  • Build maintain the nuclear power plant
  • Deactivate the plant at the end of its life
  • Was equal to the amount of nuclear generated
    electricity the plant produced during its life
  • Note that his calculations did not include
    storing and monitoring the radioactive waste for
    hundreds or thousands of years

Human Population Growth
  • The human population has grown explosively over
    the last 300 years
  • Worldwide
  • Birth rate has stabilized to 21 per year per
    1,000 people
  • Death rate has fallen to 9 per year per 1,000
  • This amounts to a population growth rate of 1.3
    per year
  • The world population will double in 54 years!
  • One of the most alarming trends is massive
    movement of people towards urban centers

Trends in Human Population Growth
  • The worlds population growth is unevenly
    distributed among countries
  • Growth rate in developed countries is 0.1 per
  • Growth rate in developing countries is 1.9 per
  • The world population growth rate has been
  • The United Nations attributes the decline to
  • Increased family planning efforts
  • Increased economic power and social status of
  • Slowing population growth helps sustain
    resources, but per capita consumption is also

Consumption in the Developed World
  • The vast majority of the worlds population is in
    developing countries
  • However, the vast majority of resource
    consumption is in the developed world
  • Wealthiest 20 of the worlds population accounts
    for 80 of worlds resource consumption
  • Poorest 20 is responsible for only 1.3 of
  • This disparity can be quantified by calculating
    the ecological footprint
  • The amount of productive land required to support
    a person throughout his or her life
  • As countries like China India strive to attain
    our lifestyle, their ecological footprint expands
  • The worlds natural resources are already

Individuals Can Make the Difference
  • And ecosystems can recover
  • Two examples serve to illustrate this point
  • The Nashua River in New England
  • Lake Washington in Seattle

The Nashua River
  • By the 1960s, was severely polluted by wastes
    from mills set up along its banks
  • Marion Stoddart organized the Nashua River
    Cleanup Committee in 1962
  • Industrial dumping is now banned and the river
    has largely recovered
  • Greatly aided passage of the Massachusetts Clean
    Water Act of 1966

Lake Washington
  • By the 1950s, sewage dumping and fertilizer
    runoffs had caused a bloom of blue-green algae
  • Bacteria decomposing dead algae would eventually
    deplete the lakes oxygen
  • In 1956, W.T. Edmondson of the University of
    Washington began a campaign to alert public
    officials of the danger
  • A sewer was built to carry sewage effluent to the
  • The lake is now clean

Solving Environmental Problems
  • Coming to grips with a widely ignored ethical
    issue in our society
  • Is generating profits (or comfort) for ourselves
    by forcibly shifting the costs (or discomfort) to
    someone else (present or future) ever ethical?
  • Recognizing that our own lifestyles (belief
    systems behaviors) are contributing to or
    causing many of these problems
  • Technology may help us solve some problems and
    still maintain our lifestyle
  • Ultimately we all need to ask ourselves how we
    are willing to change and what are we willing
    to give up (sacrifice) to keep our planet
    habitable by humans?
  • If you are ready to get involved in community
    issues, here are five components for successfully
    solving an environmental problem
  • Assessment
  • Risk analysis
  • Public education
  • Political education
  • Follow-through
  • Doing nothing has the potential of destroying our
    planet as we know it
  • Life will likely go on regardless of what we do
  • Just not human life!
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