Title: Lecture 18, 03 Nov 2003
1Lecture 18, 03 Nov 2003 Chapter 9 (Aquatic
Ecosystems) Student Presentations Conservation
Biology ECOL 406R/506R University of Arizona Fall
2003 Kevin Bonine
2- Aquatic Ecosystems (CH9)
- 2. Thank you cards
- 3. Syllabus Shuffle (Bob Steidl back one class)
Readings for Wed (SDCP)
Overview of Reserve Design http//www.co.pima.az.
us/cmo/sdcp/reports/d20/096OVE.PDF Listed Species
Reserve http//www.co.pima.az.us/cmo/sdcp/reports
3Chapter 9 group presentations Monday
8 minute highlights presentation, 2 min
QnA (board, or overhead, or powerpoint late
230-234 Amy Tendick, Galia Bobman, Aurora
Fabry-Wood, Leonides Corral 234-238 Ben
Joslin, Andrea Vasquez, Bridget Barker, Louise
Misztal 239-243 Christopher Deegan, Michael
Gilliland, JD Friedrichs 243-248 Dana Backer,
Cori Carveth, Sarah Hartwell, Jenna
Ramsey 248-255 Erica Sontz, Meghan Jarvie,
Ginny Newsome, Linh Nguyen 255-264 Maeveen
Behan, Justin Dodds, Lauren Merin
4230-234 Tendick Bobman Fabry-Wood Corral
5234-238 Joslin Vasquez Barker Misztal
6Conservation Challenges in Freshwater Habitats
- Eutrophication
- Acidification
- Habitat Alteration
- Invasive plant species
- Invasive invertebrates
- Invasive vertebrates
7Conservation Challenges of Freshwater Habitat
8The Issues
- Eutrophication
- Acidification
- Habitat Alteration by NISs
- Plant
- Animal
- Natural process of the aging of a lake
- In a young lake, the water is cold and clear, and
supports little life - Streams drain into the lake, introducing
nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which
encourage the growth of aquatic organisms - The lake's fertility increases, and organic
remains begin to be deposited on the lake bottom
- Silt and organic debris increase on lake bottom,
lake becomes shallower and warmer, less oxygen - Warm-water organisms supplant those that thrive
in a cold environment - Marsh plants take root in the shallows and begin
to fill in the original lake basin and the lake
gives way to a bog, and finally into land - Depending on climate, size of the lake, and other
factors, the natural aging of a lake may span
thousands of years
- Pollutants from man's activities can radically
accelerate the natural aging process - Lakes have been severely eutrophied by sewage,
agricultural and industrial wastes
- Primarily from increased nitrates and phosphates,
which act as plant nutrients - Stimulate the growth of algae
- Cause unsightly scum and unpleasant odors
- Reduction of dissolved oxygen, which is vital to
other aquatic life - Other pollutants flowing into a lake may poison
whole populations of fish - Decomposing remains further deplete the water's
dissolved oxygen content
- In 1996, the EPA reported to Congress in the
National Water Quality Inventory - Approximately 40 of the nation's surveyed lakes,
rivers, and estuaries were too polluted for such
basic uses as drinking supply, fishing, and
swimming - The pollutants include grit, asbestos, phosphates
and nitrates, mercury, lead, caustic soda and
other sodium compounds, sulfur and sulfuric acid,
oils, and petrochemicals
- Manufacturing plants pour off undiluted
corrosives, poisons, and noxious byproducts - The construction industry discharges slurries of
gypsum, cement, abrasives, metals, and poisonous
solvents - A pervasive group of contaminants is
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) components of
lubricants, plastic wrappers, and adhesives - Hot water discharged by factories and power
plants causes thermal pollution, lower oxygen
- Hydrogen sulfide, NOx and SO2 from coal burning
for electricity - Nitrous oxide from car exhaust
- Combine with water to form sulfuric and nitric
- Rain is slightly acidic
- Buffering by carbonates, some freshwater systems
are more susceptible to acidification - High acidity affects reproduction of fish,
amphibians and invertebrates - Direct mortality
- Change in chemical reactions, metallic ions may
precipitate out of solution - Acidification can happen rapidly pH from 7 to 4
in 24 hour period in Scotland during heavy rain,
massive fish kill
17- Habitat Alteration By Nonindigenous Species
- Aquatic Enviroments Vulnerability
- Recent disturbance
- Predators absent
- Effective Competitors absent
- Invasion by Aquatic Plants
- 1. Introduction Usually by humans
- 2. Dispersal occurs after
survival and reproduction - 3. Adaptation via selection and
establishment - 4. Colonization
18- Eurasian Water Milfoil
- Reproduces vegetatively
- Often transported by Human activity
- Reproduces Rapidly
19- Distribution in the United States
20- Other Aquatic Invaders
- 1. Purple Loosestrife
- Chokes out natural vegetation in shallow water
- 2. Water hyacinth
- forms dense mats in deep water
21Animal NISs in Freshwater
- Properties
- High reproductive rates
- Wide environmental tolerances
- Large dispersal distances
- 3 Examples
22The Zebra Mussel
23The Spread of
24The Carp (Cyrinus carpio)
25The Nile Perch (Lates niloticus)
26The demise of the Haplochromis spp. of cichlid
27- Take Home Lesson?
- Managers must consider that if (there are
chemical alterations to a system or a)
nonindigenous (species) enters a system, habitat
management and conservation strategies may have
to be fundamentally altered to preserve
biodiversity. - Van Dyke 2003 (pg 238)
28239-243 Deegan Gilliland Friedrichs
29Conserving Aquatic Habitats
- Managing Sedimentation Eutrophication
31Mmm ...
32 yummy!
33The Culprits
34Primary Cause Erosion
- modern agricultural runoff
- urban sewage waste disposal
- land development -- impermeability
35Sociopolitical causes need sociopolitical
- We must enact laws policies to
- Reduce chemical fertilizer use
- Remove compounds from urban discharge
- Reduce agricultural landscaping erosion
36Urban Abatement no.1
37Urban Abatement no.2
- Dredging
- Chemistry
- Biomanipulation
- Remove Purify Contaminated Sediments
40Chemistry -- Riplox method
- Oxidize sediment surface to precipitate out
phosphorus. - Additional reactions raise O2 levels, stabilize
pH, encourage denitrifying bacteria in the
sediment to release excess nitrate as gas into
the atmosphere.
42(No Transcript)
43Bioremediation continued
44Alternative Stable States
Turbidity is balanced by
- Nutrient inputs
- Fish populations
- Macrophyte Periphytic algal populations
46243-248 Backer Carveth Hartwell Ramsey
47Legislation and Management for Freshwater
- Sarah, Jenna, Cori and Dana
- Monday November 3, 2003
48The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
- Most significant legislation protecting streams
and rivers - Introduced in 1968
Verde River, Arizona
49What is it??
- Under this act, a stream or section of a stream
is designated as wild and scenic
- Protected from any action by any federal agency
that would adversely affect its water quality
- 1990- Less than 2 of U.S. streams were deemed
sufficient to merit protection under this act
- This means that less than 100,000km out of 5.2
million kms are protected
San Pedro River, Arizona
51Water Pollution Control Act, 1972
- Amendment to the Clean Water Act
Directed EPA to restore and maintain the
physical, chemical and biological integrity of
the nations waters and to enhance all forms of
aquatic life
- A more biologically oriented approach to
protecting the nations waters
- Only chemical standards enforced
- Does not ensure that entire ecosystem is
functional - Many impacts that degrade aquatic systems are not
detected by chemical monitoring
Cienega Creek, Arizona
53Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBI)
- Ecologically based measurements of water quality
- A particular taxon (i.e. fish) is rated and
scored based on 3 different attribute groups - Species Richness and Composition
- i.e.Number and identity of benthic species
- Trophic Composition
- i.e. Percentage of omnivores
- Fish abundance and Condition
- i.e. Number of individuals with disease, fin
damage and skeletal anomalies
54IBIs Continued..
- Site scored and assigned an integrity class
- Focuses on distinct attributes of the system
- Simple and sensitive to ecological change
- Incorporates professional ecological opinion
56International and National Legislation for
- Wetlands were one of the first cases in which
international legislation focused on the
protection of an ecosystem instead of a species. - The Ramsar Convention, was the first global
conservation convention to focus on the wetlands
ecosystem. The convention obligates its signers
to identify and designate at least one wetland in
their country as a wetland of international
importance and to establish wetland nature
57Canadas federal policy on wetland conservation
is one of the best national examples of
implementing the ideals of Ramsar and has
experienced remarkable success.
58The Canadian policy articulates strategies for
sustainable use and management of the nations
- Provides for the maintenance of overall wetland
function. - Enhances and rehabilitates degraded wetlands.
- Recognizes wetland functions in planning,
management, and economic decision making in all
federal programs - Secures and protects wetlands of national
importance. - Uses wetlands in a sustainable manner.
- Allows no net loss of wetlands on federal lands
and waters.
59 The U.S. has designed a number of legislation
acts to address wetland conservation in an act to
increase preservation and restoration of these
60The 1985 Food Security Act, aka Swampbuster is
designed to stop the process of draining
wetlands in private agricultural lands.
- Denies most U.S. Department of Agriculture
benefits to farmers who drain wetlands on their
land. - Creates an eligibility requirement for farmers to
receive Administration loans and other benefits.
61Wetland Reserve Program (WRP)
- Provides for payment of subsidies to farmers who
remove croplands from production in former
wetland areas and to reestablish the land as
wetlands - To enroll in WRP, the landowners plan must
include drainage alterations and the
establishment of marsh plants on the enrolled
62Other examples of U.S. programs or acts
implemented to protect and preserve wetlands.
- Clean Water Act
- Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps
- Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoration Act
- Wetlands Loan Act
- Land and Water Conservation Fund
- Water Bond Program
- Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management
- Executive Order 11990 Protection of Wetlands
- Coastal Zone Management Act
- Payment-in-kind program
63Despite conservation efforts, wetlands loss in
the U.S. still continues in part because
- There is a lack of agency coordination in wetland
conservation. - Most legislation does not regulate private
activity on private lands (cause of majority of
wetland loss). - Some U.S. legislation still encourages the
draining of wetlands. For example the U.S. tax
code encourages farmers to drain and clear
wetlands by providing tax deductions for many
types of development activities.
64Setting Priorities for Conservation in Freshwater
- WWF-US criteria for assessment of lakes and
streams - 1. Biological distinctiveness
- 2. Conservation status
65- Gives priority to regions that contain systems
that contribute to biodiversity -
- 1. Globally outstanding
- 2. Continentally outstanding
- 3. Bioregionally outstanding
- 4. Nationally important
- Priority declines as the importance of the system
- I Critical (intact habitat reduced to small,
isolated patches small probability of
persistence over the next 10 years without
immediate action) - II Endangered (intact habitat of isolated patches
with low to medium probability of persistence
over the next 10 years without immediate or
continuing protection)
67- III Vulnerable (intact habitat remaining in
large and small areas, persistence is likely over
the next 10 years with protection and
restoration) - IV Relatively Stable (disturbance and alteration
in certain areas, but overall stable external
practices unlikely to impact habitat) - V Relatively Intact (minimally disturbed)
68Rule-Based Models
- Used to determine if habitat loss or
environmental change are random - Evaluate possible mechanisms of distributional
changes in a species
69Disappearance of Frogs
- Isolation model due to distances between
changes in distribution ponds - Succession model changes in distribution due to
altered vegetation in and around ponds - Null model changes
- in distribution were
- random
70- Results of the study showed that the Succession
Model was correct - Frogs could best be preserved by managing the
vegetation - Rule-based models require minimal data, dont
necessarily need to prove that changes in
vegetation cause frog declines, only that
managing vegetation may help frogs more than
another type of plan
71248-255 Sontz Jarvie Newsome Nguyen
72Marine Habitats and Biodiversity
73Marine Habitats
- Intertidal
- Pelagic
- Benthic
- Abyssal
- Coral Reefs
- Estuaries
- Seagrass Beds (benthic)
74Coral Reefs
- Shallow, tropical water
- 20o N and S of equator
- Indo-Pacific, Western Atlantic, Red Sea
75Coral Reefs
- Structure-coral polyps secrete calcium
- Nutrients-erosion of reefs releases calcium
- Water quality-sponges filter water
- Light-coral forms in well-lit waters, favorable
for photosynthesis
- Ocean bottom, excluding the deepest areas
- Sand, silt and decomposing organic matter
- Often dark
- Often cold
- Nutrient rich
77Seagrass Beds
- 15 decline in past decade
- Flowering plants
- Food resource, nursery, habitat
- Prevent erosion
- Reduce wave impact
- Filter water
78Hydrothermal Vents
- Mid-ocean ridges, tectonic plates
- Chemosynthetic bacteria
- Huge taxonomic diversity
- Old?
- Relict species?
- Metapopulations?
79Whale Fall Communities
- Succession of communities
- Decomposition of bones yields hydrogen sulfide
- DNA analyses of fauna
- Implications for whaling?
80Major threats to Marine Habitats
- 1. Exploitation of commercial species
- 2. Direct destruction of marine habitats
- 3. Indirect degradation of marine habitats
811. Exploitation of Commercial Species
- Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)
- Used to manage fisheries as renewable resources
- Calculated based on catch per unit effort
- Reproductive surplus was the only requirement for
a sustainable fishery - Not used in fisheries anymore because it caused
depletion in fish stocks
821. Exploitation of Commercial Species
- Current Estimates
- 70 of the worlds fish stocks are exploited or
depleted - 45 of all species are over-harvested
831. Exploitation of Commercial Species
- Over-harvested Populations
- Show widely ranging cycles of high and low
abundance. - Do not necessarily show a strong correlation
between recruitment and number of adults present. - Do not necessarily show advanced warning of
population decline.
841. Exploitation of Commercial Species Effects
- Removal of a prey species may reduce the
populations of predators. - Ex. Decline of sea otters in CA following
over-fishing of abalones. - 2. Removal of predator species disrupts
equilibria of prey species.
851. Exploitation of Commercial Species Effects
- 3. The take of non targeted species contributes
to exploitation problems. - Ex. In shrimp fisheries, the discarded by-catch
can exceed that of the targeted catch.
862. Direct destruction of Marine Habitats
- Examples of Direct Destruction
- The use of explosives to harvest coral reef
species. One blast can devastate 1000m3. - Trawling nets destroy complex and diverse
communities on the ocean floor. (figure 9.15)
87(No Transcript)
88255-264 Behan Dodds Merin