Taiwan and Korea: I. Land and People - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Taiwan and Korea: I. Land and People


Taiwan and Korea: I. Land and People – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Taiwan and Korea: I. Land and People

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I. Land and PeopleTaiwan
  • Land. Taiwan is an island off the southern coast
    China, just 90 miles away. Its total land area is
    about 22,320 square miles, with rugged mountains
    in east and rolling plains in west as
    geographical features and tropical and marine as
    climate features. map

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  • People. Taiwan has a population of 22 million.
    The majority of Taiwan's inhabitants are
    descendants of Chinese who migrated from the
    southern coast of China in the eighteenth and
    nineteenth centuries. They claimed themselves as
    Taiwanese which constitute 84 of population.
    In 1949, when the Communists came to power in
    mainland China, many Chinese followed the
    Nationalist government to Taiwan. They are called
    mainlanders and constitute 14 of population. A
    small group of native inhabitants, which lives in
    the mountains in central Taiwan, is most likely
    of Malay-Polynesian origin, constitute 2.

Geographical Features of the Taiwan Strait
  • There is a Taiwan Strait located between Fujian
    Province and Taiwan Province of China and
    constituted as a critical corridor connecting the
    East China Sea to the South China Sea. Actually
    the Strait itself is regarded as part of the East
    China Sea. map

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Geographical Features
  • The breadth of the northern end is about 93
    nautical miles (nm) and that of the southernmost
    end 116 nm. It is more than 170 nm long and about
    60 meters in average depth.

Geographical Features
  • The Taiwan Strait is one of the important fishing
    grounds in China, and there are about 700 fish
    species, among which 100 species are economic.
  • The coastal areas of the Taiwan Strait deposit
    rich sand reserves. Recently, oil and gas has
    been discovered around the Taiwan Strait.
  • In addition, the Taiwan Strait is traditionally
    used as an important navigational waterway both
    for China and for the rest of the world. For
    China, it is a critical sea route from north to
    south, and also between Taiwan and Fujian

Historical and political implications
  • Historically, the Taiwan Strait was used to be a
    battlefield. For example, during the year of
    1661, Zheng Chenggong led his army across the
    Strait to recover the Taiwan Islands from the
    Dutch colonists.
  • In 1949, the Nationalist government retreated to
    Taiwan from this strait. The year of 1949 was
    critical in Chinese history because from this
    year on, China was divided and two governments
    have appeared since then. Due to such division,
    there are two de facto jurisdictions existing
    within the Strait. The divided status of China
    has also made the situation in the Taiwan Strait
    complex and uncertain.

Historical and political implications
  • During the 1950s, the situation in the Taiwan
    Strait was rather intense. The communist regime
    in the mainland pledged to liberate Taiwan. In
    order to deter the expansion of communism from
    mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia, the
    United States was determined to protect Taiwan
    and sent Fleet 7 to the Taiwan Strait to
    neutralize the Strait. Further, the United
    States singed a mutual defense treaty with the
    Nationalist government in Taiwan.
  • In 1972, the United States changed its policy
    toward China and normalized its relations with
    mainland China and declared One China policy
    and peaceful resolution of cross Taiwan Strait

Historical and political implications
  • Taiwan strait could be the most dangerous war
    zone in East Asia that could bring the United
    States into it.
  • In case of armed conflict, Beijing would define a
    war zone in the Taiwan Strait and direct
    neutral shipping in order to protect its right of
    innocent passage.

South Korea
  • Land. South Koreas total land area is about
    38,013 square miles. The land is mostly hilly and
    mountainous, but it has wide coastal plains in
    west and south. The climate features rainfall
    heaviest in summer. South Korea has a population
    of 46.9 million.
  • People. Korea was first populated by a people or
    peoples who migrated to the peninsula from the
    northwestern regions of Asia, some of whom were
    from parts of northeast China (Manchuria).
    Koreans are racially and linguistically
    homogeneous, with no sizable minorities, except
    for some Chinese (approximately 20,000).

 Geopolitics of the Korean Peninsula
  • Question
  • Why is Korean peninsula considered to be
    strategic location in East Asia?

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  • The Korean Peninsula, which is in the center of
    Northeast Asia, had been throughout its history a
    strategic geopolitical location in which
    contending powers, China, Japan, and Russia, and
    other Western powers fought to control. China, as
    the largest and most technologically and
    culturally advanced society in East Asia, exerted
    the most important outside influence on Korea
    until modern times.
  • In the latter half of the 19th century, as the
    Chinese empire declined and Western powers began
    to vie for domination in East Asia. Britain,
    France, and the United States each attempted to
    open up Korea to trade and diplomatic relations
    in the 1860s, but the Korean kingdom steadfastly
    resisted. After defeating China and Russia in
    wars between 1895 and 1905, Japan became the
    predominant power on the Korean peninsula.

  • In 1910 Japan made Korea as its colony, and for
    the next 35 years, the Japanese authorities tried
    to transform Koreas cultural identity and make
    Koreans culturally Japanese, going so far in 1939
    as to compel Koreans to change their names to
    Japanese ones.
  • However, Japan also brought the beginnings of
    industrial development to Korea. Modern
    industries such as steel, cement, and chemical
    plants were set up in Korea during the 1920s and
    1930s, especially in the northern part of the
    peninsula where coal and hydroelectric power
    resources were abundant. By the time Japanese
    colonial rule ended in August 1945, Korea was the
    second most industrialized country in Asia after
    Japan itself.

  • In post-WWII, South Korea was separated from
    North Korea by the United States and the Soviet
    Union upon the surrender of Japan into two zones
    of temporary occupation, for the purpose of
    overseeing the orderly dismantling of Japanese
    rule and establishing a new Korean government.
    The United States was to occupy Korea south of
    the 38th Parallel of latitude (a demarcation
    running east and west across the peninsula) while
    the Soviet Union was to occupy Korea north of
    that line.

  • In the early 1950s, the United States engaged in
    a full scale of military confrontation with the
    Chinese military on the Korean peninsula and it
    became the major war zone after WWII, which ended
    with maintaining the division between the north
    and the south on the 38th Parallel of latitude.
  • During the Cold War, the Korean Peninsula became
    the strategic area for the United States to
    establish a security blanket against the Soviet
    Union along the Pacific Rim. After the Cold war,
    the peninsula has been plagued by the nuclear
    crisis for a decade without a feasible solution.
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