Title: Objectives:
Section 3 The Cold War Turns Hot
- How did the Chinese Communists gain control of
China? - What factors led to the escalation of the
conflict in Korea? - What were the domestic and international effects
of the Korean War? - What methods did President Eisenhower use to
promote U.S. interests abroad?
2Chinese Communists gain control of China
Section 3 The Cold War Turns Hot
- The revolution of 1911 left China unstable and
led to civil war. - The two factions, Nationalists and Communists,
cooperated against the Japanese during World War
II. - Communists successfully resisted Japan in
Northwest China and instituted land reforms,
which gained them popular support. - Most of China under Communist control by 1949
Nationalists had retreated to Taiwan. - Peoples Republic of China established.
The Cold War Turns Hot
4Factors that escalated the conflict in Korea
Section 3 The Cold War Turns Hot
- Allies divided Korea into two zones, and North
and South Korea set up separate governments. - When U.S. and Soviet troops pulled out North and
South Korea clashed along the 38th parallel. - North Korea invaded South Korea, and the UN named
North Korea the aggressor. - United States pledged support for South Korea and
UN forces went to its defense. - China entered war on North Koreas side.
5http//users.erols.com/mwhite28/korea.htm http//w
ww.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/episodes/05/maps/ Int
eractive map of Korean Conflict
6Effects of the Korean War
Section 3 The Cold War Turns Hot
- There were millions of casualties.
- Borders of North and South Korea remained almost
unchanged. - Truman and the Democrats lost popularity while
Eisenhower and the Republicans became more
7Eisenhowers methods for promoting U.S. interests
Section 3 The Cold War Turns Hot
- used CIA covertly in Guatemala and Iran
- issued the Eisenhower Doctrine offering military
aid to Middle Eastern nations who resisted
Communist aggression - refused to support Hungarian rebels Soviet army
invades to support communist government
8The Suez Crisis 1956
- Egyptians take the Suez Canal from British
company - New nationalist government in Egypt nationalized
the canal. Wanted revenue to support economic
development. - Egypt denies Israel use of the canal (Part of the
Arab worlds anti-Israel policy) - Israel aided by France and Britain, invade to
take control of canal. - United States and USSR work together (rare in the
Cold War) to get the United Nations to push for a
cease fire.