Title: The Vietnam War: War in Southeast Asia
1The Vietnam War War in Southeast Asia
2What words would you use to describe Americas
role in WWII?
Clockwise, from upper left Rosie, Marines plant
flag on Iwo Jima, burning destroyer in Pearl
Harbor, Roosevelt and Churchill, Ike gives
soldiers pre-D Day speech
3What words describe Americas role in the Vietnam
War? Watch the following video clips and then
make a list of at least 10 words to describe it
Left US and South Vietnamese joint patrol
right burning village
4Capture from opening credits of Vietnam movie
5Capture from opening credits of Vietnam movie
6The jungles of Vietnam
7Bamboo hut by a river
8So, what words describe the Vietnam War?
Remember, your goal is to write ten such words
9At the end of this lesson, you should be able to
answer the following
- Where is Vietnam?
- How did we get involved in the Vietnam War in the
first place? - Why did we get involved?
- What was it like to be an American/North
Vietnamese soldier? - What were the battle tactics?
10Describe Vietnam after WWII
- A French Colony
- Rich in natural resources
- War torn
- Japanese occupation ended
- Americans and Vietminh fought together
- Led by Ho Chi Minh
- Used words of Declaration of Independence to
declare Vietnamese independence - Hos War of Independence
- If ever the tiger pauses the elephant will
impale him on his mighty tusks. But the tiger
will not pause and the elephant will die of
exhaustion and loss of blood.
Above Ho Chi Minh below map of Vietnam
11Why did the US decide to support the French in
their war with Minh?
- Cold War
- Containment
- Afraid of losing France as ally
- Domino Theory
- Remember how it goes?
- China fell and like a domino others would become
communist if not contained
Cartoon ridicules the domino theory
12Why was Vietnam divided in 1954?
The border (17th Parallel) in 1954
13Why was Vietnam divided in 1954?
- French defeated at Dien Bien Phu
- Geneva peace agreement called for a temporary
division along 17th parallel - Vietminh controlled North
- French in South
- Elections in 1956 to decide who would lead
reunified country - Eisenhower believed South would vote communist
- Refused to sign agreement
Map showing N. and S. Vietnam, as well as
neighboring countries
14Describe the rule of South Vietnam under Ngo Dinh
- Wealthy landowners controlled nation, poor
peasants lived in poverty - Diem
- Anti-communist/Dictator
- Strongly supported by US
- Gave him 1 billion in aid (1954-61)
- Spent 80 on military, little on helping poor
- Rigged votes to make US think he was popular
Above contrast of wealth and poverty (cars and
oxen) below Diem on Time cover and with generals
15What was the National Liberation Front?
- Coalition of Vietminh and other anti-Diem groups
in South - Better known as Vietcong
- Communists
- Promised peasants economic reform, reunification
with N. Vietnam - Terrorist
- Assassinated 2 thousand officials
- Gradually supported by Ho Chi Minh, China, and
Above and below Vietcong
16Describe JFKs Vietnam policy
- Expanded Eisenhowers policy
- Sent South Vietnamese military equipment and
advisers (16 thousand) - Pressured Diem to make political and economic
reforms - Supported overthrow of Diem after finding out
about his brutal repression of Buddhist monks - Monks set themselves on fire in protest
- Diem assassinated during coup d etat 8/1963
Above JFK points to map of SE Asia during
speech below protesting monk burns to death
17Gulf of Tonkin Presentation
See above
18What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
- Congressional act which allowed LBJ to greatly
expand US involvement in Vietnam - Signed under pretext that N. Vietnamese gunboats
had fired on US destroyer unprovoked - take all necessary measures to repel any armed
attack - LBJ withheld evidence
- Ship not attacked
- Destroyers were sending S. Vietnamese on commando
Above detail of the Gulf of Tonkin
USS Maddox
19Gulf of Tonkin
Blank start of Gulf of Tonkin clip
20What was operation Rolling Thunder?
Smoke from US bombing campaign
21What was Operation Rolling Thunder and why is it
- Massive US bombing campaign against N. Vietnam
- Roads, bases, supply lines hit
- Ho Chi Minh Trail targeted
- Supply line from N. Vietnam, through Laos,
Cambodia - Significance
- N. Vietnam suffered heavy loses yet kept fighting
- LBJ decided to sent hundreds of thousands of
Map shows the Ho Chi Minh Trail
22Newsreel chronicles bombing of Ho Chi Minh Trail
23Why was the US optimistic about winning the war?
- Much more powerful military arsenal
- Air power
- Believed it could break Vietcongs will to fight
- Measured success by body-counts, not territory
- You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill
of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose
- Ho Chi Minh
Above US helicopters below soldiers with
machine guns
24Unconventional Warfare
Capture from clip on war strategies (ours and
25How did the US fight the war?
- Air War
- Over 100 thousand raids in 1967
- B52
- Limited success
- Vietcong dug 30 thousand miles of underground
tunnels (supply routes) - Ground War
- search and destroy missions
- Jungle patrols
- Heat, mosquitoes, leeches, snakes
- Carried 50-70 lbs of equipment
- Hearts and Minds
- Provided medical care, farming advice
- Development projects
Above B52 bomber drops payload
Above US soldiers in camouflage below medical
26They were fighting for home.
Capture from clip about advantages our opponents
27How did the VC respond?
- Vietcong
- Guerilla warfare
- Avoided open battles
- Ambushes, hit and run raids
- Booby traps (Bouncing Betty)
- Advantages over US
- Knew the country
- Were Vietnamese (nationalism)
Above diagram of VietCong tunnel complex below
stills of the tunnels and Jimmy from the movie
version of Annas Boys ( j.k.)
28Can I survive?
Capture from clip on young G.I.s
29Describe the American soldier fighting in Vietnam
Below baby-faced American soldiers
- Average Age
- Between 19-22 years old
- According to text
- Over 9 Million military personnel served on
active duty during the official Vietnam era from
August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975. - 58,148 were killed in Vietnam
- Some uncertain of wars purpose
- Terrified
- The average infantryman in Vietnam saw about 240
days of combat in one year thanks to the mobility
of the helicopter.
30Describe the American soldier fighting in Vietnam
- Some motivated to survive, not win
- Only in Vietnam for 1 year
- 3. 75,000 were severely disabled.
- Textbook says that soldiers were usually from
poor or middle class background - Disproportionately from minority groups
Again baby-faced G.I.s
31The Television War
Capture from clip on the t.v. war