Title: Species Interactions
1Species Interactions
2- Survival for living organisms is not just
responding to physical environmental factors. It
also involves interactions with other organisms. - Two species may interact as predator and prey or
parasite and host. In this interaction, one
species benefits () and the other is negatively
(-) affected. - A predator is typically larger than its prey and
kills it, whereas a parasite is typically smaller
than its host and usually does not kill it or
does not kill it immediately.
- Early observations indicated that predator-prey
relationships were cyclical. This idea gained
support from analyses of fur trapping records of
the Hudson's Bay Company. - The number of furs purchased at the Company's
forts was meticulously recorded, for well over
100 years.
5- An analysis of the numbers of snowshoe hares,
and one of their main predators, the lynx, shows
predator-prey cycle. Peaks and valleys can be
easily observed at roughly 8-10 year intervals.
6- Predation can be a strong agent of natural
selection. - Prey defenses can be a stabilizing factor in
predator-prey interactions. Easily captured prey
are eliminated, and prey with effective defenses
(that are inherited) rapidly dominate the
population. - Examples include camouflage in the peppered moth,
and prey that are nocturnal to escape detection.
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8- Predation can have far-reaching effects on
biological communities. - A starfish is the top predator upon a community
of invertebrates living in tidally inundated rock
faces in the Pacific Northwest. - The rest of the community includes mollusks,
barnacles and other invertebrates, for a total of
12 species. - When the the starfish were removed, an acorn
barnacle and a mussel began to occupy virtually
all available space, out competing other species.
9- Species diversity dropped from more than 12
species to essentially 2. The starfish was a
keystone predator, keeping the strongest
competitors in check. - Although it was a predator, it helped to
maintain a greater number of species in the
community. Its beneficial impact on species that
were weak competitors is an example of an
indirect effect.
- With predators always on the lookout for a meal,
prey must constantly avoid being eaten. Any
adaptation the prey uses adds to the chances of
survival for the species. Some adaptations are
defense mechanisms which can give the prey an
advantage against enemies.
11- There are three ways animals avoid falling prey
to a predator. - The first is very direct and comes naturally.
Animals can use speed as a very effective means
of escaping predators. You can't eat what you
can't catch!
12- A second defense mechanism is camouflage. One
form, cryptic coloration, allows the animal to
blend in with its environment to avoid being
detected. It is important to note that predators
also use cryptic coloration to avoid detection by
unsuspecting prey.
13In the snowy environment of the Arctic, the polar
bear is white to avoid being noticed as it
approaches the seal, and the seal pup is white to
avoid being noticed by the bear.
14A female katydid blends with the tropical
vegetation in the lowland Amazon rain forest of
Peru. Her wings mimic the mottling of the
surrounding leaves.
15A scorpionfish rests immobile on a coral reef in
the Philippines, 60 feet below the surface,
camouflaged against the colorful tapestry of the
16- Trickery can also be used as a defense. False
features that appear to be enormous eyes or
appendages can serve to dissuade potential
predators. Mimicking an animal that is dangerous
to a predator is another effective means of
avoiding being eaten.
17Munching on a plant stem in Costa Rica's
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, this Xylophanes
caterpillar has such tiny eyes that you would
need a hand lens to see them. The red "eyes" and
pointed "stinger" are both fake.
18This tasty nymph of an insect in the family
Alydidae assumes the fraudulent guise of an ant,
and forages on plants in open areas of tropical
rain forest in Costa Rica where birds could
easily find it.
Unless an experienced bird calls its bluff, it
may owe its survival to its anatomical mimicry of
an ant
19- The final defense is physical or chemical combat.
- Some animals' physical features make them a very
undesirable meal. Porcupines make it very
difficult for predators with their extremely
sharp quills.
20- Chemical features can be just as effective. We
all know what happens when a skunk is scared! - The dart frog also uses chemicals (poisons
secreted from its skin) to deter attackers. Any
animals that eat these small frogs are likely to
get very sick or die.
21Monarch larvae are specialist herbivores,
consuming only host plants in the milkweed
family. Milkweed makes them poisonous to most
vertebrates and provides monarchs with an
effective chemical defense against many
22The Viceroy butterfly. This is the well known
mimic of the more common Monarch butterfly.
Because they look like the bad tasting monarch
butterflies, they are often avoided by predators
24This Caribbean soldierfish is host to the
parasitic isopod attached to its head, between
its eyes. The fish has no way of removing the
isopod which feeds on his body tissues.
25Human Parasities roundworms (intestinal
cavity) Tripanosoma gambiense causes African
sleeping sickness Human liver fluke ( a
26Lampreys on Great Lake fish
The opened up hinge area of the Purple Hinged
Rock Scallop. Cliona celata is a boring sponge
which bores as a parasite into mollusc and
barnacle shells
27Birds are well known for their parental care,
patiently incubating their eggs and then bringing
food to their young until they are old enough to
look after themselves. However, certain birds,
known as "brood parasites," lay their eggs in the
nests of other birds and do not provide any
parental care for their own offspring. Care that
the "hosts" provide to the young parasites is
care denied to their own young. This often has a
detrimental effect on the reproductive success of
the hosts and may affect their population numbers
as well.
28- Brown-headed Cowbirds are one of the most well
known examples of a brood parasite. It hosts are
species such as warblers, tanagers, vireos, and
thrushes. The populations of many of these birds
have been declining, partly due to parasitism by
cowbirds. Cowbirds affect the breeding success of
their hosts in two ways - female cowbirds remove host eggs from the nest
- nestling cowbirds compete with the host
nestling. Cowbird nestlings are usually much
larger and more aggressive than nestlings of host
- Mutualism is when two organisms of different
species "work together," each benefiting from the
relationship. - One example of a symbiotic relationship is that
of the oxpecker (a kind of bird) and the
rhinoceros or zebra. Oxpeckers land on rhinos or
zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that
live on their skin. - The oxpeckers get food and the beasts get pest
control. Also, when there is danger, the
oxpeckers fly upward and scream a warning, which
helps the symbiont
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32Goby fish and shrimp
33- The shrimp digs and cleans up a burrow in the
sand in which both the shrimp and the goby fish
live. - The shrimp is almost blind leaving it vulnerable
to predators when above ground. - In case of danger the goby fish touches the
shrimp with its tail to warn it of imminent
danger. When that happens both the shrimp and
goby fish quickly retract into the burrow.
34Crustose lichens cling to the bare, exposed
surface of metamorphic rock in the Colorado
Rockies, where only the hardiest pioneer
organisms can survive
35Leafcutter ants carry leaf fragments to their
underground nest in the lowland rain forest of La
Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. The leaves
will become food for the symbiotic fungi
cultivated by the ants, which in turn provide
food for the ants in the form of filaments
swollen with nutrients.
36In the tunnels of the nest interior, members of
the colony bring leaf fragments back to feed the
fungal garden (light-colored substrate), and
soldiers guard the queen, nearly hidden at right.
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38Avoiding antibiotic resistance for 50 million
years a pathogenic fungus, Escovopsis attacks
the fungal garden of leafcutter ants. Some
leafcutters carry on their bodies a living
bacterial colony (white patches on ant) which
produces an antibiotic that controls the growth
of the pathogen . An evolutionary "arms race"
keeps the antibiotic effective.
39Labroides dimidiatus inspecting the mouth of a
giant moray eel
40The anglerfish uses its bioluminescent capability
in its hunt for food. The fish dangles an
illuminated pod to lure prey close enough to be
The bioluminescence for the lure is due to
presence of bacteria, that are endosymbionts. In
a related adaptation, anglerfish are dull gray,
dark brown or black, and are thus not visible
either in their own light or in that of similarly
luminescent prey.
42- Anemone fishes (sometimes called clownfishes) are
tropical, reef fishes from the Pacific and Indian
Oceans. - These fishes are unusual because they have a
close relationship with sea anemones. - Sea Anemones consists of a hollow cylinder
surrounded by a crown of tentacles. The tentacles
are equipped with specialized cells called
nematocysts. Nematocysts are shaped and function
like small harpoons and contain a poison
sufficient to paralyze or kill small fish and
other reef inhabitants.
43- The anemone fish lives among the forest of
tentacles of an anemone and is protected from
potential predators not immune to the sting of
the anemone. - The anemone fish is protected from the sting of
the anemone tentacles by a substance contained in
the mucous on its skin. - the anemone treats the fish as part of itself
and does not sting it
44- A critical phase in the life cycle of plants is
the proper dispersal of its seeds. One adaptation
to increase dispersal is the evolution of
recurved spines on the seeds or seedpods to
attach the seeds to the fur of passing
vertebrates who carry the seeds away from the
parent plant. - The plant benefits from the relationship by the
dispersal of its seeds. The vertebrates are not
affected except, perhaps, by being annoyed.
45Interspecific competition
- The interactions among species influence the
number and kinds of species that exist within a
community. Competition limits the number of
species that can coexist. Two species that have
similar niches compete very strongly. The
competitive exclusion principle states that only
one of the species can exist the other is
out-competed and dies out.
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47 RESOURCE PARTIONING Species that share the same
resources can coexist if their niches are not too
similar. Species evolve differences in what they
eat or where they feed such that coexistence is
possible. This is referred to as resource
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49- Ants live on acacia trees and are able to feast
on the sugar produced by the tree. The tree is
protected by the ants' attack on any foreign
insects that may harm the tree. This is an
example of a) parasitism b) commensalism - c) mutualism d) symbiosis
- e) competition
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51- Which of the following relationships would be
symbiotic? a) commensalism only b) mutualism
only c) parasitism only d) commensalism and
mutualism e) commensalism, mutualism, and
52- Which of the following is an example of a
mutualistic relationship? a) Lichen. b)
Barnacles that grows on a rocky surface. c)
Tapeworm in the stomach of a mammal. d) Cattle
egrets feast on insects that are aroused into
flight by cattle grazing in the insects' habitat.
e) An African bird benefits from sitting in
shade underneath an elephant.
53- A form of species interaction in which one of the
species benefits while the other is unaffected is
called a) parasitism b) mutualism - c) commensalism d) symbiosis
- e) competition
54- Symbiotic relationships frequently develop
between organisms that live in close physical
proximity to each other. Female cowbirds often
lay their eggs in the nest of wrens, who
unwittingly raise the young cowbirds as their
own, This relationship is an example of a)
commensalism b) parasitism - c) mutualism d) competition e) nihilism
55- Protozoans living in the intestine of a termite
secrete enzymes that digest cellulose, providing
digestive end products of value to both
organisms. This symbiotic relationship could be
described as a) mutualism b) commensalism - c) parasitism d) saprophytism
- e) competition
56- The leaves of mistletoe plants photosynthesize,
but the roots of the mistletoe plant absorb
nutrients from living oak trees. The symbiotic
relationship is best described as a) mutualism
b) commensalism - c) parasitism d) saprophytism
- e) competition
57- Interaction between two species in which one
feeds on the other is a) competition b) a
community - c) an ecosystem d) predation
- e) symbiosis
58- Interaction between two species as both attempts
to use the same environmental resources is a)
competition b) a community - c) an ecosystem d) predation
- e) symbiosis
59- In large natural ecosystems, competition between
two species over time will usually result in a)
each species occupying a slightly different
niche. b) equal numbers of each species
persisting for a long time. c) death of all
members of one species within a short time. d)
hybridization between the two species, resulting
in a third species. e) None of these are
60- Which statement is NOT true about parasitism? a)
The host is generally larger than the parasite.
b) An efficient parasite usually kills its host.
c) Smaller parasites often live as endoparasites
within the body of the host. d) Ectoparasites
are attached to the outside of the host's body by
specialized organs. e) Some organisms and all
viruses are obligate parasites and must live
inside a host
61- A keystone species is a) an organism that acts
as a commensal in a host. b) a predator that
destroys many different species in a community.
c) a mimic that has the same appearance as
another, poisonous species. d) a prey species
that must be present or the predator species will
die off. e) a species whose removal causes major
shifts in other species in the community.