e-Governance in Orissa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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e-Governance in Orissa


e-Governance in Orissa Vishal Dev, IAS Director,IT & Chief Executive, OCAC Govt. of Orissa Agenda e-Governance Vision Environment for ICT Core ICT projects e ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: e-Governance in Orissa

e-Governance in Orissa
Vishal Dev, IAS Director,IT Chief Executive,
OCAC Govt. of Orissa
  • e-Governance Vision
  • Environment for ICT
  • Core ICT projects
  • e-Governance projects already implemented
  • e-Governance projects under implementation
  • NeGP Developments so far Issues

e-Governance Vision of Orissa
  • Establishing a Networked Government
  • for greater transparency and accountability
  • in delivery of public services
  • to facilitate moral material progress of all

Environment for ICT in the State
  • State has drafted the IT Policy 2004 which aims
    at establishing a robust and futuristic IT
    architecture in the State to bring about
  • Ease convenience in transactions between
    Government and Citizens
  • Increased employment opportunities for the
    educated youth
  • Higher economic growth in a definite time frame.
  • A number of critical Core ICT Projects have been
    implemented in the State to establish the basic
    technological infrastructure.

Core ICT Projects
Project Description
GRAMSAT A VSAT based network which provides 128 kbps connectivity to all DRDAs / Blocks and facilitates dissemination of Government Information, monitoring of schemes and fund utilization and bringing about transparency in various projects getting executed at Panchayat / Block levels.
Orissa State Portal Modelled on the guidelines of India Portal, the State Portal (www.orissa.gov.in) provides a host of information and interaction services to citizens. It is planned to deliver multiple citizen services through this portal.
Core ICT Projects continued
Project Description
Secretariat LAN Connects various Departments at the State Secretariat through a 1000 Mbps Fiber Optics Network Backbone with 2 Mbps Network Connectivity. Offices of the Chief Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Secretaries, Additional Secretaries, Directors and all Department Computer Centers have been provided connectivity. This is being extended to cover remaining Officers and Sections of all Departments in the Secretariat. All sections of all the Departments in the Secretariat have been provided Computers.
Secretariat Training Facility A state-of-the-art training facility has been created in the Secretariat for providing basic as well as specialised training on IT to all levels of employees in the Secretariat. The training centre runs courses throughout the year for different levels of employees as per a pre-planned calendar of training programs.
Core ICT Projects continued
Project Description
Unicode Oriya Project OCAC, the Technical Directorate of IT Deptt, is implementing the Bhasha project in association with Microsoft to provide Unicode Oriya support for developing ICT applications in Unicode Oriya.
Bhulekh (Land Records Computerization) Directorate of Land Records Surveys has taken up computerization of land-records to optimize maintenance of Records and to provide accurate copies of Records of Rights (ROR) to the landowners all across the State.
ORIS (Registration Office Computerization) Revenue Department is implementing ORIS for computerized registration of Deeds, endorsement of Documents and issue of Encumbrance Certificates.
e-Governance projects already implemented
Project Description
Treasury Automation Project This project which aims at automation of various processes at District / Special Treasuries, including payment of Bills, payment of Pension Bills, receipt of Challans and other accounting activities is nearing completion.
Orissa Telemedicine Application Network A telemedicine network has been established (in collaboration with ISRO) to connect PGI, Lucknow with Medical Colleges at Cuttack, Berhampur and Burla through V-SAT Network for remote delivery of Healthcare.
e-Governance projects already implemented
Project Description
Transparency Accountability Program A program called the Transparency Accountability Program has been initiated with the aim of enhancing transparency accountability in implementation of all citizen-centric schemes in 9 Departments across 9 Districts. Information related to utilisation of funds, selection of beneficiaries etc. is being put in public domain.
Computerization of Commercial Tax Deptt. Automation of various processes of Commercial Tax, such as disposal of Registration Application, providing information on Tax Collection, identification of Defaulters, issue of Statutory Forms and VAT Administration has been underway and is nearing completion
e-Governance projects already implemented
Project Description
e-Shishu Project Orissa Primary Education Program Authority has implemented this project which is the first of its kind in the country. The project has two components Child Tracking system (CTS) and Intervention monitoring information system (IMIS). Under CTS, a comprehensive database of all children below 14 years has been created which includes their socio-economic as well as demographic details. Under IMIS, all the 14 interventions under Sarva Shiksha Aabhiyan are monitored online.
Integrated Transport Information Management System (ITIMS) Project for computerization of issue of Driving License (via Saarthi), issue of Registration Permits for motor-vehicles (via Vaahan) and collection of Motor Vehicle Taxes (via Check Gate Computerization) has been implemented at major RTA offices and checkgates and is being replicated at other offices.
e-Governance projects already implemented
Project Description
PRIASOFT Web Based Application for monitoring Funds Flow in the Panchayati Raj Department. 30 DRDAs, 314 Blocks and 6234 Gram Panchayats use PRIASOFT
RURALSOFT Web Based Application for monitoring progress of Projects / Schemes under various Poverty Alleviation Programs.
PAMIS Web Based Desktop application for monitoring various Accounts of the Panchayati Raj Department. PAMIS is being used by 30 DRDAs and 314 Blocks
e-Governance projects under implementation
Project Description
e-Procurement e-Procurement is being implemented in 4 Departments (IT, RD, Works Water Resources) in the Ist phase with the support of NIC,New Delhi.
Human Resource Management System A comprehensive system which aims at covering all service related matters of all employees of Govt. of Orissa during their entire life-cycle.
Food Grain monitoring system An RFID based food grain monitoring system is currently under development. Pilot implementation is being done in Khurda Koraput districts.
Web-based Scheme monitoring System A web-based system for creation and updation of databases of various schemes is under development.
NeGP Developments so far
  • The e-Governance roadmap of Orissa was released
    on 14th June, 2006 by Honble CM.
  • It comprises the following
  • e-Governance vision
  • e-Governance Strategy Blueprint
  • Capacity building roadmap
  • It has identified 15 Deptts where MMPs are to be
    taken up for providing more than 200 services.

NeGP Developments so far
  • It lays down State-wide e-Gov architecture which
    includes core policies, infrastructure
    applications and also lays down the Institutional
    Framework by way of a State eGov Council, State
    Information Technology Services Board, State eGov
    Mission Team (SeMT), Project eGov Mission Team
    (PeMT) and District Information Services Council

NeGP Issues
  • SWAN
  • Status TCIL has qualified as the consultant for
    Phase I II of SWAN implementation in the
  • Engagement of a consultant shall be completed by
    mid-Sept. 2006.
  • SeMT
  • SeMT has already been set up.
  • eGov Unit to provide necessary technical
    expertise and support to the SeMT is in the
    process of formation.

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