The Objective of e-Xcellence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Objective of e-Xcellence


The Objective of e-Xcellence The project goal is to set a standard for Quality in e-learning. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the Bologna ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Objective of e-Xcellence

The Objective of e-Xcellence
  • The project goal is to set a standard for Quality
    in e-learning.
  • The main objective of the project is to
    contribute to the Bologna process by creating
    standards of excellence in e-learning as
  • Assessment tool (programme and institutional
  • Improvement tool (internal quality care system)
  • Tool for accreditation for excellence

Partners (1)
  1. The Open University Iso-Britannian suurin
    yliopisto - yli 200 000 opiskelijaa maailman
    laajuisesti. (http//
  2. Open Universiteit Nederland on Alankomaiden
    avoinyliopisto - yli 20 000 opiskelijaa
  3. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
    (UNED) on Espanjan avoin yliopisto - yli 100 000
    opiskelijaa erityisesti espanjaa puhuvissa maissa
  4. The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open
    University of Catalonia)  on Kataloniassa
    sijaitseva espanjalainen yliopisto- yli 30 000
    opiskelijaa (

Partners (2)
  1. Centre national d'enseignement à distance toimii
    pääasiassa Ranskassa - opiskeljoita n. 350 000,
    joista n. 30 000 asuu Ranskan ulkopuolella.
  2. Consorzio NETTUNO on italialinen yhteenliittymä,
    jossa on mukana 38 organisaatiota (yliopistoja,
    kaupallisia yrityksiä mm Telecom Italia, ym)
  3. The European University Association on
    eurooppalaisten yliopistojen yhteisö, johon
    kuuluu 749 jäsenyliopistoa 45 maasta.
  4. Estonian Information Technology Foundation on
    jukkisten ja yksityisten toimijoiden muodostama
    not-for-profit toimija Virossa (

Partners (3)
  1. Apertus Közalapítvány, joka toimii lähinnä
    Unkarissa etäopetuksen alalla. (http//www.apertus
  2. eLIG eLearning Industry Group, jossa jäseninä
    mm. NOKIA, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM,
  3. NVAO hollantilainen opetuksen akreditointia
    varten perustettu organisaatio
  4. Oulun yliopiston Tuotantotalouden osasto, jolla n
    300 opiskelijaa (perus- ja jatko-opiskelijat)
  5. EADTU (Europeam Association for Distance Teaching
    Universities) tomiii hankkeen koordinaattorina

WP 5 Dissemination 01/2005 ... 12/2006
WP 4 Pilot 12/2005 ... 11/2006
WP 3 Testing 08/2005 ... 12/2005
WP 2 Feedback 05/2005 ... 08/2005
WP 1 Criteria Development 01/2005 ... 09/2005
WP 0 Project Management 01/2005 ... 12/2006
  • Introduction
  • I Management
  • II Products
  • III Services
  • IV Monitoring

WP3 Testing and Improving
  • WP leader Open University, UK

Duration 08/2005 12/2006
Work load 270 md
Objectives (1) Using the agreed criteria
developed through work packages 1 and 2, to draw
up a set of parameters and guidelines for their
interpretation for use in a validation context.
Definition of a testing procedure and approach.
(2) Developing internal quality systems based on
the criteria. These will enable regular
monitoring, review and evaluation of ODL
programmes in a variety of contexts, and will
inform the institutional agenda for enhancement
and development of such programmes
The end product of WP3
  • A presentable overview of criteria for eLearning
  • An audit manual taking the set of criteria up to
    performance indicators. It will on the web be
    extended to a good practice guide.
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