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What is


What is The Analysis of Longitudinal Survey Data Paul Lambert University of Stirling Prepared for: National Centre for Research Methods, Research Methods Festival ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What is

What is The Analysis of Longitudinal Survey Data
Paul Lambert University of StirlingPrepared
for National Centre for Research Methods,
Research Methods Festival, St Catherines
College, Oxford, 7 July 2010
  • Also see www.longitudinal.stir.ac.uk /

So whats distinct about the analysis of
longitudinal survey data?
  • You already know..
  • Working with (survey) datasets with longitudinal
    information (data about time) and the specialist
    techniques of statistical analysis that are
  • You maybe dont realise..
  • Groups of techniques and data types
  • Complex data and data management components

1) Types of longitudinal survey data
  • Survey resources
  • Longitudinal ..of or about time..
  • Analysis is concerned with time
  • Data is concerned with more than one time point
  • e.g. Taris 2000 Blossfeld and Rohwer 2002
  • Repeated measures over time
  • e.g. Menard 2002 Martin et al 2006

Data analysis is used to give a parsimonious
summary of patterns of relations between
variables in the survey dataset
Types of data and analysis traditions for
longitudinal surveys cf. www.longitudinal.stir.ac
0. Temporal effects in cross-sectional data 1. Repeated cross-sections
2. Panel datasets 3. Cohort studies
4. Events history datasets 5. Time series analyses
Temporal effects in single cross-sectional surveys
Data type 1/6
  • Temporal effects are (a) present and (b) of
    interest in most social science studies
  • We can measure differences between people in
    terms of their age / year of birth
  • These matter empirically are interesting
  • But we cant tell if differences are due to age
    or period or cohort (or other things that are
    collinear with these, e.g. life course stage or
    major events)

  • Longitudinal statements from cross-sectional data
    are common...
  • We typically fit linear/curvilinear trend lines
    for time effects
  • Treiman (2009 162) nonlinear specifications of
    time and age effects
  • Year of birth effect on literacy in China
    discontinuity at 1955 curve 1955-1967 knot at

Within 20s 0.15
yob cohort, 30s 0.28
Gamma on 40s 0.22
educ to health 50s 0.23
is 60s 0.22
70s 0.15
80s 0.10
Repeated cross-sections Surveys on same
topics, on multiple occasions, to
different people
Data type 2/6
Data example GHS pooled time-series dataset
(UKDA, SN 5664)
Adults aged 25-65 only
Repeated cross sections
  • Easy to communicate appealing how things have
    changed between certain time points
  • Can distinguishes any 2 of age / period / cohort
  • Easier to analyse less data management
  • However..
  • Dont get other QnLR attractions (nature of
    changers residual heterogeneity causality
  • Hidden complications are sampling methods,
    variable operationalisations really comparable?
  • More on this below...

Example Labour Force Survey yearly stats
Percent of UK workers with a higher degree, by employment category and gender (m / f ) Sample size 35,000 m / 30,000 f each year Percent of UK workers with a higher degree, by employment category and gender (m / f ) Sample size 35,000 m / 30,000 f each year Percent of UK workers with a higher degree, by employment category and gender (m / f ) Sample size 35,000 m / 30,000 f each year Percent of UK workers with a higher degree, by employment category and gender (m / f ) Sample size 35,000 m / 30,000 f each year
1991 1996 2001
Profess. 14.4 19.9 24.9
Non-Prof. 1.3 2.5 3.5
Profess. 11.0 24.4 28.3
Non-Prof 0.6 2.3 3.2
LFS and time (example in SPSS from
Panel Datasets
Data type 3/6
Information collected on the same cases at more
than one point in time
  • classic longitudinal design
  • incorporates follow-up, repeated measures,
    and cohort large and small in scale
  • Several major panel studies in UK, e.g.
  • Many cross-sectional surveys feature additional
    panel elements

Illustration Unbalanced panel
Wave Person ? Person-level Vars ? ? Person-level Vars ? ? Person-level Vars ? ? Person-level Vars ?
1 1 1 38 1 36
1 2 2 34 2 0
1 3 2 6 9 -
2 1 1 39 1 38
2 2 2 35 1 16
3 1 1 40 1 36
3 2 2 36 1 18
3 3 2 8 9 -
N_w3 N_p3 also sweep, contact,.. also sweep, contact,.. also sweep, contact,.. also sweep, contact,..
Complex data example BHPS panel dataset SN 5151
Panel data advantages
  • Study changers how many of them, what are
    they like, what caused change
  • Control for individuals unknown characteristics
    (residual heterogeneity)
  • Develop a full and reliable life history
  • e.g. family formation, employment patterns

Example Panel transitions
Young peoples household circumstance changes by subjective well-being between 1994 and 1995. BHPS youth panel, 11-14yrs in 1994, row percents. Young peoples household circumstance changes by subjective well-being between 1994 and 1995. BHPS youth panel, 11-14yrs in 1994, row percents. Young peoples household circumstance changes by subjective well-being between 1994 and 1995. BHPS youth panel, 11-14yrs in 1994, row percents. Young peoples household circumstance changes by subjective well-being between 1994 and 1995. BHPS youth panel, 11-14yrs in 1994, row percents. Young peoples household circumstance changes by subjective well-being between 1994 and 1995. BHPS youth panel, 11-14yrs in 1994, row percents. Young peoples household circumstance changes by subjective well-being between 1994 and 1995. BHPS youth panel, 11-14yrs in 1994, row percents.
Stays happy Cheers up Becomes miserable Stays miserable N
HH Stable 54 19 10 18 499
HH Changes 42 22 14 22 81

Panel data can be wide or long

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

  • Depends upon the analytical approach
  • Wide format is simpler to envisage but analysis
    will need unbalanced data or missing value
  • Long format is harder to manipulate (e.g. to
    cross-check), but is more flexible in the types
    of analysis it supports

Panel models Regression style models with
various estimators to recognise the repeated
contacts e.g. random effects fixed effects
population average linear(model influences on
GHQ score in the BHPS Stata examples available
via www.dames.org.uk/workshops)
Cohort Datasets
Data type 4/6
Information on a group of cases which share a
common circumstance, collected repeatedly as they
progress through a life course
  • Intuitive type of repeated contact data
  • e.g. 7-up series
  • Often contributes to cross-cohort comparisons
  • e.g. UK Birth cohort studies in 1946, 1958, 1970
    and 2000

Cohort data and analysis in the social sciences
  • Many circumstances parallel other panel types
  • Large scale studies ambitious expensive
  • Small scale cohorts still quite common
  • Attrition problems often more severe
  • Considerable study duration limits
  • Glenn (2005) argues that cohort analysis should
    be specifically directed to understanding effects
    of ageing/progression over time
  • Other uses of cohort data are just panel data
  • It remains hard - even with extensive cohort data
    - to authoritatively understand ageing effects
    (age period cohort)

Event history data analysisesp. Blossfeld et al
Data type 5/6
Focus shifts to length of time in a state
- analyse determinants/patterns to time in
  • Data sources are panel / cohort studies, or
    retrospective interviews (recall errors..)
  • Analysis of event durations Event history
    analysis Survival data analysis Failure
    time analysis hazards risks ..
  • Analysis of event patterns Sequence analysis
    trajectory analysis optimal matching
    analysis latent growth curves

Key to event histories is state space
Example Cox regression (SPSS example at

Time series data
Data type 6/6
Statistical summary of one particular concept,
collected at repeated time points from one or
more subjects
  • Examples
  • Unemployment rates by year in UK
  • University entrance rates by year by country
  • Comments
  • Panel many variables few time points
  • cross-sectional time series to economists
  • Time series few variables, many time points
  • Descriptive analyses e.g. charts of statistics
    over time
  • Advanced modelling analyses typically involve
    including autoregressive terms (e.g. lag
    effects) amongst explanatory factors

.Six types of data/analysis!
0. Temporal effects in cross-sectional data 1. Repeated cross-sections
2. Panel datasets 3. Cohort studies
4. Event history datasets 5. Time series analyses
2. Data management issues
..and then theres another thing..
  • Working with longitudinal survey data is made
    more challenging by important issues of data
  • Variable operationalisations for comparisons
  • e.g. strategies for standardisation,
  • Linking datasets internally to a study
  • Linking with other datasets to enhance analysis
  • Value of organising your data and files e.g.
    Long, 2009
  • Recognising data structure in analysis
  • e.g. missing data survey effects modelling

Dealing with complex data
  • In the UK we host many projects and centres which
    contribute to enabling the analysis of complex
    longitudinal data for social science research
  • Specifying suitably complex statistical models
  • Examples at the Centre for Multilevel Modelling
    (E-Stat a generic tool for specifying advanced
    models Realcom for analysing longitudinal
    missing data) Lancaster-Warwick-Stirling NCRM
    Node ULSC (Essex) on survey design effects
  • Resources on accessing and handling complex data
  • e.g. ESDS ADMIN Node Obesity e-lab DAMES Node
  • ..Session 17 in yesterdays programme..

My own pet project concerns comparability of
variables over time..(see www.dames.org.uk)
Effect proportional scaling using parents
occupational advantage
3. Some closing comments on the analysis of
longitudinal survey data
  • Why bother with all this..?
  • Focus on change / stability
  • Focus on the life course
  • Distinguish age, period and cohort effects
  • Career trajectories / life course sequences
  • Focus on time / durations
  • Substantive role of durations (e.g. Unemployment)
  • Getting the full picture
  • Causality and residual heterogeneity
  • Examining multivariate relationships
  • Representative conclusions
  • e.g. Abbott 2006 Mayer 2005 Menard 2002
    Baltagi 2001 Rose 2000 Dale and Davies 1994
    Hannan and Tuma 1979 Moser 1958

Research traditions
  • geographers study space and economists study
  • adage quoted in Fotheringham et al. 2000245
  • Vast economics literature using techniques for
    temporal analysis
  • Other social science disciplines to some degree
    catching up
  • Though methodological research on longitudinal
    models, and data quality, cross-cuts disciplines
    e.g. Dale and Davies, 1994
  • Data expansions c1990 -gt more encompassing
    models new substantive applications areas
  • For example
  • Platt 2005 - ethnic minorities social mobility
  • Pahl Pevalin 2005 Friendship patterns over
  • Verbakel de Graaf 2008 spouses effect on
    careers 1941-2003
  • One challenge is getting used to talking about
    time in a more disciplined way e.g. traditional
    sociological characterisations of the past and
    social change may not be empirically

Whats exciting in the analysis of longitudinal
social survey data?
  • A personal view

By and large, the core analytical methodological issues have been recognised for some time
What is exciting is the rapid expansion of secondary quantitative longitudinal data, its quality, its volume and its accessibility (a) - new data (b) - new tools for accessing, handling and modelling large and complex data
  • Abbott, A. (2006). 'Mobility What? When? How?'
    in Morgan, S.L., Grusky, D.B. and Fields, G.S.
    (eds.) Mobility and Inequality. Stanford
    Stanford University Press.
  • Baltagi, B.H. (2001). Econometric Analysis of
    Panel Data. New York Wiley.
  • Blossfeld, H.P. and Rohwer, G. (2002). Techniques
    of Event History Modelling New Approaches to
    Causal Analysis, 2nd Edition. Mawah, NJ Lawrence
    Erlbaum Associates.
  • Blossfeld, H. P., Grolsch, K., Rohwer, G.
    (2007). Event History Analysis with Stata. New
    York Lawrence Erlbaum
  • Davies, R.B. (1994). 'From Cross-Sectional to
    Longitudinal Analysis' in Dale, A. and Davies,
    R.B. (eds.) Analysing Social and Political Change
    A casebook of methods. London Sage.
  • Fotheringham, A. S., Brunsdon, C., Charlton, M.
    (2000). Quantitative Geography Perspectives on
    Spatial Data Analysis. London Sage.
  • Glenn, N. D. (2005). Cohort Analysis, 2nd
    Edition. London Sage.
  • Hannan, M. T., Tuma, N. B. (1979). Methods for
    Temporal Analysis. Annual Review of Sociology, 5,
  • Li, Y., Heath, A. F. (2008). Socio-Economic
    Position and Political Support of Black and
    Ethnic Minority Groups in the United Kingdom,
    1972-2005 computer file. 2nd Ed. Colchester,
    Essex UK Data Archive distributor, SN 5666.
  • Long, J.S. (2009). The Workflow of Data Analysis
    using Stata. Boca Raton, Texas
  • Martin, J., Bynner, J., Kalton, G., Boyle, P.,
    Goldstein, H., Gayle, V., Parsons, S. and Piesse,
    A. 2006. Strategic Review of Panel and Cohort
    Studies. London Longview, and www.longviewuk.com/
  • Mayer, K.U. 2005. 'Life courses and life chances
    in a comparative perspective' in Svallfors, S.
    (ed.) Analyzing Inequality Life Chances and
    Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective.
    Stanford Stanford University Press.
  • Menard, S. 2002. Longitudinal Research, 2nd
    Edition. London Sage, Number 76 in Quantitative
    Applications in the Social Sciences Series.
  • Moser, C. A. (1958). Survey Methods in Social
    Investigation. London Heinemann.
  • Pahl, R., Pevalin, D. (2005). Between family
    and friends a longitudinal study of friendship
    choice. British Journal of Sociology, 56(3),
  • Platt, L. (2005). Migration and Social Mobility
    The Life Chances of Britain's Minority Ethnic
    Communities. Bristol The Policy Press.
  • Rose, D. (2000). Researching Social and Economic
    Change The Uses of Household Panel Studies.
    London Routledge.
  • Taris, T.W. (2000). A Primer in Longitudinal Data
    Analysis. London Sage.
  • Treiman, D.J. (2009). Quantitative Data Analysis
    Doing Social Research to Test Ideas. New York
    Josey Bass.
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