Title: Interactions%20of%20Charged%20Peptides%20with%20Polynucleic%20Acids
1Interactions ofCharged Peptides with Polynucleic
David P. Mascotti John Carroll University Departme
nt of Chemistry University Heights, OH 44118
2Original Purposes
1) Provide a Model System for the Salt Dependence
of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions 2)
Obtain a Thermodynamic Basis for Charged
Ligand-Nucleic Acid Interactions 3) Test Some
Polyelectrolyte Theories
3Protein-Nucleic Acid InteractionsA Cartoon
4General Effects of Salt on Charged Ligand-Nucleic
Acid Equilibria Linked Function Analysis
5Link to collapsed structures
? collapsed LD
L D ? LD
These studies
Future studies
Simple oligocations binding to polynucleotides,
in the absence of anion or water
rearrangement, Dc Z Y or Z (based on
counterion condensation hypothesis) What is Y?
Y 1 - (2x)-1 (where, x q2/ekTb) and
that means? Y the fraction of a cation
thermodynamically bound per phosphate to
relieve repulsion
Lys-Trp-(Lys)p-NH2 (KWKp-NH2) Z p 2 (when
fully protonated) Lys-Trp-(Ile)2-(Lys)2-NH2
(KWI2K2-NH2) Z 4 (when fully
protonated) Lys-Trp-(Lys)p-CO2 (KWKp-CO2) Z
p 1 (when fully protonated) Arg-Trp-(Arg)p-NH2
(RWRp-NH2) Z p 2 (when fully
protonated) Arg-Trp-(Arg)p-CO2 (RWRp-CO2) Z
p 1 (when fully protonated)
8Fluorescence Quenchingof Tryptophan
9Light Scatter
10Calculation of Binding Isotherms from
Fluorescence Quenching Data
Qobs (Finit - Fobs)/ Finit Qobs/Qmax
Lb/Lt Qmax Qobs at Lb/Lt 1 n Lb/Dt
(Qobs/Qmax)(Lt/Dt) Lf Lt - n Dt
(Extent of Quenching is proportional to extent of
peptide binding)
11Treatment of overlapping binding sites for
nonspecific, noncooperative ligand-nucleic acid
12Sample Reverse Titrations
13Saltback Titrations
14Sample of vant Hoff Analysis for Binding of
KWK4-NH2 to Poly(U) as a Function of salt
15Dependence of Kobs on Salt Concentration for
Oligolysine-poly(U) Interactions
16Salt Dependence of Kobs vs.Oligolysine Charge y
0.7 for poly(U)
17The Salt Dependence of Kobs for
Oligolysine-poly(U) Interactions is Due to
Cation Release
18The Salt Dependence of Kobs isIndependent of
Cation Type
19Changes in Free Energy, Enthalpy and Entropy as
Functions of Salt Concentration
20Correlation of Qmax to Standard State
Thermodynamic Quantities for Oligolysines Binding
to Poly(U)
21Qmax varies with PolynucleotideType and Peptide
22Correlation of Qmax with DG?(1M) for
KWK4-NH2-polynucleotide Interactions
23Salt Dependence of Kobs for OligolysinesBinding
to Different Homopolynucleotides
24Effect of Anion Type on the Dependence ofKobs on
Salt for RWR4-NH2 binding to poly(U)
25Dependence of Kobs on salt concentration for
Oligoarginine-poly(U) interactions Comparison to
26(No Transcript)
27And now, something thatwas supposed to be
- Effect of dielectric constant on y.
- Y 1 - (2x)-1 (where, x q2/ekTb)
- Therefore, Zy (i.e., slope of logKobs/logsalt)
- should increase with decreasing e.
28Salt dependence of E. coli SSB-poly(U)
Interactions with and without Glycerol
29Salt Dependence of Kobs as a Function of Solution
KWK2-NH2 binding to poly(U) pH6, 25C
-SKobs vs. e
30The Effect of the Cosolvent on Kobs
KWK2-NH2 binding to poly(U) at 29 mM KOAc, pH6,
31KWK2-NH2- and KWI2K2-NH2-poly(U) Interactions
Various Cosolvents
KWK2-NH2 -poly(U) at 25oC
32Thermodynamic Data and Salt Dependence for Each
All thermodynamic data was collected at 40.1 mM
M and all saltbacks were performed at 25oC.
?Ho values are in kcal/mol and ?So values are in
cal/mol. Estimated error in ?Ho is ?1.5
kcal/mol and in ?So is ?5 cal/mol Note it was
found that DH was independent of salt
33Interpreting the Ethanol data for KWK2-NH2 and
- Ethanol induces a steeper -SKobs for KWK2-NH2.
Stronger anion binding? If so, hydration of the
anion upon release ? more favorable ?H. - or more favorable ?H in ethanol could be
explained by ethanol promoting water molecules
being released from the peptide or RNA.2 - d ln(Kobs)/ dosmolal -?nw/55.6
- from this equation, estimate that approximately
12 water molecules are released from the
peptide-RNA complex - Upon being released these water molecules may
form stronger hydrogen bonds with other water
molecules than with the RNA or peptide - There is also a more favorable ?H when ethanol is
used as the cosolvent with KWI2K2-NH2. However,
the SKobs is not as affected. Why?
(incongruent with first argument above, better
for second)
34Future Studies
- More highly charged peptides (e.g., KWK29-NH2)
- Arginine-based peptides
- Determine anion effect with MeOH EtOH
- New ITC and DSC Calorimeters
- -could be used to help determine collapse
step - Other osmolytes?
- Volume exclusion agents?
35Take-Home Messages
- Charged Peptide-nucleotide interactions useful
data set - for comparison to protein-DNA and -RNA
interactions. - Inclusion of hydrophobic residues in the peptides
can - affect -SKobs
- The nature of the anion may not be trivial for
highly - charged peptides, especially in hydrophobic
environments - Slopes of logKobs vs. logsalt plots must be
dissected - to interpret Z correctly.
- John Carroll University
- National Science Foundation
- Huntington and Codrington Foundations
- Dreyfus Foundation Special Awards in Chemistry
- James Bellar, Niki Kovacs, Amy Salwan, Michael
38Effect of the Number of Tryptophanson Ion
39(No Transcript)
40Dependence of Thermodynamic Properties on Number
of Tryptophans
41Standard State Thermodynamic Quantitiesof
Oligolysines Binding to ssRNA and
ssDNADependence on Peptide Charge
42Cuvette Adhesion