Title: Nuclear%20Stability
1Nuclear Stability
- Relative Stability of Different Nuclei
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3Two Methods
4What holds an atom together?
Forces of Nature and Atomic Structure
5Band (Island) of Stability
N/Z ratio
Number of stable isotopes
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7Isotope trends among the elements
8Binding Energy, but first
Comparing stability O-O single bond strength
146 kJ/mol OO double bond strength 496
kJ/mol Which is more stable, O2 or O3?
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11Predict what you think the trend will be As
atomic number increases, what will happen to
12Split up class and do
13Do all isotopes using Excel
14Modes of Radioactive Decay
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16U-238 Decay Series
And the problem with radon.
17Decay modes and the island of stability.
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