Design Principle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design Principle


Design Principle 2006. 04.11 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Jins152


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design Principle

Design Principle
  • 2006. 04.11
  • ? ? ?

  • Site Structure
  • The Web Design Dilemma
  • Web Design Issues
  • Guideline

Site Structure
  • Totally connected
  • Hierarchical
  • Sequential
  • Hybrid

Totally connected
  • Every page has a link to every other page.
  • Even for a small site, this structure requires a
    lot of links and is hard to make sense of.
  • May be appropriate for a small site where
    visitors may want to look at some or all of the
    pages in any order
  • Provide a standard navigation bar (navbar) on
    each page, containing links to each of the others
  • Indicate current page ("You are here")
  • http//

  • Most popular organization for larger sites
  • Home page contains pointers to a subset of other
    pages in the site
  • Each page directly accessible from home page can
    be considered the home page of its own sub-site
  • May contain links to home pages of sub-sub-sites,
    and so on
  • Sub-sites devoted to sub-topics of main site

Hierarchical Navigation
  • Essential structure is hierarchical, but there
    may be additional links (e.g. to each 2nd level
    page from every page)
  • Use main navibar to access major sub-sites plus
  • 2nd level of navibar within each sub-site
  • Hierarchical drop-down menus
  • Breadcrumbs(a sequence of links) popular way of
    showing current location in hierarchy
  • http//

  • May be appropriate when pages naturally form a
    linear sequence
  • Small online gallery is an example.
  • The site is to display a series of images.
  • Results pages from a search engine
  • Entries in a Weblog
  • Usual navigation consists of Next and Previous
    buttons, often augmented with links to every page
    in (short) sequence
  • http//

  • Many-medium - to large-sized Web sites do not
    fall neatly into any of the three categories just
    described, but they can be seen as being composed
    of sub-sites which do.
  • One or two levels of hierarchy
  • Totally linked or sequence, or both.
  • Example
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Complementary Navigation Structure
  • Site maps are helpful to users who want to reach
    a particular page directly without following a
    series of links through a structure.
  • Complex sites provide a search facility, which
    enables users to find pages of interest and go
    directly to them.

Time-Based Structures
  • Traditional time-based media essentially linear
  • Digital media, linear order can be altered by
    scripts and in response to input from the user
  • If script controls playback by computation, but
    without accepting input (e.g. counts frames),
    structure is deterministic
  • To accept user input, there must be some controls
    to accept input
  • May also exhibit parallelism

  • Simple loop script attached to final frame sends
    playback head back to first frame
  • Introduction plus loop script on final frame
    sends playback head to some earlier frame (not
  • Counted loops Script counts number of times
    round the loop, does something different after a
    certain number of loops (e.g. stop)

  • Common case set of selections on a menu
  • Menu is a single stopped frame with buttons for
    each menu selection
  • Movie is divided into sections, each of which
    jumps back to the menu frame at the end
  • Script attached to each button causes a jump to
    the corresponding section when pressed
  • General branching structures built by allowing
    users to choose from set of alternatives for next
    part of movie to play next (e.g. interactive

  • Flash movie clips are self-contained movies
    within a movie that can play back in parallel
  • Movie clips can be controlled by scripting
  • Stopped, started, sent to a particular frame,
  • Permits essentially infinite variations on
    playback of a finite collection of elements
  • Can respond to user input
  • Interactive animation etc

The Web Design Dilemma
  • Heterogeneity of the Internet and its users
  • Pages may be viewed on any machine connected to
    the Internet by any connection
  • Must look good at any resolution using any
    browser, no matter how configured, under any OS
  • Download times may differ by factor up to 40
  • Public global network, no idea of identity of
  • Different cultural and educational backgrounds,
    levels of skills possibly physical or cognitive

A web page based on a printed design.
Displayed on a small monitor
With substituted fonts and altered link color
With font sizes increased
HTML Display
  • Original design of HTML and browsers attempted to
    deal with heterogeneous environment
  • Text may reflow to accommodate to available
    window size
  • Page elements could not be positioned absolutely
  • Fonts could not be specified on page
  • http//
  • http//
  • Relative type sizes
  • CSS restores some control to designers, but user
    retains ultimate control

Page Design Pitfalls
  • Traditional print-based design ideas may not work
    on the Web
  • Small screen may need scrollbars with parts of a
    page hidden
  • Fonts may be substituted
  • User may change type size
  • Brower may not support CSS properly or at all
  • Some people use a text-only browser

Inadequate Responses
  • Fix design may make matters worse
  • Turn text into GIF to preserve fonts and layout
    slows down page loading, leaves users with images
    disabled with nothing
  • Reduce all design to level of text-only browser
  • Page will not communicate as effectively as it
    could with proper design
  • Design for one particular configuration
  • Great diversity of systems and configurations
  • Foolish to turn away visitors who don't conform

Graceful Transformation
  • Accept that a Web page may appear differently to
    different users
  • Ensure that page remains readable and navigable
    and preferably attractive under all

Barriers to Access
  • Some visitors to any Web site may
  • Be unable to see, or have impaired vision or
    defective colour vision
  • Be unable to read or understand what they read
    very easily
  • Be unable to use a mouse or keyboard, owing to
    injury or major disability
  • Be unable to hear
  • They may have to rely on assistive technology

  • Pages must transform gracefully into a form that
    can be rendered by assistive technology
  • e.g. text-only for screen readers
  • In many countries legislation exists requiring
    certain classes of Web site to be accessible in
    this sense
  • Requirements based on the W3C's Web Accessibility
    Initiative (WAI) guidelines

Textual Equivalents
  • Should supply text that can stand in for all
    non-textual elements of a page.
  • img and area elements use alt attribute to
    specify a brief decription of the image/hotspot
    displayed instead of the image in text-only
    browsers, read by screen readers.
  • If long description is needed, use longdesc to
    point to text-only document
  • Equivalents are alternatives, not replacements.

Structural Markup
  • Separating structure and content from appearance
    (e.g. using CSS) allows page to be presented in
    form appropriate to user's needs.
  • e.g. if you use h1, h2 for headers, can use a
    stylesheet to format them for sighted users, an
    audio stylesheet to add stress for screen
    readers, or software can extract headings to
    generate an outline.
  • Using visual markup to identify structure (e.g.
    headings as p elements with special font
    attributes) prevents this.

CSS Positioning
  • By using absolutely positioned div elements, can
    create arbitrary layouts (e.g. multi-column,
    call-outs, )
  • If divs appear in logical order in HTML document,
    user agents that ignore CSS will 'see' text in
    its correct order
  • Beware Web authoring software that may choose its
    own order for adding div elements to HTML
  • Using tables to create layouts may mislead screen
    readers (e.g. read straight across two columns)

Structure and Navigation
  • To help people with cognitive disabilities, use
    headings and sub-heading, bulleted and numbered
    lists use one paragraph per idea.
  • Provide navigational overview of site to help
    orient people who easily become confused and to
    allow assistive technology to isolate
    navigational elements.
  • Make link text meaningful, even in isolation.
  • Never use click here links.

  • Roughly 5 of male population unable to
    distinguish between certain colours (usually red
    and green) very small number of people cannot
    see colours at all.
  • Old computers, some PDAs only have black and
    white displays.
  • Cannot rely on colour alone to convey
  • e.g. if you use colour to identify links,
    supplement it with some other styling.
  • Can distinguish between confusable colours using

  • Rapidly flashing elements can trigger epileptic
    attacks, so avoid blinking text.
  • Movement may be an unwelcome distraction, so
    always provide a way of turning off animated
  • Animated GIFs, JavaScript animation this can
    usually be done in the browser
  • Flash add controls to movie to stop or skip it
  • Users with cognitive difficulties can become
    confused if windows open spontaneously, so don't
    use pop-ups

Web Design Issues
  • Correctness
  • Content
  • Usability

  • Things have to work.
  • Static HTML errors
  • Validate HTML
  • But beware of browser bugs
  • Example
  • http//
  • Image distortion
  • Client-side script errors
  • Scripting languages such as JavaScript do not
    provide much linguistic support for ensuring the
    correctness of scripts.
  • Cannot be checked at compile-time
  • Scripts can only be detected when the script is
  • Server-side programming errors
  • Logic fails, the whole application cannot perform
    its function.
  • Perl and PHP.
  • Must be scrupulously checked and tested.

  • Most important thing about a Web site is its
  • Most beautifully designed accessible site will
    attract no visitors if the content is of no
    interest to anybody.
  • Need to frequently update.
  • http//
  • Easy readable page.
  • Compelling content can overcome poor design.
  • Barely design , simply text etc.
  • http//
  • Good design practice can make compelling content
    more readable, navigable, welcoming.

  • How easy is it for visitors to find information
    they are looking for, or use services offered
    through the site?
  • Much of the research conducted into usability
    suffers from poor methodology.
  • Small and unrepresentative samples relative to
    population of Web users.
  • Data used to support the conclusion are flimsy.
  • Emphasis on goal-oriented experimentation .
  • For effective design, you need to understand not
    only the principles behind the technology, but
    also the principles of effective communication.

  • Not cast-iron rules.
  • Mostly common sense and courtesy.
  • Treat as check list If not followed, know why
  • Put the user first.
  • The users who look at the site are the people who
    should be considered first.
  • Put the user in control.
  • Don't provide too much choice.
  • The user should be in control, but not forced to
    make unnecessary decisions.
  • Don't make assumptions about users' behaviour.

  • Use technology judiciously.
  • Understand your site's context.
  • Keep up with change.
  • Don't neglect aesthetics.
  • Know your limitations.
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