Data Analysis and Detector Characterization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Analysis and Detector Characterization


Data Analysis and Detector Characterization Paul Lebrun Auger/Fermilab/CD – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Data Analysis and Detector Characterization

Data Analysis and Detector Characterization
  • Paul Lebrun
  • Auger/Fermilab/CD

  • Intro from our physics program to detector
  • Infrastructure for Auger data analysis at
  • Data Analysis
  • Composition hadronic physics
  • Anisotropies
  • Detector studies.
  • SD reconstruction systematics
  • SD PMT and PMT electronics studies.

  • The list of data analysis topics maps onto the
    science of Auger, with a particular focus on the
    intersection between the Cosmic Frontier and the
    Energy Frontier, namely, the issues of mass
    composition, leading us to hadronic physics at or
    well above the LHC energy.
  • Our Holy Grail Composition hadronic
    interactions in the one EeV -gt 100 EeV range.
    Anisotropy an additional handle for determining
    the composition.
  • While we are statistics limited above the GZK,
    systematics also matter ? back to detector

Infrastructure for Auger data analysis at
  • Hardware (modest!)
  • One 4-core data server 10 Tb of data on
    networked disk.
  • Fermi-Grid customers (small impact at Fermilab)
  • Workstations for 5 physicists
  • Data serving
  • Non-event databases about 10 active MySQL
    databases, collecting data from experts servers
    and making it available as need be.
  • U.S. event data repository.

Auger Offline Analysis, Software Methods
  • All Offline analysis package installed and
    running. Thanks to the effort of the Offline
    group (Northeastern Univ. (U.S.), UNAM
    (Mexico)), the installation is now easy and does
    not take much effort.
  • Reconstructing the entire SD data set take few
    days, allowing complete and systematic evaluation
    of detector performance and effective resolution.
  • Full access of hadronic interaction Monte-Carlo
    expertise, as Eun-Joo Ahn is the current lead
    developer for Sibyll. These packages are running
    on the Grid (Open Fermi)
  • Multiple groups works on the same topic, either
    using the same base software, or independent
    reconstruction packages.

Hadronic Studies Composition
  • Rigorous analysis of the slanted depth (Xmax)
  • Using existing models, study mixed composition.
  • Assuming proton, (or proton/Iron mix), extract
    self-consistent p-air cross-section vs energy.
  • New (and unique) analysis technique Optimum use
    of Monte Carlo samples via the use of weights.
    That is, a small change in cross-section in a
    limited energy range is handled consistently via
    a change of these weights, not by recreating a
    completely new Monte Carlo data set.

Hadronic Physics, Results
  • These analysis do not support a proton to Fe
    transition, from one EeV to 15 EeV range. Other
    nuclei are involved, or hadronic model needs to
    be revisited.
  • If proton only, the p-air cross section rises
    with energy faster than most models predicts. Or,
    again, the hadronic model needs to be modified,
    at energies 10 times higher than the LHC can

Composition with X-sectionextrapolated from low
energy data.
Anisotropies Composition Examples
  • Point like source at 1 EeV, on the Galactic
    plane. Given known Galactic magnetic fields then
    this ray must be neutral. Based on shower
    profile and lateral distributions one can
    determine that such rays are not photons gt must
    be a neutron.
  • Activity at Fermilab (2 years ago), check of the
    Galactic center prescription).
  • Consider an extra-galactic source whose direction
    is away from the Galactic plane thereby
    influenced only by the local (few kpc) magnetic
    field. This leads to the possibility to
    determine the mass composition at the highest
    energy using the local region of the Galaxy as a
    mass spectrometer.

Anisotropies Mass CompositionThe Lemoine
Waxman thesis
  • Stringent limit on composition at 55 EeV, should
    the Centaurus A be confirmed.
  • Discussed previously by P. Kasper.
  • Credits Fred Kuehn and Ivonne Albuquerque
    spearheaded this analysis effort and became a
    lead co-author

AGN Anisotropy Signal
Trans-GZK anisotropy at Fermilab
  • Check (i.e., recalculation from raw data) of this
    anisotropy. Includes the SD reconstruction.
  • In depth analysis of the confidence level
    associated to the AGN signal. Investigate
    stability vs time.
  • Includes a closer look at possible detector
    systematics In-depth study of the angular and
    energy resolution.

2-Point Correlation vs time.
  • A 2Pt correlation analysis result was presented
    at the Rencontre de Blois, 2009 meeting,
    showing a compelling signal.
  • Current (2004 -gt 2010 data) probability for
    isotropy is 1 gt only upper limit. (Recent
  • We checked the stability of the signal, and it
    follows (time-wise) the same evolution as the AGN

Global Likelihood optimization
  • Motivation So far our published analysis of the
    AGN correlation
  • Is based on event counting above a fixed energy.
  • Assumes that the angular and energy
    uncertainties have a negligible impact of the
    significance of the result.
  • and does not use models of the Galactic magnetic

In our more precise likelihood analysis, the AGN
and 2pt analysis are no longer based on a simple
binomial test For each event, one has to compute
a probability for correlation instead of sorting
the sample into correlated vs not correlated
sub-samples. Uncertainties from SD
reconstruction propagated into the physics
Status of these analysis
  • At Fermilab In progress. Log likelihood
    function coded, based on simple extra-galactic
    propagator. Parallelism implemented based on MPI.
    Needed Galactic field Runge-Kutta propagator.
  • At NYU (G. Farrar et al), .... Study of
    Galactic maps from radio astronomy data, and used
    in the AGN analysis.

  • Intro From our physics program to detector
  • Infrastructure for Auger data analysis at
  • Data analysis
  • Composition hadronic physics
  • Anisotropies
  • Detector studies.
  • SD reconstruction systematics
  • SD PMT and PMT electronics studies at Lab 2.

From Physics Analysis to Detector
  • The three measured quantities that enters the
    anisotropy analysis are
  • Time of arrival of EAS gt know from GPS data
    with much more accuracy than needed.
  • Direction of arrival, obtained via timing.
  • Energy of the shower anisotropy are expected to
    depend on the energy of the ray.
  • Two of them are obtained indirectly. One needs
    calibration reconstruction software.

In order to determine the systematic
uncertainties at each step of this process, the
SD reconstruction has been done many times, to
refine the knowledge of the time of arrival
variance, integrated pulses (station signals) and
so forth. Cross-checks Quality of the EAS fits
(angles and energy) In the context of small
changes in the detector response.
Surface Detector Long Term Performance
  • Our SD monitoring data (single muons) indicate a
    small (few /year) reduction of the pulse length,
    due to a commensurate change in the light
    collection efficiency.
  • We can run for a few more years without losing
    sensitivity, as the trigger parameters can be
  • Time integrated signal calibrated in-situ. To
    first order, the calibration procedure is robust
    against changes in light collection efficiency.

Angular Resolution Results
  • Variance of the EAS arrival time directly
    measured with special, close proximity (10 m.)
    proximity tanks.
  • Angular resolution is better than 0.9 degrees,
    based on low energy data and does improve at
    higher energy.
  • Adequate for AGN signal. But contribute to the
    final uncertainties on the parameters of the

SD Energy Method for determination
  • SD Energy resolution/calibration also done based
    on data.
  • Time integrated pulse converted to Vertical
    Equivalent Muons (VEM) -gt station signal.
    Based on in-situ calibration, from single muon
  • From VEM to SD estimate of the energy, via the
    lateral distribution fit, with correction for
    zenith angle.
  • Calibrated with hybrid data.
  • These last two step have been checked, as they
    are done offline, based on raw data.

SD Energy Scale Resolution studies.
  • Conservative estimate of the station signal
    variance, estimated for the entire array, using
    information from the monitoring data .
  • Study of the EAS lateral distribution fits (LDF)
    in Offline reconstruction.
  • Study of the combined lateral curvature fits.
  • In presence of the known SD PMT saturation
  • PMT base
  • FADC
  • Studied at Fermilab.

Findings Impact on Physics (Spectrum,
  • At the highest energies, the angular resolution
    ranges from 0.5 to 0.9 degrees which is adequate
    for anisotropy studies, for most conventional
    UHECR scenarios.
  • The energy resolution (13 to 15 above 10 EeV)
    and the stability of the energy scale (20 at 10
    EeV) is a contributing factor to the flux and
    signal to noise ratio uncertainties at or above
    57 EeV. Note that we have no direct calibration
    (from the FD) at these energies.

SD Energy Scale and Resolution Stability
  • However, the energy spectrum is stable. The
    event count above 55 EeV vs time is proportional
    to the exposure (estimated from monitoring data
    and known with high accuracy).
  • This constrains the change(s) in the energy scale
    and resolution. Within hybrid statistical
    accuracy (more data will help!.)
  • These uncertainties are being implemented in the
    AGN likelihood analysis. A more plausible
    estimate of the AGN correlation significance will
    be extracted.
  • Status in progress...

  • We are focusing on particle physics at the
    highest energy X-section, Hadronic models and
  • Trans-GZK anisotropy (AGN 2Pt), prospects
  • Auger has the real potential to open the field of
    UHECR astronomy. Important for particle physics
    at the highest energies.
  • More work is needed to assess all systematic
    uncertainties that enter the final estimates of
    the parameters of these anisotropy signals.
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