Title: Surface and Materials Analysis Techniques
1Surface and Materials Analysis Techniques
- Nanotechnology
- Foothill DeAnza Colleges
2Your Instructor
- Robert Cormia
- Associate Professor, Foothill College
- Informatics and Nanotechnology
- Background in surface chemistry and surface
modification, materials analysis, - Contact info
- rdcormia_at_earthlink.net ph. 650.747.1588
- Why characterize?
- Techniques
- Approaches
- Examples
- Where to learn more
4Why Characterize?
- Nanostructures are unknown
- QA/QC of fabrication process
- Failure analysis of products
- Materials characterization
- Process development / optimization
5Characterization Techniques
- Surface analysis
- Image analysis
- Organic analysis
- Structural analysis
- Physical properties
6Types of Approaches
- Failure analysis
- Problem solving
- Materials characterization
- Process development
7Industry Examples
- Semiconductors and MEMS
- Bionanotechnology
- Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)
- Thin film coatings
- Plasma deposited films
8Surface Techniques
- AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- XPS X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- SSIMS Static Secondary Ion Spectroscopy
- TOF-SIMS Time-Of-Flight SIMS
- LEEDS Low Energy Electron Diffraction
9Surface Analysis
- Electron Spectroscopies
- XPS X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- EELS Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
- Ion Spectroscopies
- SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- SNMS Sputtered Neutral Mass Spectrometry
- ISS Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
- RBS Rutherford Back Scattering
The Study of the Outer-Most Layers of Materials
10XPS/AES Analysis Volume
11AES - Auger
- Surface sensitivity
- Microbeam
- Depth profiling
- Elemental composition
- Some chemical bonding
12Why the Odd Name?
13Surface Sensitivity
- Escape depth of electrons limits the sample
information volume. - For AES and XPS, this is 40 Angstroms.
- Angle of sample to detector can be varied to
change the surface sensitivity.
14Auger Data Formats
Raw Data
Differentiated Data
15Auger Instrumentation
PHI Model 660 Scanning Auger Microprobe
16Sputtering (Ion Etching) of Samples
17Al/Pd/GaN Thin Film Example
(cross section)
18Al/Pd/GaN Profile Data
19Al/Pd/GaN Atomic Concentration Data
- Surface sensitivity
- Microbeam resolution
- Depth profiling
- Elemental composition
- Some chemical bonding
21What is XPS / ESCA?
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), also
known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical
Analysis (ESCA) is a widely used technique to
investigate the chemical composition of surfaces.
22X-ray Photoelectron SpectroscopySmall Area
Electrons are extracted only from a narrow solid
X-ray Beam
X-ray penetration depth 1mm. Electrons can be
excited in this entire volume.
10 nm
1 mm2
X-ray excitation area 1x1 cm2. Electrons are
emitted from this entire area
23The Photoelectric Process
Ejected Photoelectron
Incident X-ray
- XPS spectral lines are identified by the shell
from which the electron was ejected (1s, 2s, 2p,
etc.). - The ejected photoelectron has kinetic energy
- KEhv-BE-?
- Following this process, the atom will release
energy by the emission of an Auger Electron.
Free Electron Level
Conduction Band
Fermi Level
Valence Band
24Auger Relation of Core Hole
Emitted Auger Electron
Free Electron Level
- L electron falls to fill core level vacancy (step
1). - KLL Auger electron emitted to conserve energy
released in step 1. - The kinetic energy of the emitted Auger electron
is - KEE(K)-E(L2)-E(L3).
Conduction Band
Fermi Level
Valence Band
25Surface Analysis Tools
SSX-100 ESCA on the left, Auger Spectrometer on
the right
26XPS Spectrum of Carbon
- XPS can determine the types of carbon present by
shifts in the binding energy of the C(1s) peak.
These data show three primary types of carbon
present in PET. These are C-C, C-O, and O-CO
27Surface Treatments
- Control friction, lubrication, and wear
- Improve corrosion resistance (passivation)
- Change physical property, e.g., conductivity,
resistivity, and reflection - Alter dimension (flatten, smooth, etc.)
- Vary appearance, e.g., color and roughness
- Reduce cost (replace bulk material)
28Surface Treatment of NiTi
Biomedical Devices and Biomedical Implants SJSU
Guna Selvaduray
29Surface Treatment of NiTi
Biomedical Devices and Biomedical Implants SJSU
Guna Selvaduray
30Surface Treatment of NiTi
- XPS spectra of the Ni(2p) and Ti(2p) signals from
Nitinol undergoing surface treatments show
removal of surface Ni from electropolish, and
oxidation of Ni from chemical and plasma etch.
Mechanical etch enhances surface Ni.
Biomedical Devices and Biomedical Implants SJSU
Guna Selvaduray
31(No Transcript)
32Molecular Self Assembly
33Self Assembled Monolayers
- SAMS Self Assembled Monolayers
- Cast a film onto a surface from a liquid
- You can also use a spray technique
- Films spontaneously order / reorder
- Modifying surface properties yields materials
with a bulk strength but modified surface
interaction phase
34The Self-Assembly Process
A schematic of SAM (n-alkanethiol CH3(CH2)nSH
molecules) formation on a Au(111) sample.
The self-assembly process. An n-alkane thiol is
added to an ethanol solution (0.001 M). A gold
(111) surface is immersed in the solution and the
self-assembled structure rapidly evolves. A
properly assembled monolayer on gold (111)
typically exhibits a lattice.
35SAM Technology Platform
- SAM reagents are used for electrochemical,
optical and other detection systems.
Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) are
unidirectional layers formed on a solid surface
by spontaneous organization of molecules. - Using functionally derivatized C10 monolayer,
surfaces can be prepared with active chemistry
for binding analytes.
36SAM Surface Derivatization
- Biomolecules (green) functionalized with biotin
groups (red) can be selectively immobilized onto
a gold surface using a streptavidin linker (blue)
bound to a mixed biotinylated thiol / ethylene
glycol thiol self-assembled monolayer.
37SAMs C10 Imaging with AFM
38AES vs. XPS?
- AES needs an electrically conductive substrate
metals and semiconductors - XPS can analyze polymers and metals
- AES very small area imaging
- XPS somewhat small area imaging
- Depth profiling of thin films, faster by AES, but
only for conductive materials
39Image Analysis
- Atomic Force Microscopy
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Energy Dispersive Wavelength X-Ray
- Transmission Electron Microscope
40Seeing the Nano World
- Because visible light has wavelengths that are
hundreds of nanometers long we can not use
optical microscopes to see into the nano world.
Atoms are like boats on a sea compared to light
- Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
- Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)
- Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
- Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
42AFM Instrumentation
PNI Nano-R AFM Instrumentation as used at
Foothill College
43What is an SPM?
- An SPM is a mechanical imaging instrument in
which a small, lt 1 µm, probe is scanned over a
surface. By monitoring the motion of the probe,
the surface topography and/or images of surface
physical properties are measured with an SPM.
44A Family of Microscopes
45Many Imaging Modes
DC Contact Mode - Hard Samples - Probes gt 20
- AC Close Contact Mode - Soft Samples - Sharp
Probe lt20nm
Material Sensing Modes Lateral
Force Vibrating Phase
46Crystal Scanner
Point and Scan Crystal Sensor Stage
Automation Software
47AFM Stage Assembly
AFM Stage for sample orientation, with scanner
and optics
48AFM Light Lever Force Sensor
49Nano-R Stage
High Resolution Video Microscope
Light LeverCrystal
Sample Puck
X-Y Stage(in granite block)
50High ResolutionVideo Microscope
Optical Microscope
Software control of videomicroscope functions
51Easy Sample Load
Load and Unload Sample Positions
Sample Puck
52Video Optical Microscope
Laser AlignmentFeature Location
53Information Technology DVD
54Consumer Razor Blade
55Consumer Applications
56Metrology of Metals
- AFM can be used to understand surface morphology.
- This material was prepared using a spray / cast
57Metrology of Structures
- The pattern and depth of this micro lens can be
determined using an AFM. - This helps in both development and process
58NanoMechanics- MEMS
59SEM Techniques
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray (WDX)
- Primary electron imaging
- Secondary electron imaging
- X-ray (WDX) elemental mapping
60SEM Principles of Operation
- In an electron microscope, electrons are
accelerated in a vacuum until their wavelength is
extremely short. The higher the voltage the
shorter the wavelengths. - Beams of these fast-moving electrons are focused
on an object and are absorbed or scattered by the
object so as to form an image on an
electron-sensitive photographic plate
61SEM Principles of Operation
- Electron beam
- Electron gun
- Anode
- Magnetic lens
- Scanning coils
- Secondary electron detector
- Stage and specimen
62SEM Principles of Operation
63SEM Principles of Operation
64SEM Imaging
- Imaging of microscopic scale objects in high
65SEM Instrument
66SEM AFM Comparison
SEM AFM Wide range of sample
roughness True 3D image Operated in low to high
vacuum Vacuum, Air or
67Imaging Applications
- Imaging individual atoms.
- Imaging of surface materials.
- Imaging of nanotubes.
68TEM Diagram
- The TEM works like a slide projector. A beam of
electron is shined though the surface with the
transmitted electrons projector on a screen.
69TEM in Use
- The drawback is the sample must be very thin for
the electrons to pass through and the sample has
to be able to withstand the high energy electrons
and a strong vacuum.
70X-Ray Diffraction
- X-Ray diffraction is an important tool in the
characterization of nanostructures. - It is the principle means by which the atomic
structure of materials can be determined.
71Summary of Techniques
- Surface techniques
- Deeper techniques
- RBS and PIXE
- Ion techniques
72Materials Analysis Review
- What is it you need to know?
- What volume of material?
- Elemental information?
- Chemical information?
- Molecular information?
- Structural information?
73Analyst Skills
- Instrument skills
- Analytical reasoning ability
- Materials science
- Process knowledge
- Industry knowledge
74Commercial Laboratories
- Evans Analytical Group
- Center for Microanalysis of Materials
- Stanford Nanofabrication Facility
- Failure Analysis Associates
- Balaz Analytical Laboratories
- Nanostructures are very small
- You need tools that characterize atoms and the
world (neighborhood) of an atom - Composition and chemistry
- Molecular bonding information
- Structural information
- Film thickness especially