Title: The Virgo detector: status and first experimental results
1The Virgo detector status and first experimental
Nicolas Arnaud NIKHEF June 20th, 2003
- The quest for gravitational waves (GW) a long
history - Detection principle
- Interferometric detectors
- Description of the Virgo interferometer
- Optical scheme
- Main features of the instrument
- Foreseen sensitivity
- Experimental control of the Central
Interferometer (CITF) - CITF description and CITF commissioning goals
- Experimental results (spring 2001 ? summer 2002)
- Virgo versus the other GW interferometric
detectors - ? The LIGO interferometers (USA) TAMA
(Japan) - Main GW sources and filtering techniques
3Do gravitational waves exist?
- First imagined by Poincaré in 1905
J'ai été d'abord conduit à supposer que la
propagation de la gravitation n'est pas
instantanée mais se fait à la vitesse de la
lumière () Quand nous parlerons donc de la
position ou de la vitesse du corps attirant, il
s'agira de cette position ou de cette vitesse à
l'instant où l'onde gravifique est partie de ce
corps () Italics of the author
- GW existence predicted by Einstein in 1918
- A difficult first appearance
- ? Validity of the General Relativity
linearization ?!
GW travel at the speed of mind Sir A.S.
- 50s-60s back in the footlights
- GW theoretical framework developped (Pirani
Yes they do!
4GW main characteristics
- Perturbations of the Minkowski metric
- Quadrupolar emission
- Extremely weak!!! Luminosity ? G/c5 ? 10-53
W-1 - Ex Jupiter radiates 5.3 kW as GW
- during its orbital motion
- ? over 1010 years EGW 2 ? 1021 J ?? Ekinetic ?
2 ? 1035 J - A good source of GW must be
- asymetric
- compact (R RSchwartzchild 2GM/c2)
- relativistic
No Hertz experiment possible! Astrophysical
sources required
5GW detectable effect
GW effect differential modification of lengths
h dimensionless amplitude h ? 1 / distance
The detector sensitivity volume should ultimately
extend beyond the Virgo cluster ( 20 Mpc ?
65?106 light years)
- Two main categories of detectors
- resonant bars
- giant interferometers, Earth-based or
space-based - Virgo
6A very large GW frequency domain
Frequency Range GW Probe
- Extremely Low
- Frequencies
- 10-18 ? 10-15 Hz
- Very Low Frequencies
- 10-9 ? 10-7 Hz
- Low Frequencies
- 10-4 ? 10-1 Hz
- High Frequencies
- 1 ? 104 Hz
CMB polarization
Pulsar timing
Earth-based detectors Resonant bars or IFOs
7Resonant bars
- First GW detectors
- Joe Webers pioneering work see Phys. Rev.
117 360 (1960) - Resonator
- supraconducting coupled
with - cylindrical bar a
transducer - Network of bars working for years with high duty
cycles - Narrow-band sensitivities limited by noises
difficult to beat
GW deposit energy inside the bar
Vibrations modulate DC voltage
8Interferometric detection
Suspended Michelson Interferometer Mirrors used
as test masses
Variation of the power Pdet at the IFO output port
Optical path modification
Incident GW
9The Virgo optical scheme
Laser power Pin 20 W Sensitivity
? 30
Sensitivity hsens
3 10-21
Detection Photodiode
? To increase the arm length 1 m ? 3 km
? To add Fabry-Perot cavities (Finesse 50 ?
Gain 30)
? To add a recycling mirror (P 1 kW on the Beam
10The Virgo SuperAttenuator
Length 7 m Mass 1 ton Structure in inverted
? fres 30 mHz
- Dual role
- Passive seismic isolation
- Mirror active control
- only 0.4 N needed
- for a 1 cm motion
Seismic Attenuation 1014 at 10 Hz
11Virgo foreseen sensitivity
12The Virgo detector
13Virgo in numbers
- Arm length 3 km
- ? 6800 m3 in ultra-high vacuum (10-10 mbar)
- Very high quality mirrors
- Diffusion lt 5 ppm, absorption lt 1 ppm
- Reflectivity gt 99.995
- Radius of curvature 3450 m (4.5 mm sagitta)
- Laser power 20 W
- Seismic noise attenuation gt 1014 above 10 Hz
- Foreseen sensitivity range 4 Hz ? 10 kHz
- Best sensitivity 3 ? 10-23 / ?Hz around 1 kHz
- Control accuracy
- Length down to 10-12 m
- Angular from 10-6 to 10-9 radians
Fabry-Perot end mirrors
14Status of Virgo
- Spring 2001-Summer 2002
- Successful commissioning of the central
interferometer (CITF) - CITF Virgo without the 3-km Fabry-Perot arms
- But
- Same suspensions
- Same control chain
- ? Ideal benchmark for the complete Virgo
interferometer - From autumn 2002 upgrade to Virgo
- March 2003 first beam in the 3-km arm
- The Full Virgo commissioning will start after
summer - First Physical Data 2004 or a bit later
15Virgo central interferometer (CITF)
16CITF and working point
- Best sensitivity
- Michelson on dark fringe ? control arm
asymmetry l2-l1 - Recycling cavity resonant (maximize the stored
power) - ? control IFO mean length l0 (l1l2)/2
17The steps of the Virgo control
Control aim to go from an initial situation
with random mirror motions to the Virgo working
- Decreasing the residual motion separately for
each mirror - ? Local controls
- First alignment of mirrors
- Lock acquisition of the cavities
- Check working point control stability
- Switch on the angular control
- ? Automatic Alignment
Switching from local controls to global controls
18Cavity Control
Fabry Perot cavity
Characteristic quantity the finesse F
- Linear around resonance
- Linear region width ? 1 / F
- Slope increasing with F
Pound-Drever error signal
The higher F, the more difficult the cavity
A finesse of 400 (aligned CITF) is high for a
suspended cavity
19First control of the Michelson
20First control of the recycled CITF
- A complex problem
- Two lengths to be controlled instead of one
- ? coupled error signals
- Narrow resonance of the recycling cavity (high
finesse) - Limited force available to act on mirrors
- Error signal to the electronic noise outside
resonance - weak laser power Recycling mirror reflectivity
98.5 - Main issues
- To select the right resonance
- trigger on the stored power
- Simultaneous acquisition of the 2 cavity
controls - Fast damping of the 0.6 Hz pendulum resonance
excited - each time the locking attempt fails
21CITF main steps
- 5 Engineering Runs
- 3 days duration (24h/24h)
- 1 TB data collected
- / Engineering Run
- 5 MBytes/s
- 160 TB/an
- The 2 first in Michelson configuration (9/01 and
12/01) - The 3 others Recycled configuration (4/02, 5/02
and 7/02)
Channel type Physics Control Monitoring
Data fraction 2 61 37
Engineering Run ER0 ER1 ER2 ER3 ER4
Duty Cycle 98 85 98 96 77
All sources of control losses understood ?
Improvements in progress
22CITF sensitivity improvements
June 2001 ? July 2002
ER Best Sensitivity m/?Hz
E0 8 10-12 (_at_ 500 Hz)
E1 5 10-12 (_at_ 500 Hz)
E2 10-14 (_at_ 1 kHz)
E3 5 10-15 (_at_ 1 kHz)
E4 10-16 (_at_ 1 kHz)
Factor 103 improvement _at_ 10 Hz
Factor 105 improvement _at_ 1 kHz
Room for many more Improvements
Virgo foreseen sensitivity
23From the CITF to the full Virgo
- CITF commissioning completed
- Large improvements in sensitivity in only one
year - ? Gain in experimental experience ? many
upgrades for Virgo - ? CITF ? Virgo will provide free sensitivity
improvements - Arm length 6 m ? 3 km ? gain of a factor 500 in
h - Fabry-Perot cavities factor 30 in addition
- Reduction of laser frequency noise
- ? In reality, such gains are unfortunately not
automatic - Some noises do not depend on the laser optical
path - Noise hunting is a very long work
- ? Virgo scheme more complicated (4 lengths
instead of 2) - Control acquisition procedures ? from CITF
(under study) - Virgo can benefit from the other detector
24Virgo versus other interferometers
October-November 2002
June-August 2002
10 Hz
1 Hz
10 kHz
10 kHz
- All sensitivities in m/?Hz
- ? Comparable plots!
- Improvements still needed!
- Record sensitivity Tama
- 10-18 m/?Hz _at_ 1 kHz
- _at_ 10 Hz, the CITF has the
- best sensitivity 10-13 m/?Hz
Virgo CITF
July 2002
5 kHz
1 Hz
25One word about LISA
- Constellation of 3 satellites
- 3 semi-independent IFOs
- Optimal combinations to
- maximize SNR or study noise
- Search periodical sources
- Expected lifetime 5 years
- Approved by NASA/ESA
- To be launched in 2011
Seismic wall
- Earth-based detectors
- limited by seismic noise
- below few Hz
- Strong sources certainly
- exist in the mHz range
26Preparing the GW Data Analysis
- Activity parallel to the experimental work on
detectors - ? 1 international conference / year
(GWDAW) - Large number of potential GW sources
- compact binary coalescences (PSR 191316)
- black holes
- supernovae
- pulsars
- stochastic backgrounds
- The corresponding signals have very different
features - ? various data analysis
27Coincidence detections
- Why ?
- Some detectors
- will be working
- in the future
- LIGO 4 km
- VIRGO 3 km
- GEO 600 m
- TAMA 300 m
- ACIGA 500 m
- Coincidence only way to separate a GW
(global in the - network) from transient
noises in IFOs - Coincidences may allow to locate the source
position in sky
28Interferometer angular response
Declination d
- 2 maxima
- GW perpendicular
- to detector plane
- 4 minima
- blind detector!
- e.g. when the GW
- comes along the
- arm bissector
Right ascension a
Reduction of a factor 2 in average of the
29Example of the Virgo-LIGO network
- Spatial responses
- ? in a given direction
- Similarities between
- the maps of the two
- LIGO interferometers
- Complementarity
- Virgo / LIGO
- ? Good coverage of
- the whole sky
- Double or triple
- coincidences
- unlikely
- Many interferometers are currently under
developpement - ? Worldwide network in the
future - All instruments work already although they did
- not prove yet there can fulfill their
requirements - ? Control of complex optical schemes with
suspended mirrors - All sensitivities need to be significally
improved to - reach the amplitude of GW theoretical
predictions - Many different GW sources
- ? various data analysis methods in preparation
- In the two last years, the Virgo experiment
became real - The different parts of the experiment work well
together - Successful commissioning of the CITF
- 2003 CITF ? Full Virgo
- First physically interesting data expected for
2004 !?!?!
31GW a never ending story
The future of gravitational astronomy looks
That the quest ultimately will succeed seems
almost assured. The only question is when, and
with how much further effort.
Interferometers should detect the first waves
in 2001 or several years thereafter ()
Km-scale laser interferometers are now coming
on-line, and it seems very likely that they will
detect mergers of compact binaries within the
next 7 years, and possibly much sooner.
Kip S. Thorne
32References about Virgo and GW
- Virgo web site www.virgo.infn.it
- Virgo-LAL web site (burst sources)
- www.lal.in2p3.fr/recherche/virgo
- Source review C. Cutler - K.S. Thorne,
gr-qc/0204090 - Some other GW experiment websites
- LIGO www.ligo.caltech.edu
- GEO www.geo600.uni-hannover.de
- TAMA www.tamago.mtk.nao.ac.jp/tama.html
- IGEC (bar network) igec.lnl.infn.it
- LISA sci.esa.int/home/lisa
33Detector noise characterization
Gaussian noise characterization Power Spectrum
Density (PSD)
- If the noise is dimensionless, the PSD unit is
Hz-1 - RMS in the bandwidth f1f2
- Amplitude Spectrum
Density (unit )
Log-log scales graph
Detector Sensitivity
34Compact binary coalescences
35Impulsive sources (bursts)
- Examples
- Merging phase of binaries
- Supernovae
- Black hole ringdowns
- GW main characteristics
- Poorly predicted waveforms
- ? model dependent
- Short duration ( ms)
- Weak amplitudes
Zwerger / Müller examples of simulated supernova
GW signals
- ? Need to develop ? filters
- robust (efficient for a large class of signals)
- sub-optimal (/ Wiener filtering)
- online (first level of event selection)
- GW signal permanent, sinusoidal, possibly 2
harmonics - Weak amplitude ? detection limited to the galaxy
- Matched filtering-like algorithms using FFT
periodograms - Idea follow the pulsar freq. on large
timescales ( months) - ? compensation of frequency shifts Doppler
effect - due to Earth motion, spindown
- Very large computing power needed ( 1012 Tflops
or more) - ? Hierarchical methods are being developped ?
1 TFlop - ? Need to define the better strategy
- search only in the Galactic plane, area rich of
pulsars - uniform search in the sky not to miss close
sources - focus on known pulsars
- Permanent signal ? coincident search in a single
detector - compare candidates selected in 2 different time
37Stochastic backgrounds
- Described by an energy density per unit
logarithmic - frequency normalized to the critical density of
the universe - Two main origins
- Cosmological
- Emission just after the Big Bang 10-44 s,
T1019 GeV - Detection ? informations on the early
universe - Astrophysical
- Incoherent superposition of GW of a given
type emitted - by sources too weak to be detected
separately. - Detection requires correlations between 2
detectors - After 1 year integration h02 ?stoch ? 10-7
(1rst generation) -
10-11 (2nd generation) - Theoretical predictions 10-13 ? 10-6
- Current best limit ?stoch ? 60 _at_ 907 Hz