Title: Modeling Primary Visual Cortex (of Macaque)
1Modeling Primary Visual Cortex (of Macaque)
- David W. McLaughlin
- Courant Institute Center for Neural Science
- New York University
- dmac_at_courant.nyu.edu
- Santa Barbara Aug 01
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5Input Layer of V1 for Macaque
- Modeled at
- Courant Institute of Math. Sciences
- Center for Neural Science, NYU
- In collaboration with
- ? Robert Shapley
- Michael Shelley
- Louis Tao
- Jacob Wielaard
6Visual Pathway Retina --gt LGN --gt V1 --gt Beyond
7- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
8- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
9- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
- Vast amount of experimental information about V1
10- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
- Vast amount of experimental information about V1
- Input from LGN well understood (Shapley, Reid,
) -
11- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
- Vast amount of experimental information about V1
- Input from LGN well understood (Shapley, Reid,
) - Anatomy of V1 well understood (Lund, Callaway,
...) -
12- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
- Vast amount of experimental information about V1
- Input from LGN well understood (Shapley, Reid,
) - Anatomy of V1 well understood (Lund, Callaway,
...) -
- The cortical region with finest spatial
resolution -- -
13- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
- Vast amount of experimental information about V1
- Input from LGN well understood (Shapley, Reid,
) - Anatomy of V1 well understood (Lund, Callaway,
...) -
- The cortical region with finest spatial
resolution -- - Detailed visual features of input signal
14- Why the Primary Visual Cortex?
- Elementary processing, early in visual pathway
- Neurons in V1 detect elementary features of the
visual scene, such as spatial frequency,
direction, orientation -
- Vast amount of experimental information about V1
- Input from LGN well understood (Shapley, Reid,
) - Anatomy of V1 well understood (Lund, Callaway,
...) -
- The cortical region with finest spatial
resolution -- - Detailed visual features of input signal
- Fine scale resolution available for possible
representation -
15Our Model
- A detailed, fine scale model of a layer of
- Primary Visual Cortex
- Realistically constrained by experimental data
16Our Model
- A detailed, fine scale model of a layer of
- Primary Visual Cortex
- Realistically constrained by experimental data
- A max-min model --
- in that in its construction, we attempt to make
maximal use of experimental data, - minimal use of posited architectural assumptions
- which are not supported by direct experimental
evidence (such as Hebbian wiring schemes).
17Overview One Max-Min Model of V1
18Overview One Max-Min Model of V1
- A detailed fine scale model -- constrained in
construction and performance by experimental
data - Orientation selectivity its diversity from
cortico-cortical activity, with neurons more
selective near pinwheels
19Overview One Max-Min Model of V1
- A detailed fine scale model -- constrained in
construction and performance by experimental
data - Orientation selectivity its diversity from
cortico-cortical activity, with neurons more
selective near pinwheels - Linearity of Simple Cells -- produced by (i)
averages over spatial phase, together with
cortico-cortical overbalance for inhibition
20Overview One Max-Min Model of V1
- A detailed fine scale model -- constrained in
construction and performance by experimental
data - Orientation selectivity its diversity from
cortico-cortical activity, with neurons more
selective near pinwheels - Linearity of Simple Cells -- produced by (i)
averages over spatial phase, together with
cortico-cortical overbalance for inhibition - Complex Cells -- produced by weaker (and varied)
LGN input, together with stronger cortical
21Overview One Max-Min Model of V1
- A detailed fine scale model -- constrained in
construction and performance by experimental
data - Orientation selectivity its diversity from
cortico-cortical activity, with neurons more
selective near pinwheels - Linearity of Simple Cells -- produced by (i)
averages over spatial phase, together with
cortico-cortical overbalance for inhibition - Complex Cells -- produced by weaker (and varied)
LGN input, together with stronger cortical
excitation - Operates in a high conductance state -- which
results from cortical activity, is consistent
with experiment, and makes integration times
shorter than synaptic times, an emergent
separation of temporal scales with functional
22Overview One Max-Min Model of V1
- A detailed fine scale model -- constrained in
construction and performance by experimental
data - Orientation selectivity its diversity from
cortico-cortical activity, with neurons more
selective near pinwheels - Linearity of Simple Cells -- produced by (i)
averages over spatial phase, together with
cortico-cortical overbalance for inhibition - Complex Cells -- produced by weaker (and varied)
LGN input, together with stronger cortical
excitation - Operates in a high conductance state -- which
results from cortical activity, is consistent
with experiment, and makes integration times
shorter than synaptic times, an emergent
separation of temporal scales with functional
implications - Together with a coarse-grained asymptotic
reduction -- which unveils cortical mechanisms,
and will be used to parameterize or scale- up
to larger more global cortical models.
23Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
24Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
25Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
26Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
- A patch (1 sq mm) of 4 orientation hypercolumns
27Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
- A patch (1 sq mm) of 4 orientation hypercolumns
- Orientation pref from convergent LGN input
28Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
- A patch (1 sq mm) of 4 orientation hypercolumns
- Orientation pref from convergent LGN input
- Coupling architecture, set by anatomy
29Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
- A patch (1 sq mm) of 4 orientation hypercolumns
- Orientation pref from convergent LGN input
- Coupling architecture, set by anatomy
- Local connections isotropic
30Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
- A patch (1 sq mm) of 4 orientation hypercolumns
- Orientation pref from convergent LGN input
- Coupling architecture, set by anatomy
- Local connections isotropic
- Excitation longer range than inhibition
31Features of the Single Layer, Local Patch Model
- Integrate fire, point neuron model
- 16,000 neurons/sq mm
- 12,000 excitatory, 4000 inhibitory
- A patch (1 sq mm) of 4 orientation hypercolumns
- Orientation pref from convergent LGN input
- Coupling architecture, set by anatomy
- Local connections isotropic
- Excitation longer range than inhibition
- Cortical inhibition dominant
32Conductance Based Model
? E,I
vj? -- membrane potential -- ? Exc,
Inhib -- j 2 dim label of location
on cortical layer VE VI -- Exc Inh
Reversal Potentials
33Conductance Based Model
? E,I
Schematic of Conductances
34Conductance Based Model
? E,I
Schematic of Conductances
g?E(t) gLGN(t) gnoise(t)
35Conductance Based Model
? E,I
Schematic of Conductances
g?E(t) gLGN(t) gnoise(t)
gcortical(t) (driving term)
36Conductance Based Model
? E,I
Schematic of Conductances
g?E(t) gLGN(t) gnoise(t)
gcortical(t) (driving term)
(synaptic noise)
(synaptic time scale)
37Conductance Based Model
? E,I
Schematic of Conductances
g?E(t) gLGN(t) gnoise(t)
gcortical(t) (driving term)
(synaptic noise) (cortico-cortical)
(synaptic time scale)
(LExc gt LInh) (Isotropic)
38Conductance Based Model
? E,I
Schematic of Conductances
g?E(t) gLGN(t) gnoise(t)
gcortical(t) (driving term)
(synaptic noise) (cortico-cortical)
(synaptic time scale)
(LExc gt LInh)
(Isotropic) Inhibitory Conductances g?I(t)
gnoise(t) gcortical(t)
39Elementary Feature Detectors
- Individual neurons in V1 respond preferentially
to elementary features of the visual scene
(color, direction of motion, speed of motion,
spatial wave-length).
40Elementary Feature Detectors
- Individual neurons in V1 respond preferentially
to elementary features of the visual scene
(color, direction of motion, speed of motion,
spatial wave-length). - Three important features
41Elementary Feature Detectors
- Individual neurons in V1 respond preferentially
to elementary features of the visual scene
(color, direction of motion, speed of motion,
spatial wave-length). - Three important features
- Spatial location (receptive field of the neuron)
42Elementary Feature Detectors
- Individual neurons in V1 respond preferentially
to elementary features of the visual scene
(color, direction of motion, speed of motion,
spatial wave-length). - Three important features
- Spatial location (receptive field of the neuron)
- Spatial phase ? (relative to receptive field
43Elementary Feature Detectors
- Individual neurons in V1 respond preferentially
to elementary features of the visual scene
(color, direction of motion, speed of motion,
spatial wave-length). - Three important features
- Spatial location (receptive field of the neuron)
- Spatial phase ? (relative to receptive field
center) - Orientation ? of edges.
44 Grating Stimuli Standing Drifting
Two Angles Angle of orientation -- ? Angle
of spatial phase -- ? (relevant for standing
45Orientation Tuning Curves(Firing Rates Vs Angle
of Orientation)
Spikes/sec ?
- Terminology
- Orientation Preference
- Orientation Selectivity
- Measured by Half-Widths or Peak-to-Trough
46Orientation Preference
47Orientation Preference
- Model neurons receive their
- orientation preference
- from convergent LGN input
48Orientation Preference
- Model neurons receive their
- orientation preference
- from convergent LGN input
- How does the orientation preference ?k of the kth
- cortical neuron depend upon the neurons
- location k (k1, k2) in the cortical layer?
49Cortical Map of Orientation Preference
- Optical Imaging
- Blasdel, 1992
- Outer layers (2/3) of V1
- Color coded for angle of
- orientation preference
---- ? 500 ? ? ----
? right eye ? left eye
50Pinwheel Centers
514 Pinwheel Centers
1 mm x 1 mm
52Orientation Selectivity
- While the model neurons receive their
- orientation preference hardwired
- from convergent LGN input
- they receive their orientation selectivity
diversity from cortico-cortical
activity -
53Orientation Tuning Curves
Spikes/sec ?
Ringach, Hawken Shapley
McLaughlin,Shapley,Shelley Wielaard
54Orientation Selectivity(Measured by the
circular variance of the tuning curves)
CV 1, poorly tuned 0, very
selective A measure of height-to-trough Useful
for population studies
55Orientation Selectivity -- Population
Behavior(CV Circular Variance of Tuning Curves)
CV 1, poorly tuned 0, very selective
____ Excitatory Inhibitory
Ringach, Hawken Shapley
McLaughlin,Shapley,Shelley Wielaard PNAS 00
56Spatial Distributions of Firing Rates and
Orientation Selectivity (Relative to Locations of
Pinwheel Centers)
? Poorly tuned ? Selective
Spikes/sec ?
Firing Rates
Circular Variance (of Orientation Selectivity)
57- Experimental Evidence on
- Spatial Distribution of
- Orientation Selectivity
- (relative to pinwheel centers)
- Maldonado, Gray, Goedecke
- Bonhoffer, Science 97
- In cat
- Data converted to CVs
- by M. Shelley
- Selectivity is diverse
- More selective (?) near pinwheels
58Cortical Mechanism For Spatial Distribution Of
Orientation Selectivity
- Discs of incoming
- inhibition
- Radius set by axonal
- arbors of inh. neurons
- While inhibition is
- local in cortex,
- Near pinwheels, it is
- global in orientation
59Simple and Complex Cells
- Simple cells respond linearly
- to properties of the stimulus a network
property. - In a nonlinear network, simple is not
sosimple. - Simple Cells
- Wielaard, Shelley, McLaughlin
Shapley, - to appear, J. Neural Science (2001)
- Simple Complex Cells
- Tao, Shelley, McLaughlin Shapley, in
prep (2001)
60Simple vs Complex Cells
- Simple cells respond linearly to properties
of visual stimuli -- -
61Simple vs Complex Cells
- Simple cells respond linearly to properties
of visual stimuli -- - (i) Follow spatial phase of standing grating
62Simple vs Complex Cells
- Simple cells respond linearly to properties
of visual stimuli -- - (i) Follow spatial phase of standing grating
- (ii) Respond temporally at the fundamental
- (1st harmonic)
63Simple vs Complex Cells
- Simple cells respond linearly to properties
of visual stimuli -- - (i) Follow spatial phase of standing grating
- (ii) Respond temporally at the fundamental
- (1st harmonic)
- Complex cells -- phase insensitive
- large second harmonics
64Experimental Measurements Simple and Complex
Simple Cell
? Phase
Time ?
65Model Results Contrast Reversal (For Optimal
and Orthogonal Phase)
Cortex On
Cortex Off
Membrane Potential
Optimal Phase
Firing Rates
Orthogonal Phase
66Mechanisms by which the Model Produces Simple
- Inputs to Cortical Cell
- From LGN
- (Frequency doubled at
- orthogonal to optimal phase)
- From Other Cortical
- Neurons
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68Mechanisms by which the Model Produces Simple
- Inputs to Cortical Cell
- From LGN
- (Frequency doubled at
- orthogonal to optimal phase)
- From Other Cortical
- Neurons (Also freq doubled,
- because of averaging over
- random phases -- whose
- distribution is broad
- (De Angelis, et al 99)
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70Mechanisms by which the Model Produces Simple
- Inputs to Cortical Cell
- From LGN
- (Frequency doubled at
- orthogonal to optimal phase)
- From Other Cortical
- Neurons (Also freq doubled,
- because of averaging over
- random phases -- whose
- distribution is broad
- (De Angelis, et al 99)
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72Mechanisms by which the Model Produces Simple
- Inputs to Cortical Cell
- From LGN
- (Frequency doubled at
- orthogonal to optimal phase)
- From Other Cortical
- Neurons (Also freq doubled,
- because of averaging over
- random phases -- whose
- distribution is broad
- (De Angelis, et al 99)
- Cortical Overbalance for
- Inhibition (Borg-Graham,
- et al 98 Hirsch, et al 98
- Anderson, et al 00)
- Cancellation
73Simple Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms -
74Simple Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms.
75Simple Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms. - (iii) Balance produces linearity of simple
cells -
76Simple Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms. - (iii) Balance produces linearity of simple
cells - Indeed, this balance can be broken by
pharmacologically weakening inhibition --
converting simple cells to complex - Expt refs -- Sillito (74) Fregnac and Schulz
(99) Humphrey (99) -
77Simple vs Complex Cells
- The model also contains complex cells (but, as
yet, not enough, and the complex cells are not
selective enough for orientation) -
78Simple vs Complex Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms.
79Simple vs Complex Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms. - Mechanisms which produce (nonlinear responses
of) complex cells -
80Simple vs Complex Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms. - Mechanisms which produce (nonlinear responses
of) complex cells - (i) Weaker (and varied) LGN input
81Simple vs Complex Cells
- Recall mechanisms which produce (linear responses
of) simple cells - (i) Averaging over spatial phases in
cortico-cortical terms - (ii) Overbalance for inhibition in
cortico-cortical terms. - Mechanisms which produce (nonlinear responses
of) complex cells - (i) Weaker (and varied) LGN input
- (ii) Stronger cortico-cortical excitation
- (Abbott, et al, Nature Neural Science 98)
82Simple vs Complex Cells
- Drifting grating stimulation
- Distributions of simple and complex cells
- Expt -- Ringach, Shapley Hawken
- Model -- Tao, Shelley, McLaughlin Shapley
83Expts ( Ringach, Shapley Hawken)
Model (Tao, Shelley, McL Shapley) (Preliminary)
(Similar to earlier results of De Valois, et al)
In V1, 40 Simple
In 4C?, 55 Simple
841 mm x 1mm Local Patch of 4C? 1 mm x 1mm
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87Active Model Cortex - High Conductances
88Active Model Cortex - High Conductances
- Background Firing Statistics
- gt gBack 2-3 gslice
89Active Model Cortex - High Conductances
- Background Firing Statistics
- gt gBack 2-3 gslice
- Active operating point
- gt gAct 2-3 gBack 4-9 gslice
90Active Model Cortex - High Conductances
- Background Firing Statistics
- gt gBack 2-3 gslice
- Active operating point
- gt gAct 2-3 gBack 4-9 gslice
- gt gInh gtgt gExc
91Active Model Cortex - High Conductances
- Background Firing Statistics
- gt gBack 2-3 gslice
- Active operating point
- gt gAct 2-3 gBack 4-9 gslice
- gt gInh gtgt gExc
- Consistent with experiment
- Hirsch, et al, J. Neural Sci 98
- Borg-Graham, et al, Nature 98
- Anderson, et al, J. Physiology 00
- Lampl, et al, Neuron 99
92- Conductances Vs Time
- Drifting Gratings -- 8 Hz
- Turned on at t 1.0 sec
- Cortico-cortical
- excitation weak relative to LGN
- inhibition gtgt excitation
93Distribution of Conductance Within the
Layer ltgTgt Time Average ? SD(gT)
Standard Deviation Of Temporal Fluctuations ?
94Active Cortex - Consequences of High Conductances
- Separation of time scales
95Active Cortex - Consequences of High Conductances
- Separation of time scales
- Activity induced ?g gT-1 ltlt ?syn (actually, 2
ms ltlt 4 ms)
96Active Cortex - Consequences of High Conductances
- Separation of time scales
- Activity induced ?g gT-1 ltlt ?syn (actually, 2
ms ltlt 4 ms) - Membrane potential instantaneously tracks
conductances on the synaptic time scale. - Definition of Effective Reversal Potential
- V(t) VEff(t) VE gEE(t) - VI gEI(t)
gT(t)-1 - Where gT(t) denotes the total conductance
97Conductance Based Model
? E,I
dv/dt gT(t) v - VEff(t) , where gT(t)
denotes the total conductance, and VEff(t)
VE gEE(t) - VI gEI(t) gT(t)-1 If
gT(t) -1 ltlt ?syn ? v ? VEff(t)
98High Conductances in Active Cortex ? Membrane
Potential Tracks Instantaneously Effective
Reversal Potential
99Effects of Scale Separation
?g 2 ?syn ?g ?syn ?g ½ ?syn
____(Red) VEff(t) ____(Green) V(t)
100Active Cortex - Consequences of High Conductances
- Thus, with this instantaneous tracking (on the
synaptic time scale), - cortical activity can convert neurons from
integrators to burst generators coincidence
101Coarse-Grained Asymptotics
102Coarse-Grained Asymptotics
- Using the spatial regularity of cortical maps
(such as orientation preference), we coarse
grain the cortical layer into local cells or
103Cortical Map of Orientation Preference
- Optical Imaging
- Blasdel, 1992
- Outer layers (2/3) of V1
- Color coded for angle of
- orientation preference
---- ? 500 ? ? ----
? right eye ? left eye
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105Coarse-Grained Asymptotics
- Using the spatial regularity of cortical maps
(such as orientation preference), we coarse
grain the cortical layer into local cells or
placquets. - Using the separation of time scales which emerge
from cortical activity,
106Coarse-Grained Asymptotics
- Using the spatial regularity of cortical maps
(such as orientation preference), we coarse
grain the cortical layer into local cells or
placquets. - Using the separation of time scales which emerge
from cortical activity, - Together with an averaging over the irregular
cortical maps (such as spatial phase)
107Coarse-Grained Asymptotics
- Using the spatial regularity of cortical maps
(such as orientation preference), we coarse
grain the cortical layer into local cells or
placquets. - Using the separation of time scales which emerge
from cortical activity, - Together with an averaging over the irregular
cortical maps (such as spatial phase) - we derive a coarse-grained description in terms
of the average firing rates of neurons within
each placquet
108 ?
109Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Coarse-grained equations can be used to unveil
the models mechanism for -
- Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
110Spatial Distributions of Firing Rates and
Orientation Selectivity (Relative to Locations of
Pinwheel Centers)
? Poorly tuned ? Selective
Spikes/sec ?
Firing Rates
Circular Variance (of Orientation Selectivity)
111m F cEE KEE ?m? cEI KEI ?n? n
F cIE KIE ?m? cII KII ?n?
---------------------------------------- For
ease, specialize cEE cIE cII
0 m F cEI KEI ?n? n F
That is, -----------------------------------------
----- m F cEI KEI ? F ?
112m(?) F (?) cEI ?? KEI (? -?) ? F (?)
? ------------------------------------------
----- m(?) F (?) cEI ? F (?) ?
FARR m(?) F (?) cEI ? ?? F (?)
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114Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Unveil mechanims for
- (i) Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
115Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Unveil mechanims for
- (i) Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
- (ii) Balances for simple and complex cells
116Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Unveil mechanims for
- (i) Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
- (ii) Balances for simple and complex cells
- Input-output relations at high conductance
117One application of Coarse-Grained Equations
118Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Unveil mechanims for
- (i) Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
- (ii) Balances for simple and complex cells
- Input-output relations at high conductance
- Comparison of the mechanisms and performance
of distinct models of the cortex
119Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Unveil mechanims for
- (i) Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
- (ii) Balances for simple and complex cells
- Input-output relations at high conductance
- Comparison of the mechanisms and performance
of distinct models of the cortex - Most importantly, much faster to integrate
120Uses of Coarse-Grained Eqs
- Unveil mechanims for
- (i) Better selectivity near pinwheel centers
- (ii) Balances for simple and complex cells
- Input-output relations at high conductance
- Comparison of the mechanisms and performance
of distinct models of the cortex - Most importantly, much faster to integrate
- Therefore, potential parameterizations for more
global descriptions of the cortex.
121Conductance Based Model
? E,I
-- 16,000 neurons per mm2 --
Locally, connections are isotropic but
-- Long range coupling is
spatially heterogenous and
orientation specific
122Lateral Connections and Orientation -- Tree
Shrew Bosking, Zhang, Schofield Fitzpatrick J.
Neuroscience, 1997
123Scale-up Dynamical Issuesfor Cortical Modeling
- Temporal emergence of visual perception
- Role of temporal feedback -- within and between
cortical layers and regions - Synchrony asynchrony
- Presence (or absence) and role of oscillations
- Spike-timing vs firing rate codes
- Very noisy, fluctuation driven system
- Emergence of an activity dependent, separation of
time scales - But often no (or little) temporal scale
124Summary One Max-Min Model of V1
- A detailed fine scale model -- constrained in
its construction and performance by
experimental data - Orientation selectivity its diversity from
cortico-cortical activity, with neurons more
selective near pinwheels - Linearity of Simple Cells -- produced by (i)
averages over spatial phase, together with
cortico-cortical overbalance for inhibition - Complex Cells -- produced by weaker (and varied)
LGN input, together with stronger cortical
excitation - Operates in a high conductance state -- which
results from cortical activity, is consistent
with experiment, and makes integration times
shorter than synaptic times, a separation of
temporal scales with functional implications - Together with a coarse-grained asymptotic
reduction -- which unveils cortical mechanisms,
and will be used to parameterize or scale- up
to larger more global cortical models.