Title: fMRI Techniques to Investigate Neural Coding: fMRA and MVPA
1fMRI Techniques to Investigate Neural Coding
Jody Culham Brain and Mind Institute Department
of Psychology University of Western Ontario
Last Update January 18, 2012 Last Course
Psychology 9223, W2010, University of Western
Last Update January 18, 2012 Last Course
Psychology 9223, W2010, University of Western
2Limitations of Subtraction Logic
- Example We know that neurons in the brain can be
tuned for individual faces
Jennifer Aniston neuron in human medial
temporal lobe Quiroga et al., 2005, Nature
3Limitations of Subtraction Logic
- fMRI resolution is typically around 3 x 3 x 6 mm
so each sample comes from millions of neurons.
Lets consider just three neurons.
Neuron 1 likes Jennifer Aniston
Neuron 2 likes Julia Roberts
Neuron 3 likes Brad Pitt
Even though there are neurons tuned to each
object, the population as a whole shows no
4Two Techniques with Subvoxel Resolution
- subvoxel resolution the ability to
investigate coding in neuronal populations
smaller than the voxel size being sampled - fMR Adaptation (or repetition suppression or
priming) - Multivoxel Pattern Analysis (or decoding)
5fMR Adaptation(or repetition suppression or
6fMR Adaptation
- If you show a stimulus twice in a row, you get a
reduced response the second time
Hypothetical Activity in Face-Selective Area
(e.g., FFA)
Unrepeated Face Trial
Repeated Face Trial
7fMRI Adaptation
different trial
500-1000 msec
same trial
Slide modified from Russell Epstein
8Block vs. Event-Related fMRA
9Why is adaptation useful?
- Now we can ask what it takes for stimulus to be
considered the same in an area - For example, do face-selective areas care about
- Viewpoint selectivity
- area codes the face as different when viewpoint
Repeated Individual, Different Viewpoint
- Viewpoint invariance
- area codes the face as the same despite the
viewpoint change
10Actual Results
pFs (FFA)
Grill-Spector et al., 1999, Neuron
11And more
- We could use this technique to determine the
selectivity of face-selective areas to many other
Repeated Individual, Different Expression
Repeated Expression, Different Individual
12Models of fMR Adaptation
Grill-Spector, Henson Martin, 2006, TICS
13Evidence for Fatigue Model
Data from Li et al., 1993, J Neurophysiol Figure
from Grill-Spector, Henson Martin, 2006, TICS
14Evidence for Facilitation Model
James et al., 2000, Current Biology
15Caveats in InterpretingfMR Adaptation Results
16(No Transcript)
17fMRA Does Not Accurately Reflect Tuning
- MT most neurons are direction-selective (DS),
high DS in fMRA - V4 few (20?) neurons are DS, very high DS in
fMRA - perhaps fMRA is more driven by inputs than
Tolias et al., 2001, J. Neurosci
18(No Transcript)
19Basic Assumption/Hypothesis
- if a neuronal population responds equally to two
stimuli, those stimuli should yield
Neural Response
Predicted fMRI Response
20Experimental Question
- the human lateral occipital complex (LOC) is
arguably analogous/homologous to macaque
inferotemporal (IT) cortex - both human LOC and macaque IT show fMRI
adaptation to repeated objects - Does neurophysiology in macaque IT show object
adaptation at the single neuron level?
Experiment 1 Block Design Adaptation
Experiment 2 Event-Related Adaptation
Sawamura et al., 2006, Neuron
22Yes, neurons do adapt
Sawamura et al., 2006, Neuron
23 but cross-adaptation is less clear
Sawamura et al., 2006, Neuron
24Sawamura et al. Conclusions
- Evidence for adaptation at the single neuron
level is clear - Cross-adaptation is not as strong as expected,
particularly for event-related designs - They dont think its just attention
- Something special about repeated stimuli
25(No Transcript)
Task press button for inverted face
REP BLOCK (75 rep trials, 25 alt trials) AA
rep trials, 75 alt trials) AB CC DE FG
Summerfield et al., 2008, Nat Neurosci
22 plt.001
9 plt.05
SIG INTERACTION stronger fMRA in blocks with
freq. reps
Individual FFA ROIs
Summerfield et al., 2008, Nat Neurosci
Task press button for small face
- results were replicated with a different task
Summerfield et al., 2008, Nat Neurosci
29New Explanation of fMRA
- repetition suppression reflects a reduction in
perceptual prediction error - mismatch between expectations and stimulus
increases fMRI activation - mismatch is higher on novel trials than
repetition trials
30Additional Caveats
- Adaptation effects can be quite unreliable
- variability between labs and studies
- even effects that are well-established in
neurophysiology and psychophysics dont always
replicate in fMRA - e.g., orientation selectivity in primary visual
cortex - David Heeger suggests that it may be critical to
control attention - The effect may also depend on other factors
- e.g., time elapsed from first and second
presentation - days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds?
- number of intervening items
- attention (especially in block designs)
- memory encoding
- Different areas may demonstrate fMRA for
different reasons - reflected in variety of terms repetition
suppression, priming
31So is fMRA dead? No.
- Criticism fMRA may reflect inputs rather than
outputs - Response This is a general caveat of all fMRI
studies. Inputs are interesting too, just harder
to interpret. Focus on outputs oversimplifies
neural processing when presumably feedback loops
are an essential component. - Criticism fMRA may not reveal cross-adaptation
even in populations that do show cross-coding - Response This suggests that caution is
especially warranted when there is a failure to
find adaptation (or a finding of recovery from
adaptation). However, cross-adaptation can
occur and is meaningful when it does. Many past
fMRA studies have found it.
32So is fMRA dead? No.
- Criticism None of the basic models of fMRA seem
to work. - Response In some ways, it doesnt matter. The
essential use of fMRA is to determine whether
neural populations are sensitive to stimulus
dimensions. The exact mechanism for such
sensitivity may not be critical. - Criticism fMRA, and maybe fMRI in general, is
just responding to predictions. - Response Prediction is interesting too.
Regarding fMRA, why do some brain areas make
predictions about a stimulus while others dont?
33Multivoxel Pattern Analyses(or decoding or mind
3 mm
3 mm
3 mm
- Modern scanner can collect 150,000 voxels in 2 s
35Difficulty with Standard fMRI analysis
Movement 1 or Movement 2
Next trial
Movement 1
Movement 2
36Voxel Pattern Information
Movement 1
Movement 2
3 mm
3 mm
3 mm
37Standard Analysis
Movement 1
Movement 2
trial 1
trial 1
VoxelwiseActivityin ROI
trial 2
trial 2
trial 3
trial 3
AverageSummed Activation
38Spatial Smoothing
No smoothing
- most conventional fMRI studies spatially smooth
(blur) the data - increases signal-to-noise
- facilitates intersubject averaging
- loses information about the patterns across voxels
39Effect of Spatial Smoothingand Intersubject
3 mm
3 mm
3 mm
40Perhaps voxels contain useful information
- In traditional fMRI analyses, we average across
the voxels within an area, but these voxels may
contain valuable information - In traditional fMRI analyses, we assume that an
area encodes a stimulus if it responds more, but
perhaps encoding depends on pattern of high and
low activation instead - But perhaps there is information in the pattern
of activation across voxels
41Multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA)
Movement 1
Movement 2
trial 1
trial 1
trial 2
trial 2
trial 3
trial 3
Can an algorithm correctly guess trial identity
better than chance (50)?
TestTrials (not in training set)
42Coding in Voxel Patterns
- Simple experiment Show subjects pictures of
different objects (e.g., shoes vs. bottles) on
different trials of different runs
43Simple Correlation Analysis
- Measure within-category correlations
- within bottles (B1B2)
- within shoes (S1S2)
- Measure between-category correlations
- between bottles shoes (B1 S2 S1 B2)
- If within-category correlations gt
between-category correlations, conclude that area
encodes different stimuli
44First Demonstration
45Haxby et al., 2001, Science
46Haxby et al., 2001, Science
47Haxby et al., 2001, Science
48Decoding Algorithms
- Train algorithm to distinguish two object
categories on a training set - Test success of algorithm on distinguishing two
object categories on a test set - If algorithm succeeds better than chance,
conclude that area encodes different stimuli
Norman et al., 2006, Trends Cogn. Sci.
49MVPA Methods
- block or event-related data
- resolution
- works even with moderate resolution (e.g., 3 mm
isovoxel) - tradeoff between resolution and coverage, SNR
- 2 mm isovoxel recommended at 3 T
- preprocessing
- usually steps apply (slice scan time correction,
motion correction, low pass temporal filter) - EXCEPT No spatial smoothing!
- Model single subjects, not combined group data
(at least initially)
50MVPA Methods
- separate data into independent training and test
sets - e.g., even and odd runse.g., iterate sequence of
leave one run out - pick the area to analyze
- ROI localizer
- contrast in training set
- train the classifier
- input beta weights from each voxel in area
- variety of classifiers available
- e.g., linear support vector machine
- test the classifier
- does classifier perform better than chance?
- e.g., chi-squared test
Summarized from Mur et al., 2009, Social
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
51Haynes Rees, 2006, Nat Rev Neurosci
52How can MVPA see patterns lt 1 voxel?
Data from Kamitami Tong, 2005, Nat
Neurosci Figure from Norman et al., 2006, TICS
53MVPA Searchlight
- define a spherical searchlight
- optimal searchlight has radius 4 mm
- contains 33 2-mm-isovoxel voxels
- compute multivariate effect within all possible
locations within brain volume - calculate voxelwise p values and threshold them
at false discovery rate q values
Kriegeskorte, Goebel Bandettini, 2006, PNAS
54MVPA Searchlight
Kriegeskorte, Goebel Bandettini, 2006, PNAS
55MVPA Searchlight
Kriegeskorte, Goebel Bandettini, 2006, PNAS
56Does MVPA (decoding) make fMRA obsolete?
- MVPA allows us to address similar questions about
what is coded in an area. - MVPA may have some advantages (e.g., less
susceptible to attentional confounds) - MVPA utility depends on numerous factors (e.g.,
region size are there enough voxels to get a
meaningful pattern) - MVPA requires clustering of neural populations
and is sensitive to scanning parameters (voxel
size) fMRA does not - MVPA has the same problem as fMRA its very hard
to draw conclusions from a null result
57Activation vs. Patterns
Mur et al., 2009, Social Cognitive and Affective