Title: Environmental Science Living Things in Ecosystems
1Environmental ScienceLiving Things in Ecosystems
2How species interact with each other
- 5 Major Interactions Among Biotic Factors in an
Ecosystem - Predation
- Competition
- Parasitism
- Mutualism
- Commensalism
3How species interact with each other
- Predation
- On organism kills eats another organism
- Predator the killer/eater
- Feed on the young weak
- Limits the size of prey populations
- Prey gets eaten/killed
- Prey declines the predators must find other prey
4How species interact with each other
Predation Examples
5How species interact with each other
- Competition
- 2 or more organisms of the same or different
species attempt to use the same limited resources - can occur evenly if theres no contact (indirect)
- ex-2 insects, same plant, one feeds during the
day, one at night
6How species interact with each other
- Parasitism
- parasite- organisms that live in or on another
organism feed on it w/o immediately killing it - host- organism the parasite takes nourishment
from - organisms are negatively affected by parasites
Mistletoe on an apple tree
7How species interact with each other
Hungry Tick
Full Tick
8How species interact with each other
- Mutualism
- a cooperative partnership between two species in
which both species benefit - Example you intestinal bacteria, bacteria aids
you w/digestion you give bacteria warm home/food
9How species interact with each other
- Commensalism
- One species benefits, the other is neither harmed
nor helped - Remora sharks attach to sharks feed on scraps
from their meals the sharks arent affected - Commensalism is very rare
10How species interact with each other
- Commensalism or Mutualism??
- The sea anemone and the clown fish.
Scientists tend to agree that it is commensalism,
there is not sufficient documented proof that the
anemone benefits in any way
Do the fish scare away other fish/predators??? Fin
ding Nemo.do they keep the anemone clean???
- Complete and Hand in the Transparency 2
worksheet with the Section 2.1 on the back (you
received this on Friday) - Complete the 2.2 Section review WS