Apartheid in South Africa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Apartheid in South Africa


Apartheid in South Africa The Historical Backdrop of The Power of One – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid in South Africa
  • The Historical Backdrop of
  • The Power of One

South Africa
  • Languages
  • IsiZulu 23.8
  • IsiXhosa 17.6
  • Afrikaans 13.3
  • Sepedi 9.4
  • English 8.2
  • Setswana 8.2
  • Sesotho 7.9
  • Xitsonga 4.4
  • other 7.2 (2001)

South Africa
  • Ethnicity/race black African 79, white 9.6,
    colored 8.9, Indian/Asian 2.5 (2001)
  • Religions Zion Christian 11, Pentecostal/
    Charismatic 8, Catholic 7, Methodist 7, Dutch
    Reformed 7, Anglican 4, other Christian 36,
    Islam 2, none 15 (2001)

Early South Africa
  • San and Hottentot/ Bushmen were inhabitants
    thousands of years before European settlers

European Settlement
  • European settlement in South Africa started in
    Cape Town, which is why it is still called the
    Mother City to this day.

European Settlement
  • The British decided against establishment of a
    colony at the Cape of Good Hope
  • The Dutch, who realized the strategic and
    economic importance of the Cape, sent Jan van
    Riebeeck, on a commission for the Dutch-East
    India Trading Company

European Settlement
  • Jan van Riebeeck anchored in the picturesque bay
    at the foot of the Table Mountain on April 6,
  • He was accompanied by 82 men and 8 women, his own
    wife amongst them.

European Settlement
  • After some setbacks, the settlement flourished
  • More Dutch settlers, seeking religious freedom,
    arrived and more land was needed
  • African inhabitants were pushed back as the
    Boers, the Dutch farmers, took their land

The First Boer War
  • In 1795, British ships landed in Cape Hope
  • The British wanted control over the gold and
    diamonds in South Africa

The First Boer War
  • The British declared freedom for the African
    slaves the Boers held on their farms
  • The Boers, who believed strongly in racial
    separation and white predominance revolted they
    were victorious and maintained their freedom

The Second Boer War
  • War broke out again eight years later in 1899
  • The Boers, now also know as Afrikaners, fought
    against British Imperialism for three years
  • The British placed captured Boers in
    concentration camps where it is estimated that
    almost 28,000 Boers, most of them children under
    the age of sixteen, and nearly 15,000 blacks died
    from starvation and disease in the camps.

Concentration Camps
  • Lizzie van Zyl is one of the thousands of
    Afrikaner childrenwho died in British
    concentration camps.

The Second Boer War
  • The British are victorious
  • There is long-term hostility between the two
    white races and the native Africans

  • Throughout The Power of One, readers are witness
    to a degree of racism against non-whites that is
    shocking in its casual brutality.
  • It is obvious that for the majority of Boers and
    British alike, blacks and coloreds, as the
    non-white populations of South Africa were
    classi?ed, are viewed as little more than
    animals, to be discriminated against, beaten, or
    even killed with impunity.

  • Ideas of white superiority and race separation
    were key components of Afrikaner religious
  • The British, though responsible for abolishing
    slavery in 1833, did not consider African blacks
    to be their equals.

  • Apartheid was a system of legalized racial
    segregation enforced by the National Party (NP)
    South African government between 1948 and 1994.

  • National Party politicians like F.W. de Klerk
    were able to keep apartheid in place by playing
    to the fear of white South Africans of a loss of
    power and control

  • Apartheid was successfully defeated in 1994, but
    the legacy of apartheid continues.

The Legacy of Apartheid
  • The country has one of the most unequal income
    distribution patterns in the world approximately
    60 of the population earns less than R42,000 per
    annum (about US7,000), whereas 2.2 of the
    population has an income exceeding R360,000 per
    annum (about US50,000).

The Legacy of Apartheid
  • Poverty in South Africa is still largely defined
    by skin color, with black people constituting the
    poorest layer.
  • Despite the government having implemented a
    policy of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE),
    blacks make up over 90 of the country's poor but
    only 79.5 of the population.

Modern South Africa
  • Nelson Mandela was inaugurated on the 10th of May
    1994 as the first black African President of the
    New South Africa.

Modern South Africa
  • As President from May 1994 until June 1999,
    Mandela presided over the transition from
    minority rule and apartheid.

Modern South Africa
  • Thabo Mbeki took office after Nelson Mandela
    retired in 1999 and remains the president of
    South Africa

The Power of One
  • This novel takes place in the 1930s and 1940
  • The book was published in 1989

The Power of One
  • Bryce Courtenay was born and raised in South
    Africa and although The Power of One is
    fictional, it is loosely based on Courtenays life

The Power of One
  • It is apparent that the prejudices in South
    Africa had a astonishing affect on Courtenay,
    especially with the hatred between the Boers,
    Blacks, and the British.

Totalitarian State
  • Totalitarianism is the total control of a country
    in the governments hands
  • It subjugates individual rights.
  • It demonstrates a policy of aggression.

Totalitarian State
  • In a totalitarian state, paranoia and fear
  • The government maintains total control over the
  • The government is capable of indiscriminate
  • During this time in Germany, the Nazis passed
    laws which restricted the rights of Jews
    including the Nuremberg Laws.

Totalitarian State
  • The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German
    citizenship. They were prohibited from marrying
    or having sexual relations with persons of
    German or related blood.

Totalitarian State
Jews, like all other German citizens, were
required to carry identity cards, but their cards
were stamped with a red J. This allowed police
to easily identify them.
Totalitarian State
  • The Nazis used propaganda to promote their
    anti-Semitic ideas.
  • One such book was the childrens book, The
    Poisonous Mushroom.

  • The Nazi plan for dealing with the Jewish
  • Question evolved in three steps
  • 1. Expulsion Get them out of Germany
  • 2. Containment Put them all together in one
    place namely ghettos
  • 3. Final Solution annihilation

  • Nazis targeted other individuals and groups in
    addition to the Jews
  • Gypsies (Sinti and Roma)
  • Homosexual men
  • Jehovahs Witness
  • Handicapped Germans
  • Poles
  • Political dissidents

Final Solution
Einsatzgruppen were mobile killing squads made up
of Nazi (SS) units and police. They killed Jews
in mass shooting actions throughout eastern
Poland and the western Soviet Union.
Final Solution
  • On January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi
    officials met at the Wannsee Conference to learn
    about how the Jewish Question would be solved.
  • The Final Solution was outlined by Reinhard
    Heydrich who detailed the plan to establish death
    camps with gas chambers.

Final Solution
  • Death camps were the means the Nazis used to
    achieve the final solution.
  • There were six death camps Auschwitz-Birkenau,
    Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, Majdanek, and
  • Each used gas chambers to murder the Jews. At
    Auschwitz prisoners were told the gas chambers
    were showers.

Final Solution
  • Most of the gas chambers used carbon monoxide
    from diesel engines.
  • In Auschwitz and Majdanek Zyklon B pellets,
    which were a highly poisonous insecticide,
    supplied the gas.
  • After the gassings, prisoners removed hair, gold
    teeth and fillings from the Jews before the
    bodies were burned in the crematoria or buried in
    mass graves.

Final Solution
There were many concentration and labor camps
where many people died from exposure, lack of
food, extreme working conditions, torture, and
Life in the Concentration Camps
  • Despite the high risk, some individuals attempted
    to resist Nazism.
  • The White Rose movement protested Nazism,
    though not Jewish policy, in Germany.

  • Less than one percent of the non-Jewish European
    population helped any Jew in some form of rescue.
  • Denmark and Bulgaria were the most successful
    national resistance movements against the Nazis
    attempt to deport their Jews.

  • Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate camp
    prisoners on July 23, 1944, at Maidanek in
  • British, Canadian, American, and French troops
    also liberated camp prisoners.
  • Troops were shocked at what they saw.

  • Most prisoners were emaciated to the point of
    being skeletal.
  • Many camps had dead bodies lying in piles like
  • Many prisoners died even after liberation.

  • The Nuremberg Trials brought some of those
    responsible for the atrocities of the war to
  • There were 22 Nazi criminals tried by the Allies
    in the International Military Tribunal.
  • Twelve subsequent trials followed as well as
    national trials throughout formerly occupied

  • The International Military Tribunal took place in
    Nuremberg, Germany in 1945 and 1946.
  • 12 prominent Nazis were sentenced to death.
  • Most claimed that they were only following
    orders, which was judged to be an invalid defense.
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