Title: Nature of Science Card Exchange
1Nature of Science Card Exchange Game
Presentation notes
- Created by Kaatje Kraft in conjunction with
Communication in Science Inquiry Project team
(NSF grant 0353469) - Mesa Community College, 1833 W. Southern Ave.,
Mesa, AZ 85202. Email k.kraft_at_mail.mc.maricopa.e
du - Goals
- Introduce students to the process of science
(especially the context of geoscience) - Introduce the notion of self-reflection both pre
post in learning activities - Provide feedback to the instructor to gain an
understanding of class background knowledge and
needed areas of emphasis for the coming semester. - Establishing classroom norms for a scientific
classroom discourse community.
2Understanding the Nature Of Geoscience
3Nature of Science Reflection
In your Notebook, answer the following
questions What is the nature of science and how
is it done?
4Phase 1 5 Minutes
- Select 5-6 cards from the pile at your table.
- Read through the cards and determine which ones
you agree with and which ones you dont.
5Phase 2 5 Minutes
- Form pairs.
- Compare your cards and select 4-6 with which
you both most agree. - Each person must contribute at least 2 cards.
- Set aside the remaining cards.
6Phase 3 Collaborative Write (20 minutes)
- Find another pair to form a group of 4.
- As a foursome, select 6 cards with which you
most agree (each pair must contribute at least 3
cards). - Set aside the remaining cards
- As a group, construct a group paragraph (or
paragraphs) that describe the nature of science
how science is done. - Write your paragraph on one of the provided white
7Phase 3 Collaborative Write (20 minutes)
Performance Expectations for Collaborative
Write As a group construct a paragraph
answering the question, what is the nature of
science and how is it done? All group members
should participate in the writing of the
paragraph. Do not rewrite the statements on the
cards verbatim, write the ideas in the groups
own words as much as possible. This is an
informal writing activity however, be sure to
use complete sentences. Also, try to be clear and
concise in your description. Everyone should
have the same paragraph as their group members in
their notebook.
8Nature of Geoscience Reading
- Read through the passage provided (pages
195-202) from Bill Brysons A Short History of
Nearly Everything. - Thinking Questions
- What steps did the geologists go through to
develop their ideas? - How did the geologists communicate their
findings? - How did they get a sense of what happened even
though they werent there to witness it? - Can they prove their answer? How certain are
they with their answer?
9Important Vocabulary
- A scientific theory is a general framework of
principles, hypothesis, models, laws, etc that
explains a natural phenomena and has predictive
value. - A hypothesis is a testable statement that
attempts explain a phenomena or answers a
question. - Hunh? Talk with your neighbors, and put this
definition in your own words. Feel free to use
specific examples to help support your definition.
10Nature of Science Reflective Prompt
After thinking, talking, and writing about the
nature of science (and geoscience), has your
understanding of the nature of science changed?
If so, how and why?