The Era of Good Feeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Era of Good Feeling


The Era of Good Feelings (1815-1824) OR WAS IT? American System British manufacturing competitors in 1815 looked to make up for lost time and money after the war. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Era of Good Feeling

The Era of Good Feelings (1815-1824)
American System
  • British manufacturing competitors in 1815 looked
    to make up for lost time and money after the war.
  • Dumped contents of their overstocked warehouses
    on the United States market.
  • Often offered goods at below cost in hope of
    strangling the burgeoning American industries
  • American manufacturing screamed for protection.
  • In 1816, a nationalist Congress passed the Tariff
    of 1816, primarily for protection of American
    industry. Rates were 20-25 of the value of
    dutiable imports
  • Starts trend of protection, another sign of the
    growth of nationalism

The American System
  • Tariff of 1816
  • - provide funds and protection
  • Second Bank of the U. S.
  • - Easy and abundant credit
  • Internal improvements at federal expense.
    - National Road (needed for transportation of
    goods and materials from North and East to South
    and West (Vice versa). Link nation together

Henry Clay,The GreatCompromiser
The American System
  • However, Madison vetoed the Federal road spending
    bill and for internal improvement in the states
  • Stated unconstitutional
  • States forced to provide own revenue
  • As a result, New York completes the Erie canal by
  • New England did not want federally funded roads
    because of fear of the population and power drain
    to the South and West

The American System
The American System
  • WEST ? got roads, canals, and
    federal aide.
  • EAST ? got the backing of
    protective tariffs from the West.
  • SOUTH ? ?? Will this be an issue?

The Election of 1816
Last time that the Federalists will have a
presidential candidate. Also, the Virginia
Dynasty continues with Monroe being elected.
(Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and now Monroe.
As Federalists slowly die, we have a system of
One-party rule.
James Monroe 1816-1824 5
James Monroe
  • As book states, the man and the times met
  • Straddled two generations, the by-gone period of
    the Founding Fathers and also the merging age of
  • Not brilliant or ever great, but an intellect who
    understood that the nation did not need an
    overbearing president, just simple and sober
  • He was an experienced, levelheaded executive who
    could interpret popular rumblings and discontent
    and respond.

James Monroe
  • Boston newspaper, after his 1817 goodwill tour,
    pronounced his presidency will usher in an Era
    of Good Feelings.
  • However, this is often called a misnomer, because
    despite a period of tranquility and prosperity
    early in his presidency, the era under Monroes
    administration was a troubled one.
  • Issues of tariffs, the bank, and internal
    improvements caused bitter arguments
  • Sectionalism was rearing its ugly head as well as
    the issue of slavery

The Panic of 1819
Causes of 1819
  • Depression, bank failures, deflation,
    bankruptcies, unemployment, soup kitchens, and
    debtors prisons all were the result of the panic
    of 1819.
  • Causes
  • Overspeculation in frontier lands, with the Bank
    of the United States involved
  • West was severely hit as many farms were
  • Western debtors started to despise and hate the
    Bank of the United States because of this.
  • Poorer classes also hit very hard by the panic,
    which helped sow the seeds for Jacksonian

Western Expansion
  • 9 states joined the union from 1791-1819.
  • To preserve the North-South balance, admitted
    alternately as free or slave state.
  • Why such an explosion West?
  • Continuation of the generations old-westward
  • Cheap land appealed to European immigrants
  • Small down payments needed
  • Crushing of Native Americans made land available
  • Building of roads improved transportation
    (Cumberland Road)
  • Use of Steamboats made it easier to navigate

Western Expansion
  • However, West was still weak internally and
    politically, just not enough people.
  • However, still had demands, especially cheap
  • Land Act of 1820
  • 80 acres at 1.25 an acre cash
  • Also wanted cheap transportation
  • Also wanted cheap money

The Tallmadge Amendment
  • Missouri wanted statehood, as a slave state
  • All slaves born in Missouri after the
    territory became a state would be freed at the
    age of 25. Also no more slaves could
    be brought to Missouri.
  • Passed by the House, not in the Senate.
  • The North controlled the House, and the South
    had enough power to block it in the Senate.

The Tallmadge Amendment
  • Slaveholding southerners were outraged at the
    Tallmadge amendment.
  • Also, North over time was getting wealthier and
    more populated, as represented in the House. So
    the North had an advantage.
  • But in the Senate, with 11 free states and 11
    slave states, the South remained equal due to the
    2 Senators per state.
  • So Southerners wanted to maintain this equality
    because it gave them the opportunity to twart any
    measure to interfere with the expansion of

Missouri and the Slave Issue
  • Many southerners worried that if Missouri, the
    first territory carved out of Louisiana and West
    of the Mississippi, was not admitted as a slave
    state, it would set a bad precedent for future
    western states.
  • Southerners also worried if their peculiar
    institution could be abolished in Missouri,
    would the Northerners look to have it abolished
  • Some anti-slavery northerners wanted slavery to
    not be allowed to expand further.
  • So..a solution needed to be made.

Missouri Compromise
  • Led by Henry Clay, a bundle of 3 compromise were
    agreed to in an attempt to solve the issue of
  • Missouri entered as a slave state
  • Maine entered as a free state
  • All other slavery prohibited in the Louisiana
    Territory above 36 30 parallel (Southern border
    of Missouri)
  • Who Won?
  • South got Missouri as an unrestricted slave state
  • North got the right to prohibit slavery in the
    rest of Louisiana
  • 12 slave states and 12 free states due to the
  • The compromise lasted 34 years and preserved the
    shaky compact of the states
  • However, it did not solve the slavery issue and
    simply kicked the can down the road. As Thomas
    Jefferson said, in regards to slavery it will
    burst on us like a tornado.

The Compromise of 1820A Firebell in the Night!
The Election of 1820
Monroe was so popular, even despite the Missouri
issue and the bigger issue Of the Panic of 1819,
he received every electoral vote except 1. So
Washington Remained the only unanimous choice in
presidential elections. Former Governor and
Senator from New Hampshire cast the single vote
against Monroe
Daniel Webster
  • John Marshalls twin ideological brother in the
  • Numerous times he eloquently espoused his
    Federalist views and nationalistic philosophy in
    front of the Supreme Court.
  • Often argued in Senate against states rights and

John Marshall
  • As Chief Justice, he helped create a stable and
    nationally uniform environment for business.
  • Helped check the excess of popularly elected
    state legislatures.
  • Through him, the conservative Hamiltonians
    triumphed from the tomb as he championed a strong
    central government time and time again

John Quincy AdamsA bulldog among spaniels!
John Quincy Adams was Secretary of State during
Monroes administration. - Son of John Adams -
rose above the sectionalism of New England
and became one of the United States
greatest Secretaries of State Treaty of 1818
(British) - Americans could share
Newfoundland fisheries with Canadians -
Fixed Louisiana at the 49th
parallel (Lake of the Woods to the Rockies)
- Ten-Year joint occupation of the
disputed Oregon territory
The Convention of 1818
Florida and Jackson
  • Revolutions broke out in Argentina, Venezuela,
    and Chile. So..
  • Spain sent troops from Florida to these countries
    to stop the revolutionaries.
  • Andrew Jackson creates trumped up charges that
    Seminole Indians and fugitive slaves are using
    Florida as refuge and gets commission to enter
    Florida to punish Indians and recapture the
  • So he hanged two chiefs and executed two British
    subjects for assisting the Indians. He also took
    two Spanish posts, St. Marks and Pensacola.
  • Congress and president were angry, but John
    Quincy Adams said lets just take Florida and
    wanted concessions from Spain
  • Result is the Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819
  • United States got Florida
  • Had to leave some forts in Texas
  • Boundary established between Mexico and United

Jacksons Florida Campaigns
Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819
Napoleonic Wars and Aftermath
  • After Napoleon was defeated and the threat of
    democracy was squashed, the Monarchs of Europe
    banded together in attempt to eliminate another
    revolution like in France. They wanted to make
    the world safe from democracy.
  • Americans were fearful that the monarchs of
    Prussia, Austria, Russia, and France would send
    armies to defeat the democratic experiments in
    revolutionary Latin America.
  • So they feared that the proximity of the
    adversarial monarchs would threaten American
  • 1821, Tsar of Russia extended territory to 51st
    Parallel, present day British Columbia and had
    trading posts in San Francisco. So the fear of
    monarchy in America was real.

Britain and America
  • George Canning proposed to the American minister
    a partnership with America that renouncing any
    interest in Latin American countries and also
    warning European despots to keep hands off the
    Latin American republics.
  • John Quincy Adams said hells no!!! He understood
    that it was not necessary to entangle the Untied
    States in this alliance. There was no imminent
    attack from Europe in Latin America and plus the
    Royal navy would thwart any attack anyways. So
    he convinces Monroe to pronounce the..

The Monroe Doctrine, 1823
  • Referred to as Americas Self-Defense
  • No more colonization and
  • No monarchs in New World
  1. What warning is given to the European countries?
  1. What foreign policy principles are established?

Monroe Doctrine
  1. What would the US do if the warning was not

The West the NW 1819-1824
The Election of 1824The Corrupt Bargain
The Election of 1824The Corrupt Bargain
Candidate Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Andrew Jackson 43 99
J.Q. Adams 31 84
William Crawford 13 41
Henry Clay 13 37
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