Title: Tone and Mood Lessons:
1Tone and Mood Lessons
- Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles (song)
- Disney video clips-Beauty and the Beast, Bambi,
The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Toy Story, The
Lion King, Aladdin, etc. - Be able to APPLY tone and mood to what you
read---baseball stories from book, benchmark,
other practices, TAKS test, etc.
2Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles (song) example
The tone of this song is depressing, creating a
mood of sadness.
3Beauty and the Beast -example
Scene Summary- Belle is hungry, so the
candlestick, teapot, and other dishes sing her a
song while serving her dinner. The tone of the
scene we watched is light and playful, creating a
mood of happiness and silliness.
41. Bambi
Scene Summary- Bambi is laying by his mother,
and the animals in the forest come to meet the
newborn deer. The tone of the scene we watched is
sweet and peaceful, creating a mood of calmness.
52. The Little Mermaid
Scene Summary- Ariels father learns that his
daughter is in love with a human, so he goes to
her secret place and destroys her collection. The
tone of the scene we watched is angry, creating a
mood of fear and sadness.
63. Snow White
Scene Summary- The queen, disguised as an ugly
witch, creates a poisonous apple to give Snow
White. The tone of the scene we watched is scary
and evil, creating a mood of fear.
74. Toy Story
Scene Summary- Woody and Buzz try frantically to
get to the moving van with Andy inside. The tone
of the scene we watched is suspenseful, creating
a mood of excitement and happiness.
85. The Lion King
Scene Summary- Mufasa tries to save his son,
Simba, from the wildebeests, but falls from a
cliff and dies. The tone of the scene we watched
is suspenseful, creating a mood of anxiety and
96. Aladdin
Scene Summary- Aladdin rubs the lamp for the
first time, and meets the Genie. The tone of the
scene we watched is funny and silly creating a
mood of humor.
10Works Cited
- All pictures courtesy of http//www.amazon.com