Title: Spirituality
- There are many proposed links between
spirituality and such outcomes as - Quality of life
- General health status
- Abilities to find meaning and to cope with
difficult situations - Abilities to deal with death and dying issues.
3Spirituality and Religion
- Spirituality A concern for the meaning and
purpose of life. - Religion an organized system of beliefs usually
centred on the worship of a supernatural force or
being - Rituals
- Faith
- Dogma
- Codes of ethics
4Spirituality and Religion
5Spiritual TheoryKey Terms
- God
- Prayer
- Monotheistic religions
- Polytheistic religions
- Sin
- Heretic
- Schismatic
- Cult
- Soul
- Spirit
- Atheist
- Agnostic
- Pagan
- Animism
- New Age
- Pantheism
- Reincarnation
- Heaven
- Nirvana
6Holistic Health and Spirituality
- Canadians come from a range of religions, each
having their specific spiritual tenets, rites and
rituals, and views on health and illness. - Spiritual well-being
- Spiritual distress
7Religions and Health Care Judaism
8Religions and Health Care Islam
9Religions and Health Care Roman Catholic
10Religions and Health Care Protestant
11Religions and Health Care Jehovahs Witness
12Religions and Health Care Native
13Role of the Nurse in Spiritual Care
- Spiritual assessment
- Physical history, psychological history, then
spiritual history - Ask about advance directive
- Ask about organ donation
- Ask about spiritual or religious beliefs that may
affect health care
14Role of the Nurse in Spiritual Care
- Observe for clues about spiritual beliefs
- Ask who should be notified in event of change in
condition, including religious organization or
leader - If needed, ask additional questions to ascertain
15Signs of Spiritual Distress
- Crying, sighing, withdrawn behavior
- Questioning spiritual beliefs
- Statements of worthlessness, hopelessness, or
death - Statements about Gods purpose
- Requests for spiritual assistance
16Nurses Role in Care
- Listen actively
- Provide an empathetic, warm, interested response
to patients concerns - Show respect for patients spiritual beliefs
- Give patient and family permission and
opportunity to practice religion and spirituality - Refer to hospital chaplain or patients spiritual
17Nursing Actions to Avoid
- Do not attempt to proselytize patient to your
own spiritual beliefs - Do not instruct patient in religious or spiritual
doctrine - Do not serve as a spiritual advisor
- Do not use clichés
18Points to Ponder
- To pray or not pray with a client?
- Abortion Issues
- Blood products or organ donations?
- Particularly for children
- Estes, M.E., (2006). Health Assessment and
Physical Examination. (3rd edition). Clifton
Park,NewYork Thomson Delmar Leaning.