The Science of Spirituality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Science of Spirituality


The Science of Spirituality – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Science of Spirituality

The Science Of Spirituality
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  • Science is the practice where people, usually as
    collectives, make controlled observations and
    testable predictions. This is done in the hopes
    of constantly refining their models and
    understanding of the world. Science has always
    sought to explain the unexplainable, solve the
    unsolvable, and know the unknowable.
  • A scientific method seeks to explain the events
    of nature in a reproducible way, and to use these
    findings to make useful predictions. This is done
    partly through observation of natural phenomena,
    but also through experimentation that tries to
    simulate natural events under controlled
    conditions. Observability, Testability,
    Repeatability and Falsifiability are the
    hallmarks of the scientific method.
  • In the scientific method, we begin with a
    hypothesis. Next, we make a plan of the procedure
    and or materials we want to use to test the
    hypothesis and follow it exactly and record the
    data or findings. When complete, we analyze the
    data and report on the results. Was our
    hypothesis correct or incorrect?
  • The data either proves or disproves our
    hypothesis. We prove our hypothesis when we can
    replicate the results under the same conditions.
    Once a hypothesis has survived testing, it may
    become adopted into the framework of a scientific
    theory. A large number of hypotheses can be
    logically bound together by a single theory.
  • Spirituality is studied in the same manner as
    science. In it, the hypothesis that is sought to
    be proven is the existence of the soul and the
    Oversoul or God. The experiment is carried out in
    the laboratory of the human body in the catalytic
    presence of the perfect spiritual Master.
    However, as in outer science, a set of basic
    conditions, such as following the prescribed
    method and practices- such as inculcation of
    ethical virtues, imbibing vegetarian diet need be
    adhered to.

  • How may we enter the Kingdom of God? With the
    help and guidance of one who has himself entered
    it and who can guide us there. If all of the
    physical sciences that belong to the realm of
    Apara Vidya and are studied and mastered on the
    plane of the senses, require the help of a
    teacher, the need of a teacher is still greater
    for spiritual science, Para Vidya, knowledge of
    the beyond, which is an inner process far beyond
    the ken of the senses, to be studied in the
    depths of the mind and experimented with in the
    laboratory of the soul- the human body.
  • It is not enough to be content with holy books
    which are the valuable records of inner
    experiences of various Masters in Spirituality.
    The one who can open our inner vision and show us
    the Light of God, and make our inner ear hear the
    Voice of Godthe Wordis the real Master. As
    light comes from light, so life comes from life.
    The science of the Spirit is a thing which
    neither the scriptures nor book learning can
    give. Life impulse must be transmitted into the
    soul of a seeker to make it quicken with real
    life, the life of the Spirit.
  • Truth or God cannot be known by the senses,
    intellect or Pranasonly soul can experience the
    Lord, and this can happen only after it has come
    to know itself. To know our Self is not a matter
    of feelings, emotions or drawing inferences. It
    is really one of rising above body-consciousness
    by self-analysis. Knowledge of the Self precedes
    the knowledge of God because it is the inner
    conscious Self which can know Godthe All
    Consciousness. This is in consonance with the
    hidden laws of Nature, of which we have as yet no
    knowledge. This is also the one common goal for
    all humanity. Man is the highest of all creation.
    If he does not attain his goal, he is lost.

  • We are aware of the world and our body through
    the faculty of our attention. Presently, most of
    our attention is going outward into the world and
    outside the body drawn by the 5 senses of sight,
    sound, smell, taste, and touch. We perceive the
    world thru these. If we withdraw our senses to a
    point, known as the seat of our soul or
    awareness, located between and behind the two
    eyebrows, our attention will focus there. When
    all our attention is closed off from the physical
    world and our body and concentrated here, we will
    be able to see the inner Light and hear the inner
    Sound. Through further concentration on them, the
    conscious part of ourselves will withdraw into it
    and we will emerge into a realm of higher
    frequency of Light and Sound.
  • Rather than the outer science that rests upon
    its validation on our imperfect outer faculties,
    the Spiritual science is validated by our
    hitherto dormant, perfect spiritual agencies of
    inner vision (known as Nirat) and of inner
    hearing (known as Surat), awakened by the grace
    of a perfect Master by opening of the Third or
    the Single Eye. This inner science perfectly
    fulfils all qualifications to be called a
    science. Which is why it is considered to be
    the very Science of all sciences.
  • There are no hard and fast rules, no ceremonies,
    no offerings of gifts during spiritual
    initiation. In this process, the Master acts as
    an external catalyst, enabling the unification of
    the soul with Oversoul or God. A disciple has
    only to enter into the laboratory of his body and
    proceed. A firsthand experience of withdrawal of
    the Soul-current, the opening of the inner vision
    and hearing of the Sound-currentthe Voice of
    Godis invariably given by the Master to the
    disciple at initiation, which experience is
    developed from day to day by regular meditative

  • The Science of the Soul, also known as
    Sant-Mat, means the knowledge taught by the
    perfect Spiritual Masters. It is neither an
    intellectual scholastic system of philosophy nor
    a mere code of social or moral conduct, though
    both of these are elementary steps on the way of
    Spirituality. Although Sant-Mat is a pristine,
    unchanging spiritual knowledge, it does present
    itself from time-to-time in the language of the
    day. Since, the intellectual path finds wide
    acceptance in the present times, this knowledge
    is also being made available in the paradigm of
    science i.e. as the Science of Spirituality.
  • Any belief not based on personal experience and
    verification of facts has little value. The
    Science of Spirituality deals both in theory
    and practice with mans true nature and his
    relation to God. It is purely a personal,
    practical and a natural science, not subject to
    change or time. In it, if there is a hypothesis
    required to be proven, it is that soul and God
  • The Upanishads describe two kinds of knowledge
    (i) Para (Transcendental) the superior
    Pratyaksha (direct), and (ii) Apara
    (Terrestrial) the inferior Paroksha (indirect).
    Apara is preliminary knowledge consisting of
    study of scriptures, codes of rituals, book
    learning, worship, fasting, giving of alms, etc.
    and is also known as Karmakaand or Shariat. Para
    knowledge is by far the Natures science of
    approach to God or the Science of realized
    Truth. This science is and has been at the root
    of all isms, faiths, religions and all beliefs
    throughout the world, in all ages past and
    present, and shall remain so for the future.
  • While Science aims to uncover deepest spiritual
    truths, Spirituality aims to search for the cause
    behind scientific facts.

  • Spirituality should not be confounded with Apara
    vidya or knowledge comprising miracles, psychic
    phenomena or yogic powers. It is instead the
    inner experience of the Soul, and its alphabet
    begins where all philosophy and Hatha-yoga
    practices end. When one gets actual experience of
    the Soul by self-analysis and contacts the
    Overself, it is called Spirituality. It is an
    active and live principle which comes as a pure
    gift from a Master-soul, one attuned with the
    Divine Cosmic Awareness.
  • The Science of Para Vidya teaches us how the
    spirit is to be liberated from the bondage of
    mind and matter, to come in contact with the
    Spirit Divine in order to realize and regain the
    Kingdom of God, the Garden of Eden, our True
    Home, which is now a lost province. It integrates
    the individual systems of science, psychology,
    philosophy, spirituality and religion into a
    unified system that describes the
    multi-dimensional nature of man and the universe.
    It provides a more comprehensive description of
    reality than science can offer and explains the
    mechanisms behind an array of paranormal
    phenomena that science chooses to ignore.
  • The scientists of Spirituality have found that
    when we invert our attention, we find a source of
    light and sound not evident through gross
    scientific instrumentation. They have uncovered
    higher frequencies of existence far beyond that
    of the physical universe. They discovered an
    essence that consists of Light and Sound that is
    conscious and imperishable. As scientists in
    quantum physics split the atom and atomic
    particles in particle accelerators, they find at
    the heart of each of these particles dancing
    packets of energy radiating light and sound. It
    has taken physical scientists considerable period
    through the development of refined
    instrumentation to prove what scientists of
    Spirituality had already discovered thousands of
    years ago.

  • The scientists of Spirituality found there were
    a series of regions, each more ethereal and
    functioning at higher and higher vibration levels
    than those below it. When they crossed this
    threshold they were ultimately able to merge into
    an Ocean of Spirit. At this point at their
    journey, they came to know all there is to be
    known. They experienced oneness with all
    creation. They experienced a state that brought
    about ineffable happiness, love and bliss. Let
    us now analyze their findings.
  • The Science of Spirituality (SoS) relates to the
    inner creation, well beyond the scope of the
    outer sciences. There is indeed a spiritual
    ladder of the Yogis comprising seven Chakras or
    ganglionic centres, partially enunciated up to
    the microcosm (the region of creation within
    which the soul, separated from God, is currently
    enslaved and constantly forced to undergo
    metempsychosis) stage, which is likewise also
    described by various religions such as Judaism
    and Jainism.
  • The Cosmos being holographic in nature (the very
    concept of Maya or illusion), the journey
    through the inner worlds can be very deceptive
    indeed, where many a turn falsely appears to be
    the very destination or God. The deities of the
    lower rungs of the ladder aloneespecially up to
    the microcosmic stageare described the most in
    our religions and theology, and worshipped most
    the world over indeed, one mans God may not
    be the same as anothers, although God-Power is
    One alone!
  • By enunciating the spiritual ladder in-toto, SoS
    lays bare the inner spirituality of the various
    religious masters and permits parallel study of
    religion. Not only does this model bring out in
    detail the stages of spiritual ascent and the
    deities connected with them, it also sheds light
    upon the Cosmic architecture i.e. the manner in
    which creation took place, and how it was built
    as a copy of copies.

  • SoS also clearly definitionalizes various
    spiritual terminologies (e.g. Nirvana, Samadhi),
    bringing out their variegated aspects with
    clarity. Ishta or Deities (e.g. Christ, Rama,
    gods-goddesses) are located upon the ladder, more
    as spiritual concepts (rather than as
    historical persons) as was intended originally.
    The concept of the Trinity (e.g.
    Father-Son-Holy Spirit or Vishnu-Brahma-Shankar)
    can not only be specified but also generalized
    across the board. It gives life to the various
    scripture and epicsboth of East and West, and
    even to the childrens fables which are often but
    allegorized or masked spiritual truths. Who would
    ever have imagined the Ramayana to be tale of
    the souls 7-staged journey up to the Nirvana
    stage, rather than that of an ideal king! It
    also enables a parallel study of the esoteric
    aspect of various religions, revealing them to
    identical in various ways.
  • SoS describes three macrocosmic grand regions
    created by the ultimate and eternal Unmanifest
    God, simply described as the Ocean of Love 1.
    Sach-Khand (The ve Region of Truth), 2.
    Paar-Brahm (The neutral Region beyond Brahm) 3.
    Brahmand (The -ve Triple Region, where the Law of
    Karma driven Cycle of 8.4 mill. Species
    operates), all of which need to be transcended
    during the spiritual journey, in order for the
    soul to reach its True Home. The Yogis operate
    within Brahmand, whilst the Sadhs (or Sadhus)
    go up to Paar-Brahm and attain Nirvana or freedom
    from bondage, and the true Sants reach
    Sach-Khand, where the soul achieves
    self-knowledge, having disrobed itself of the
    various Koshas or coverings of the inert
    mind-matter of increasing grossness. Param
    Sants (though described as Sants while
    aliveas being the self-form of the manifest God,
    our Father) take us the Supreme Divine, where the
    droplet merges with the Ocean, achieving

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  • Physical joys are not lasting. There are
    limitations of body and mind to which we cannot
    shut our eyes. We must therefore search for the
    perennial source of joy and peace within
    ourselves. The Spiritual Science envisages and
    offers actual experience of death-in-life because
    the Spirit is enabled to rise above the body. It
    is indeed the Mother of all science.
  • Throughout the ages, Self-knowledge has been
    acclaimed as the higher type of knowledge. It
    consists of understanding the true nature of the
    Soul, and its relation to the body in which it is
    lodged. It can then be separated at will from the
    tentacles of the body to seek out its source. It
    is by the process of inversion through meditation
    that the Spirit rises into Cosmic Awareness and
    attains everlasting peace.
  • In terms of theory, SoS offers the ultimate key
    that unlocks the various spiritual allegories
    that we are confronted with, and defines the
    stage that properly and truly describes God
    (the Lord of the Durbar, as being different
    from and superior to His durbaris), thus putting
    to end an enduring falsity. It also points to the
    nature of the preceptor and the practice required
    to be undertaken in order for the soul to be
    re-united with God.
  • The popularity of metaphysics, spirituality and
    new science in the 21st century indicates that
    humanity is now ready for a modern presentation
    of esoteric knowledge. In this context, it would
    be fair to say that in order to truly imbibe the
    scientific temper human society will need to
    shift to a higher paradigm of sciencethe
    Science of Spirituality, which may be
    considered summum bonum of the very human
    existence. Explorations into the outer space and
    sub-atomic space will have to yield to much more
    fruitful explorations in the inner space.

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