Title: Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group
1Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group
AIDG Appropriate Infrastructure Development
Group Sustainable Solutions for the
Infrastructure Needs of the Rural Poor
- The Current Need
- Introduction to AIDG
- AIDG In Action with Xelateco
- Xelateco Products
- Call To Action
3Infrastructure Inequality
- Poor Global Distribution
- Large disparity between urban and rural
- Expansion reliant on government and large corps
- Roughly 2 billion without electricity, clean cook
fuel, or adequate drinking water
4The Resulting Implications
- Infrastructure Inequality Results
- Increased Poverty
- Increased Migration From Rural to Urban Areas
- Global and Personal Security Issues
- Environmental Destruction and Biodiversity Loss
- Increased Public Health Risks
5Solutions Appropriate Infrastructure
- Appropriate Infrastructure Provides
- Opportunities For Enterprise
- Retention of Rural Populations
- Increased Resistance to Disasters
- Environmental Protection
- Public Health Benefits
- Village and Home Scale Affordable Solutions
6What Is AIDG?
- AIDG seeks to increase the use of appropriate
technologies in developing countries through
education, training, outreach, and business
7AIDG Technologies
- Affordable, Repairable, Environmentally Sound
8How Does AIDG Work?
- A Business Model To Create Change
- Market-based development strategy
- Spreads appropriate technology solutions through
incubation of small employee-owned businesses - Previous workshops help AIDG techs to train new
workshop employees - After 3 yrs, business is transitioned to a
worker-owned cooperative
9AIDG In Action!
- August 2005 - AIDG began training at its 1st
manufacturing facility - 10 engineering, electrical, metal-working
specialists - 2008 - Xela Teco will transition into a
worker-owned cooperative
10Assistance To Workshop
- Financial Assistance
- Seed capital
- Community exposure through grant supported and
pre-negotiated projects - Material Equipment Procurement
- Business Planning
- Market Analysis
- Client Procurement
- Financial planning
- Technical Assistance
- Access to Technology, Training, Product
Development, Quality Control, Good Manufacturing
Practices - Computer training, Web development
11Providing a living wage
Prudencio Lopez72 years old, Prudencio was born
and lives in Quetzaltenango. Weeks Before being
hired by Xela Techo, Prudencio lost his job as a
teacher of metalworking at the Taller Agotón-Boj,
a school-workshop dedicated to restoring historic
buildings. Xela Teco Hired him to teach the team
metalworking, soldering and welding. Living
wages for individuals an appropriate
technologies for the community.
12Xela Teco Products
13Xela Teco Products
- Micro Hydroelectric
- Water Pumps
14Xela Teco Products
- Solar Water Heaters
- Emergency Stove Kits
15Technologies in Testing
- Solar Ice makers, High Efficiency Stoves, Water
Filters, Biogas for Electricity, Low Cost Wind,
LED Lighting
16Long-term plans
Previous workshops help AIDG techs to train new
workshop employees Workshop profits help fund
subsequent shops.
17AIDG Financials 2005
2005 Review
- Balance Sheet 12/31/05
- 2005 Private Donations 48,510
- Cash Standing 10,128
- Debt
2,780 - Â
- US Overhead 1,284
Outreach Projects 7,561 - Shop Training 17,672
Hurricane Stan Relief 2,530
18AIDG Financials 2006
2006 Projections
Private Donations 75,750 Grants
75,000 Tectour
Revenue 22,000 Product Revenue
4,500 In Kind
3,200 AIDG Store
250 Total Projected Revenue
180,700 Â
- Xelateco Tools and Vehicle 7500
Xelateco Incubation24,000
Outreach Projects 15,000 - AIDG Salaries, Benefits, Taxes (3 Staff)59,840
DR Shop 50,000
US Overhead1,600
- Recent news?
- What Does AIDG Need?
- How Can You Help?
- Thank You!
- www.aidg.org
- www.xelateco.com
20Study 1 Casa Guatemala
Casa Guatemala
Provided a sustainable technology source of
energy to Casa Guatemala