Title: Model Driven Development
1Model Driven Development
- With Borland Together ControlCenter
- Tom Gullion lttom.gullion_at_borland.comgt
- Product Manager, Together Products
- Borland Software Corporation
31. Introduction
4Tutorial Description
- In this tutorial, we discuss the background
concepts behind model-driven development and how
it relates to industry trends like MDA. We
concentrate on showing what you can do today and
present a vision for what you'll be able to do in
the future. - Prerequisites Some experience with UML, OOAD,
and Java.
5Tutorial Goals
- Define and describe model-driven development
(MDD) - Describe model-driven architecture (MDA)
- We all leave with a somewhat clear picture of
present and future functionality
6Model-Driven Development Defined
- Models are the focus of development
- not an intermediate work product
- Model and Code are of equal importance
- LiveSourceTM is key
- Model and code are always in sync
- The code is the model, the model is the code
7LiveSourceTM is key
- Model and code are always in sync
8Ban on intermediate work products!
- Models are the focus of development, not an
intermediate work product - No more stale design documents
- No more out-of-date requirements documents
- Leverage integrations to always work with live
project artifacts!
9MDD/MDA Terms
- Model
- Platform
- Transformations
- Merriam-Webster Online
- structural design
- a system of postulates, data, and inferences
presented as a mathematical description of an
entity or state of affairs - Joaquin Miller
- Specification of a system and its environment
11Model Taxonomy
- general definition
- middleware platforms
- J2EE
- .NET
- OS platforms
- Linux
- Mac OSX
- can be more specific
- BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1
- OMG definition
- general approach
13OMG definition of platform
- MDA recognizes that the target "platform" will
likely be a collection of platforms
LinuxJBossJ2EEHibernate MySQLStrutsJSP
- Computation Independent Model
- Collection of UML diagrams
- Use case, activity, class, state, etc.
- High-level of abstraction
- Color modeling
- Analysis model
15CIM in Together
- Separate project vs separate package
- Separate project provides good isolation
- Can be a challenge for traceability
- Separate package partitions ok
- Much better for managing tracability
- Configure diagrams to Analysis Detail
- - see ControlCenter
16High-level of abstraction
- Reduce complexity
- Model the what not the how
- Visualize collaborations
- Form over function
17Color modeling
- Peter Coads advice
- Assign colors to categories of classes diagram
elements - Spatial Layering
- How many colors
- Five is too many - Hideaki Chijiiwa (Color
Harmony) - Which colors Leonardo Da Vinci
- red, yellow, green, blue
- Soften to pastels so text is easy to read
- Pink, pastel yellow, pastel green, pastel blue
- 3M was there before us
- Four color Post-itTM Notes
18analysis model
- Platform Independent Model
- Collection of UML diagrams
- Use case, activity, class, state, etc.
- Always important to define platform for your
context - Independence is relative
- Must specify the platform from which this model
is independent
- PIM in Together
- design model
- design model with OCL
- color modeling here too
21design model
22design model with OCL
23color modeling here too
- Platform Specific Model
- Generally specific to
- Some technology
- A programming language
- Middleware
- Execution environment
- Typically class diagrams
25PSM in Together
- Togethers historic "sweet spot"
- can be reverse-engineered too
- Biz process model to UML model
- the classic design to impl transformation
- Single class to multiple transformation
- Analysis to Design transformation
- Object model to ER Logical transformation
- PSM-gtCode
- MDA term for LiveSource
- Model compiler
27Transformations (continued)
- Model-gtModel
- Activity diagram to Ant script tranformation
- Interaction diagram to test scripts
- Tool Support
- Built-in
- LiveSource Approach
- Deployment Support
- Executable Model Support
- Pluggable
- Provide an API for transformation plug-ins
- Customizable
- Provide an API for transformation plug-ins
- Analysis to Design transformation
- Object model to ER Logical transformation
- the classic design to impl transformation
- Single class to multiple classes transformation
- analysis class to EJB collection (EJB remote
home interface classes)
- MDA term for LiveSource
- Together does this todayautomatically!
- Model compiler
- Activity diagram to Ant script transformation
- Interaction diagram to test scripts
33Tool Support
- Built-in
- LiveSource Approach
- Design Pattern Approach
- Deployment Support
- Executable Model Support
- Export
- Pluggable
- Provide an API for transformation plug-ins
- Customizable
- Provide an API for transformation plug-ins
342. Practices of MDD
35Iterative Devel Defined
- "Development is organized into a series of short,
fixed-length mini-projects called iterations the
outcome of each is a tested, integrated, and
executable system. - Craig Larman. Applying UML and Patterns, Second
Edition. Prentice-Hall PTR, 2002
36Iterative, incremental
From Walker Royce, http//www.sei.cmu.edu/cbs/spir
- mitigate risks early, rather than late
- visible progress
- early feedback
- manage complexity by breaking up work into
manageable chunks - learning within an iteration can be methodically
used to improve subsequent iterations - Craig Larman, Applying UML and Patterns, Second
Edition. Prentice-Hall PTR, 2002
Note two-week timeboxing
39Iterative Modeling Guidelines
- Dont have to do it all right now
- Freedom to Delete
- Avoid intermediate work products
- Automate documentation generation
402. Practices of MDD
41Modeling Requirements
- Plain Text Requirements
- Verify Requirements with an Object Model
- Visualize Requirements
- Model the User Interface
42Plain Text Requirements
- The customers credit card is scanned. The system
creates a transaction and the financial
institution verifies the credit card. If the
credit is declined, an error logged. - The transaction is finalized and a receipt is
printed. Finally, the customer receives their
Note the miracle and black hole activities
discovered when the narrative was visually
43Verify Requirements with an Object Model
- Streamlined Object Modeling suggests
- "clients are intimately familiar with details but
are stuck in how it is done now, overlooking
potential improvements" - talking about users and user scenarios is bad
because it "tends to bring focus on how the old
system worked, not what the real underlying
business process should be." - "Object modeling succeeds because it focuses on
the domain objects and forces everyone in the
group to take the object's viewpoint. Putting
people in the same viewpoint is a powerful
technique for gaining group consensus. By
contrast, building scenarios around users compels
every participant to consider the system from his
own personal viewpoint, and how he wants it to
work." - "Once the object model is created, then user
scenarios are helpful in fleshing out the "how".'
44Visualizing Requirements 1
45Visualizing Requirements 2
46Visualizing Requirements 3
47Visualizing Requirements 4
48User Interface Models
- from
- Lean Interaction Design
- and Implementation
- Using Statecharts with
- Feature Driven Development
- By David J. Anderson and
- BrÃan OByrne
492. Practices of MDD
50Modeling Conventions
- See Scott Amblers BorCon 2004 session!
- read his book or web site www.agilemodeling.com/s
tyle - Examples
- Visual layout suggests order
- Naming conventions
- Size matters
- Color modeling
- Model structure
- Traceability
51Visual layout suggests order
52Naming conventions
- The value of naming conventions for code is
well-known. - The same applies for model elements
- Consider Amblers advice about use case naming
- Singular
- A role, not a job title
- Dont start with process, perform or do
53Size matters
54Color modeling
55Model structure
- Requirements Traceability links
- Together Hyperlinks
- Establish norms around when to trace and what to
trace otherwise it will quickly become
unmanageable and cease to be useful
572. Practices of MDD
58Design Patterns
- Stock Patterns
- Custom Patterns
- Templates
- Documenting Pattern Usage
- Better Software Faster suggestion
- Pattern Harvesting
- example graphic diagram from designer
59Stock Patterns
- Gang of Four
- J2EE Design Patterns
- Fowlers EAI Patterns
- Web Services Patterns
- Etc.
60Custom Patterns
- Patterns tailored to your domain
- Patterns for your framework(s)
- Customized versions of stock patterns
- Etc.
- Together supports two levels of patterns
- SciPattern classes use Together ControlCenters
OpenAPI, written in Java, highly
configurable/extensible - Templates simple token replacement approach
- public class Name
- public static void main (String argv)
- System.out.println(Message")
62Documenting Pattern Usage
- Better Software Faster suggestion
63Pattern Harvesting
642. Practices of MDD
65Jeff De Luca on Inspections
- http//www.featuredrivendevelopment.com/node/view/
566 - Inspections are one of the most effective defect
removal techniques. Testing is one of the least
effective defect removal techniques. We know this
from measurements it isn't speculation. And yet,
what do most organizations do? They test. What do
most organizations not do? They don't inspect.
Why is this?
66Automate Low-Level Inspections
- Software tools are very effective at finding
certain types of defects They are much faster
and more accurate (Gilb, p.12) - Deep and precise parsing of source
- Saves time and budget
- Separation of concerns
- Computers excel at low-level inspection and
counting - People do not
- People excel at business logic and design
inspection - Computers do not
- Rich Gronback, Software Remodeling
69Contemporary Software Practices
- Visual Refactoring
- Test-Driven Development
- Extreme Programming (XP)
- Continuous code reviews with pair programming
- Produces 85 of the code that should be of
substantially higher quality - Carmichael, Haywood. Better Software Faster.
- Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
- Relies heavily on inspections to ensure high
quality of designs and code - Inspection steps built-in
- Participants limited to those concerned
702. Practices of MDD
71Benefits of Reverse Engineering
- No more stale design documents
- Faster ramp up time for new team members
- Remove dependence on intermediate work products
- No more lost learning during construction
- Peter Coads Gutenberg Dilemma
72Reverse Engineering effects on documentation
- Automated documentation generation is based on
reverse-engineered models - Garbage in, garbage out
- Configurable projects are key
- Set parsing levels
- Dependency checking
- Associations
732. Practices of MDD
- Generative Programming
- Domain Engineering
- Product-Line Practices
- Usage scenarios
- Generators available now
75Generative Programming
- Generative programming is at the heart of the
concept - Generative programmings goal is to
- move away from single solutions toward
- automated manufacturing of varieties of
software. - Krzysztof Czarnecki and
- Ulrich W. Eiseneckers book
- is required reading
76Domain Engineering
- What if you could preserve your past experiences
building software systems? - Domain Engineering does exactly that AND includes
a structure for reusing work products.
77Conventional vs Domain Engineering
Software Engineering Domain Engineering
Requirements Analysis Produces requirements for one system Domain Analysis Produces reusable, configurable requirements for a class of systems
System Design Produces design of one system Domain Design Produces reusable design for a class of systems and a production plan
System Implementation Produces system implementation Domain Implementation Produces reusable components, infrastructure and production process
Table 2-4, p57 Generative Programming
78Product-Line Practices
- Domain Engineering covers
- Development of reusable assets
- Production plan for producing systems reusing
those assets - Product-Line Practices provide
- Management and organization
- Enable Domain Engineering processes
- Provide a feedback loop between them
79Usage scenarios
- DTD generator
- XSD generator
- Entity Relationship Diagrams
- Logical
- Physical
- OR Mapping tools
- Including Hibernate (model data specific)
- Dialog Generators
- Is it better to wrap a dialog behind an API or
generate them? - Both accelerate development no more fighting
with layout managers, hand-crafting dialogs to
meet UI guidelines, etc. - Generated dont require maintaining the API,
extending the API when changes occur, etc.
802. Practices of MDD
- www.omg.org
- www.uml.org
- www.mda.org
- www.modelbased.net
- www.mdsd.info
- http//www.prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de/czarn/
823. MDA Overview
83What is MDA?
- According to the Object Management Group (OMG)
- MDA provides an open, vendor-neutral approach to
the challenge of business and technology change. - MDA aims to separate business or application
logic from underlying platform technology. - Platform-independent models can enable
intellectual property to move away from
technology-specific code, helping to insulate
business applications from technology evolution,
and further enable interoperability.
84The Benefits of MDA
- Portability
- Insulation from underlying technology change
- Productivity
- Code generation
- Communicate visually, thereby reducing complexity
- Cross-Platform Interoperability
- Generated bridges
- Easier Maintenance and Documentation
- Design artifacts become development artifacts
85What Comprises MDA?
- MDA is not a single specification, but a
collection of related OMG specifications - Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0
- Infrastructure
- Superstructure
- Object Constraint Language (OCL)
- Diagram Interchange
- Profiles
- Meta-Object Facility (MOF)
- XML Meta-Data Interchange (XMI)
- Common Warehouse Meta-model (CWM)
- Query View Transformation (QVT)
86MDA Required Reading
- Model Driven Architecture
- Applying MDA to Enterprise
- Computing
- by David S. Frankel
- See also
- MDA Journal at www.bptrends.com/
87The MDA Logo
- Note the industry verticals MDA is not intended
to be a general purpose model-to-code solution.
- Platform is a relative concept
- According to the MDA Guide
- A platform in general is a set of
subsystems/technologies that provide a coherent
set of functionality through interfaces and
specified usage patterns that any subsystem that
depends on the platform can use without concern
for the details of how the functionality provided
by the platform is implemented. - Platform Independence
- The quality that the model is independent of the
features of a platform of any particular type. - Platform-Independent Models
- Better called platform computational-independent?
- This is the challenge for MDA!
- Inspired by existing CWM transformation
technology - MOF2 Core will align basis of UML and CWM
- Query, View, Transformation specification is
needed - At present, QVT is MIA
A record of transformation is required to
maintain traceability and synchronization.
90Model Marking Transformation
- Marks are specific to a transformation
- Can be a stereotype in a profile, for example
91The Abstraction Gap
- Middleware makes MDA a potential reality
Level of Abstraction
A b s t r a c t i o n G a p
92What About SOA and BPM?
- Business Process Execution Language for Web
Services (BPEL4WS) - An XML standard for defining business processes
with Web Services - Provides high level of abstraction ? lends itself
to generation from models - Negligible abstraction gap
- UML Profile for Automated Business Processes
- Allows UML Class and Activity diagrams to model
BPEL - Generate WSDL, BPEL and XSD Schema
- Business Process Definition Metamodel being
developed - UML2-based metamodel with profile for BPD with
mapping to BPEL4WS
93Model and Code Synchronization
- Forward Engineering Only
- The ultimate goal (?)
- Need Action Semantics
- Done in real-time and embedded systems today!
- Partial Round-Trip Engineering
- Protected blocks for code
- WYSIWYG GUI tools have done this
- Full Round-Trip Engineering
- Changes reflected up and down layers of
abstraction - Necessary to wean programmers off 3GLs?
94Building Better Modelers
- As models move from design artifacts to
development artifacts - Casual modelers will need to be upgraded
- Rigorous models required for generation
- Model validation becomes more important
- Model repositories will be needed
95MDA Summary
- MDA is a collection of many specifications
- Many of which are incomplete at present
- MDA has promise
- MDA is no silver bullet
- The jump from 3GLs to MDA is considerably longer
than from Assembly to 3GLs - MDA can be done with agility
- Waterfall not prescribed
- MDA will require improved model(er)s
963. MDA Overview
97MDD with Together ControlCenter
- Use Design language to model requirements and
domain model (CIM PIM) - Refine computational portion in PIM package
- Export to target language project (e.g. Java, C,
C) - Apply design patterns and elaborate design (PSM)
- PSM and Code model maintained in sync with
98Support of the Latest Standards
- Current work in progress
- UML 2 support in development
- OCL 2 support in development
- XMI 2 support in development
- Diagram Interchange support in development
- JMI-based metamodel support (JSR-040)
- Java-based transformation engine for QVT
- UML Profile support in development
- Custom profile definition to be supported
99Improving the Modeling Experience
- Look for future support in Together for
- Expanded modeling capabilities
- Cater modeling environment to role
- Graphical view of metamodels
- Modeling helpers and tutorials
- Model-level audits and metrics
- Validate models for transformation
- OCL expression validation
- Transformation definition samples for
100MDD with Together Tomorrow
101Industry Support in modeling MDA
- Look for future support in Together for
- Industry models
- eTOM
- etc
- Industry frameworks
- Zachman
- etc
102Model Accessibility
- Several possibilities
- Proprietary metamodel API
- Java Metadata Interface (JMI)
- Defined by JSR-040
- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
- Corresponding UML2 project
- Internally, Together utilizes own metamodel
- Known as Entity model
- Full UML2 metamodel implementation unrealistic
- Will be wrapped with standard JMI API for access
- Done with on-the-fly model transformations
103Query View Transformation (QVT)
- No specification available yet
- No standard way to define a transformation
- OMG issued RFP on April 10, 2002
- 8 submissions, with 2 main groups
- QVT-Merge Group
- Compuware/Sun Microsystems
104Open Source Transformers
- Generative Model Transformer (GMT)
- Eclipse project (vaporware, JUUT-je prototype,
UMLX 0.0) - XMI-based (XMIXMI?XMI, XMI?XMI, XMI?text)
- Transformations based on textures
- Patterns specified in unambiguous UML-based
format - AndroMDA
- Builds on XDoclet, utilizes Velocity template
engine - Takes UML XMI file input and generates output
using cartridges - Current cartridges Java, EJB, Hibernate, Struts
- Generates no business logic
- Jamda
- Takes UML XMI file as input, using Jamda profile
- Java-based code generators
- Generated class definitions added to UML model
before codegen - Currently J2EE-centric
- Others UMT-QVT, QVT-Partners Open Generator
FrameWork, etc.
105Model Transformation Research
- OCL-based transformations
- Input and output patterns defined in OCL
- Prolog-based engine
- Identifies input pattern in source model
- Generates output pattern in target model
- Rule-based transformations
- Rules declared in XML
- Model access and transform via JMI API
- Batch processing of model, with potential
incremental approach - Pattern-based transformations
- Transformation declared with metaclass and OCL
- Traverse model?examine constraints?apply pattern
to target model - Technique used in current Together pattern
106Model Validation
- Current audits metrics apply only to source
model - Source Code Interface (SCI) to code model
- Model audits use JMI API
- Access and evaluate OCL constraints in model
- Audits themselves can be written in OCL
- OCL validator accesses model constraints with JMI
API - All validation results utilize common interface
- Unified format for analysis
107What you can do now
- Refine your models
- Leverage UML profiles where appropriate
- Specify all types
- Specify all multiplicities
- Name all associations and association ends
- Clean up dangling model elements
- Make models semantically complete
- Declare constraints in OCL
108What you can do now
- Treat models as if they were development
artifacts - Not as throwaway design relics
- Learn UML2 and OCL
- OMGs UML2 Certification Program
- Avoid UML constructs not supported by MOF
- N-ary associations
- Qualified associations
- Association classes
- Stop hand crafting XSDs, DTDs, and Java APIs for
metadata - Generators exist today!
1093. MDA Overview
110Overview of Future Support
- Support of the Latest Standards
- As they become available
- Improve the Modeling Experience
- Align Products with MDA Roles Activities
- Support Industry Models and Frameworks
- Increase Generative Capabilities and
Customizability - Model access, validation, transformation
111Improving the Modeling Experience
- Look for future support in Together for
- Expanded modeling capabilities
- Cater modeling environment to role
- Including the ability to get a graphic view of
metamodels - Modeling helpers and tutorials
- Model-level audits and metrics
- Validate models for transformation
- Transformation definition samples for
112MDD with Together Tomorrow (first of two)
- Current ability of developers to work with PSMs
will grow - New capabilities for Analysts with Together
Designer - To create Problem Domain CIMs
- To create models for a library maintained by
Architect - PIMs developed with Together Designer
- Can be based on pre-existing Models from Library
- Use OCL2 for constraint definition
- Apply UML Profiles to model
- Rely on model level audits for quality
- Code generated maintained in sync with PSM
113MDD with Together Tomorrow (continued)
- With Together Architect, shops will have model
libraries - Models of Platforms, of Business Process, and
Apps - Ability to combine and transform models
- Access model information programmatically
- Maintain relationships among models
- Define and modify metamodels graphically
- Create and maintain libraries of Model
Transformations - A catalog of PIM?PSM transformations available
- Define and add your own, or purchase new ones
- Validate a service oriented architecture against
- The business process it should automate
- D. Frankel, Model Driven Architecture. Applying
MDA to Enterprise Computing. Indianapolis, IN
Wiley, 2003. - S. Mellor et al, MDA Distilled. Principles of
Model-Driven Architecture. Boston, MA
Addison-Wesley, 2004. - A. Kleppe et al, MDA Explained. The Model Driven
Architecture Practice and Promise. Boston, MA
Addison-Wesley, 2003. - J. Miller et al, MDA Guide Version 1.0. Needham,
MA OMG, 2003. - R. Hubert, Convergent Architecture Building
Model-Driven J2EE Systems with UML. New York, NY
1154. Questions and Answers