Title: Metamorphic Identification Rock Lab
1Metamorphic Identification Rock Lab
2Metamorphic Rocks
Meta (to change) morphic (form) to change form
Metamorphism to change a rocks compositional and
textural characteristics
by subjecting the rock to
various pressure/temperature relationships Rock
s undergo a solid-state-transformation
The parent rock represents the pre-existing rock
metamorphism Example
Shale (parent) Schist
Limestone (parent) Marble
3Identification of Metamorphic Rocks
Identified by using the rocks Texture and
Compositional characteristics types of mineral
present common minerals quartz, feldspar,
muscovite special minerals talc, garnet,
chlorite related to P/T relationships
Textural characteristics minerals are oriented
in various
degrees of parallelism platy
sub-parallel parallel
Grain size distribution fine-grain to
reflects P/T relationships fine-grain
coarse-grain Low P/T
High P/T
compressed layering - platy
Parallel to sub-parallel Mineral alignment
Alternating light and dark mineral bands
Fine-grained Low P/T
Coarse-grained High P/T
5Textural characteristics
Non-foliated texture minerals are not visible
and there
orientation does not exist
Rock is composed of single type
Example rocks composed of CaCO3
rocks composed of SiO2
6Shows NO foliation Composed of ONE COMPOSITION
How can one Tell the Difference ?
Quartz SiO2
Calcite CaCO3
Fussed glass Scratches glass Hard H 7
Sometimes xln Fizzes in HCl Soft H 3
Plant Material C -carbon
7Classification Procedure
- Step 1
- Determine if the rock is foliated or non-foliated
- does the rock contain parallelism or grains
- does the rock consist of a single chemistry with
- no visible grains?
- Step 2
- If the rock is foliated
- examine the degree of parallelism
- examine the grain-size distribution
- refer to charts for ID
- Step 3
- If the rock is non-foliated
- determine the composition of the rock
- determine the special characteristics
- Refer to charts for ID
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10phanaritic porphyritic clastic glassy pyroclast
ic vesicular foliated tuffaceous chemical aphan
itic bio-chemical
I igneous S sedimentary M metamorphic