Title: Bell Work
1Bell Work
- Be prepared to play two review games
- Password
- Bump
- Projects
- If you havent presented or shown me your
project, this is the last day to do so. - If you have talked to me about your problems
finishing your project, I know who you are.
2Medieval Europe
4Charles Martel
5Battle of Tours
7Pope Gregory I
8Saint Patrick
9Concordat of Worms
10William the Conqueror
12Black Death
- Soft Voices
- No yelling at one another
- No blurting answers out
- No how do you not know that
- No complaining or whining about how you didnt
get to answer that question
- Every student will have a number
- Teacher will draw a number out of the bag
- Student will attempt to answer the question
- If the student gets it correct, they can bump
another student beside them - If the student gets it incorrect, they get
17What is a missionary meant to do?
18What major issue did kings and popes disagree on?
19Which England king was also the Duke of Normady?
20What do the words Magna Carta mean?
21What is a mass?
22What is anti-Semitism?
23What is a famine?
24Who was fighting during the Reconquista?
25What two countries fought in the Hundred Years
26Where did the Black Death begin?
27What is a plague?
28Who was Pope Urban II?
29Name the king involved with the Magna Carta.
30Name two major rivers in Europe.
31Name the code of conduct for knights.
32What is another name for the Middle Ages?
33What was Charles Martels nickname?
34Who was Charles Martels son?
35This word means a narrow inlet of the sea between
cliffs or steep slopes.
36Who was the king and queen of Spain during the
37Bell Work
- You need to get out a clean sheet of paper.
- You will be completing a writing assignment in
class. - Projects
- If I havent seen your project, you need to show
it to me during Excel or come talk to me about
38Black Death
- Minimum 2 paragraphs
- 5-7 sentences per paragraph
- Be detailed as much as possible
- Time limit20 minutes
- Grade
39Black Death
- How did this disease arrive in Europe?
- How did this disease affect the landscape of
Europe? - Topics that should be addressed
- Trade, merchants, peasants, affects of the
disease, medicine and treatments, population
Flip over on your desk when you are done
41To exclude a person from church membership
42Steep-sided valley that is an inlet of the sea
43Agreement between the pope and the ruler of a
44Medieval knights followed rules called the code
45Warrior in armor who fought on horseback
46Land granted to a vassal, or knight
47Person who worked the lords land
48Way of thinking that used reason to explore
questions of faith
49Hated of Jews
50Local language used by people of a region
51Religious beliefs that conflict with Church
52Study of religion and God
53Black Death first spread along this trade route
54Helped lead the French army to victory at Orleans
55Jews were ordered to convert to Christianity or
leave Spain by
56Princess who married Ferdinand to create Spain
57Christian struggle to take back the Iberian
Peninsula from Muslims
58Students in the first European universities did
not have
59France fought against what country in the Hundred
Years War