Title: Overview Of United States Labor Laws
1Overview OfUnited States Labor Laws
- Heller Ehrman LLPJames R. Hays
2The Employer-EmployeeRelationship Is Among
TheMost Regulated Of All Areas
3Fair Employment Practices Acts
- Federal Laws
- State Laws
- Local Laws
4Federal Laws
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Equal Pay Act of 1963
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Civil Rights Act of 1866
- Americans With Disability Act
- Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
- Laws Affecting Federal Contractors
5Title VII of the CivilRights Act of 1964
- A person engaged in an industry affecting
commerce who has fifteen or more employees for
each working day in each of twenty or more
calendar weeks in the current or proceeding
calendar year.
6Title VII of the CivilRights Act of 1964
- Under Title VII, an employer may not discriminate
against an individual on the basis of an
individuals race, color, religion, sex,
pregnancy or national origin. - Title VII expressly prohibits discrimination in
connection with the hiring and discharge of an
employee and with respect to his or her
compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of
7Title VII of the CivilRights Act of 1964
- An employer may not limit, segregate or
classify employees based on any of the
prohibited categories listed above, if doing so
would deprive or tend to deprive an individual of
employment opportunities or otherwise affect his
or her status as an employee.
8Age Discrimination inEmployment Act
- A person engaged in an industry affecting
commerce who has twenty or more employer for each
working day in each of twenty or more calendar
weeks in the current or proceeding calendar year.
9Age Discrimination inEmployment Act
- The ADEA prohibits an employer from
discriminating against employees or prospective
employees age 40 and older. - An employer may not refuse to hire, discharge, or
otherwise discriminate against an individual with
respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or
privileges of employment on the basis of the
individuals age.
10Age Discrimination inEmployment Act
- An employer also may not, on the basis of the
individuals age, limit, segregate or classify
employees when doing so would deprive or tend to
deprive an individual of employment opportunities.
11Americans WithDisabilities Act
- A person engaged in an industry affecting
commerce who has fifteen or more employees for
each working day in each of twenty or more
calendar weeks in the current or proceeding
calendar year.
12The Americans WithDisabilities Act
- An employer may not discriminate against a
qualified individual with a disability because
of such disability in regard to job application
procedures, hiring, advancement, discharge,
compensation, training and other terms and
conditions and privileges of employment. - Failure to make reasonable accommodations for the
employee or denying employment to avoid having to
make such reasonable accommodations.
13The Americans WithDisabilities Act
- HOWEVER, an employer need not accommodate an
individuals disability if to do so would impose
an undue hardship on the operation of the
employers business.
14State Laws
- State Fair Employment Practices Law
- Sexual Orientation
- Martial Status
- Arrest Records
- Child Care Responsibilities
15Basic Principles of EqualEmployment Opportunity
- Applications and employees with equal
qualifications, skills and abilities must be
treated equally - Employers must be able to provide valid
business-related reasons for adverse employment
actions against applicants and employees in a
protected class - Standards that appear to be neutral and apply to
all applicants may still be discriminatory if
they impact heavily on protected classes
16Basic Principles of EqualEmployment Opportunity
- Employment decisions based on stereotypes usually
led to unlawful results - Exception to the rule of equal treatment
reasonable accommodations required for
religious practices and the disabled
17Workplace Harassment
- Sexual Harassment
- Other Harrassment
18Sexual HarassmentThe Legal Definition
- Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance,
request for sexual favors, or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such
unwelcome conduct is considered illegal if - Submission to or rejection of the conduct is made
explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of
19Sexual HarassmentThe Legal Definition
- Submission to or rejection of the conduct by the
individual is used or threatened to be used as
the basis for employment decisions such as
hiring, promotion, pay, or termination or - The conduct has the purpose or effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individuals
work performance or creating an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive work environment.
20Other Types ofWorkplace Harassment
- Workplace harassment is characterized by any
derogatory, abusive, threatening or intimidating
behavior, and/or reference to attributes of race,
color, religion, national origin, citizenship
status, age, marital status, sexual orientation,
or disability. Prohibited harassment includes,
but are not limited to - Intentionally making performance of the
employees job more difficult because of the
employees race, color, religion, national
origin, citizenship status, age, martial status,
sexual orientation or disability
21Other Types ofWorkplace Harassment
- Severe or pervasive use of ethnic slurs and
insults, or other verbally abusive, threatening
or intimidating behavior - Physically abusive, threatening or intimidating
behavior based on one of the aforementioned
22Hiring Issues
- Recruitment Process
- Testing (Skills and Medical)
- Background Checks
- Training Interviewer
23Offer Letters/Employment Contract
- Legal Requirements
- Why Have/Why Avoid
- At-Will Employment Statement
- Reserve Right To Change Terms/Conditions
24Offer Letters/Employment Contract
- Outline Job Duties
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Salary/Hourly Wage Rate
- Benefits
- Employee Handbook
- Restrictive Covenants
25Employee Handbook
- Legal Requirements
- Why Have/Why Avoid
26Job Description
- Legal Requirements
- Why Have/Why Avoid
- Updating
27Employee Handbook
- At-Will Statement
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Workplace Harassment
- Work Rules
- Family and Medical Leave
- Internet/Email Usage
- Confidentiality Statement
28Job Description
- Job Title
- Responsibilities
- Necessary Skills
- Required Experience
- Required Credentials
29Payroll Issues
30The White Collar Exemptions
- Executive Employee
- Administrative Employee
- Professional Employee
- Computer Employee
- Highly Compensated Employee
31Overtime Pay
- Time and one-half of employees regular rate for
all hours worked in excess of forty hours in a
given work week.
32Leaves of Absence
- Family and Medical Leave
- Disability Leave
- Workers Compensation Leave
- ADA Reasonable Accommodation Leave
- Military Leave
33Family and Medical Leave
- Any person engaged in commerce or in industry or
activity affecting commerce who employs fifty or
more employees for each working day during each
of 20 or more calendar work weeks in the current
or proceeding calendar year.
34Family and Medical Leave
- Employee Eligibility
- 12 Months of Employment
- 1,250 Hours Worked
35Family and Medical Leave
- Employee Right
- 12 weeks of employment protected unpaid leave
during 12 month period
36Family and Medical Leave
- Reasons for Leave
- Birth or Care of Child/Foster Child/Adoption
- Care for immediate family member with serious
medical condition - Care for own serious medical condition
37Americans with Disability Act Reasonable
Accommodation Leave
- Any change in the work environment or in the way
the job is performed that enables a person with a
disability to perform his or her job
38Termination Issues
- Fair Employment Practices Acts
- Legal Liability
- Progressive Discipline
- Employment References
39Fair Employment Practices Acts
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Equal Pay Act of 1963
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Civil Rights Act of 1866
- Americans With Disability Act
- Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
- Laws Affecting Federal Contractors
- Reinstatement
- Back Pay
- Compensating Pay
- Front Pay
- Punitive Damages
- Attorneys Fees
41Progressive Discipline
- The ACT method of effective performance
management techniques - Accurate
- Constructive
- Timely
42Employment References
- Dates of Employment
- Positions Held
43An Overview OfUnited States Labor Laws
- Heller Ehrman LLP
- James R. Hays
44(No Transcript)