Title: A Look at Biomes
1A Look at Biomes
2Table of Contents
- Slide 3 Welcome Page!
- Slide 4 Task 1
- Slide 7 Task 2
- Slide 10 Extra Credit
- Slide 12 Task 3
- Today you are going to take a look at the
different biomes of the world. - You are going to complete 3 different tasks in
learning about biomes. - There is controversy over how many biomes there
really are, however, our class will be looking at
the main six Freshwater, Marine, Desert, Forest,
Grassland, and Tundra.
4Task 1 Learning about the biomes
- Click on each of the 6 biomes and answer the
questions on the following page.
5Biome Questions
- Open a document in your Google docs.
- Answer these questions for 3 biomes.
- Question 1 Where is the biome geographically
located? (Relative to the poles or the equator) - Question 2 What is the biomes temperature
range? - Question 3 What is the biomes vegetation?
(Natural and Cultivated) - Question 4 What organisms live in this biome?
(Name at least 5) - Question 5 List a few characteristics that make
this biome different from the other biomes.
6Biome Questions cont
- Once you have finished the five questions for 3
biomes move onto task number 2!
7Task 2 Name that Biome
- On the Google doc that you have created title the
next page TASK 2. Number 1 through 10 down the
side. - Use what youve learned to go through these 10
pictures and label them with the appropriate
biome. Choose from the six biomes in task 1.
8Task 2 cont
9Answers to Task 2
- Once you have finished task 2 get a blank piece
of paper. - You will turn this in at the end of this
activity. - You are now finished with task 2 move forward to
task 3.
10A more in depth look
- Now that you have a general back ground of biomes
lets take a more in depth look. - The six main biomes are actually broken down even
further. Click on the world map below and explore
the other biomes of the world.
11The Wild Classroom
- The site is for you own benefit. Explore, ask,
and answer your own questions about these sub
biomes. - An example question might be, What is the
difference between alpine tundra and arctic
tundra? - Then move on to task 3 which is your final task!
12Task 3 Build a Biome
- The last task is to create your own Biome.
- Your going to do this on a piece of poster board
or a piece of construction paper. - Use markers, colored pencils, graphics, ect, to
make your biome Be creative! - This is suppose to be a fun and creative activity
so go wild! - The rubric for Build a Biome is on the following
13Build a Biome Rubric
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Name and location of your biome Student has clearly labeled biome and specifically described location. Student has both name of biome and location but not specific enough. Student labeled both biome and location and did not describe. Student labeled location or biome and was not specific. Student did not include biome name or location.
Average annual temperature and rainfall in your biome Student has labeled temp, rainfall averages, in detail. Student has labeled both temp and rainfall average but with out detail. Student labeled one or the other and somewhat described. Student labeled either temperature or rainfall. Student did not label temperature or rainfall.
Animals in your Biome At least 5 animals in biome drawn, labeled, and described. At least 4 animals in biome drawn, labeled, and described. At least 3 animals in biome drawn, labeled, and described. At least 2 animals in biome drawn, labeled, and described. No animals or animals not labeled or described
Plants in your Biome At least 5 plants in biome drawn, labeled, and described. At least 4 plants in biome drawn, labeled, and described. At least 3 plants in biome drawn, labeled, and described. At least 2 plants in biome drawn, labeled, and described. No plants or plants not labeled or described.
Neatness and Creativity of Biome Student went above and beyond, time and effort was spent. Very neat and creative. Neat and creative. Student did a good job. Fairly neat and creative. Student should have done more. Was not very neat and creative. Biome was put together without much time and effort Did not spend much time and effort.
14Youre Finished!
- Congratulations you are finished with task 3!
- Make sure you have completed and put your name on
task 1, 2, and 3. - Share task 1 and 2 with me. Then turn in task 3
to the appropriate folder.
- Images retrieved from
- http//www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/index
.php - http//www.worldbiomes.com/
- Other sites used
- http//www.forgefx.com/casestudies/prenticehall/ph
/biomes/biomes.htm - http//www.thewildclassroom.com/biomes/index.html
- http//www.mcrel.org/compendium/SubjectTopics.asp?
SubjectID2 - Computer programs used
- PowerPoint 2003
- The standard used in this lesson can be found at
McRel website http//www.mcrel.org/compendium/Sub
jectTopics.asp?SubjectID2 - Standard 13-4 and 13-6 are used.
17Teacher Page
- This internet based lesson plan is based on the
science unit of the worlds biomes. There are
three tasks in this lesson and the are thoroughly
explained throughout the power point. There are
also 5 points extra credit that are available.
The rest of the materials for this lesson are
posted on the following page.
- Computer for each student
- Printer
- Poster board or construction paper
- Markers, colored pencils, ect
- Glue