Title: Earth
Earths Biomes groups of ecosystems with
similar climates and similar organisms. Plants
included OF COURSE!
Why do you think organisms are similar in a
specific biome?
- The uneven heating of the Earth
- drives ocean currents
- causes wind
- and therefore affects Earths climate regions.
Why is there uneven heating of the Earth?
3BrainPOP Latitude and Longitude
For example, the U.S. Capitol is located at
3853'23"N , 7700'27"W (38 degrees, 53 minutes,
and 23 seconds north of the equator and 77
degrees, no minutes and 27 seconds west of the
meridian passing through Greenwich, England).
4BrainPOP Land Biomes
5- Topical Rain Forests
- Warm temperatures that do not vary much
- Very wet and humid
- Greater variety of species than any other biome
Temperate Rain Forests Northwestern US, cooler
temperatures here
6- Desert
- Receives less than 25 cm of rain/year
- Very dry
- Hot during the day and cool/cold at night
- Animals adapted to extreme temperatures
- What adaptations do these animals have?
7- Grassland
- Also called a prairie
- Receives between 25-75 cm rain/year
- Populated by grasses and large herbivores (plant
eaters) - What are some examples of large herbivores?
Savanna Located closer to the equator and
receives more rainup to 120 cm/year. Why would
you find larger trees in the Savanna?
8- Deciduous Forest
- Trees lose their leaves each year
- Temperature varies during the year
- Varity of plants
- At least 50cm rain/year
Why would you have a variety of plants here?
9- Boreal Forest or Taiga
- Colder climate than deciduous (very cold winters)
- Trees with needles and cones
- Snow in the winter
10- Tundra
- Extremely cold, very dry
- Most of the soil is frozen all year
- Windy and only low growing plants
What adaptations do the animals all have in
11- Freshwater
- Ponds and lakes (lakes are larger and deeper than
ponds) Standing - Streams and rivers (animals must adapt to
current) Flowing
12- Marine 1
- An estuary is shallow sunlit water where
freshwater meets ocean water and is often a
breeding grounds for organisms. -
Why do you think many animals breed here?
13- Marine 2
- Intertidal Zone, Neritic Zone, Open Ocean Zone
Surface Zone, Deep Zone (all saltwater) - Photosynthesis takes place in the Surface Zone or
Photic Zone
Why doesnt photosynthesis take place in the Deep
Intertidal ..
Deep Zone Neritic Zone Open Ocean
Zone gg
Surface Zone (Photic Zone) Deep Zone (Aphotic
Benthic Zone (sea floor)
14Life in Aquatic Systems are in function of
- Chemistry (What type of chemicals are present?)
- Geography (rocky/sandy bottoms, reefs)
- Light (A lot or NONE so affects
photosynthesis) - Depth (changes light content and
pressure) - Salinity (Salt affects living creatures big
time) - Temperature (not too hot or too cold!)