Title: Chapter 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun
1Chapter 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun
2Section 1 Earth in Space Objectives
- After this lesson, you should be able to
- Identify the effects of Earths rotation and
revolution - Explain what causes the seasons
- 1. astronomyThe study of the moon, stars, and
other objects in space.
4- 2. axisAn imaginary line that passes through
Earths center and the North and South poles,
about which Earth rotates.
5- 3. rotationThe spinning motion of a planet
about its axis.
6- 4. revolutionThe movement of an object around
another object.
7- 5. orbitThe path of an object as it revolves
around another object in space.
8- 6. solsticeThe two days of the year on which
the noon sun is directly overhead at either 23.5
South or 23.5 North.
9- 7. equinoxThe two days of the year on which
neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from
the sun.
10- 8. vernal equinoxThe day of the year that marks
the beginning of spring in the Northern
11- 9. autumnal equinoxThe day of the year that
marks the beginning of fall in the Northern
- 1. Earths _________________ on its
______________________ causes night and day
13- 2. A point on the equator rotates at about
_________ kilometers/hour
14- 3. Earths axis is tilted at an angle of
15- 4. We have seasons because
Its axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.
16- 5. The longest day of the year in the Northern
hemisphere occurs on _____________(longest period
of day light), while the shortest day occurs on - ________________. (shortest period of day
June 21
December 21
17Chapter 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun
18Section 2 Phases, Eclipses, and Tides
- After this lesson, you should be able to
- Explain what causes the phases of the moon
- Compare the causes of solar and lunar eclipses
- Explain what causes the tides
- 1. phaseOne of the different shapes of the moon
as seen from Earth.
20- 2. eclipseThe partial or total blocking of one
object by another.
21- ADD to top of page.
- solar eclipseThe blocking of sunlight to Earth
that occurs when the moon is between the sun and
22- 3. umbraThe darkest part of a shadow.
23- 4. penumbraThe part of a shadow surrounding the
darkest part.
24- 5. lunar eclipseThe blocking of sunlight to the
moon that occurs when Earth is directly between
the sun and moon.
25- 6. tideThe rise and fall of the level of water
in the ocean.
26- 7. gravityThe attractive force between two
objects its magnitude depends on their masses
and the distance between them.
27- 8. spring tideA tide with the greatest
difference between low and high tides.
28- 9. neap tideA tide with the least difference
between low and high tides.
- 1. The positions of the _______, __________, and
the _________ - cause the __________________,
- ______________, and _________.
phases of the moon
- 2. The ___________ of the moon you see depends on
how much of the _________________ of the moon
faces Earth.
Sunlit side
- 3. When the _________________ shadow hits Earth
or the Earths _____________ hits the
_______________, an ______________ occurs.
32- 4. Lunar eclipses only occur during a _________
- 5. __________ occur mainly because of the
differences in how much the __________ pulls on
different parts of the Earth.
34Intertidal zone
- 6. An ________________ is a strip of land that is
under water at high tide and dry land at low tide.
35Chapter 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun
- Section 3 Rockets and Satellites
36Section 3 Rockets and Satellites Objectives
- After this lesson, you should be able to
- Explain how rockets travel in space
- Describe what satellites and space stations are
used for
37- 1. satelliteAny object that revolves around
another object in space.
38- 2. geosynchronous orbitThe orbit of a
satellite that revolves around Earth at the same
rate that Earth rotates.
39Sputnik 1
- 1. _____________ was the first artificial
satellite launched in to orbit.
40Yuri Gagarin
- 2. ____________________became the first human
launched into space on _______________________.
April 12, 1961
41- 3. Four uses for satellites and space stations
- A.
- B.
- C.
- D
collect weather data
42- 4. The first Space Shuttle was launched in
43Chapter 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun
44Section 4 Earths Moon Objectives
- After this lesson, you should be able to
- Describe features of the moons surface
- Explain what scientists learned about the moon
from space exploration - Describe the origin and structure of the moon.
45- 1. telescopeA device built to study distant
objects by making them appear closer.
46- 2. craterA round pit on the moons surface.
47- 3. mariaDark, flat regions on the moons
- 1. The moons gravity is only about ___________
as strongs as Earths.
- 2. The moon is ________ kilometers in diameter
a little less than the distance across the
United States
50- 3. Three features of the moon include
_________________, _______________, and
maria (each one is a mare)
51Neil Armstrong
- 4. _______________ was the first man to walk the