Title: Richard M. Nixon
1Richard M. Nixon
- (Rep) Jan. 20, 1969-Aug. 9, 1974
2Cold War
- Nixon Reduced Our Involvement in the War but
expanded the War into Cambodia and Laos, S.V.N
troops took over as US Troops left (called
Vietnamization). We dropped from (1969) 543,000
to 35,000 soldiers by 1972. - 1970 The Senate repealed the Gulf of Tonkin
3(No Transcript)
4- Senate failed to pass the McGovern-Hatfield Bill,
Which would have forced the withdrawal of all US
Troops. - IN March 72 the N. V.mese invaded the South and
the US resumed massive bombings of North and
mining the Haiphong Harbor. - Nixon said he was willing to talk peace but
wanted Peace with Honor
5- Finally negotiations between H. Kissinger and
LeDuc Tho led to a Peace Treaty (Paris 73) - In which we agreed to
- Withdrawal of all US forces and release of N.V.N.
prisoners. - Cease-fire in place
- US--- to help rebuild bombed-out north (We
never did this)
6- The Communist North conquered the South shortly
after we left - The V.N. War cost us
- 58,000 dead
- 304,000 wounded
- 110 billion
7New China Policy
- Nixon, who had long hated the Chinese Comm. Gov
of Mao ZeDongput aside his feelings and began
using his influence to get Comm. China a seat in
the U.N. in 1971 - In Feb. 1972 Nixon went on a Journey For Peace
to Chinawas warmly received by Chairman Mao and
Premier Chou En Lai, they agreed to broaden
contact in cultural, scientific, and trade
8SeaBed Treaty 1970
- US and USSR and others agreed to ban Nukes from
the ocean floor in international waters
9Chemical Weapons Treaty 1971
- US and USSR agree to destroy Chemical,
Biological, Radioactive (CBRs) weapons
- US and USSR agree to limit Anti-Ballistic
Missiles (ABMs) - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
11Other Major Events
- Wage-Price Controls1971-1973
- Anti-inflation move froze wages (1971) and then
prices - Complex wage-price controls that lasted till 1973
- Very unusual move for a Republican Pres.
12- Revenue Sharing-1972--Billions sent back to
States and local Govs. - Law and Order
- Organized Crime Control Act, Drug Abuse Control
ActNo Knock searches - DC Criminal Justice Act
13- EPA created 1970 Agency monitors pollution
- Water Pollution Act 1972?
- Passed over Nixons VETO
- Curtailed industrial discharge sharply
14Consumer Product Safety Act 1972
- Set-up a commission to ban unsafe products
- Toys
151969 Man on the Moon
- Neil Armstrong
- One small step for man, one giant leap for
1626th Amendment
- 1971
- 18 yr. olds can vote
- Reaction to?
17Court Decision
- Roe vs. Wade (1973)
- Abortion on demand (1st Trimester)
- US vs. R.M. Nixon (1974) Nixon must surrender
tapes - Hiding behind executive privlidge (checks and
18Watergate 1972
- Nixon wants to win re-election by the LARGEST
amount ever - Previous Pres. Was FDR
- Break-in by CREEP on Dem. Headquarters
- (Committee to Re-elect the President)
- Whitehouse Plumbers bugged Dan Ellsburgs
office (shrink)-he had given the Pentagon Papers
- Pentagon paperstop secret study of origins of
the V.N. War
20Enemies List
- Approximately 91 names on a list
- Used The IRS, CIA, FBI, and Secret Service to
spy-on and make life difficult for names on the
list (how can I use IRS to hurt you? Investigate
you) - Cosby, J. Fonda, Paul Newman
21Dirty Tricks Squad
- To show dissension among Dem. Candidates
- Had Rep. loyalists pose as Dems. At a grassroots
level. - Infiltrated local elections and spied-on Dems.
- Help to sabotage Dem. candidates
22Hush Money
- Nixon and others paid out hush money to cover
up Watergate - As a result of Nixons involvement in covering up
crimes, the House of Reps. Started impeachment
proceedings against him (July 1974)
- Obstruction of Justice
- Lying to Investigators
- Withholding evidencestonewalling it
- Paying hush money
- Abuse of Power
- --Misusing IRS,CIA,FBI, and Secret Service
24- Failure to comply with Congressional Subpoenas
- Order to surrender tapes
- Realizing he couldnt escape impeachment, Nixon
became the 1st and only Pres. Of US to resign
25- If I fought it I would be found innocent, but
the problems of this country are more important
matters the which the Congress and the President
should turn their attention to.
26Gerald R. FordRep. Aug. 9, 1974-Jan. 20, 1977
27Cold War
- Commies took over all of Vietnam in 75-76
- Pathet Lao ( Comm. Guerilla Group) took over in
Laos - Khmer Rouge overthrew Lon Nol in Cambodia
28Mayaguez Incident
- 1975
- Cambodian Gunboats seized the Mayaguez (US
merchant ship) near Cambodia - US Forces rescued the ship and entire crew (39)
- 41 American Military killed
29Helsinki Agreement 1975
- 35 Nations including the US and USSR reached
agreements that would reduce tensions between the
Free and Communist Worlds - West (Free World) pledged to
- Respect East European boundaries set up after
WWII - Stay out of internal affairs of European
Communist countries
30- The Communist agreed to
- Relax travel restrictions
- Improve East-West Communications
31Other Major Events
- Nixon Pardon-1974-DEAL? You make me Pres. And
Ill keep you out of jailThis drew a firestorm
of protest and Fords Press Secretary resigned in
protest - Ford said having to resign as Pres. Was more
punishment for Nixon than going to jail
32Clemency for Draft Evaders Deserters
- All they had to do was swear allegiance to the US
and perform 2 yrs. In the Military service branch
they deserted. - Veterans groups (VFW and Amer. Legion) said this
was too easy - The exiles thought that accepting clemency was an
admission of wrongdoing.
- Fair Credit Billing Act
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act
- Warranty Act
- Real estate Settlement Procedure Act
- All sought equity in the marketplace
34NYC Bailout
- 1975
- 2.3 bill. To avoid default
35Campaign Reform Law
- 1974
- Sought (as a reaction to Watergate)
- Public Funding of Pres. Election campaigns (3.00
check off on income tax return) - Strict limits on individual contributions and
campaign spending
36Two Separate Assassinations AttemptsBoth in
Sept. of 1975
- Shot and Missed
- Released from prison Jan. 1, 2008
- Shot but gun did not fire
- Released from prison Aug 4, 2009
37Jimmy Carter (39th Pres.)Dem. 1977-81
38Cold War
- US opened diplomatic relations with China (Ping
Pong Diplomacy) (Detent) - We then signed scientific, cultural and trade
39Soviets invade Afghanistan
- 1979SALT II Treaty? Fell through when Soviets
invade Afghanistan (Dec. 1979) - Many Americans felt the treaty gave a dangerous
weapons advantage to the Soviets
40Carters Reaction
- 1980 Carter DoctrineWith unrest in Iran (Iran
and Iraq War), Afghanistan, the Soviets chasing
their dream of a warm water port, Carter issued a
statement that the US will use military force to
stop any country trying to take control of the
Persian Gulf.
41Other Major Events
- Pardon of Draft Evaders
- 1977 (10,000 Pardoned)
- Condemned by VFW
- No conditions
- Energy Crisis
- Gas/Energy prices skyrocket
- Gas lines (gas 37 cents to 1.10)
- Carter tells people to cut back!
423-Mile Island
- 1979 Meltdown of nuclear power plant in PA.
- Dangerous aspect of Nuclear Power
- Happened 12 days after the hit movie China
Syndrome was released
43Human Rights
- Cornerstone of Carters Foreign policy
- He condemned racism in S. Africa, White rule in
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) Repressive Govt of Castro
(Cuba) and Idi Amin (Uganda) - He cut off aid to Argentina, Uruguay and Ethiopia
(Human Rts. Violations
- Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and
of the equal and inalienable rights of all
members of the human family is the foundation of
freedom, justice and peace in the world,
44The Humphrey-Hawkins Act
- Called for 4 unemployment by 1983
- American made (autos, TV, etc)
- Does this happen?
45Panama Canal Treaty
- Returned Canal and zone to Panama in 1999
- Received tremendous criticism for this act
46Camp David Accords, 1978
- Carter, Sadat, and Begin work out a treaty that
ended a 31 yr. war between Egypt and Israel - Sadat and Begin won the Nobel Peace Prize for
their efforts - Both were assassinated because of this treaty
47American Hostages in Iran 1979-1981
- 444 days of captivity
- 52 hostages
- Carter tried everything including a military
effort to free them from the grips of the
Ayatollah Khomeini - All failed
- Hostages were released the day Reagan became
President. (Dirty Deal?)
48Ronald Reagan (Rep. 40th Pres) 1981-1989
49Cold War
- Called the USSR The focus of Evil in the Modern
World - Hardlinerno detent
- In 1983 he put missiles in Europe to answer the
USSR medium range missiles aimed at western
50Mikhail Gorbachev
- Soft-liner
- Preaches Glasnost (Openness)
- The Soviet economy was in ruins
- Met with Reagan twice (Geneva 1985 and Iceland,
1986) to try to move closer to the West. - The USSR feared the US was going to go ahead with
Star Wars and now want to reduce missile numbers
52Star Wars
- A space-based missiles defense system
- Gorbachev agreed to on-site inspections of
weapons, factories (never done before)and this
led to a very important - INF Treaty (Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces) in
1987 which made both countries destroy whole
classes of Nukes
54Then in Dec. 1988
- The USSR surprisingly announced it would withdraw
large numbers of troops and tanks from Eastern
Europe and Afghanistan (1989) - These unilateral moves signaled the death knell
of Communism in Europe but it would take 2 more
55Other Important Issues
- Reaganomics
- Supply-side Economics
- Trickle-Down Economics
- Voodoo Economics
- Cut taxes on the rich and provide jobs for the
average blue collar worker and we will all be
happy! (1981-1989)
56The Economy
- Employment reached all time high of 118 million
(but many of these were part-time jobs like
McDonaldsminimum wage) - The US debt (1981) went over 1 trillion for the
1st time and the deficit exceeded 200 bill. In 3
of the next 4 years (Debt Tripled) - The US went from being the worlds 1 creditor
nation to being the 1 debtor nation because of
poor trade
57Assassination Attempt Mar. 1981
58To Impress
- Shot Pres. To impress Foster
- Hinckley shot Reagan in Wash DC nearly killing
him. - Hinckley was found not guilty by Reason of
Insanity. - He went to a mental institutions
- Many Critics of the verdict demanded that the
insanity plea rules needed tightening
59US-Canadian Trade Pact 1988
- Free trade by 1999
- Many Canadians objected!
60Social Security-1983
- Designed to keep the system stable until 2050
- Chief Terrorist-M. Khadaffi
- Reagan charged that 5 nations (Iran, Libya, N.
Korea, Cuba, and Nicaragua) routinely committed
terrorist acts around the world
62Some Incidents
- Apr. 1983US embassy in Beirut, LebanonBombed16
Amer. Killed - Oct. 1983241 US Marines in Beirut, Lebanon
killed (truck bomb) - June 1985Shiites take TWA Jetliner 104 Amer.
Hostages - Oct. 1985Achille LauroCruise shipPLO
- Dec. 1986Pan-Am Jet exploded over Lockerbie
Scot.259 killed
63April 15, 1986
- Reagan had the US Air Force bomb Khadaffi
- This seem to reduce terrorism to some extent
- Killed Khadaffis adopted daughter
64Iran-Contra Affair
- In 1985, Reagan secretly agreed to sell arms to
Iran (at war with Iraq) if Iran would release
some Amer. Hostages. - The money from this deal went to the Contras
(anti-communists) to fight the Sandinista
(Communists) Rebels in Nicaragua.
- Boland Amendment (1984)Illegal to sell guns to
countries engaged in a war where the USA has no
argument (prevent another Vietnam) - Reagan could have been impeached but wiggled off
the hook!
66Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North Took the Blame
67Invaded Grenada-1983
- Caribbean Island
- Fearing that Cuban Communists were setting up a
Com. Gov there sent in troops to protect US
citizens thereMedical School Students
68South Africa--Sanctions
- Reagan opposed Apartheid but wouldnt place
sanctions (No Trade) on the White Minority Gov. - Finally Congress overrode Reagans veto to do so
69Berlin Wall Comes Down
- 1989
- Tear down those walls Mr. Gorbachev
- USSR begins to pull out of satellite nations
- 1992 Eastern European nations are no longer