The Holy Spirit and Health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Holy Spirit and Health


The Holy Spirit and Health A study of the principles of health and healing. Adam had 20 Times the Vital Force God endowed man with so great vital force that he has ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Holy Spirit and Health

The Holy Spirit and Health
  • A study of the principles of health and healing.

Exodus 1526
  • And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to
    the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that
    which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to
    his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I
    will put none of these diseases upon thee, which
    I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the
    LORD that healeth thee.

  • Enzyme like proteins found on every body cell
    wall, including our red blood cells
  • Purpose is to maintain health of,
  • and repair damage to cells
  • pH of our body, acid/alkaline must stay balanced
    for them to work for us
  • Trauma/abuse activates microzymas to work against
    the body.

  • Morph into bacteria to do cleanup
  • Egg and the apple---
  • What lowers the pH?
  • Acids from various actions...incomplete
    digestion etc.
  • Selfishness or negative thoughts/actions
  • lowers pH more than any other physical influence
  • Selfishness equated with sin and leprosy
  • Leprosy result of a bacterium

  • The work of Christ in cleansing the leper from
    his terrible disease is an illustration of His
    work in cleansing the soul from sin. The man who
    came to Jesus was "full of leprosy." Its deadly
    poison permeated his whole body. The disciples
    sought to prevent their Master from touching him
    for he who touched a leper became himself
    unclean. But in laying His hand upon the leper,
    Jesus received no defilement. His touch imparted
    life-giving power. The leprosy was cleansed.

  • Thus it is with the leprosy of
    sin,--deep-rooted, deadly, and impossible to be
    cleansed by human power. "The whole head is sick,
    and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the
    foot even unto the head there is no soundness in
    it but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying
    sores." Isaiah 15, 6. But Jesus, coming to dwell
    in humanity, receives no pollution. His presence
    has healing virtue for the sinner. Whoever will
    fall at His feet, saying in faith, "Lord, if Thou
    wilt, Thou canst make me clean," shall hear the
    answer, "I will be thou made clean." Matthew
    82, 3, R. V. DA 266.1

Gods law and the way of health
  • Master, which is the great commandment in the
  • Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy
    God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
    and with all thy mind.
  • This is the first and great commandment.
  • And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love
    thy neighbor as thyself.
  • On these two commandments hang all the law and
    the prophets. Mathew 2236-40

Gods love is unselfish love
  • Love is a principle of action, a driving force of
    our thoughts and behavior
  • Opposite of self-seeking
  • Definition of love for us---
  • Doing for others what ever their need,
    regardless of the cost to ourselves.

  • Romans 1310 Love worketh no ill to his
    neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the
    law. (living out, a result of)
  • 1John 47 Beloved, let us love one another for
    love is of God and every one that loveth is born
    of God, and knoweth God.
  • 1 Corinthians 134-8 Remember the qualities of

  • Suffers long--to submit, endure, undergo,
    experience, pass through, have power to resist or
    sustain, tolerate, put up with
  • Kind--tender, gracious, compassion, disposed to
    promote the prosperity and happiness of others
  • Envies not--resentful, begrudges, covet, jealous
  • Vaunteth not itself--No boasting, pride
  • Not puffed up--not think higher of oneself

  • Not behave unseemly--improper, inappropriate,
    unbecoming indecorous in speech, conduct, or
    appearance inappropriate for time or place
  • Seeks not her own--esteems others above self, not
    selfish, regarding and caring for others needs at
    whatever expense to oneself (without complaining)
  • Not easily provoked--patient, tolerant, not
    frustrated, refusing to pass judgment, takes no
    slights, deflects cruel words

  • Rejoices in the truth not iniquity--looks at
    other in the best possible light, quick to
    forgive ALL, chooses to believe good, not gossip
    about the person, and when in question still
    looks for the best
  • Bears all things--does not run away from trials,
    capacity to endure, acceptance of suffering,
    patient under fire
  • Believes all things--no doubting or
    rationalizing accepts truth, looks at the good
    only, about others, functions in FAITH
  • Hopes all things--all good things, desire with
    expectation of obtaining, holds out hope in
    Christ about His word in ALL things, trust,

  • Endures all things--He that endureth unto the end
    shall be saved Mathew 1022 Whole
    chapter is dealing with how to handle persecution
  • Endureth in what? LOVE
  • LOVE Never faileth in all of the above! Why?
  • Who does all of this sound like?

When you have Jesus, you have everything!!!
  • It will be seen that the glory shining in the
    face of Jesus is the glory of self-sacrificing
    love. In the light from the Calvary it will be
    seen that the law of self-renouncing love is the
    law of life for earth and heaven... DA 20
  • For God is love, and love is life. COL 258
  • Sickness, disease of every kind, ruined
    constitutions, premature decay, untimely
    deaths,--these are a result of a violation of
    nature's laws.-- U. T., Aug. 30, 1896. HL 24.2

Commandments Express Greatest Love
  • The ten holy precepts spoken by Christ upon
    Sinais mount were the revelation of the
    character of God, and made known to the world the
    fact that He had jurisdiction over the whole
    human heritage. That law of ten precepts of the
    greatest love that can be presented to man is the
    voice of God from Heaven speaking to the soul in
    promise, This do, and you will not come under
    the dominion and control of Satan. There is not
    a negative in that law, although it may appear
    thus. It is DO, and LIVE. 1BC 1105

The Holy Spirit Renews the Body
  • Sin brings physical and spiritual disease and
    weakness. Christ has made it possible for us to
    free ourselves from this curse. The Lord
    promises, by the medium of truth, to renovate the
    soul. The Holy Spirit will make all who are
    willing to be educated able to communicate the
    truth with power. It will renew every organ of
    the body, that God's servants may work acceptably
    and successfully. Vitality increases under the
    influence of the Spirit's action. Let us, then,
    by this power lift ourselves into a higher,
    holier atmosphere, that we may do well our
    appointed work.--R.H., Jan. 14, 1902. MM 12.2

The law of God embraces the whole being
  • His law is written by His own finger upon every
    nerve, every muscle, every fiber of our being,
    upon every faculty which has been entrusted to
    man. These gifts are bestowed, not to be abused
    and corrupted, but to be used to His honor and
    glory in the uplifting of humanity... OCH 266
  • The youth should be taught that the laws of
    nature are the laws of God-as truly divine as are
    the precepts of the Decalogue. The laws that
    govern our physical organism, God has written
    upon every nerve, muscle, and fiber of the body.
    Every careless or willful violation of these laws
    is a sin against our creator. Ed 196

There is health in obedience to Gods law.1BC
  • Let it be made plain that the way of Gods
    commandments is the way of life. God has
    established the laws of nature, but His laws are
    not arbitrary exactions. Every thou shalt not,
    whether in physical or in moral law, implies a
    promise. If we obey it, blessing will attend our
    steps. God never forces us to do right, but He
    seeks to save us from the evil and lead us to do
  • Let attention be called to the laws that were
    taught in Israel. God gave them definite
    instruction in regard to their habits of life.
    He made known to

  • them the laws relating to both physical and
    spiritual well-being and on condition of
    obedience He assured them, the Lord will take
    away from thee all sickness. Deut. 715. Set
    your hearts unto all the words which I testify
    among you this day. For they are life unto
    those that find them, and health to all their
    flesh. MH 114 Deuteronomy 3246, Proverbs 422
  • Had men ever been obedient to the law of Ten
    Commandments, carrying out in their lives the
    principles of those precepts, the curse of
    disease now flooding the world would not be. 3T

  • 37. The transgression of physical law is
    transgression of God's law. Our Creator is Jesus
    Christ. He is the author of our being. He is the
    author of the physical law as he is the author of
    the moral law. And the human being who is
    careless and reckless of the habits and practices
    that concern his physical life and health, sins
    against God. God is not reverenced, respected, or
    recognized. This is shown by the injury done to
    the body in violation of physical law.-- U. T.,
    May 19, 1897. HL 17.4

Transgression of law foundation of disease
  • Sin is the transgression of the law. 1Jn. 34
  • Selfishness basis of all sin Is. 536 we have
    turned everyone to his own way...
  • Under the general heading of selfishness came
    every other sin. 4T 384
  • Selfishness breaks the Circuit of Beneficence
  • In heaven itself this law was broken. Sin
    originated in self-seeking. DA 21-22

Selfishness isthe Way of Decay and Death
  • Selfishness is death. No organ of the body
    could live should it confine its service to
    itself. The heart, failing to send its lifeblood
    to the hand and the head, would quickly lose its
    power. As our lifeblood, so is the love of
    Christ diffused through every part of His
    mystical body. We are members one of another,
    and the soul that refuses to impart will perish.
    DA 417
  • In living for self he has rejected that divine
    love which would have flowed out in mercy to his
    fellow men. Thus he has rejected life. For God
    is love , and LOVE IS LIFE.

Death is the Natural Fruit of Selfishness
  • Every Characteristic of selfishness, self-love,
    self-esteem, every act of self-indulgence, will
    bring forth a like harvest. He who lives for
    self is sowing to the flesh, and of the flesh he
    will reap corruption. God destroys no man.
    Everyone who is destroyed will have destroyed
    himself. COL 84

Sicknessis the Result of Transgression
  • Sickness is caused by violating the laws of
    health it is the result of violating natures
    laws of health...Our first to obey the
    laws of God, which include the laws of health.
    3T 164
  • All our enjoyment or suffering may be traced to
    obedience or transgression of natural law. 3T

  • Psalms 10717 Fools because of their
    transgression, and because of their iniquities,
    are afflicted.
  • 10718 Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat
    and they draw near unto the gates of death.
  • 10719 Then they cry unto the LORD in their
    trouble, and he saveth them out of their
  • 10720 He sent his word, and healed them, and
    delivered them from their destructions.

  • The paralytic found in Christ healing for both
    the soul and the body. The spiritual healing was
    followed by physical restoration. This lesson
    should not be overlooked. There are today
    thousands suffering from physical disease, who,
    like the paralytic, are longing for the message,
    "Thy sins are forgiven." The burden of sin, with
    its unrest and unsatisfied desires, is the
    foundation of their maladies. They can find no
    relief until they come to the Healer of the soul.
    The peace which He alone can give, would impart
    vigor to the mind, and health to the body. DA

  • Jesus came to "destroy the works of the devil."
    "In Him was life," and He says, "I am come that
    they might have life, and that they might have it
    more abundantly." He is "a quickening spirit." 1
    John 38 John 14 1010 1 Corinthians 1545.
    And He still has the same life-giving power as
    when on earth He healed the sick, and spoke
    forgiveness to the sinner. He "forgiveth all
    thine iniquities," He "healeth all thy diseases."
    Psalm 1033. DA 270.2

  • When the gospel is received in its purity and
    power, it is a cure for the maladies that
    originated in sin. The Sun of Righteousness
    arises, "with healing in His wings." Malachi 42.
    Not all this world bestows can heal a broken
    heart, or impart peace of mind, or remove care,
    or banish disease. Fame, genius, talent--all are
    powerless to gladden the sorrowful heart or to
    restore the wasted life. The life of God in the
    soul is man's only hope. MH 115.2

  • The love which Christ diffuses through the whole
    being is a vitalizing power. Every vital
    part--the brain, the heart, the nerves--it
    touches with healing. By it the highest energies
    of the being are roused to activity. It frees the
    soul from the guilt and sorrow, the anxiety and
    care, that crush the life forces. With it come
    serenity and composure. It implants in the soul,
    joy that nothing earthly can destroy,--joy in the
    Holy Spirit,--health-giving, life-giving joy.
    MH 115.3

Untimely and premature death
  • The violation of physical law, with its
    consequent suffering and premature death, has so
    long prevailed that these results are regarded as
    the appointed lot of humanity but God did not
    create the race in such a feeble condition. This
    state of things is not the work of Providence,
    but of man. It has been brought about by wrong
    habits,by violating the laws that God has made
    to govern man's existence.

  • Every misuse of any part of our organism is a
    violation of the law which God designs shall
    govern us in these matters and by violating this
    law, human beings corrupt themselves. Sickness,
    disease of every kind, ruined constitutions,
    premature decay, untimely deaths,--these are a
    result of a violation of nature's laws.-- U. T.,
    Aug. 30, 1896. HL 24.2

The Effect on the Electrical Currents of the Brain
  • The relation that exists between mind and body
    is very intimate when one is affected, the
    other is always more or less in sympathy. It is
    impossible for men, while under the power of
    sinful, health-destroying habits, to appreciate
    sacred truths. When the intellect is clouded,
    the moral powers are enfeebled, the sin does not
    look sinful. The most ennobling, grand, and
    glorious themes of Gods Word seem but idle
    tales. Satan can then easily snatch away the
    good seed that has been sown in the heart for
    the soul is in no condition to comprehend or
    understand its true value.

  • It is thus that selfish, health-destroying
    indulgences are counteracting the influence of
    the message which is to prepare a people for the
    great day of God. OHC 266
  • The brain nerves that connect with the whole
    system are the medium through which heaven
    communicates with man and affects the inmost
    life. Whatever hinders the circulation of the
    electric currents in the nervous system, thus
    weakening the vital powers and lessening mental
    susceptibility, makes it more difficult to arouse
    the moral nature. Ed. 209

Adam had 20 Times the Vital Force
  • God endowed man with so great vital force that
    he has withstood the accumulation of disease
    brought upon the race in consequence of perverted
    habits, and has continued for six thousand years.
    This fact of itself is enough to evidence to us
    the strength and electrical energy that God gave
    to man at his creation. It took more than two
    thousand years of crime and indulgence of base
    passions to bring bodily disease upon the race to
    any great extent. If Adam, at his creation, had
    not been endowed with twenty times as much vital
    force as men now have, the race, with their
    present habits of living in violation of natural
    law, would have become extinct. 3T 138, 9

Electrical Power of the Brain Vital to Health
  • The electric power of the brain, promoted by
    mental activity, vitalizes the whole system, and
    is thus an invaluable aid in resisting disease.
    This should be made plain. The power of the will
    and the importance of self-control, both in the
    preservation and in the recovery of health, the
    depressing and even ruinous effect of anger,
    discontent, selfishness, or impurity, and , on
    the other hand, the marvelous life-giving power
    to be found in cheerfulness, unselfishness,
    gratitude, should also be shown. Ed. 197

  • In some instances of healing, Jesus did not at
    once grant the blessing sought. But in the case
    of leprosy, no sooner was the appeal made than it
    was granted. When we pray for earthly blessings,
    the answer to our prayer may be delayed, or God
    may give us something other than we ask, but not
    so when we ask for deliverance from sin. It is
    His will to cleanse us from sin, to make us His
    children, and to enable us to live a holy life.

  • Christ "gave Himself for our sins, that He might
    deliver us from this present evil world,
    according to the will of God and our Father."
    Galatians 14. And "this is the confidence that
    we have in Him, that, if we ask anything
    according to His will, He heareth us and if we
    know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know
    that we have the petitions that we desired of
    Him." 1 John 514, 15.

  • "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just
    to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from
    all unrighteousness." 1 John 19. DA 266.2
  • In the healing of the paralytic at Capernaum,
    Christ again taught the same truth. It was to
    manifest His power to forgive sins that the
    miracle was performed. And the healing of the
    paralytic also illustrates other precious truths.
    It is full of hope and encouragement, and from
    its connection with the caviling Pharisees it has
    a lesson of warning as well. DA 267.1

An Essential Part of the Third Angels Message
  • To make plain natural law, and urge the
    obedience of it, is the work that accompanies the
    third angels message, to prepare a people for
    the coming of the Lord. 3T 161
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