Title: MindBody Spirit Connection
1Mind/Body/Spirit Connection
2President Benson
- There is no question that the health of the body
effects the spirit, or the Lord would never have
revealed the Word of Wisdom. God has never given
any temporal commandments, and that which effects
our stature effects our soul. We need so much
for the body, mind and spirit to unite in one
healthy stable soul.
3John Widstow
- A correct mental attitude dependant upon sound
religious philosophy is equally necessary for
good health. The mind is connected closely with
the body, and its master. Love will promote
health hate will undermine it.
4History of Mind Body Connection
- Anciently Aristotle observed that pain has an
emotional and feeling component. Galen, 200
A.D., suggested that depressed women have a
tendency towards contracting cancer. In the
18th Century Gendron and Guy identified a
connection between cancer and depression.
(Derogatis, 1986)
5Bad Patients
- 1970-Present Sandra Levy Seriously ill patients
with Breast Cancer who expressed high levels of
depression, anxiety and hostility survived longer
than those who showed little distress. - Leonard Derogatis Studies 35 women with
metastatic Breast Cancer found that long term
survivors had a poor relationship with their
physicians as judged by their physician (Siegel,
1988) - Levy Bad patients, judged by hospital staff,
more killer T cells than good patients. (Siegel,
6More Studies. . .
- Kiecolt-Glaser and Glaser at Ohio State Medical
School showed that exam stress decreased the
function of lymphocytes--natural killer calls,
and interferon. - ( Borysenko, 1988).
- Dr. Charlene Kavanough University of Wisconsin
Med. School, severely burned children changed own
dressing...needed less meds and fewer
complications (Siegel, 1988).
7Sobel, 1995 p. 236
- Manitoba, Canada 3500 senior citizens were
followed in a study for 7 years. Those people
who rated their health poor were almost three
times more likely to die during the study than
those who perceived their life to be excellent. .
.only increasing age seemed to have a more
powerful influence on death rates than self-rated
8Sobel, 1995
- Alameda County, California Men with poor
self-rated health more likely to die than those
who saw their health as excellent. In women the
difference was five times. The results remained
even when health behaviors such as smoking,
exercise, social ties and psychological state
were controlled.
9Health, Aug 2000
- A diet is a risk factor for coronary heart
disease and is considered a causal factor in
approx.. a third of all heart concerns. - McGinnis and Forge rank poor diet in a
combination with lack of exercise, as second only
to tobacco as a cause for morbidity and
mortality. - A report commissioned by the World Cancer
Research Fund and the American Institute for
Cancer Research, estimated that diets high in
vegetables and fruits (more than 400 grams a day)
could prevent at least 20 of all cancer
10John Widstoe
- Food fads and fancies have therefore multiplied.
Some of them rest upon sound knowledge many of
them are worthless and dangerous. Here are some
of them use no meat eat no vegetables eat
only fruit, pay attention only to vitamins,
minerals are the only concern, eat very little,
fast a great deal. . .
- Study reported by Diane Kozak suggests that 30
mins of exercise 3x per week can help major
depression. - James Blumenthal Duke University Depressed
people on supervised exercise regime 60 improved
in 4 months (same as with psychotropics) but
30on medication relapsed vs. 9 in exercise
12Pres. Boyd K. Packer
- Learn to use moderation and common sense in
matters of health an nutrition, and particularly
in medication. Avoid being extreme or fanatical
or becoming a faddist.
13American Family Physician(2001) Anandrarajah
- No one really knows how spirituality is
related to health. However, it seems the body,
mind and spirit are connected. The health of any
one of those three seem to effect the health or
the others.
14American Family Physician 2001Anandrarajah
- Set aside time every day to do things which help
you spiritually. These may include community
service, volunteer work, prayer, meditation,
devotional singing, reading inspirational books,
nature walks, quiet time for thinking, yoga,
playing a sport or attending religious services.
15DC 105, 2 Nephi 32 9
- pray always, that you may come off conqueror.
- I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not
faint that ye must not perform any thing unto
the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray
unto the Father
16Research On Honoring Your Spirit
- Frequency of Prayer and spiritual church
attendance significantly related to health status
independent of age. - Significantly lower blood pressure for Church
Attendees - Spiritual Commitment positively associated with
lower rates of arteriosclerosis, better health
and longer life span. Heart-transplants, Cancer,
Cardiovascular disease, Depression (Udermann,
17Journal of Gerontology 4,000 senior citizens in
Durham N.C.
- Dr. Harold Koening 4,000 healthy senior
citizens who said they rarely or never prayed ran
about a 50 greater risk of dying during the
studies than seniors who prayed or meditated more
than once per month.
18Duke University Study
- 1, 700 Elderly people in North Carolina followed
for more than 6 years. Lab analysis of
cytokines. People who attended Church or prayed
had a higher functioning immune system.
19The Gerontologist October 1988
- Religious faith predict lower blood pressure,
lower rates of coronary heart diseases and higher
survival rate following surgery. - Strong spiritual commitment is positively
associated with lower rates of arteriosclerosis
in men and women and longer life span.
20Spiers, 2004
- encouraging forgiveness can help prevent
psychiatric disease. . .leads to decreased
anxiety and depression.
21 3 Nephi 11 29-30
- Behold, this is not my doctrine to stir up the
hearts of men with anger, one against another
but this is my doctrine, that such things should
be done away.
22Sethness, Rauschhuber, Etnyre, Gilliland, Lowery,
Jones, 2004
- link between frequency and intensity of anger
and hostility episodes that alter the
physiological reactivity of the heart and
neuroendochrine systems. - Stress and negative emotions such as anger and
hostility have been found to increase heart rate
and blood pressure resulting in damage to the
epithelium and making it vulnerable to
inflammation and lipid deposits.
23DC 64 9
- Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to
forgive one another for he that forgiveth not
his brother his trespasses standeth condemned
before the Lord for there remaineth in him the
greater sin.
24Dr. Tim Smith
- C.T scans on couples with no previous heart
history Couples who are more hostile more
calcium deposits.
25Forgiveness thought to work in two ways
- Reducing State of unforgiveness, a potent
mixture of bitterness, anger,hostility,
resentment and fear. - This leads to increased blood pressure and
hormonal changes-linked to cardiovascular
disease, immune suppression, and possibly,
impaired neurological function and memory. - Newsweek September 27 04
26Second Reason
- People will a strong social network tend to be
healthy than loners. - 20 individuals in happy relationships matched
with 20 troubled. Higher levels of base line
cortisol-shot up even further when they were
asked to think about troubled relationships. - Newsweek Sept 27, 2004
27Forgiveness- Tofu for the Soul-Dr Dean Ornish
- 1,200 published studies
- The most selfish thing you can do for yourself is
to forgive other people. - Reduces Stress of Unforgivness
- Decreases bp and hormone changes
- 20 people in happy/20 people in unhappy
relationships- higher cortisol
28Social Support
- A study of 6,928 adults found that women who were
socially isolated were at an increased risk for
dying of cancer. Those who had a few social
contacts and who felt isolated had a 2x increase
in incidence and 5x increase in relative risk for
mortality doe to hormone-related cancers
(Spiegel, 1999).
29Social Support
- Emotional support has a protective influence for
survival for patients with earliest stage breast,
colorectal, or lung cancer (Ell, 1992). - Women who had confidants in the first few months
after surgery lowered their mortality rates,
(Maunsell, 1995).
30Spiegel (1999)
- Social isolation and death is as strong as
between serum cholesterol levels or smoking and
mortality. - Decreased survival rates in persons with cancer
have been found to be associated with low quality
and quantity of social relationships.
31Waxler 1991
- Measures of social relationships that have been
found to be significantly associated with longer
survival are martial status support from
friends contact with friends support from
relatives and neighbors.
32More on Social Support
- Patients who report high levels of perceived
social support and marital satisfaction
experience less distress and less sever pain. - Spouses often mirror each others health.
Spouses share the same environment, family
stresses, health habits and the strain of being a
caregiver. (Wilson, 2002)
33Get Adequate Sleep D C 88124
- Cease to sleep longer than is needful retire to
thy bed early, that ye may not be weary arise
early, that your bodies and your minds may be
34Brigham Young according to John Widstoe, said
- 8 hours recreation,
- 8 hours work and
- 8 hours sleep.
35More on Sleep
- 1/4 of all Americans are sleep deprived
- Need for sleep varies for different people.
- Most experts suggest 8 hours (Frank, 2001
Wetherbee 2001).
36Brigham Young
- Instead of doing two days work in one day,
wisdom would dictate (to the Saints) that if they
desire long life and good health, they must,
after sufficient exertion, allow the body to rest
before it is entirely exhausted. When exhausted,
some argue that they need stimulants. . .but
instead of these kind of stimulants they should
recruit by rest.
37Sleep Tips
- Keep to a regular routine.
- Do not do anything but sleep in your bed room.
- Do not exercise or eat within 5-6 hours of your
bed time. - Avoid heavy meals and drinks with high caffeine
content before bed time. - Make sure that you find both your bed room and
temperature of your room comfy. - Exercise regularly Duke University
Study-physically fit older men fell asleep twice
as fast than sedentary men.
38DC 10, DC 88124
- Do not run faster or labor more than you have
the strength and means.
- Schedule carefully
- Work when you work then do something different.
- Both men and women who take vacations have better
heart health than those who do not (Loecher
2001-study of 12,00 men 9 years) and (Stark, 2001
20 yr. study of 749 women). - Take weekends or micro vacations
- If possible avoid extra work hours- 45 hours or
more-undermining health.
40Take Care of Unresolved Issues in Your Life
- Depression detrimental to physical health
(McEwen, 1998). - Watson, 1999 Haviland, 1999). High scores for
depression and moderate hopeless/helpless
linked to a significantly reduced chance of
survival (n578) with early stage Breast cancer. - Anxiety (Bushnell at McGill University in
Canada)-cookie dough smells, perfume pain becomes
less unpleasant.
41Bartlett Medical Economics, March 2001
- Stress is a third what happens and two thirds
how we react.
42Davis, Eshelman and Mckay
- We have two choices on managing stress either
alter our external environment or our response to
stress. - The Relaxation Response Work Book, 1985
43Ways To Reduce Stress
- Change the Stressful Situation it's self
- Change our PERCEPTION of the Situation.
- Change our Capacity to Deal with the Situation
i.e. improve skills or increase physical
44Making Changes-the 3 Questions
- How Can I Change the Stressful Situation?
- How Can I Change My Perception of the Stressful
Situation - How Can I Change my Capacity to Deal with the
Stressful Situation?
45Vamarec March, 2001
46ABCs of Perceptions
- A Stressful Event
- B Thought/Perception
- C Physical/Mental response
47Out of Their Own Mouths . . .
- Suffering comes before the joy. . . Its like
that before a woman has her baby-there is a lot
of pain there but its worth it. - God just wants to see how much we can take, and
when you look at it differently, it does open up
a healing. - My self worth is not low. Im just forgetting
that Im worth a lot, even though I have an
illness, even though there are going to be
problems. - When we base ourselves on human doing rather than
being we set ourselves up to fail and be
48Form Their Own Mouths . . .
- I can either choose to have this as a stumbling
block or I can step upon it and become a better
person. - When I first got sick I was very angry about it
and I finally had to come to a point where I had
to forgive God and then I had to ask Him to
forgive me for blaming him. - Healing is the process of finding peace and
acceptance even though the body is not responding
in a way the participant would desire.
49Mosiah 3 19
- We will be a natural man for ever and ever,
unless he yields to the enticing of the Holy
Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and be
cometh a saint through the Atonement of Christ
the Lord, and be come as a child, submissive,
meek. Humble, patient, full of love, willing to
submit to all things which the Lord seethe fit to
inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to
his father.
50DC 122 7, 9
- If the heavens gather blackness, and all the
elements combine to hedge up the way and above
all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the
mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that
all these things shall give thee experience, and
shall be for thy good. - Therefore, hold on to thy way. . . Thy days are
known and thy years shall not be numbered less
therefore, fear not what man can do, for god
shall be with you forever and ever.
51Brenner, The Faith and Doubt of Holocaust
- It never occurred to me to question Gods doings
or lack of doings while I was an inmate of
Auschwitz, although of course I understand that
others did. . . I was no less or more religious
because of what the Nazis did to us and I
believe my faith in God was not undermined in the
least. It never occurred to me to associate the
calamity we were experiencing with God, to blame
Him, or to believe in Him less or cease believing
in Him at all because He didnt come to our aide.
God doesn't owe us that, or anything. We owe
our lives to Him. If someone believes that God
is responsible for the death of six million
because He didnt somehow do something to save
them, hes got his thinking reversed. We owe God
our lives for the few or many years we live, and
we have the duty to worship Him and do as He
commands us. Thats why were here on earth to be
in Gods service, to do Gods bidding.
52Burnham, (2001)
- Laugh- it boosts immune system and lowers your
bodys cortisol levels
53Herbert Benson-Relaxation Response
- Repetition of a sound or a word or prayer.
- Setting aside of intrusive thoughts to return
back to the sound or word
- John Kabbott Zinn 61 of patients reported a
significant releif from pain. - 50 reported a continued relief after 4 years.
And were still practicing some form of mediation. - Meditation has been found successful in treating
anxiety, panic disorders, insomnia, irritable
bowel syndrome (Vickers Zollman, 1999),
atherosclerosis (Moore, 2000), hypertension,
cardiac arrhythmias, pain, allergies, repetitive
stress injury, infertility (Benson, 2001). - According to Benson (2001) practicing the
relaxation response daily, boosts the immune
system and changes brain activity and mechanisms
in the CNS.
- Health problems as a result of meditation or
relaxation exercise is very rare - Basilar and vertebral artery occlusion after yoga
postures that put strain on the neck - Relaxation exercises should be avoided by people
with poorly controlled cardiovascular disease as
abdominal tensing can cause problems - Meditation- problematic with people with a
history of psychosis or epilepsy
- The Art of Non-Doing and Non-Striving
- One welcomes what ever comes up in meditation and
be with it rather than insisting on paying
attention to only one thing. This principle is
one of the most characteristic and valuable
features of mindful mediation.
- What matters is whether you are aware of your
thoughts and feelings during meditation and how
you handle them-we make room for them. - The breath becomes the anchor-the home base.
58Doeothee Soelle in her book Suffering
- suggests that the most important question we can
ask about suffering is. . .Does our suffering
serve God or the Devil, the cause of becoming
alive or morally paralyzed? Not where does
tragedy come from? But where does it lead?
59Luke 8
- touched the boarders of his garment. . . she came
trembling and falling down before him, she
declared unto him. . . for what cause she had
touched him, and how she was healed immediately.
And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good
comfort thy faith hath made thee whole go in
60So What
- Exercise
- Intake of Food
- Spiritual Pursuits
- Church/Temple Attendance, Prayer
- Ward Choir/Service/Reading Scriptures
- Friends/Social Life/Partner
- Sleep
- Thoughts/Perceptions
- Relaxation/Meditation
61John 1427
- Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto
you not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be
62Isaiah 4031
- But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew
their strength they shall mount up with wings as
eagles they shall run and not be weary and they
shall walk and not faint.
63Myths of Self Care
- Taking Care of myself is Selfish.
- Others need me
- It will take too much time, or money
- Others just handle things better than I do so I
must really be weak. - I should be able to deal with all that I have to
64More Myths
- If I work longer I will get more done.
- I can skip a few nights of sleep without problem.
- Medical check ups are expensive and time
consuming-Ill put it off for a couple of years. - There is no one else to do the things I do
65Even More Myths
- I dont have time to be sick.
- If I feel guilty its a bad thing
- What are your myths?