Title: Chapter 8 - Repetition Statements
1Chapter 8Repetition Statements
- Iteration - process of looping or the repetition
of one or more statements - Loop body - the statement, or statements, that
will be repeated
38.1 General Repetition Concepts
- Two different categories of loops
- Pre-test Test condition first - complete the
body of the loop if condition is true - Post-test Test condition after body has executed
once - body will only be repeated if the
condition is true
48.1 General Repetition Concepts
58.1 General Repetition Concepts
- Looping structures must have the following
- Variable(s) with an initial value(s) to control
whether the body of the loop is executed (i.e.,
control variable) - Conditional expression involving control
variable(s) - Statement within the body where control variable
is modified each time the body of the loop is
68.1 General Repetition Concepts
- Infinite loop a loop that continuously executes
- the program or loop has to be terminated by the
user or programmer - Usually an error situation
- Most common cause - failure to manipulate the
control variable - In Windows/Unix - pressing Ctrl C causes
program to stop execution
78.1 General Repetition Concepts
- Nested loop a loop embedded in another loop
- Almost any statement type can be the loop body
including loops or conditional statements - Once inner loop finishes, flow transfers to the
next statement following the inner loop
88.2 The while Loop
- Pre-test loop
- Syntax
- while ( ltconditiongt )
- ltaction/bodygt
- Action, or body, will continue to execute while
the condition remains true - If the body needs to include multiple statements,
surround them (action) with curly braces
98.2 The while Loop
- Sometimes see a loop written as while ( 1 )
... - The numeric literal 1 is treated as a true
condition and never changes causing an infinite
108.2 The while Loop
char again N' cout ltlt "\nDo you wish to
multiply two numbers (y/n)? " cin gtgt again //
Priming read //- Read two numbers as long as
usery says so. while ( again 'y' again
'Y' ) // Notice no semicolon cout ltlt
"Enter first number " cin gtgt operand1
cout ltlt "Enter second number " cin gtgt
operand2 cout ltlt "Result " ltlt operand1 ltlt
" " ltlt operand2 ltlt " " ltlt operand1
operand2 ltlt endl // Dont forget to change
the control variable cout ltlt "\nDo you wish
to multiply two more numbers (y/n)? " cin
gtgt again // End of the loop body
(action) cout ltlt "The End" ltlt endl
118.2 The while Loop
- Priming read - a read before loop is reached
- Initializes a variable that can be used to
control the loop. - Initializes a variable being used as an
accumulator - General Concept initialization
- To provide a correct answer when the loop does
not execute its body - Examples sum 0 min first input value, etc.
128.3 The do-while Loop
- Post-test loop (the body executes at least once)
- Syntax
- do
- ltbody/actiongt
- while ( ltconditiongt )
- Note semicolon after ()!!
- If the body needs to include multiple statements,
surround them with curly braces
138.3 The do-while Loop
char menu_choice float number cout ltlt "Please
enter a number " cin gtgt number do cout ltlt
"\n1) Square the Number\n" ltlt "2) Cube
the Number\n" ltlt "3) Exit\n\n"
ltlt "Please enter menu choice " ltlt endl cin
gtgt menu_choice switch ( menu_choice )
case '1' cout ltlt number ltlt "
Squared " ltlt number number
ltlt endl break case '2'
cout ltlt number ltlt " Cubed "
ltlt number number number ltlt endl
break case '3' cout
ltlt "Goodbye" ltlt endl break
default cout ltlt "Invalid menu
option" ltlt endl while ( menu_choice !
'3' ) // Notice the semicolon
148.4 The for Loop
- Generally used when
- a specific number of iterations is required
- The control of the repetition is based on a
sequence of values (e.g., 1,2,3,,7 odd numbers
5,4,3,2,1. - Both while loops and for loops are pre-test
loops - could be used interchangeably -
158.4 The for Loop
- Syntax (Red for loop specification)
- for ( ltinitial_value_assignmentgt
- ltcontinuation_conditiongt
- ltcontrol_variable_updategt )
- ltactiongt
- Example for (k4 k lt 10 k)
- cin gtgt x
168.4 The for Loop
for ( int i 0 i lt 5 i ) cout ltlt i ltlt '
' // Output 0 1 2 3 4
178.4 The for Loop
- for ( ltinitgt
- ltcontinue_conditiongt
- ltcontrol_var_updategt )
- ltbody/actiongt
- Four sections
- Loop specification components separated by
- ltinitgt and ltupdategt components can include
multiple statements separated by commas - body can be any executable statement.
188.4 The for Loop
- Order in which the parts are executed
- ltinitgt
- ltcontinuation_conditiongt
- ltbody/actiongt (if true condition)
- ltupdategt
- ltconditiongt
- ...
- The ltinitgt section is only executed once
198.4 The for Loop
- Variable(s) may be declared in ltinitgt section
- Scope is limited to the loop specification and
body - for (int k1 klt 5 k) cout ltlt k ltlt
- ? output sequence 1 2 3 4
208.4 The for Loop
// Example 1 for ( int i 0 i lt 5 i ) // No
semicolon cout ltlt i ltlt endl // Example 2 //
Notice the multiple expressions for ( int i 0,
j 5 i lt 5 i, j-- ) cout ltlt i ltlt ' ' ltlt
j ltlt endl // Example Output // Ex. 1 // Ex. 2
0 0 5 1 1 4 2 2 3
3 3 2 4 4 1
218.4 The for loop
int sum 0, value for ( int i 0 i lt 5 i )
// No semicolon cout ltlt "Enter value " ltlt
i 1 ltlt " " cin gtgt value sum
value cout ltlt "The sum of the five values
is " ltlt sum ltlt endl // Example Output Enter
value 1 4 Enter value 2 7 Enter value 3
3 Enter value 4 12 Enter value 5 99 The sum of
the five values is 125
228.4.1 Nested for Loops
- for loops can be nested
- Used in many algorithms
- Important when using multi-dimensional arrays
238.4.1 Nested for Loops
for ( int row 0 row lt 5 row ) for (
int col 0 col lt 5 col ) cout ltlt col
ltlt ' ' cout ltlt endl // Example Output 0 1
2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
248.4.1 Nested for Loops
for ( int row 0 row lt 5 row ) for (
int col row col lt 5 col ) cout ltlt
col ltlt ' ' cout ltlt endl // Example
Output 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 4