Chapter%205:%20Mental%20and%20Emotional%20Problems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5: Mental and Emotional Problems Lesson 1 Dealing with Anxiety and Depression – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter%205:%20Mental%20and%20Emotional%20Problems

Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems
  • Lesson 1Dealing with Anxiety and Depression

  • 1. Understanding anxiety and depression.
  • 2. Recognize warning signs for depression
  • 3. Understanding the causes and effects of
  • 4. Getting help for depression

Anxiety v. Depression
  • Anxietythe condition of feeling uneasy or
    worried about what may happen
  • Depressiona prolonged feeling of helplessness,
    hopelessness, and sadness
  • 15 of teens will display some signs of
  • Most common mental health concern among teens
  • QUESTION What things in life cause you anxiety?

Warning Signs of Depression
  • Persistent sad or irritable mood
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Significant change in appetite or body weight
  • Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
  • Physical signs of nervousness
  • Loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Causes and Effects of Depression
  • Changes in thinking
  • People who are depressed may have trouble
    concentrating and making decisions. They may have
    self-destructive thoughts
  • Changes in feelings
  • People who are depressed may experience
    apathylack of strong feeling, interest, or
    concern. They may not feel pleasure in things
    they once enjoyed. They may be sad, or irritable
    and angry.
  • Changes in behavior
  • People with depression may become emotional, and
    they may begin eating too little or too much.
    They person may have trouble sleeping and may
    seem tired. The person may also neglect basic
    hygiene and withdraw from social situations.

Causes Effects of Depression
  • Depression can be caused by physical,
    psychological, social/environmental, or genetic.
  • Physically caused by a medical condition or
  • Psychological surviving a traumatic life event.
  • Social/environmental living in poverty.
  • Genetic family history of depression.

Getting Help for Anxiety and Depression
  • Talk to supportive people
  • Get more physically active
  • Consider volunteering
  • When Anxiety and Depression persist
  • How to identify appropriate community resources
    providing information on mental health and
    suicide prevention
  • Watch for changes in mood, sleep and energy
  • Talk to a parent, other trusted adult, and seek
    help from a counselor, social worker or other
    health care professional.
  • What is going through your head. negative
    messages and thoughts?
  • http//

Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems
  • Lesson 2Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders
  • Objective 1 Name the different types of mental
  • Objective 2 Identify situations requiring
    professional mental health services.

Types of Mental Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Impulse Control Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Conduct Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Personality Disorders

Understanding Mental Disorder
  • Mental Disorder An illness of the mind that can
    affect the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of a
    person, preventing a person from leading a happy,
    healthful, and productive life.
  • Stigma Is a mark of shame or disapproval that
    results in an individual being shunned or
    rejected by others.
  • Mental disorders are medical conditions, and
    require diagnosis and treatment just like any
    physical illness or injury.
  • Many time, mental emotional problems cannot be
    solved without professional help

Mental Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorder Are disorders in which real or
    imagined fears prevent a person from enjoying life

Five types of anxiety disorders
  • Phobia When a person goes to extreme measures to
    avoid a fear and reacts in a way that limits
    normal functioning.
  • Ex. Arachnophobia fear of spiders
  • Ex. Acrophobia fear of being in high places
  • Ex. Claustrophobia fear of being in small,
    closed spaces.
  • Dr. OZ phobia video.
  • Part 1 http//
  • Part 2 http//

Types of anxiety disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive A person who has an
    uncontrollable need to perform repetitive acts.
  • Ex. Wash their hands every 2 minutes
  • Ex. Make sure door is locked every 30 minutes
  • Video Howie Mandel Talks About Living With OCD
  • http//

Types of anxiety disorders
  • Panic Disorder has sudden, unexplained feelings
    of terror. They are accompanied by symptoms such
    as trembling, a pounding heart, shortness of
    breath, or dizziness.
  • This is a condition in which fear and anxiety get
    in the way of a persons ability to function and
    enjoy life.
  • They may be triggered by a particular object,
    condition, or situation

Types of anxiety disorders
  • Post traumatic stress disorder A condition in
    which a person who has experienced a traumatic
    event feels severe and long-lasting aftereffects.
  • Ex. War vets
  • Ex. Rape survivors
  • Ex. Tornado
  • Video War vet his therapy
  • http//

Types of anxiety disorders
  • Generalized anxiety disorder Exaggerated worry
    and tension for no reason. People with this
    disorder startle easily and have difficulty
    concentrating, relaxing, and sleeping.
  • Video clip http//

Impulse Control Disorders
  • Impulse Control Disorder People cannot resist
    the urge to hurt themselves or others. They may
    also cause financial harm by overspending and
  • Examples
  • Kleptomania unplanned theft of objects
  • Cutting Repetitive cutting parts of the body
    that can be hidden
  • Excessive Gambling Cant stop gambling
  • Compulsive Shopping Buying things they cant
    afford and dont need.

Somatoform Disorders
  • Somatoform disorders Describes a condition in
    which a person complains of disease symptoms, but
    no physical symptoms can be found.
  • Hypochondria A preoccupation with the body and
    fear of presumed disease.
  • Ex. Cancer
  • Ex. Heart attack

  • Video Seinfeld
  • Part 1 http//
  • Part 2 http//
  • Video Scrubs
  • http//

Mood Disorders
  • Mood disorders Is an illness that involves mood
    extremes that interfere with everyday living.

Mood Disorders
  • Clinical depression If feelings of sadness or
    hopelessness last for more than a few weeks and
    interfere with daily activities and interests.
  • Bipolar (Manic-Depressive) Is marked by extreme
    mood changes, energy levels, and behaviors.

Conduct Disorders
  • A pattern of behavior in which the rights of
    others or basic social rules are violated.
  • Examples Stealing, cruelty, lying, aggression,
    violence, truancy, arson, and vandalism.

  • A condition of losing touch with reality
    accompanied by reduced ability to function. They
    gradually lose the ability to distinguish fantasy
    from reality. This illness tends to run in
    families. Causes may be a combination of genetic
    factors and chemical and structural changes in
    the brain.
  • EX. The movie Trailer A Beautiful Mind
  • http//
  • Video Inside the World of Childhood
  • https//

Personality Disorders
  • Antisocial A persons constant conflict with
    society. They may display behavior that is
    cruel, impulsive and violent. In many cases are
    unable to show remorse for their behavior.
  • Passive-aggressive A person is often
    uncooperative with others. They dont like being
    told what to do, but show anger indirectly.
    Example If they dont want to take part in an
    activity, they may not show up or they may show
    up late and leave early.

Health Care Services for Mental Health
  • 1. Psychiatrist Deals with mental, emotional and
    behavioral disorders of the mind.
  • -Therapies treatment techniques
  • 2. Neurologist A physician who specializes in
    organic disorders of the brain and nervous system
  • Clinical Psychologist Professional who provides
    guidance and treatment for clients with emotional
    problems, usually in the setting of a mental
    hospital, mental health clinic, or family service

Practice QuizName the mental disorder.
  • Every 2 weeks Shirley complains of having a
    particular disease/ailment but doctors can not
    find anything wrong with her.
  • When Billy was younger, lightning struck a tree
    he was standing next to. Now, whenever a
    thunderstorm approaches, he get very anxious and
    scared and runs to the basement shaking.
  • Beth is in an extremely good mood. She came to
    class skipping through the doorway and giving
    everyone hugs (even people who she doesnt know).
    Later in the class period, she asks the teacher
    a question and a couple of kids roll their eyes
    at her. Her mood drastically shift and she
    begins crying and keeps calling herself stupid.
    15 minutes later she doesnt say a word the rest
    of class.
  • Nick is on crutches and has to go to the 4th
    floor for his doctors appointment. He looks at
    the elevator and begins to sweat. He tells his
    family he is going to crutch up 4 flights of
    stairs because he refuses to ride in the
  • Mr. Pagani hands his class a worksheet and tells
    them to complete the worksheet as they watch the
    video. Martha does not like being told what to
    do and decides to sleep during the video. After
    class, when Mr. Pagani talks to her, she said she
    is tired from doing homework last night.

Practice QuizAnswers to the mental disorders
  1. Hypochondria
  2. Post traumatic stress disorder
  3. Manic-depressive (AKA bi polar)
  4. Phobia
  5. Passive-aggressive

Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems
  • Lesson 3Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention and Getting Help
  • Objective 1 Identify the common risk factors.
  • Objective 2 List the warning signs of suicide
  • Objective 3 Determine strategies to prevent
    suicides and strategies for coping with
  • Objective 4 Describe ways you can help

Facts Myths on Suicide
  1. People who talk about suicide dont commit
  2. Suicide happens without warning
  3. Suicidal people are fully intent on dying
  4. Once a person is suicidal, they are suicidal
  5. Improvement following a suicidal crisis means
    that a suicide risk is over
  6. Every person who commits suicide is mentally ill.
  7. Suicide is more common among the lower
    socio-economic groups
  8. Suicide is caused by one very traumatic loss in
    the victims life.
  9. There is nothing you can do to stop a suicide.

  • 3rd leading cause of death for teens ages 15-19.
  • Each year, 17 of all teens in this age group
    will consider suicide.
  • More than half of that 17 will attempt it.

Suicide Risk Factors
  • More than 90 of those who commit suicide are
    suffering from depression or another mental
    disorder, or have a history of abusing alcohol or
    other drugs.

Suicide Statistics
  • According to the American foundation for Suicide
    Prevention in 2010 there were 38,364 suicides.
    Thats one suicide every 13.7 minutes.

Suicide Risk Factors(pg. 230)
  • 90 of the people who kill themselves are
    suffering from depression, or another mental
    disorder, or abusing alcohol or drugs.
  • Some people use alcohol or other drugs to relieve
    their depression. These have a depressant effect
    making self-destructive behavior more likely.
  • video, Cyberbulling Suicide http//

How Can You Help Your Friends?
  • Initiate a meaningful conversation
  • Show interest, compassion, patience and
  • Show support and ask questions
  • Remind the person that all problems have
    solutions, and that suicide is NOT the answer.
  • Try to persuade the person to seek help
  • Encourage the person to talk with a parent,
    counselor, or trusted adult.

The vast majority of those who attempt suicide do
not want to die they are suffering and are
making a plea for help!
Did you know?
  • Four males commit suicide to every 1 female, and
    represent 79.4 of all U.S suicides.
  • Firearms are the most commonly used method of
    suicide among males (57.6)
  • Females attempt suicide 2-3 times as often as
    males do
  • Poisoning is the most common method of suicide
    for females (39.1)

Recognizing the verbal warning signs
  • Direct statements (I want to die, I dont want to
    live anymore, I wish I were dead)
  • Indirect statements (I wont have to put up with
    this much longer, theyll be sorry when Im gone,
    I cant take it anymore)
  • Writing poems, songs, or diary entries that deal
    with death
  • Suicide threats or insinuations

Recognizing the nonverbal or behavioral signs
  • An unusual obsession with death
  • Withdrawal from friends
  • Giving away personal belongings
  • Deterioration in schoolwork or recreational
  • Dramatic changes in personality, hygiene, or
  • Substance abuse

How You Can Help
  • Show empathy when talking with the person. This
    will let the person know that you are concerned.
  • Initiate a meaningful conversation Show
    interest, compassion, patience, and
  • Show support and ask questions
  • Try to persuade the person to seek help Offer to
    go with if needed. Tell an adult even if they
    say they are going to talk to someone later.

Getting Help
  • Knowing when to get help!
  • You feel trapped or you worry all the time
  • Your feelings affect your sleep, eating habits or
    school work
  • Your friends and family express concern
  • You are becoming involved with alcohol and drugs
  • You are becoming increasingly aggressive, violent
    or reckless

Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems
  • Lesson 4Getting Help

  • Identifying when teens should seek help
  • Know how to overcome the stumbling blocks for
    getting help
  • Where to go in the community to receive help
  • Describe the different mental health professionals

When To Get Help
  • Teens should seek help if they experience any of
    the following
  • Feeling trapped or worrying all the time
  • Feelings that affect sleep, eating habits,
    schoolwork, job performance, or relationships
  • Becoming involved with alcohol or other drugs
  • Becoming increasingly aggressive, violent, or

When Help is Needed
  • More than ½ of suicide youths had symptoms of a
    mental disorder for more than a year prior to
    their deaths.
  • Teens should seek help if they experience any of
    the following!
  • You feel trapped or you worry all the time
  • Your feelings affect your sleep, eating habits or
    school work
  • Your friends and family express concern
  • You are becoming involved with alcohol and drugs
  • You are becoming increasingly aggressive, violent
    or reckless

Overcoming the Stumbling Blocks
  • When asking for help, remember these facts
  • Asking for help is a sign of inner strength. It
    shows responsibility for ones own wellness.
  • Serious disorders, compulsions, and addictions
    are complex and require professional
  • Sharing your thoughts with an objective, helpful
    individual can be a great relief.
  • Financial help to pay for care may be available.

Where to go for Help?
  • Question Where can you go for help?
  • Trusted Adult
  • Parent
  • Relative
  • Teacher
  • School Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Crisis Hotline

Mental Health Professionals
  • Counselor A professional who handles personal
    and educational matters
  • School psychologist A professional who
    specializes in the assessment of learning,
    emotional, and behavioral problems.
  • Psychiatrist A physician (doctor) who diagnoses
    and treats mental disorders and can prescribe
  • Clinical psychologist a professional who
    diagnoses and treats emotional and behavioral
    disorders with counseling.
  • Neurologist A physician who specializes in
    physical disorders of the brain and nervous

Treatment Methods
  • Psychotherapy
  • Dialogue between a patient and mental health
  • Behavior therapy
  • Focuses on changing unwanted behaviors through
    rewards and reinforcements
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Designed to identify and correct distorted
    thinking patterns
  • Family therapy
  • Focuses on helping the family function in more
    positive and constructive ways by exploring
    patterns in communication and providing support
    and education
  • Group therapy
  • Treating a group of people who have similar
  • Drug therapy
  • The use of certain medications to treat or reduce
    the symptoms of a mental disorder
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