The Crisis of Liberal Democracy Poli 110DA 04 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Crisis of Liberal Democracy Poli 110DA 04


The Crisis of Liberal Democracy Poli 110DA 04 The enemy is not merely any competitor. Carl Schmitt 1888-1985 Major German intellectual before and after WWII Joined ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy Poli 110DA 04

The Crisis of Liberal DemocracyPoli 110DA 04
  • The enemy is not merely any competitor.

Carl Schmitt
  • 1888-1985
  • Major German intellectual before and after WWII
  • Joined Nazi party in 1933
  • Attacked in Das Schwartze Korps, but was
    protected by Göring
  • Captured by US in 1945, relaeased in 1946
  • Rejected all attempts at de-nazification
  • Articulated tension between liberalism and
  • Defended Reichs anti-Semitic policies
  • Argued for the importance of undivided authority
  • Defended politics as a separate sphere of human

  • Schmitts thought Nazism
  • Contacting and expanding the horizons of
    political thought after the War

  • The concept of the state presupposes the concept
    of the political. (19)
  • The state is a political entity, but what is the
    political? What is the relationship between the
    political and the state?
  • The political, not politics

  • It is widely acknowledged, if only tacitly, that
    the political is a distinct sphere of human
  • Distinct from other spheres (religious, cultural,
    economic, legal, scientific, etc.) (23)

  • Spheres of human thought and activity have their
    own criteria which express themselves in a
    characteristic way.
  • Moral Good/evil
  • Economic Profitable/unprofitable
  • Aesthetic Beautiful/ugly (26)
  • When you speak in these terms, you are talking
    about the relevant sphere of human activity

  • The specific political distinction to which
    political actions and motives can be reduced is
    that between friend and enemy. (26)
  • A criterion, not an exhaustive description of all
    political content

  • The enemy is not merely any competitor or just
    any partner of a conflict in general. He is also
    not the private adversary whom one hates. An
    enemy exists only when, at least potentially, one
    fighting collectivity of people confronts a
    similar collectivity. The enemy is solely the
    public enemy... (28)

  • The friend/enemy distinction does not necessarily
    depend on those of other spheres of life.
  • Thus, the enemy need not be evil, ugly,
    irrational, etc.
  • Nonetheless, since this distinction is the
    strongest and most intense of any distinction,
    it often draws upon others for its support. (27)
  • Thus, the enemy is often perceived as ugly, evil,
    barbaric, etc. whether or not this is in fact the

  • Thus, the political enemy need not be morally
    evil or aesthetically ugly he need not appear as
    an economic competitor, and it may even be
    advantageous to engage with him in business
    transactions. (27)
  • Politics is an issue of neither morality nor
    rational self-interest.

  • The enemy is the other, the stranger and it is
    sufficient for his nature that he is, in a
    specially intense way, something different and
    alien, so that in extreme cases conflicts with
    him are possible. These can neither be decided
    by a previously determined general norm nor by
    the judgment of a disinterested and therefore
    neutral third party. (27)
  • The distinction is particular

  • Only the actual participants can correctly
    recognize, understand, and judge the concrete
    situation and settle the extreme case of
    conflict. Each participant collectivity is in
    a position to judge whether the adversary intends
    to negate his opponents way of life and
    therefore must be repulsed or fought in order to
    preserve ones own form of existence. (27
    emphasis mine)

  • The distinction of friend and enemy denotes the
    utmost degree of intensity of a union or
    separation. (26)
  • For to the enemy concept belongs the ever
    present possibility of combat.... Combat does
    not mean competition, nor does it mean pure
    intellectual controversy nor symbolic
    wrestlings... (33)
  • This is not a metaphor

  • The friend, enemy, and combat concepts receive
    their real meaning precisely because they refer
    to the real possibility of physical killing. War
    follows from enmity. War is the existential
    negation of the enemy. It is the most extreme
    consequence of enmity. It does not have to be
    common, normal, something ideal, or desirable.
    But it must nonetheless remain a real possibility
    for as long as the concept of the enemy remains
    valid. (33)

  • Only in real combat is revealed the most extreme
    consequence of the political grouping of friend
    an enemy. From this most extreme possibility
    human life derives its specifically political
  • Politics is the friend/enemy distinction, and the
    resultant possibility of war.

  • A world in which the possibility of war is
    utterly eliminated, a completely pacified globe,
    would be a world without the distinction of
    friend and enemy and hence a world without
    politics. It is conceivable that such a world
    might contain many very interesting antitheses
    and contrasts, competitions and intrigues of
    every kind, but there would not be a meaningful
    antithesis whereby men could be required to
    sacrifice life, authorized to shed blood, and
    kill other human beings. (35)

  • There exists no rational purpose, no norm no
    matter how true, no program no matter how
    exemplary, no social ideal no matter how
    beautiful, no legitimacy nor legality which could
    justify men in killing each other for this
    reason. If such physical destruction of human
    life is not motivated by an existential threat to
    ones own way of life, then it cannot be
    justified. (49)

  • Any difference, economic, religious,
    philosophical, etc., can become the focus of
    enmity, but at that moment it leaves its original
    sphere and enters the political
  • The real friend-enemy grouping is existentially
    so strong and decisive that the nonpolitical
    antithesis at precisely the moment at which it
    become political, pushes aside its original
    criteria and motives, and subordinates them to
    the conditions and conclusions of the political
    situation at hand. (38)

  • The grouping is always political which orients
    itself toward this most extreme possibility.
    This grouping is therefore always the decisive
    human grouping, the political entity. If such an
    entity exists at all, it is always the decisive
    entity, and it is sovereign in the sense that the
    decision about the critical situation, even if it
    is the exception, must always necessarily reside
    there. (38)

  • To the state as an essentially political entity
    belongs the jus belli, i.e., the real possibility
    in a concrete situation upon the enemy and the
    ability to fight him with the power emanating
    from the entity. (45)
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