Act IV Summary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Act IV Summary


Act IV Summary – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Act IV Summary

King Lear
  • Act IV Summary

Act IV.1 Character list
  • Edgar
  • Gloucester
  • An Old Man

Scene 1 Details
  • Edgar sees his father with an old man and sees
    that he is blinded. The old man is a tenant of
    Gloucesters and tries to help, but Gloucester
    pushes him away.
  • Gloucester acknowledges he stumbled when he saw
    (making references to exiling Edgar). Old Man
    sees Poor Tom, and even though warns of his
    madness and nakedness, Gloucester asks if beggar
    can take him to Dover. He is willing to pay him
    for it.
  • Poor Tom agrees to lead a blind Gloucester to
    the edge of the cliffs of Dover.

Act IV.2 Character list
  • Goneril
  • Edmund
  • Oswald
  • Albany
  • Messenger

Scene 2 Details
  • Goneril and Edmund return from Gloucesters
    together. Oswald says that Albany is mad, and
    she decides to send Edmund back to her
    brother-in-law, Cornwall. She sends him away
    with a kiss. Edmunds swears allegiance until the
    death and then leaves.
  • Albany enters piping mad and curses at Goneril
    for treating her father and Gloucester in the
    manner in which she did. Goneril chastises him
    for taking pity on Lear and Gloucester while
    doing nothing as France invades their land.
  • Albany calls her a fiend, a womans shape doth
    shield thee. She is a devil disguised as a
    woman, and that form is what is protecting her
    from his wrath.

Scene 2 Continued
  • While the two continue to fight, a messenger
    enters with the news that Cornwall is dead at the
    hands of his own servant while Cornwall blinded
  • Albany feels bad for Gloucester and that
    Cornwalls death proves there is justice from
  • The messenger gives Goneril a letter from Regan.
    She is glad that Gloucester is dead, but is
    worried about Regan being a widow and what this
    might do about her plans with Edmund. She exits.

Scene 2 Continued
  • Albany asks the messenger about where Edmund was
    when Gloucester was being attacked.
  • The messenger says that Edmund was coming here
    with Goneril, and when Albany says he isnt here,
    the messenger says that he passed him going back
    to his place.
  • The messenger confirms that not only did Edmund
    know about his dads attack, but it was he that
    betrayed his dad and got out of dodge before
    something happened to him.
  • Albany is thankful for Gloucesters service to
    the king and will avenge his blindness.
  • End.

Act VI.3 Character List
  • This scene is deleted from film
  • See summary on page 184.

Act IV.4 Character list
  • Cordelia
  • Soldiers
  • Gentlemen

Scene 4
  • Cordelia orders soldiers to find Lear and bring
    him to her.
  • She will reward the person who can help her
    father become well.
  • The doctor says there is a way to make him better
    and Cordelia fervently hopes so before his
    madness takes his life.
  • The messenger returns saying that the British
    forces are advancing. Cordelia is ready for
    them, but is only really there to help her father
    not fight a war.

Act IV.5 Character list
  • Regan
  • Oswald
  • Steward

Scene 5
  • Oswald has a letter from Goneril to give to
    Edmund. Regan is curious about what it says and
    ask Oswald if she can read it.
  • She tries to convince Oswald not to give Edmund
    the letter, but Oswald insists on being loyal to
    Goneril by doing her bidding.
  • Regan tells Oswald that though Goneril may not
    love her husband, she (Regan) plans on pursuing
    Edmund for herself since she is now and widow and
    that makes the most sense. She tells Oswald that
    he can tell Goneril this and that she should come
    to her senses.
  • Both exit.

Act IV.6 Character list
  • Gloucester
  • Edgar
  • Lear
  • Gentleman
  • Oswald

Scene 6
  • Edgar leads a blind Gloucester to the cliffs of
    Dover where Gloucester plans to end his life.
    Edgar tricks Gloucester into thinking he is high
    up on a steep cliff.
  • Before he jumps, Gloucester gives Edgar jewels as
    payment for his help. As he prepares to die, he
    asks that Edgar be blessed (acknowledging that he
    did nothing wrong). He jumps.
  • Thinking he has fallen to his death, Gloucester
    wakes to the voice of a peasant (Edgar in
    another clever disguise) and tells him to leave
    him to die.

Scene 6
  • The peasant says that Gloucesters landing is a
    miracle since he landed so softly like feathers
    in the wind.
  • The peasant takes Gloucesters hand and convinces
    him that the beggar he was with looked like the
    devil and that the gods have preserved thee.
    He is lucky to be alive.
  • Lear enters, crazy as ever and speaking all kinds
    of nonsense. Edgar recognizes him, shocked at
    his appearance and Gloucester recognizes his
    voice, wanting to pay allegiance and hoping Lear
    remembers him.
  • Lear continues to rage on while Edgar and
    Gloucester listen in disbelief and sadness that
    the once great king has been reduced to this

Scene 6
  • Cordelias men enter and trie to help Lear, but
    Lear, misunderstanding the situation, runs away
    from them while the attendants chase after him.
  • Edgar asks the remaining gentleman about a battle
    that is about to happen. The Gentlmen confirms
    Cordelias army is advancing and will attack
  • Gloucester asks for strength from above and asks
    Edgar again about his identity. Edgar says that
    he is a poor beggar that will show kindness to

Scene 6yes, there is more
  • Oswald enters, discovers Gloucester and tries to
    kill him. Edgar protects his father, tries to
    talk sense into Oswald, Oswald tries to stab
    Edgar, but Edgar kills him instead.
  • As Oswald dies, he asks that letters he is
    carrying get to Edmund.
  • Edgar discovers that the letter is from Goneril
    to Edmund asking that he kill Albany so they can
    be together. Edgar realizes his brother is liar
    and will show the letter to Albany when the time
    is right.
  • Gloucester laments some more about his situation
    while Edgar leads him off to safety. They exit.

Act IV.7 Character list
  • Cordelia
  • Kent
  • Doctor
  • Gentlemen
  • Lear

Scene 7
  • Cordelia is grateful for Kents loyalty to her
    dad, and wants to let people know of his
    kindness, but Kent asks to out of the lime light
    until the time is right to be recognized. She
  • The doctor updates Cordelia on her fathers
    condition. He advises Cordelia to be near when
    her father wakes and warns that he cannot be sure
    of his behavior. She awakes him with a kiss and
    laments over his situation.
  • When Lear awakes, he thinks he is dead and that
    Cordelia is a spirit.

Scene 7 continued
  • Lear thinks he has lost his mind because he is
    not sure if Cordelia is real, but Cordelia
    continues to convince him of who she is. After
    asking not to be mocked, he thinks he finally
    recognizes Cordelia.
  • He believes she is there to harm him like her
    sisters did and is prepared to pay for the hurt
    he has done to Cordelia. She has reason to want
    to get back at him.
  • Lear asks for her forgiveness because he is old.
    She forgives him. They exit.
  • Kent and the Gentleman discuss the death of
    Cornwall and the status of Edmund, Gloucester and
  • Kent ends by saying that his life will be
    determined by the days events.
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