ASSESSMENT SYSTEMÂ Steering for Results
- Presented by Arne Paulson, Development
Effectiveness Department - Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
- Third International Roundtable on Managing for
Development Results - Hanoi, Vietnam February, 2007
- Disclose information on how the Multilateral
Development Banks (MDBs) conduct their day-to-day
business and how they organize themselves to
embrace and implement a results-oriented
management approach. - Provides a baseline against which each MDB may
assess its own progress over time. It does not
report on country-level results, which are a
joint product of several actors, including the
MDBs. - Contribute to transparency, accountability, and
learning, satisfying increased demand from both
managers and shareholders of MDBs for information
on the effective use of resources.
2006 COMPAS Report coordinated by the
IADBEfforts were made to improve the definition
of performance indicators, and increase the
credibility/reliability of information It is an
input to the 2007 Global Monitoring Report
detailed information on MDB performance with
respect to
- Country Capacity to Manage for Development
Results - Country Strategies
- Allocation of Concessional Resources
- Projects
- Institutional Learning from Operational
Experience - Results-focused Human Resources Management
- Harmonization among Development Agencies
4MAIN FINDINGS Category 1Country Capacity to
Manage for Development Results
- MDBs are taking major steps to help borrowing
members countries (BMCs) strengthen their
capacity to manage for development results (MfDR) - Increasingly strong country capacity is being
used to implement MDB-financed projects - instead
of parallel ad-hoc systems - The specific modalities to assess country
capacity vary among MDBs a common challenge is
to obtain relevant results information and to use
it for day-to-day decision making
5MAIN FINDINGS Category 2Country Strategies
- Self-evaluations and independent evaluations are
being strengthened to ascertain the actual
results arising from the implementation of
Country Strategies - Country Strategy Guidelines call for a strong
results focus, including sound results framework
Clearly defined monitoring indicators, with
baseline data and targets to be reached at the
end of the strategy implementation period - Compliance with these requirements to be
monitored through - Country strategy quality-at-entry reviews
- Country strategy implementation evaluations
6MAIN FINDINGS Category 3Allocation of
Concessional Resources
- Concessional Resources are allocated on the basis
of - Performance Policies, institutions, portfolio
performance - Needs Population, per capita income, governance,
post-conflict considerations
7MAIN FINDINGS Category 4Projects
- Project Design
- Periodic reviews of project quality-at-entry
suggest there is significant room for improvement - MDBs are taking steps to improve the
evaluability of their operations, i.e., the
design features that will make it possible to
tell, after completion of implementation, the
extent to which the expected results were reached - All MDBs require that the operations they finance
be economically feasible
8MAIN FINDINGS Category 4Projects (cont.)
- Project Supervision
- MDBs are taking various approaches to improve
quality of project supervision - There are differences among MDBs regarding
disbursement ratios and average implementation
delays - All MDBs keep track of portfolio performance
- There are differences among MDBs in the
percentage of projects under implementation with
unsatisfactory progress and/or development
objectives unlikely to be achieved - Some MDBs use approaches to increase the
objectivity of their statistics - There are differences among MDBs regarding
9MAIN FINDINGS Category 4Projects (cont.)
- Project Completion and thereafter
- All MDBs have procedures for reporting on the
results of their operations as soon as possible
after completion - Share of completion reports that were actually
prepared on time varies among MDBs - Share of completion reports deemed satisfactory
with regard to their use of outcome indicators
varies among MDBs - MDBs conduct independent ex-post evaluations
several years after project completion - Nature and scope of those evaluations vary among
MDBs - Sampling rate varies 25 - 73
- The MDBs that rate the extent of achievement of
development objectives report success rates of
61 - 78
10MAIN FINDINGS Category 5Institutional Learning
from Operational Experience
- Various mechanisms are in place to identify
and/or validate lessons learned from previous
experience at the project and country levels - Actual degree of lesson utilization is difficult
to ascertain - All MDBs have independent evaluation offices
- They help promote lesson learning and
accountability within MDBs - They conduct evaluations, validate Managements
self-evaluations, and provide assistance to BMCs
interested in strengthening their own evaluation
capacity - Recommendations arising from independent
evaluations influence the way MDBs conduct their
business, regardless of whether a formal
mechanism exists to monitor the extent to which
Management adopts them
11MAIN FINDINGS Category 6Results-focused Human
Resources Management
- All MDBs aim to strengthen the results-related
skills of their operational staff - MfDR training includes results-oriented planning,
budgeting and monitoring, and evaluation - The performance of MDB staff members is routinely
assessed by comparing expected versus actual
12MAIN FINDINGS Category 7Harmonization among
Development Agencies
- All MDBs have been taking steps to harmonize
their activities with those of other development
agencies to reduce the aid coordination burdens
faced by BMCs - Areas Procurement, financial management,
evaluation, country performance assessments,
environmental issues, gender issues, HIPC and
debt sustainability, governance and
anti-corruption, trust funds and cofinancing
efforts, and investment climate - Activities Project/program cofinancing,
including sector-wide approaches (SWAPs) joint
country portfolio reviews joint country strategy
formulation joint macroeconomic and sector
analytic work joint thematic assessments,
including Procurement Assessment Reports (CPARs),
Country Financial Accountability Assessments
(CFAAs), and Public Expenditure and Financial
Accountability (PEFA) reviews and joint
13THANK YOU to the2006 COMPAS Task Force
- Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
- Martin Stabile, Deputy Manager Development
Effectiveness Department - Max Pulgar-Vidal, Task Force Coordinator for the
2006 COMPAS and Senior Evaluation Advisor - African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Ferdinand Bakoup, Chief Macroeconomist
- Asian Development Bank (AsDB)
- Per Bastoe, Principal Results Management
Specialist - Bruce Purdue, Head of Results Management Unit
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) - Frederic Lucenet, Director of OPSCOM Secretariat
- World Bank (WB)
- Elizabeth Ashbourne, Senior Operations Officer
Results Secretariat - Susan Stout, Manager - Results Secretariat