Title: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
1Regional Co-operation in Trade,Transit and
Transport Facilitation UNCTADsWork
Tehran, 16-17 Novemeber 2005
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- To provide developing countries with sustainable
trade, transit and transport facilitation
capacityat national and regional levels.
3Implementation principles
- Rely on local knowledge rather than systematic
international expertise - Build on regional trade, transit transport
facilitation networks - Introduce ICT solutions along selected trade and
transport corridors - Use available ICT tools (e.g. ASYCUDA, ACIS).
4Issues covered
- Institutional, legal and operational reforms.
- Institution building with private and public
trade and transport communities. - Trade routes and transport corridors in regional
networks. - Linkages between national/regional and global
5Security issues
- Developing countries need to cope with security
initiatives adopted at national and international
levels. - The economic impact of these initiatives must be
taken into consideration.
6Ongoing activities
- Â Research and analysis.
- Â Exchange of experiences Consensus building.
- Information systems development.
- Technical assistance.
- Â Training Knowledge dissemination.
- Doha Declaration
- Trade Facilitation in the WTO Framework
71. Research and publications
8 Examples
- Improvement of the legal framework for transport
transit and trade facilitation. - Tools for assessing needs and priorities in TF.
- Support to transport and trade facilitation
platforms. - Trade and transport facilitation cluster
development. - Impact of security measures on developing
countries trade.
92. Exchange of experiencesand Consensus building
- Intergovernmental meetings
- Almaty Parallel Event on Trade Facilitation, Aug.
2003 - Interactive Session on Transport TF at UNCTAD
XI. - Experts meetings
- Trade Facilitation, Nov. 2002, MT logistics
services, Sept. 2003, Transit transport
arrangements, Nov. 2004 and Expert Meeting on
Trade Facilitation as an Engine for Development,
September 2005
103. Information systems development
- ASYCUDA installed in 84 countries.See
web-site www.asycuda.org - ACIS installed in 18 countries. See
web-site www.railtracker.org - Â
11Technical cooperation (external financing)
124. Objective
- Aims at establishing a favorable domestic
- environment for international trade transactions,
- based on effectively implemented international
- instruments, recognized best commercial practices
- and common standards while recognizing the
critical importance of border crossing points,
which are key locations where discrepancies
between buyers and sellers domestic trade
environments are being exacerbated.
13Current Projects
- Integrated country projects
- Afghanistan and Pakistan (in co-operation with
the World Bank) - Economic Co-operation Organization (ECO).
- IT-based management projects
- Advance Cargo Information System, ACIS
- Inter-regional projects
- Needs and priorities in trade facilitation
- Transport and trade facilitation platforms
- Sustainable T TF capacity for LLDCs.
- Â
- Emergency Customs Modernization and Trade
Facilitation project - Key objective to increase Government revenues
from Customs through (a) better administration
and collection of existing customs revenues and
(b) facilitating trade and transit to increase
the customs revenue base.
15Pakistan Promotion of trade and transport sectors
- Addressing trade and transport facilitation
measures and its - implementation.
16Support to trade facilitation platforms in
developing countries
- Aims at assisting developing countries and, in
- particular, least developed countries, in
- implementing specific trade facilitation
- institutional development mechanisms. The
- project has been focusing on two types of
- trade facilitation platforms, namely
- facilitation bodies and single window facilities.
17Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
- Introduction of international multimodal
- transport operations in the ECO region
- covering both Multimodal Transport and
- Trade Facilitation issues.
18Capacity building in trade and transport
facilitation for land locked and transit
developing countries
- Aims at providing land locked and transit
- developing countries with sustainable capacity to
- plan and implement regional trade and transport
facilitation initiatives through local trade and
transport facilitation clusters and partnerships
in maritime, inland and border trading
195. Training andKnowledge dissemination
- WTO-related workshops
- Organized with WTO UNIDO EU, etc.
- Trade logistics events
- ICT transport (Rio, Nov.03) Course on MT
205. Training andKnowledge dissemination
- Longer-term training
- UNCTAD X Para.166 International Economic
Agenda - Course on Logistics Courses with World Maritime
Uni. - Publications
- Review of Maritime Transport 2005.
216. Doha Declaration
- 27. Recognizing the case for further expediting
the movement, release and clearance of goods
including goods in transit and the need for
enhanced technical assistance and capacity
building in this area, we agree that negotiations
will take place after the Fifth Session of the
Ministerial Conference on the basis of a
decision, by explicit consensus, at that Session
on modalities of negotiations. In the period
until the Fifth Session, the Council for Trade in
Goods shall review and as appropriate, clarify
and improve relevant aspects of Articles V, VIII
and X of the GATT 1994 and identify the trade
facilitation needs and priorities of Members, in
particular developing and least-developed
countries. We commit ourselves to ensuring
adequate technical assistance and support for
capacity building in this area. - (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/W/1, 14 November 2001)
227. Trade Facilitation including transit and the
- WTO member States agreed
- to launch negotiations on trade facilitation,
aiming at the establishment of an agreement to
further expedite the movement, release and
clearance of goods, including goods in transit by
clarifying andimproving relevant aspects of
GATT Articles V, VIII X. - To ensure technical assistance and support for
capacity building.
23Art. V Freedom of Transit
- Simplify transit rules and procedures
- Simplify customs procedures and documentation
requirements - Use of international standards (e.g. TIR)
- Minimize burden on transit operations
- Secure non-discriminatory treatment
- Revisit fees, charges and securities
- Support creation of regional systems and
corridors - Foster cooperation among administrations
24Art. VIII Fees and formalities
- Reduce, legitimize fees and charges
- Simplify standardize
- Introduce simplified customs release
clearance - Establish risk assessment authorized
traders - Customs Automation
- Coordinate official controls
- Foster integrity
25Art. X Publication of trade regulations
- Complete transparency of all relevant laws and
procedures - Establish mechanisms towards publication and
availability of information - Consultation periodic review
- Establish consultative/feedback mechanisms and
minimum time periods before entry into force - Customs appeal procedures
- Establish review and appeal procedures and due
26UNCTADs Contribution
- 1. WTO negotiations process
- 2. Regional Co-operation in Transit
271. WTO negotiations process
- A short-term/immediate technical assistance to
enable negotiators (GVA Capitals) to better
evaluate the implications of the negotiated TF
rules on their development policies and
objectives. - Longer-term technical assistance aimed at
enhancing national capabilities to effectively
implement the negotiated TF rules.
282. Regional Co-Operation in Transit
- 1. Challenges and Opportunities for transit
facilitation, to name a few. - 2. Importance of Regional Co-operation
- 3. What should happen for Reginal Co- operation
to accelerate - Implementation of various instruments such as
ECO-TTFA - Cooperative Work
291. Challenges and Opportunities for transit
facilitation, to name a few.
- level of infrastructure development needed to
facilitate transit thus, increased budgetary
allocations required - reforms required to modernize and harmonize
regulatory, institutional and managerial systems
301. Challenges and Opportunities for transit
- Technical assistance support including
- Negotiation and adoption of the legal
instruments- - Legislative work to translate and internalise the
legal instrument into national legislation - Mobilization of financial and human resources in
support of implementation of the intended
reforms and - Management of change on a sustainable basis.
311. Challenges and Opportunities for transit
facilitation, to name a few(continued)
- Need for increased financial support at regional
and sub-regional level for transit promotion - construction, maintenance and improvement of
transport, storage and other transit-related
facilities, including alternative routes and
improved communications.
322. Importance of Regional Co-operation
- As cost being serious impediment to development,
cooperation in transport, trade and transit
facilitation could yield important benefits in
improving economic performance of the region - Harnessing vast resources in the region require
high degree of RC
332. Importance of Regional Co-operation
- Could contribute to building trust and confidence
in the region - In order to facilitate transit traffic as goods
cross more than one national border, regional and
subregional approaches to transit co-operation
has become the main vehicle for achieving the
aims set forth in Article V of GATT.
343. What should happen for Reginal Co-operation
to accelerate
- Political Will with less vested interests
- Long term process recognizing short years of
independence - Donor's understanding of culture and history of
the region - Promote "win-win" solutions not "we win-you lose"
and "we win we lose"
354. Implementation of various instruments such as
- Implement provisions of the Economic
Cooperation Organizations negotiated major
initiative in transit and transport sectors in
the region. -
365. Cooperative work
- With all UN Regional Commissions and other
agencies such as ITC, UNIDO, IMO, WB, IMF and - With intergovernmental organizations such as WTO,
WCO, OECD, ECO - With business sectors institutions such as ICC,
37Co-operation with Islamic Republic of Iran
Building Bridges
- Iran as a Transit Hub in the Western Asia
- Region-wide Potential for Iranian Railroad
Transit - UNCTADs Specific Cooperation with Iran
38Iran as a Transit Hub in the Western Asia
- Region-wide Potential for Iranian Railroad
Transit - UNCTADs Specific Cooperation with Iran
- UNCTADs Specific Cooperation with Iran
- Need for Partnerships
39Iran as a Transit Hub in the Western Asia
- Half way between the East and the West, and the
North and the South and promises a suitable
market for providing transport services in
international trade. - Potential for transit of goods in Iran's railway,
road, ports and shipping, airways, and compound
transportation sectors requires good planning and
40Iran as a Transit Hub in the Western Asia
- Iran providing transit links to Afghanistan and
to Northern neighbours Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
and Kazakhstan and more to other countries from
their South-Northern initiative. - Promotion of South-North Corridor
41Region-wide Potential for Iranian Railroad
- Railway is an important mean of transport used
for transit of goods and is becoming increased
important in the region - Transit corridor from the South-East to the west
could connect Singapore to Europe by railway
provided when it links railway between Kerman and
Zahedan inside Iran and railway between
Bangladesh and Thailand. - transit corridor starting China and passes
through Central Asian countries and Iran linking
with Sarakhs-Mashhad railroad could provide
transportation via major following routes
42Region-wide Potential for Iranian Railroad
- The northern route which passes through Jolfa and
joins railroads of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia,
Russia and Ukraine to the Black Sea and Eastern
and Northern Europe. - The western route which joins the Middle East
Arab countries and Europe through Turkey. - The third project is a northern transit corridor
which provides for transportation from Japan and
Korea to Europe by means of the Russian
Federation's route. By this route and a diversion
toward the railway network of central Asia,
Transit Transport becomes available over the
Iranian land towards the Middle East countries
43Region-wide Potential for Iranian Railroad
- Requires an integrated and co-ordinated approach
and Planning to take advantage of this unique
location between all transport modes and related
sectors in Iran. More specifically requires
development and upgrade of transit facilities to
respond to the needs of the CAR, Afghanistan and
44UNCTADs Specific Cooperation with Iran
- ASYCUDA Being implemented with the Iran Customs
Authority - ACIS Port Tracker Module organized with Ports
and Shipping Organization at Shaheed Rajaee
Port (Bander Abbas) - -Rail Tracker possibility was also explored
- Role of TF Measures in Improved Transport
45UNCTADs Specific Cooperation with Iran
- Promotion of Transit Cooperation
- Transport and Terminal Organization (TTO) has
requested assistance in modernisation the freight
management system on roads - Active participation in regional project of
Multimodal transport
46Need for Partnerships
- Partnerships can play an important role in the
effective implementation of trade and transport
facilitation measures. They contribute to
increase developing countries participation in
global trade. - Multilateral platforms assist in achieving this
goal - The UN-Trade Facilitation Cooperation Scheme
- The Global Facilitation Partnership for
Transportation and Trade (www.gfptt.org).
47Thank You
- Sham Bathija, UNCTAD Coordinator
- For Central Asia and its Affiliated Institutions
- and the ECO Region
- DSITE/UNCTAD/United Nations
- CH 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
- Telephone 4122 917 5881
- Fax 4122 917 0050
- Email sham.bathija_at_unctad.org